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>create an amazing multirole fighter jet
>only make 2 of them per month
What did Dassault mean by this?
Dassault is le tired
>What did Dassault mean by this?
par for the course in europe, whever everything is an embarrasing boutique firstie cargo-cult "face culture" scam, designed to 'look good' and 'make it look like were spending x% gdp so daddy Trump doesnt spank our behinds black and blue next year

thats basically what they meant
Isn't this normal?

How many F-35s are produced every month?

Froggies also have siesta and strict 8 hour only workdays
well zhen have a nap
13 per month
Dassault needs Dnap
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>16 years ago
Who's gonna buy them all?
>snorkel is non-negotiable
what did they mean by that?
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>what did they mean by that?
they didnt want to put an anus on the top, so the BBB (bigblackBOOM) couldnt fuck it mid flight like the f22
50 Eurofighters were made per year in the early 2010s. Basically double the current rates of the Rafale
Theyve got orders coming out their ass, France itself needs a ton since they sold used ones to Croatia and Greece, Greece ordered new, India ordered marine variants, Indonesia and UAE have like 100 orders between them and there are apparently even more interested parties like Serbia, not even mentioning the need for spare parts and upgrades of existing ones.
>stupid burger pretends not to understand scale
Basically, they got caught off guard by the collapse of the Russian MIC.
They are trying to get it up to speed but it is difficult since, AFAIK, work on YIT model.
I'm fucking retarded, it is JIT.
They're ramping it up to 3 Rafale per month.
>They're ramping it up to 3 Rafale per month.
they probably had to mobilize half of europe to achieve the feat too
Probably working in three 6 hour shifts now
No one is buying the Yurofighter though

The Rafale is basically the new Mirage 2000 and with slavshit being slavshit, every non-aligned and turd world shithole who can actually pay will now default to the Rafale since they don't want to pledge allegiance to Israel or aren't palatable enough for EU MIC
>What did Dassault mean by this?
How many are buying?
Union states that the workers can only burn down the factory once per month as a protest.
And no kidnapping managers for longer than a day.
>only make 2 of them per month
when nato switches to a war economy in 2040 to combat Russian aggression ukraine from 15 years ago, dassault will make 3(units) per month!
Just one more café clope and I'll get back to finishing the plane.
Strong french Unions
no sales. The rafale is literally an unfinished Eurofighter
>50 Eurofighters were made per year in the early 2010s
4 assembly facilities exist for the Eurofighter, there are 2 for Rafale.
Not an own you think it is.
There are like 5 Eurofighter/Rafale and Tempest/SCAF threads currently open.
France fields something like 200 combat jets (Mirages and Rafales combined)
Depending on how hard it's worked, each combat jet has a standard useful life of about 40 years
All they need to sustain the force at this level is an average building rate of 5 jets a year
More than this is for export sales

you fucking retard
you're a seething faggot, Eric
>>62144659 (OP)
Three per month in the end of 2024 early 2025. Theoretical nominal rate of production for the Final Assembly Line. Meaning up to 33 per year, since, yes, August is used to fix machinery and prepare the next year, as well as holiday time.
The Dassault FAL can go up to 44 per year though. Dassault is currently in the process of hiring 2000 people to face both a wave of retirements, and the need to buff the production rate. They've also set up facilities, Joint Ventures, and a trade school in India but that's for a purely future Indian contract.

Between 2006 and 2016 Dassault built 11 jets per year. Below this number subcontractors would have faced issues.
For years there were no sales. Then once the F3 standard and its AESA became operational, everybody wanted the Rafale.
The recent arrival of the F4 standard, and the announcement of the F5 for 2030 only reinforced this trend.

Dassault now has 259 jets on backlog to deliver to various customers. Their CEO Eric Trappier just said 2 days ago he was ready to take on more.
Watch at 5:02

So the Rafale is Trump-approved?

It's not that simple.

Lighter simpler cheaper sturdier faster-guzzler you're a nigger
>t. Racist Daft Punk

Not a single Typhoon was assembled in Germany between 2019 and 2023. On the other lines it was like 5 per year.

Most sales happened long before February 2022.

98.5% French sourced.

