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What are the implications of bastardizing military history in a medium enjoyed by millions of people?
it's great actually, now that i'm no longer the intended audience for the games i don't have to play them anymore
It's fucking cool and should happen more often to encourage more replicas or new production of old guns for current audiences
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I didn't know Infinity Ward was using prison labor
Now, tacticool stg44 is stupid, yes, but how is this bastardizing military history?
Zoomer retards think that putting tacticool slop on WW2 guns is cool now.
No guns OP lol
So? nobody is rejecting a repro to tacticool up an historical example of an stg44
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It is tho. What’s wrong with it?
paradigm shift
no argument, the post
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>A different opinion?!?
My opinion good
Your opinion bad
Simple as
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What are the implications of having fun?
its funny and if you take it seriously you are an incredibly bitter person seeking outrage.
Nuh-uh, actually MY opinion is good and your opinion bad
>modernized mp44
i definitely don't hate it.
I hope someone spray paints your garand pink and mounts rails to the receiver
We are already in a post literacy society where kids don't know what the Berlin Wall was let alone how it affects modern society, an stg44 skin is jack shit compared to that
>he thinks the guns in previous cod were real
They don't have the license to copy real guns so they have to make them up retard
I thought it was a bastardized AK, but then I was reminded of this overengineered wehraboo slop. WW2 Kraut arms literally all were
>It looks cool but its actually a meme that is cost-ineffective at best and actively shit at worst
>doesn't know about CoD 2
You were born after 2000, weren't you?
Eh Id use it in a Wolfenstein game
>now hold on JUST a minute Activision I may have given you money to play as Nicki Minaj shitting out glowing demon skulls as I sprint around a cargo ship quick scoping with a 50 pound laser gun (I ironically painted pride flags all over) executing people with my tactical assault zombie while my gun counts my kills and memes goofy lines at me.... but IS THAT A RAIL ON AN STG-44!?!?!?!?!!? >:(
KYS op
Tacticoolism was a mistake.
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they quite literally advertised real guns you fucking zoomer retard
>Snooki if she were from Louisiana and inbred
I just miss when they used to actually name the gun it actually was/referenced. any XboxAhoy chads in here?
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This. At first was kind of sad how multiplayer games were no longer fun for me, but I'm happier giving them up.
>we'll always have Oman
>gets mad about a digital weapon being 'desecrated'

you just want to be outraged all day so you can feel morally correct.
Can't unsee now. Thanks Oba... I mean Anon!
Aabid had it coming.
The chances of an anon being Obama are low, but never 0
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Retard here, what are you guys talking about
Early 90s
>tfw a zoomer calls you a zoomer
They may have had licenses for some of the guns, but the majority they did not, look at the weapons from mw2
They wouldn't want to be sued for trademark infringement by Mr. Sturm Gewehr
They used M47s as German tanks in Patton (1970) it's still a great movie.
Discovery channel show focused on a gun shop that did retarded custom shit to guns (think adding tacticool rails and optics to an original thompson submachinegun) but the owner and star of the show was rapetastic. Like, multiple life sentences worth of rape

Old discovery channel show called Sons of Guns. Starred a family of Cajun "gunsmiths" who made a bunch of retarded designs. The daughter was the show's attempt at sex appeal. It got scoured from the internet after it came out the father and star had raped her.
Holy based
I will forever remember camping in that skyscraper with a sniper and a laser designator for the entirety of the match and pissing off half the defending team
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>here's ur modern day stg bro
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>no daddy no
2014 was a hell of a ride.
And the customs were very fucking low effort.
Was she worth it?
Thanks. Dude got sent to louisiana state pen, which sounds fucking bleak for a prison, he also got like 3 or 4 life sentences with an additional 40 years for 3 total rape convinctions, which is wild
Same game that has a rail gun blunderbuss. Nobody cares. Guns r cool.
I think his behavior, past run brushes with the law, and the type of rape contributed to his sentencing.
>Zoomer retards think that putting tacticool slop on WW2 guns is cool now.

In defense of the Zoomers, the StG 44 itself was absolutely the 'tacticool' gun for its time. It featured select-fire capability, box magazines, multiple types of optics (ZF4 and Vampire sights), and even its own proprietary cartridge. It would take another 15 years for these features to become the mainstays in the service rifles of most armies.
I love COD because of the guns, accessories and rounds they use in game. I hate how unrealistic this shit works in the game.

