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Our bases need 4 - 6 towers with 57 mm Bofors cannons (and huge ass mags) with HE-Frag ammo to fend off human waves. Chinks and jeets are 3+ billions, a ratio of 10 enemies to 1 American.

It'll be just like Starship Troopers guys.... BUUUUGSSS!!!!!
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is that how retards think tank formations work?
It's from a movie
What kino is this?
Assuming China can even get boots on the ground in Taiwan.
They will need at least 250,000 of them amassed, alive, and with sufficient supplies and ammunition to overrun the island, and they're still going to have a 80-90% casualty rate.
and that's before the US Marines show up and drive them off.
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I may be retarded, but shouldn't 2-3 accurate airburst 35-40mm shells be the best/most cost effective drone protection, assuming a suitable detection system?
Flamethrowers. That's literally all you need.
If you want starship troopers larp, just play helldivers 2.
If you want terminator larp also play helldivers 2.
Some chink propaganda film if I had to guess
i don't care about whether or not its propaganda, i live and breathe sinokino in the chosin reservoir
just learned about capitalism, that shit sucks man :(
It is the most expensive propaganda film ever made. And hilariously it shows the US as a supremely powerful foe that China needs to resort to literal human wave tactics to defeat. It honestly a pretty good watch. Don't remember the name because it's generic, but it's like battle of lake Chang an or whatever. Google it it's recent.
No you don't get it it's based to die for someone else's country
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I'm more impressed that no actual American, Bong or Western Yuro gweilo actor even bothered to be in this film.

I guess even if they're D and F-listers they don't want to ruin their careers.

Also does China have a ton of WW2 surplus left?
Really?!? I thought China finally grew some balls
That's how basically every Chinese war film covering the last 200 years looks. I saw one with Jet Li where he was leading a bunch of levees with bows against Taipings with muskets, his whole tactic was to get his men to be human shields so his archers could shoot the Taipings, which eventually worked. Ending was at least pretty good because he got shanked by one of his own men when they realized he was just an ambitious cunt who didn't care about any of them.
More like they wouldn't waste money to have some C-lister or below gweilo carried halfway around the globe and catered to for however long shooting takes when a bit of CGI and makeup can do the job just fine.
instead we have a dedicated and disciplined EWAR strategy that actually works, unlike apparently literally everyone else..
fixed bases are a stupid idea in the age of guided missiles. thats why they're all made of sandbag cubes and trailers.
1) If you're using 57mm guns then just go the extra mile and use full on self loading howitzers instead.
VALUES (Smedley_Butler_quote_1, Smedley_Butler_quote_2)
ALL your base are belong to us.

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