8 clients. 521 sold.

Ukraine almost bought 12 Rafale in 2018.


Two for the Rafale? There's one, in Mérignac. Mihan in India is far from being operational.
What's the point of the spikes around the nose?
At least shave if you're going to be recorded.
Sorry bong anon, I forgot the .webm and had to delete and crop the post to add more info.
Also Trappier is gigabased and Typhoon fags are the only ones seething and coping since 1986.

They're angle of attack probes. Attempting to shave them would only make the Rafale angrier.
>calling yourself gigabased
cringe, Eric, cringe
Hello, Pierre.
Haven't seen you in a while.
Brishitter shills got cocky as of late.
>Most sales happened long before February 2022
Russian MIC collapsed before that too.
>Two for the Rafale? There's one, in Mérignac. Mihan in India is far from being operational
Don't they have a second assembly in Saint-Cloud?
If you believe a CEO has nothing else to do than shitpost on 4chan like I do, I honestly don't know what to tell you. But at least it's entertaining for once. So since Trappier LARPing sounds like a fun new way of shilling the Dassault Omniverse, I am going to pretend I am indeed Eric Trappier, aka the man causing immense butthurt all by himself to a lot of people in the fighter aircraft industry.
Ask me anything.

Hey anon wassup? Yes bongs seem to be grumpy and snarky. No idea why. It is us French who should be given the current situation.

You're correct. I'd like things to be as simple as France replacing Russia but that's not the truth. Plus new actors are appearing on the market.

Saint-Cloud is the R&D office and headquarters. Bordeaux-Mérignac is the Final Assembly line. There are no real workshops at Saint-Cloud. Everything is done on computer workstations thanks to mostly CATIA and other 3DS softwares.
Pic related a map of Dassault France and worldwide facilities and centers.
When will you stop sucking Brigitte's cock and ditch the SCAF project, Eric?
Eric maybe you should joint venture with SpaceX
Well, to be fair, the experience has been a displeasure so far. I try to tell Macron but he doesn't listen. I'm being called names at least twice per month, so I have decided to become the guy they say I am. I can only grumble and wait at the moment but of course I have many plans in reserve.
My plan A is the Rafale F4 and its future stealth loyal wingman I have managed to quasi secure for the F5 standard in 2030.
My plan A' is the NGF within the FCAS.
My plan B is another fighter done entirely in house if someone wants to play stupid.
I am still not sharing my IP but I also have to make the French German Spanish thing work or else I will look stupid. Belgium are now program observers too, but they can observe my ass.
Germany don't want me to make a Rafale 2 but I don't want to make an Eurofighter 2 either. And They now want to merge with the GCAP which I can't accept.
Besides, Airbus can't manage the Eurodrone and accuse Dassault of being responsible for the delays, except we are waiting after Airbus to know what kind of Flight Control System they want and they don't tell us.

That is a good idea but you need to remember Elon Musk has access to American funding, can economically withstand the weight of successive failures, and he can hire people with an American spirit, and fire them if they don't work 36 hours per day using the SpaceX timewarp machine. It's very different from France.
But the main issue is that the Dassault works on missiles, like the MD620 Jericho, were a long time ago, just as the work done on shuttles, Hermès, X-38, then Vehra, is old news. Only our recent works on thermodynamics within the IXV and SpaceRider programs remain. Lastly, we have to support the French industry, meaning Safran, ArianeGroup, the Onera, the CNES, rendering a JV with SpaceX quasi impossible.
However Elon is welcome if he wants to buy a Falcon 6X business jet.
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By the way, 4chan and Dassault share the same logo, a four-leaf clover, which I believe is not a fluke, so maybe 4channers should buy Dassault Falcon bizzjets to show their support.
Or shares on the stock market.
Or just merchandise. We have plushies.
Why is it so expensive as well? It costs more than an F-35 nowadays, for a 4th gen fighter.
F3Rs for Croatia cost 55 million for each plane.
And maybe thinking that a plane can never be more than its "gen" that it launched into is ridiculous.
Rafale has been trough iterative development for its entire life. Same as the F-18. They aren't the planes they were when they first took flight.
Croatian Rafales were bought used.
And I’m comparing a Rafale F4 new order by, for example, Indonesia and a new Greek order for an F-35 with the Block 4 upgrades to be sold in 2027/2028. Per unit the F-35A is cheaper by at least 10-20 million.

