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TR3 deliveries started. Pratt plans to 3d print engine parts. And Lockheed announced a competition for the next gen cooling system. Discuss!
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Can someone explain to me wtf tr3 is and why it took so long to do
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Noice, F-35bros we're eating good tonight!
latest firmware/software for the F35. There were issues that the DoD found unacceptable and wouldn't accept any new TR3 F35 deliveries until it was fixed. Not really sure what those issues were exactly but from what I remember they were pretty bad iirc
do these include sidekick as standard?
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I wonder if the Harris built ICPs for the F-35s use rebranded Intel chips or some other bespoke military chip. Pic is the presumed CPU inside the F-22.
What a time to be alive. We have mature 5th generation fighter technology while the Chinese are pretending their Chang don't J-20 isn't 4+
We AYYMD now.
Surely the update was accessible to israel before mutts themselves
Nice, delivery pipeline unclogged.
We're getting 6x internal AMRAAMs now right?
F-35 is supposed to be PowerPC based.
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No, but I imagine they'll lob few more bombs into Yemen when they arrive.

It's the magic sauce that makes the F-35 the wunderwaffen it's supposed to be
In short, the modern electronics which allows it to do all that eye in the sky shit, detect and jam enemy radars, and drop modern smart bombs
And as a bonus, the ability to carry 6 AMRAAMs for F35As and F35Cs
All that shit still needs future development but they were locked behind the TR-3 upgrade, so to speak

Delayed for a year and a bit

No, but it unlocks the Sidekick research option, so to speak
TR-3 bodies have the redesigned weapon bays that can fit the Sidekick device, whatever the fuck that is - I don't think we've seen pictures of it yet
>No 6 pack yet
Damnit here I was hoping for the halfRAAMs for a dozen AAM domination.
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shame we'll never see it in real action against enemy fighters since nothing ever happens
How many proxies do I need to be behind before I can give someone a hint as to why without getting raided, last I checked we were at 7.
Software has been the greatest bane of the F-35 outside of the initial procurement debacle. Nobody ever correctly estimates how much time and money it will take to get it right. You'd think somebody would eventually look at how much money and how many man-hours the tech giants put into developing OSes and programs that aren't generally intended for life-and-death circumstances and realize that their estimates are way off.

It's not just F-35, either: FCS, LCS, Zumwalt, NGJ, various C4I initiatives... all suffered or even died as a result of software development issues. Even older stuff like AFATDS and Aegis took forever to get into working order.

The F-35's over-promised and under-delivered semi-automated logistics system is another excellent example of software not being planned, designed, or budgeted correctly, leading to massive failures.
nothing ever happens and people have likely said whatever you have to say more eloquently
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>Sidekick device, whatever the fuck that is - I don't think we've seen pictures of it yet
Is this a good or a bad thing.
Can't wait for a retarded country to try to start shit only for a F-35 pilot to radio them to knock it off.
what part of this is Sidekick
So long as the tomboy tummy remains.
As you suck jewish cock, your country loses more customers to other arms exporters because of them
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The missile thats next to the bay door
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in your photo, the missile labelled 1 has always been there, that's 1 of the 4 standard mounts on all variants
the Sidekick fit is labelled 2 in your photo

but it's not shown in the photo in >>62147284
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It's an erotic plane
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Moar: RFI for F35 active expendable decoys, meaning Leonardo's stuff
sent from gemmany
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Said nobody ever.
In fact, it's thanks to countries like Ukraine and Israel dunking on ziggers and ragheads respectively that our weapons and systems get the best advertisement possible.
hey I was at that air show
Are there some new age decoys they want or is this just a continuation from a previous contract?
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These are BriteCloud. No prior contract for F-35. Air Guard did testing for F-16 and decided to adopt, now it's trickling out to other branches and jets. It's fairly unique. Only one supplier put in the necessary r&d to miniaturize the ECM hardware to a suitable size for all mainstream western fighters.
It will see some action over the Aegean. Not proper action of course, but action enough.
they will rot into abject disrepair the hands of the gypsies and will be mothballed. What a waste.
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Software is damn near impossible to estimate. The only hope is to plan every detail and allow zero changes until after 1.0 ships. But that’s not the trendy way to do it anymore (waterfall vs agile).
Name another country buying your shit in 2024
No one in the middle east, south asia, east asia, south america, etc is even considering it anymore
You lost and continue losing

