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Damn took 2 years but it's done
Not even close, they need to add a few tilt drum radars and their 12.7mm knock off of the Nork gattling gun as well as add a SA-8/SA-13/SA-9 and a few ilga boxes at a minium. They haven't even tested it with a Nork knock off of a chinese knock off of a AN-2 or Po-2 yet!*

*An-2 easily doable with arrester wires and the ramp. Float plane variant could just be picked up via winch. Po-2 doesn't need either, a legtimate Po-2 VTOL launch method would a tether and a row of big fans mounted under folding deck vents however it could just take off and land normally.
They are just going to use it to launch kamikaze drones
Let me know when they launch a Tomcat off of it.
But it'll only take 2 hours to roll over and sink in port.
>tether and a row of big fans mounted under folding deck vents
Hmmm...tilt plates on the ramp so the fans can sweep the entire deck, the space under it is otherwise empty. The system would also be useful for drones, they theoretically could launch whole squadrons at once.

Helicopters, small STOL and biplanes would work.

JATO packs? Sure. landing? Eh, you were launching at a US carrier or Israel and it isn't like the plane ids coming back or there was going to be something to come back to anyway.

It should be fine with proper ballast, it was a cargo ship which is alot more top heavy than what they turned it into. It might even be suprisingly tough, assuming that as a drone carrier it has alot of unused space. For all we know 50-60% of it's internal space is just a honeycomb welded shut, filled with foam and heat triggered fire suppression cartridges.
>For all we know 50-60% of it's internal space is just a honeycomb welded shut, filled with foam and heat triggered fire suppression cartridges.

It is way under it's potential weight limit. Fill the honeycomb with chunks of pumice. It floats, it's light weight, it soft but still rock and it doesn't burn.
Fill it with asbestos and PCBs! Now no one in the west is allowed to sink it since it'd be an environmental catastropher! Checkmate.
Pumice inside Kevlar/Vinalon bags, add a bung so you can slowly fill them with helium under pressure as a fire suppressant and because it would displace the air inside the pumice adding to it's bouyancy as well as preventing rust. You would indeed use asbestos, as tape around the seams of the bags to keep them from getting damaged when it was welded shut. You would lose at least half the internal volume of the ship but you could calculate the bouyancy of the honeycomb so that it matched the total (submerged) weight of the ship. Make sure the internal bulkheads are at least one cell thick of the stuff as well.

You would have to blast it to bits before it sank and even then chunks would be floating for months until the pumice saturated with water, potentially forever if enough compartments were intact. I don't know the blast resistance of a 20 foot thick sealed watertight sheet steel honeycomb filled with pumice inside kevlar bags is but it is probably quite significant.

It would still be a converted cargo ship that at most carries drones, helicopters and biplanes and easy to damage and/or disable however it would be able to take a huge amount of punishment before it was 'sunk' properly.

Add a small sealed shock mounted armored sphere in the core whose sole purpose is to house a fanatical single radioman whose only job is to scream insults at your attackers calling them pussies who can't even sink a cargoship just to piss them off enough to waste resources blasting a helpless ship and make them look like assholes.
I'll have to do some math (ie visit /diy/) but i'm imagining the honeycomb cells being sheet steel hexagons roughly the size of a 55 gallon drum. A 55 gallon drum has roughly 450 lbs of bouyancy, i'll have to take into account Pumice bouyancy/weight and the weight of the kevlar/vinalon bags.

I have no idea what the bouyancy of helium infused Pumice is, if at all possible i'll use normal pumice as a base and call the helium part a safety margin.
Implessive, mashallah
German navy on notice.
Couldn't a trainer aircraft take offn
Sure that's not the aircraft carrier decoy they built?
I entered this thread wondering what the mudslime equivalent to implessive would be, sadly that one doesn't quite seem right to me.
>It might even be suprisingly tough
Cargo ships are not built with combat in mind and lack things like the neccesary number of bulkheads to prevent the ship sinking if it gets hit below the waterline
Whatever else they do to it, its going to be much less survivable than a purpose built warship, though they might at least find a way to make it more survivable than an unmodified cargo ship
What are they going to launch off it? Flying carpets?
>Iranian carrier, Iranian-maintained Tomcats, and Iranian crew
Place your bets: the flight deck collapse, will the wings fall off, will the carrier capsize, or will the Jews use Yakubian tricknology to make Houthis drone it?
They should be, a 10,000 ton converted cagro ship could carry several dozen biplanes/drones and they would make for very useful scout craft in a place lilke the horn of Africa. They could replace helicopters in many roles at a fraction of the cost and float plane variants could even do search and rescue.

Obviously correct. I was thinking of how you would convert a cargo ship into something that would be as tough as it could be and be really cost ineffective to sink. I really think the pumice filled honeycomb idea is a good one, you get a ship that is literaly made of stone that floats and is fire proof.

While it would be easy to disable you would have to utterly destroy it and blast it to bits before it sank wasting alot of time and effort on something that is only a minor threat.
it will leave port once via tug boat, have a successful test of operations (without any video evidence) and subsequently sustain some form of simultaneously minor yet crippling damage that relegates it to continuous repairs
Probably gonna crash into it
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The djinn will bring everything in order.
Whoever gave iran its $100 billion were strategic master minds
Aloha snackbar I guess?
You still need a place for a fuck ton of fuel, seperated from the rest of the ship anons, else it's going to burn out the ships cargohold or engine deck regardless of what protection it has.

