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Why aren't there any ducted fan gunships?

Why are people IRL so scared of making cool things? Are they fucking gay and retarded?
When you think about how much more lift be generated from large blades instead of two small ones
And no they cant make the small blades spin twice as fast
yes everybody is gay and retarded (but unironically)
The math works out so that it's always better to have a larger prop rather than two smaller ones. and the duct gets less effective the larger it is.

How is it any better than an helicopter besides having more parts that can go wrong?
only advantage it has it it makes it shorter and and potentially takes up the same width
which isnt really practical at all
Then explain the osprey.
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Or the chinook
The two-rotor system can offer improved stability, efficiency, and maneuverability compared to a single larger rotor
Crashes all the time.
Two very large rotors. I suspect they were made as large as practical and only resorted to two propellers because they could make one propeller any larger.
It's not a matter of having two rotors. It's a matter of smaller rotors you can fit a duct ring around. If you try to make a structure that big without support then there's a risk of the whole thing flexing and being clipped by the prop tips. Thus, ducted propellar need to be small and more numerous.
because ducts of this type do not work
- well they work in toys so propeller is less likely to hurt you
but in real applications they are just dead weight - osprey could use those but it did not make any sense to do so - have you seen any propeller planes using them? same reason no benefit.
>- well they work in toys so propeller is less likely to hurt you
...Y'know, when you phrase it like that it seems like a protective ring would actually be beneficial when flying at rooftop levels.
Another thing to consider is that Pandora has 20% less gravity than Earth, but also an 18% thicker atmosphere. This means ducted rotors could be more useful.
Slow and Inefficient
Except that the ducted tiltrotor gunship was made to be flown on earth and it just so happened that it fited the requirements for use on Pandora.
The SA-2 Samson was made using some kind of advanced technology so our current needs and limitations don't apply.
why is tiltwing worse that tilt rotor?
Only minimally, imagine the forces involved if an aircraft bumps into anything, the ring would break or deform and get into the rotors anyway.
Might help against branches and other foliage.

An expensive and unsafe piece of shit that every branch except the Marines was intelligent enough to cancel.
you'll get a bunch of mumbojumbo about "muh costs" "muh physics" "muh practicality" but at the end of the day it comes down to a lack of innovation within the mic. tomorrows solutions were pioneered yesterday. todays mic is nothing but crusty old boomers and dei retards. so naturally innovation and cool boondoggles suffer. why test out a ducted gunship at a firing range one weekend when the investors want all the extra money for themselves and saddle you with a bunch of useless browns.
what an overcomplicated piece of shit
this is aspirational thinking anon. you must strictly adhere to our current ever changing physics model or else. outside of the box thinking cannot be tolerated.
Wings cutting across the rotor's downthrust fucks up the aerodynamics
wtf interesting
I was thinking powerlines or support cables but yeah, a ring could keep out vines and branches as long as you don't descent right ontop of them.
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We need go deeper
Bro, it's a tree. The duct rim is likely made of something equal or stronger than carbon fiber. I think it will be fine.
I think it's unlikely that the gunship would have been as heavily armed on Earth as Op's picture depicts it on Pandora. The lower gravity and higher air pressure probably increases the load limit.
The new Ace Combat is progressing nicely.
Too heavy.
Safest helicopter in the marine fleet.
Hornets when
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When the jet's rear half slid down for transformation I winced thinking about what a godforsaken hell it must be to maintain the bearings on that thing.
>large blades instead of two small ones
technically four small ones, they're coaxial rotors
needs more moving parts
My point was that those ducted tilt rotor-fans were made for earth atmosphere and earth gravity. Anon I was replying to made a point about Pandoras atmosphere being different and therefore the ducts could have been more usfull on Pandora, if those ducts were made for a craft that would fly on Pandora. The tilt rotor gunship wasn't, it was putpose made for earth.
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Most successful airframe in AFSOC and JSOC routinely uses the fuck out of them without crashing. Turns out Marines are just uniquely retarded.
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I think Cameron has some kind of autism for this style of aircraft.
What about it? It's less efficient than a traditional helicopter when in "rotor craft mode". It's advantage is that it doesn't have to be in that mode outside of VTOL.
>fires missiles from a dorsal bay


but whats the point of the twisty sniffy nose
Try to imagine a regular helicopter of the same fuselage size and payload right next to your fantasy aircraft. Picture the rotor size of that helicopter in your mind. Think of it in terms of area covered.
You are now aware that fantasy aircraft in your pic can't fly because it simply doesn't push enough air, because it has less than a quarter the area needed.
Fuck you dude.
Directional radar
So you make them spin 60 times as fast.

The enemy can't fight back if they're disoriented from literal concussive shock.
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>mfw a redditor that based his entire account around defending the V-22 died in the latest crash
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We've made them before. They sucked.

>Too exspensive and maintenance heavy
>More unreliable than regular helicopters
>Less payload
>Prone to issues in bad weather

Not to say they don't look neat but, they're not that great. We're more likely to figure out anti-grav tech before we get ducted fan gunships/support aircraft to work properly. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze.

Now, ducted fan drones are a different story. Then again, most types of craft can function at small sizes but will quickly be proven "bad" when scaled up.
I wish a weapon's effectiveness was based on how cool it looked. We're being robbed and convergent evolution is making it worse. Soon all will be crab.
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>Less payload
sorry this is the one point I have issue with, I thought ducted fans were way more efficient than open rotors? why would that somehow mean less payload?
A 50 cm tree trunk is going to be stronger than a 5 mm sheet of carbon fiber.

Ducted fans "work", they just don't work well. At low speed or at high mach (0.7-1.0) they are more efficient than a naked prop. At all other regimes they are inferior. That means it might be effective for a helicopter, but it is likely heavier for a marginal increase in lift efficiency. And it makes rotor wash even worse.
For real? Incredible.
All things being equal, a duct around a fan will mitigate the losses from tip vortices.
But things are not equal, and a helicopter will have a more efficient rotor than the fan could be, so throwing a duct over the fan doesn't really put the system above a conventional rotor.
ah okay I get what you meant now.
Throw a metal ring of something at a tree and watch it bounce off. Carbon fiber is even stronger than that.
Literally every branch except the Army and Space Force use the Osprey

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