It’s still a fun game regardless.
I used to run a BF3 server of Gulf of Oman 300% tickets 24/7 on xbox
>Commie does the try not to think about gay cock sex challenge (impossible)
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>On May 11, 2017, Hayden was sentenced to two life sentences (mandatory for aggravated rape), to run concurrently, plus 40 years, to run consecutively, in prison. He is not eligible for any parole, probation, or suspension of sentence, and will spend the rest of his life in custody.
>On July 12, 2017, after pleading no contest to the charges facing him, Hayden was sentenced by Livingston Parish Judge Robert Morrison to a third life sentence for rape. Morrison ordered that the new sentence shall run concurrently with Hayden's previously ordered sentences. Hayden has now been sentenced to three life sentences plus 40 years and was transferred to Louisiana State Penitentiary.

What was the fucking point of sentencing him after the first life sentence?
So that if he ends up getting acquitted on the first charge he still has the second charge keeping him in prison.
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You tell me.
In case he lived long enough to be released
>type of rape
because it was incestuous?

well I didn't know she was 12 then
that's not right
As the anon above me said, a criminal can get acquitted of a crime he did commit but couldn't be proven in court, or he could be found guilty but win on appeal. Or manage to get a conviction overturned on a technicality or some shit.
That's also why the life sentences are concurrent, you can't serve two life sentences back to back so they are concurrent, and if you win/appeal on one there's the other life sentence to fall back on.
And the 40 years are consecutive probably in case the life sentences get commuted. Still gotta serve 40 years.
>They don't have the license to copy real guns so they have to make them up retard
You don't need a license even theoretically to copy in a videogame any gun made >20 years ago. Hell, you don't even need license to copy the gun FOR REAL. Patents do not last forever.
Trademark only applies to something might cause confusion in a reasonable prospective customer in the same market. Like if you sell your computer, and call it a "Della", it's quite reasonable that someone looking for a computer might confuse that with a Dell, and Dell is going to demand you C&D or else sue and win. You're in the exact same market segment and industry there.

Nobody is going to confuse a virtual set of pixels with an actual for real gun. Duh. And there is fair use for purely descriptive usage. Like if I'm selling an actual for real Remington, I can advertise "Remington rifle X for sale" and that's not trademark infringement, I'm not claiming I manufacture them, I'm describing the specific gun that I am selling. Same in a game. If I make a model of an old Remington gun, and I say "this is a model I made of an old Remington gun" I don't need any permission for that.
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>BF3 oman
hate that they remade ts twice when there were so many better BF2/3 maps. Only good in 4 on rush
they never actually put optics on these guns though they didn't work
>let's slap the charging handle on the left side
hasn't it always been on the left side?
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Yes it has. Anon made a fool out of himself on the internet for the whole world to see
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that's what I'm asking, who thought that was a good idea? Nobody testing it thought to fix it?
>who thought that was a good idea?
Meth’d up Germans.
people not as accustomed to reach-arounds as you are
Suppressors on levers is beyond based.
BF3 is still the best FPS ever made.
When I was a kid I got most of my gun autism from Xbox ahoy and classic cod
>who thought that was a good idea?
Right handed shooters? What's the problem with it being on the left side
>most casualized BF game
>gajillion post processing effects
>rocket pod jets and skyboxxing helis
>suppression mechanics in general but now its on every gun
Take the nostalgia goggles off bro
its incredible how well his videos hold up today. They feel so modern and well edited compared to later guide videos and guides at the time
They were never going to bother to get properly educated on the topic as niche as the firearms of a certain conflict in history anyway, anon.
Never played but I doubt this. I was a huge BF nerd since 1942, I remember once in 5th grade we had indoor recess so I used the class computer to look up pre-production content for Vietnam on the web to show my class (I have autism if its not obvious already).

Best vanilla game is Vietnam imo, best game with mods was 1942. Fuck, desert combat was the coolest thing ever, and, forgotten hope was dope as well. BF2 was OK but it ran like shit on my PC and had too much bullshit in it to be as good as its predecessors
all military guns should have optics
this is not even a question
if a military is using a gun, it should have optics
take a trip down memory lane with me boys
This brings me back to when I was 19. Happy but slightly sad feels.
I agree. I really like ww2 era guns but I'm tired of the setting it's cool to see a modern version of the stg 44
This looks pretty cool though.
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Gundam Unicorn did it better
Poor guy, amputee from the tits down, but he's still fighting. Germans are crazy.
Crazy how much fun was had in bf3
I had a good time camping the rocks outside the Russian spawn and sniping the pilots of the jets when they spawned in.
Xbone 360 version, PC might've been different.
When you rape someone you steal their immortal powers until the time of the quickening when only one may take the prize
You never had to play them
That's why I play only 3arch CODs, at least they're arcade and don't pretend to be wannabe gun specialists
Zoomers are out, now it's all about Gen alpha. They're teenagers and pre-teens now and are the ones playing these games more than anyone.
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Abso-fucking-lutely nothing considering the average faggot on the street can't even tell you when WW2 happened. Hell, back when CoD Cold War was the main event, there were people in voice chat wondering if the Cold War actually happened or if it was a fictional event for 2020's title.