Rafale is good but it still isn’t stealth, no matter the tranche, no?
>I am still not sharing my IP
I find it extremely based how French companies are going to get a no-transfer-of-tech privilege within SCAF.
>My plan A is the Rafale F4 and its future stealth loyal wingman I have managed to quasi secure for the F5 standard in 2030.
While that would be interesting ... I doubt Rafale can fit the sensortech needed to manage and instruct a drone, the airframe is just too small. F-15 would have much more luck here, for example.
Maybe you could do it externally but that would make every radar light up like its Christmas.
Yes, Rafale F4.1 is more expensive than the F-35A. This is not by merit of its capability but by thickness of its order book and the restraint of small production.
Anyone can repeat the 6 gorrilion dollar article from RT but the F35 is the cheapest flagship fighter the USA has fielded in a long time and it is all thanks to securing sales trough strategic partnerships.
>Rafale is good but it still isn’t stealth, no matter the tranche, no?
Pierre will know the specifics but Rafale has RAM that is applied with same software as the F-35s RAM and they do have some shape fuckery, composites and EWAR to spoof radars, however, that amounts to 1m squared of RCS, which is far far from the F-22 and the F-35 but it is far better than most of the 4th generation too.
frog strike inbound
>Rafale backlog so long they can't even keep the plushies in stock.
Get your shit together, Eric.
>be frog
>have to finish le plane after your afternoon café clope because you need to impress le america, sell le india and kill le russia
>by the time your break is over, 45 000 more nafris landed in the suburb of your local town
>you have to move out again before next month so le kids are safe at school
>le tired, maybe 1 plane per month is ok
Vive la France.
>t. frog defense worker
man is 4chan hilarious in 2024
now go post some more shit on sp as well you int zoomer retard
>introduced 2001
>no one bought it before 2016
F3R standard came out in 2018.
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Recent numbers from Greece which has just signed for 20 F-35 say otherwise, but it's too close for comfort. I told Macron about this but he tried to play stupid. Pic related.

>I find it extremely based how French companies are going to get a no-transfer-of-tech privilege within SCAF.
It goes both ways. Dassault don't want to share its background IP, don't want Airbus IP either, but are ready to share the foreground IP.

>While that would be interesting ... I doubt Rafale can fit the sensortech needed to manage and instruct a drone, the airframe is just too small. F-15 would have much more luck here, for example.
F5 and newly built F4 will be completely different jets and there is still room for computers in the MDPU bays.

>Maybe you could do it externally but that would make every radar light up like its Christmas.
Yes. If a pod was to be added there is room for one next to the current dedicated hardpoint, but adding too much stuff is a problem.
What will be obligatory is a better datalink.

Mostly true but the major factor is inflation. Titanium is hard to source. Thankfully we can buy some from India which synergize with our development there.