Also, just because it still floats doesn't make it useful if the engines are fucked. You should consider the protection of subsystems, not just the floating capacity of the carrier under fire. If you want protective buoyancy you could just weld more steel bulkheads, cheaper and more buoyant and likely pretty additive to the overall ability for the shup to float.
You also need to be careful with balast, the ship is long and heavy enough that a discrepancy on one end could quote literally rip the ship in half.
Balast isn't a issue, a converted cargo ship will be much less top heavy than the carrier form.

>If you want protective buoyancy you could just weld more steel bulkheads, cheaper and more buoyant and likely pretty additive to the overall ability for the shup to float.

Exactly my point, just make them full of basalt. It is a rock that floats. It offers armor, blast resistance and it has bouancy.

>Also, just because it still floats doesn't make it useful if the engines are fucked

A good point and the engines should be protected but consider who will be attacking the ship and with what weapons? The USA/NATO/Japan/Isreal?

Anti ship missiles, strike bombers, torpedoes ect. It is going to get hammered to bits, the only real question is how long can it survive and stay floating. The real value of the ship isn't how powerful it is, it is how much firepower it takes to sink it. As long as it is floating and there is one crewmember alive it will have to endure a hell storm of firepower.

Firepower that will directed onto the ship and not used elsewhere.
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>The real value of the ship isn't how powerful it is, it is how much firepower it takes to sink it.
One well designed ship killer and the entire hull cracks in half like an egg.
What does it really matter if the two halves are still floating, half the crew died of overpressure, the engine room is probably struggling and all the drones got smashed up and now can't launch from the lack of actual deck space.
This isn't grim fandango, your ship will probably struggle to move anywhere with no front end.
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Israel has the opportunity to do something really funny
It will literally never leave port
Was the former tanker they used Double-Hulled at least? If it was they could at least perform some structural reinforcements to strengthen their resistance to attacks.
If it’s single-hulled then they know it’s a goner in a war so it’s meant to either be a distraction or to be a tripwire that sends all of it’s aircraft to do missions and then they abandon the ship as it will be hit rather quickly in a hot war.
Are they going to plaster the island with pictures of their leader as well?
Based upon photos from workers so far it doesn't seem like they're going to plaster it just yet
It's going to be capsized after the first strike from any first world blue navy (US)
>put in freezers
>use drones to deliver ice cream to friends across the Middle East
>no ice cream allowed for western imperialists or their lapdogs

>If it’s single-hulled then they know it’s a goner in a war

Anon... there's a big risk it will be a goner even in peacetime. I figure it will just pleasure-cruise around annoying the US Navy, maybe bomb some rebels for dickwaving and maybe also help smuggle oil.

It'll be double hulled because that's been the international standard for decades which will only make it more of a bitch to maintain.
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Unless they went the extra length of installing a bunch of watertight bulkheads where the cargo hold was, this thing's gonna sink like a rocket the moment it's hit by a missile.
I think it'll be fine
No ones going to war
>No ones going to war
No need. Iran will do the honors itself.
The U.S. essentially controls the world's supply of helium
it will leave port in many pieces very very fast.
Doesn't Qatar, Algeria, and Russia have enough for that tho
Cool, I can't wait for it to capsize in drydock or sink on some rocks like the other flagships of the Iranian navy.
>It's going to be capsized after the first strike from any first world blue navy (US)
Try it, mutt. Iran has probably the world's largest stockpile of ballistic missiles and is a threshold nuclear weapons state. Say goodbye to your aircraft carriers in MENA
Big words coming from a state that couldn't stop Israel from dabbing on their SAM grid.
But carriers need to be a part of a carrier group. What other ships they have to go with it, AEGIS type ones?
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You mean this stockpile? The one where half can't even reach their targets, and the other half get blown out of the sky by Arrow/SM-6?
The only thing stopping America from wiping the floor with the Iranians is our mood. If the Israelis can disable an S-300 at the drop of a hat, you can imagine what the US can do.
I hope they do develop them. Just another reason to strangle them with sanctions.
I mean you don't really need to be with a carrier group unless you're fighting shit that has something that can threaten it. Anything that would require a carrier group to defend it can deal with the carrier group anyway. This thing is for propaganda and for launching drones. Short of Israel doing something for a laugh, it will stay in port or do a few 'excursions' into the sea and launch drones for some pictures and then do nothing.
I think it's hilarious and accurate. Maybe instead of "implessive" it's "impresieve"
I wonder when we'll see it in action
It's clearly done or almost done but j haven't been able to get any workers to send.me photos
I guess it all comes down to the mission profile - if all it has to do is patrol/S&R/ASW shit then its all fine and dandy. Not every military is built around trying to defeat the US; many are purely to bully your weaker rival neighbors.
So bully Oman got it.
It wouldn't be an Iranian ship if they didn't.
It'll capsize just like half of Iran's frigates did.
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>Balast isn't a issue, a converted cargo ship will be much less top heavy than the carrier form.
No, what I mean is, think of the whole ship as a long board balancing on a steel beam in the center, but that steel beam is like a sheet of wet paper balancing on water, if you put too much balast on one end, the steel is under so much stress it acts like the paper and basically tear the sheet in half. It stays together because it's universally supported by water on all sides.
All ships bend, the issue is if it bends past a threshold due to a combined ballast bend combined with a wave hitting it in the wrong angle.

Most of shipbuilding AND loading is mathematics so you don't end up cracking your cargoship in half.
Sorry, not always a wave hitting it, that's positive lifting pressure or sideways impact forces, which can cause collapse too, but what I meant was the trough of the wave suddenly not supporting the weight of thousands of tonnes of steel.

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