>pic related: CoD in 2024
wtf I've never seen that ad before. I've seen the one of the brunette "looking for an older mentor", but it had nothing to do with trans.
Overtly fictional variants are much better than when they skew perception by making compromises for their own ignorance/convenience while claiming to be depicting the classics.
Fun is fun, I only care about fucked vidya guns in milsim games.
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Unbased retard
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You don't need a loicense. Gun names got changed for a lot of reasons, most of them social pressure and PR. After that one retard whose even more retarded parents gave him a gun and he shot up a school the media sperged about (the original) MW3 having gun logos on the guns and "advertising to kids". After that MW series pulled back a lot on having exact logos for gun companies. Not legally required, just a company scrubbing shit because it didn't want to deal with crying moms and scum my lawyers filing BS claims against them.

Look at games going back decades. You think every game with an MP5 got the go ahead from HK? Lolno
That companies make money off of people by catering to their hero fantasies. And that nobody cares about your autistic whining when it comes to firearms.
Its not even the same person on the actual page and this is becoming a weird trend. The actual troon looks rat faced and not passable at all
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>even clicking the link in the first place
Is there really that much of a cultural difference between the two? fr fr no cap bussin glazed fanum tax skibidi cenat rizz <random streamer names> shit all sounds the same to me, the goofy hero shooters all look the same, the music all sounds the same, the internet is just social media trash. I would say I'm just getting old, but I can't really say things were ever this bad when I was a kid, maybe the music was getting there, but the internet was still weird, games went from Doom to Halo to flash shit on Newgrounds. Everything didn't feel the same the way it does now.
It's pretty based.
You already have 999999999 copy paste fucking ww2 dogshit games that are all the same and focus on the same 3 fronts with all the same fucking weapons.

ShiTassGun being made so it is even quarterway capable in contemporary times is fun.
As a non zoomer BF series stopped being fun for me post BF2 and bad company 2.

BF3 and onward was just brainrot for retards who ban all weapons that could break a stalemate and then play the worst fucking maps like metro or whatever cause it's the only way they could get lucky kills.

Post bf3 it all became the same game remade constantly.

Same as far cry that killed itself with the worst game of the series: the 3.
>back in my day...
I can't even get passed the first episode of this. It's pure uncut cringe
>Mistaking a trvd Germanic "I'm shitting myself" joke with a Russian ass joke
Rookie mistake
Your taste is bad and you should feel bad.
Would love to see Karkand and Sharqi again
>this is what zoomers are nostalgic for
Indeed m'sir, we will always have our flat brown expanse of samey walls and corridors to shoot the exact same guns callabattledoodies has had for twenty years.
God, gamers used to be nostalgic for quake. What happened?
Those same zoomies have seen countless threads of rare historic guns getting The Treatmentâ„¢, threads filled with despair and hatred, only to shriek "BASED! BASED! BASED!" as soon as they see it in their vidya slop.
Military history is all fake anyways, why the fuck do you think they'd ever tell civilians anything? Almost everything published about guns, vehicles, battles since WW1 is misinfo. Even stuff like the number of bullets the guns hold and the caliber they use is routinely lied about to make life harder for the enemy, its crazy.
desu those would've probably played just as bad because of how the attack chopper and thermals are balanced in BF4
Plus Propaganda is BF4's karkand. I would've rather seen Grand Bazaar or any of the aftermath maps.
bitch no one who is 8 years old and its their first cod thought Vanguard was cool. The people saying based are probably some bored ass anons
>when you're 30yrs old and you need to constantly remind people that you're older than them
I actually really liked BFV. I bought it on sale and after all the controversy, but who gives a shit if they have bitches in the game or not. Its a COD competitor, a FPS not a milsim.
>Its a COD competitor, a FPS not a milsim.
It's just CoD with janky cars.
That's all BF has been since BC came out.
Look at that disgusting fucking IKEA ass kitchen table mass-replanted newgrowth wood
>hates flat brown expanse of samey walls and corridors to shoot the exact same guns
>nostalgia cums over quake
You are such a fag, holy shit.
30 yr old anon here, that guy is a miserable jizzstain, and BF3 is still very much a bad ass game
>t. Played Quake 1-3 in the 90s
They did only the ZF4 didn't
Halo and cod and bf3 did to gaming what FO76, fortnite and games as service-dlc everything-always online always shit did now.
Having spent 777 hours in it, its the best combined arms shooter because you can run and gun or use vehicles. But even the best matches in BF3 don't compare to a good team in Squad. Especially when working with people who actually will ride the helis to assault.

>t. Heli pilot with 1k hours in Squad
it's so weird the shift of /k/ laughing at cod kids, to being made up of cod kids all grown up

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