>Pierre will know the specifics but Rafale has RAM that is applied with same software as the F-35s RAM and they do have some shape fuckery, composites and EWAR to spoof radars, however, that amounts to 1m squared of RCS, which is far far from the F-22 and the F-35 but it is far better than most of the 4th generation too.
From the front the Rafale's RCS is 1/20th the RCS of the Mirage 2000, which don't have a 20 square meters RCS.
There has always been a bit of RAM applied to the Rafale, more since the F3R standard, thanks to a study program called DEDIRA.
15 years ago Rafale fanboys were met with laughter whenever they spoke of "active cancellation". But nowadays, many aircraft manufacturers refer to things like virtual stealth in their adverts.
F3R and F4 have enhanced these capabilities.
First a raw material shortage, now a plushies shortage?
I am calling our Chief Commercial Officer Stephane Fort and President Macron right now to fix this issue ASAP.
We must not allow a plushies gap.
Useless without rockets
>Dassault don't want to share its background IP, don't want Airbus IP either, but are ready to share the foreground IP.
>F5 and newly built F4 will be completely different jets and there is still room for computers in the MDPU bays.
What is F5 supposed to get?
>What is F5 supposed to get?
A completely new data bus. A new cockpit and modernized man machine interface. A new full GaN radar called RBE2XG able to detect micro drones. A collaborative AI related to many new functions. Stealth loyal wingmen to be used as remote bomb bays, and the capability to control drone swarms. A new IRST and a revamped Spectra EW suite. Several new weapons including notably the hypersonic nuclear missile ASN4G, successor to the ASMPA-R of the F4 standard, the supersonic future anti ship missile from the Anglo-French program FCASW, and much more.
The Rafale F5 will prefigure the FCAS for France, if at this point our buddy FCAS is still alive.
what they deserve for picking raphael over heritage
should've kept the Mirage tradition and just made the Marine Nationale buy american since they already use the E-2
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Damn, okay ...
I'm assuming the drone is Dassault's and not nEURON?
RBE2XG, sounds interesting but sparse info online in English.
>24 jets
That's a fighter wing every year.
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Having worked for Airbus Helicopters (pic very related), I can tell you our main issue was logistics. We have way too many missing parts, and and the aicrafts we built couldn't be delivered on time, because suppliers couldn't deliver parts on time. We don't keep parts in stocks because we always use a Just in Time approach. In practice that leads to massive delays and penalties for the manufacturer, as well as contract being broken by customers.
I imagine it must be the same for Dassault.
I believe it will be based both upon Neuron and the anglo-french FCAS UCAV but it could be something completely different.
nEURON was a project to acquire and retain knowledge on building stealth drones so it makes sense that it influences the FCAS UAV.
This is all nice to hear.
Tho, getting the production volumen of F4 standards should be the priority as they are probably losing orders right now.
You are correct on both accounts. Although you should consider the fact I said I was ready to take on more Rafale orders recently. It is difficult, but we will make it.
Yeah, 3/month by next year, ikn ikn.
I hope they don't plan on stopping there.
They can go up to 44 per year at rate 4.
They will reach 3 per month at the end of the year, probably around October.

Anyway thank you all. Trappier LARPing was fun.
The current state of France is not so fun though.
You had one job, Eric. ONE JOB: to say "c'est parti mon kiki!" and activate the emergency ejection.
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No problem.
Always glad to speak with someone who knows something and isn't just a Misfit tourist.
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>They can go up to 44 per year at rate 4
I-isn't that 48? (12*4)
At those rates, you need to start accounting for loss of airframes due to peaceful but protest burnings of the production line.
you think he actually knows anything either?
he's just telling stories from the frog rumor mill himself
He actually does know shit that /k/ users don't know.
there's a lot of shit /k/ doesn't know
some of it is because he follows the news
a lot of it is frog rumor
>trapper is gigabased
Even xir name has trap in it. The best he can be is giga-baisé
So, how many here follow frog MIC news?
Not many. They are quite difficult given they don't understand modern advertising or writing articles in English.
He also goes out to conventions.
don't laugh too hard because when I checked OECD data last time we have the lowest production rate per worker compared to many European countries including France, Germany, Spain, UK, Belgium and so on despite supposedly working more hours
we are basically fat fucks lmao

August is a month off. Not only because of the vacations, but also because this time of the year is less productive due to hot weather that affects both machines and people. It is therefore used to clean, maintain and refurbish facilities, or move them around like what happens now with the Argenteuil facility being moved to Cergy. Most workers take around 3 of their 5 weeks' statutory annual leave at the same time as to not be left around having nothing to do.
Production is based on an 11 months time table. Production rate 3 means 33 Rafales per year.

I both laugh and weep.

I'm not an insider or a real pro.

Congratulations on that play of words but now I'm worried someone's going to make a manga out of it.
>My favourite CEO can't be a femboy!
Featuring Erica Trappier, Jean Taiclet, Davina Calhoun, Charlotte Woodburn, Roberta Cingolani, Micaela Johansson, and Guillaumette Faury doing cute things together and getting into arguments.
Look what you've done, and despair.

Don't be too hard on US workers, this kind of data is often highly misleading. I know it is regarding France.
What is important is the weight of the industrial sector in the GDP.

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