>using it in combat
Yea i'm sure bombing some civilian kids requires cutting edge technology. Such an epic advertisement for shartoids!
>Yea i'm sure bombing some civilian kids requires cutting edge technology. Such an epic advertisement for shartoids!
Live fire exercise.
tfw can't tell if this is a troll or genuinely retarded frothing
Mutts are so delusional it gives me a headache
There's a quick and proven method for alleviating head pain, anon. It's a simple trick at the twitch of a finger.
Not everything is as easy though
For example, saving innocent astronauts stuck in space due to incompetence
hole in soyuz, hypergolic rocket stages falling on villages, that recent static fire that turned into a flight test. by the way there's no actual concerns about the reentry, they're just doing troubleshooting on the rcs on the service module before it burns up on reentry.
>Examples of government-to-government FMS sales notified to Congress in FY2023 include: Poland – AH-64E Apache Helicopters $12 billion, Poland – High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) $10 billion, Germany – CH-47F Chinook Helicopters $8.5 billion, Australia – C-130J-30 Aircraft $6.35 billion, Canada – P-8A Aircraft $5.9 billion, Czech Republic – F-35 Aircraft And Munitions $5.62 billion, Republic of Korea – F-35 Aircraft $5.06 billion, Poland – Integrated Air And Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS) $4.0 billion, Poland – M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks $3.75 billion, Kuwait – National Advanced Surface-To-Air Missile System (NASAMS) Medium Range Air Defense System (MRADS) $3 billion, Germany – AIM-120C-8 Advanced Medium-Range Air-To-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) $2.90 billion, Kuwait – Follow-On Technical Support $1.8 billion, Bulgaria – Stryker Vehicles $1.5 billion, Republic of Korea – CH-47F Chinook Helicopters $1.5 billion, Japan – E-2D Advanced Hawkeye (AHE) Airborne Early Warning And Control (AEW&C) Aircraft $1.381 billion, Norway – Defense Articles And Services Related to the MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters $1.0 billion, Qatar – Fixed Site-Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System (FS-LIDS) $1.0 billion.
Also Pratt & Whitney supplies Singapore with propulsion systems, so there's southeast asia too. Do not redeem sir
Discuss what? Another expensive. NATO sky princess that does not engage in real, fair combat
>so there's southeast asia too
Singapore is buying F35s and upgrades for its F15 fleet
Indonesia is buying AH64Es and upgrades for its F16 fleet
>Americans decided to sell F-35 to Singapore.
>Doesn't realize that Singapore is another Communist China province.
>Singapore allowed PLAAF 'technician' to inspect the F-35 in the name of Chinese brotherhood and supremacy
>Just a year later F-35 got surpassed by advanced Shenyang FC-31 version.

I laughed hard when I saw news that the US is going to sell F-35s to Singapore. The moment those jets land in Singapore there is going to be an army of Chinese spies ready to dig into whatever areas they haven't stolen already.
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Despite the fact that Malaysia is a larger and more strategically important country when it comes to countering the PRC in the South China Sea, the US ... has chosen to favor Singapore diplomatically and arm it with latest equipment like F-35 and HIMARS and give them basing rights in Guam. While Malaysia's armed forces facing budgetary constraints. Yet US only provides token assistance to Malaysia such as donating maritime surveillance radar and MPAs. Just because Malaysia in the past adopted a principled neutral stance and refuse to support illegal US war in Iraq, Israeli genocide in Gaza and condemn Russian war in Ukraine.

Ironically, Singapore are nothing but a Chinese bitch. Just another Chinese province. Don't agree? Just look at who in charge of Singapore Armed Forces.
Dirty stinky Heeb niggers begone. The F-35 is too chadly for your peasant Canaanite taste.
it has much better compilers than i960 anyway
the mere existence of singapore proves it is a better choice
>no please stop selling the owners of the only US base in the region they will sell the F-35 secrets just like they did the F-15 secrets and the F-16 secrets and the HIMARS secrets
>oh wait they didn't
this D&C shittery only proves the importance of Singapore as a special ally in the region
Aaaaaaaand now the SEAniggers are here.
it's literally one guy. i think if this place had persistent poster ids everyone would be surprised at how many threads are made by a small group of people, and how insane that small group is.
I still cant think of any good reason why it was removed.
Singapore will bend over for China the moment they ask. I am still surprised at how many people are unaware that the ethnic Han Chinese Singapore people have 100% loyalty to China. Singaporeans are Chinese in the end. They'll co-operate with the CCP if given a better offer. That's Chinese for you, switching morals based on opportunity.

Not to mention the entire country was built and financed with CCP resources. If a foreigner is born in Singapore the Singapore govt will immediately grant 3 citizenships to mainland Chinese to maintain the race balance. The big 4 families that built Singapore were all CCP members.
i assume it was because people on other boards were attempting to dox other users.
Butthurt Turkish ESL moment.
Singapore is not some "natural American ally" like you continue to present them as. They are, if we are being optimistic, a bazaar, and will bend whichever way the wind blows. They send their troops fucking everywhere because it is not in Singapore's interest to hardline for anyone but themselves and those who keep the money flowing. Again, this is being optimistic.

The presence of Chinese diaspora and business interests combined with China's regional focus simply give China more avenues to win Singapore (or simply Singaporeans) over in terms of business and intelligence-sharing. What can America realistically offer that is better than what China can for Singapore to militarily align with them in future?
These are all close NATO countries paying for amerimutts stretching themselves thin to protect them not really customers
Singapore isn't a trustworthy ally. Much like Egypt, UAE and Saudi Arabia, they are in bed with China. However, unlike them, Singapore is majority Han Chinese.

You guys realize when tennis star Peng Shui went missing (after she outed one of the top CCP leaders for raping her) and that caused a media stir in the West, so they had that fake interview organized with her, it was a Singaporean media outlet that conducted the "impromptu" interview?

China uses Han Chinese diaspora across the world to recruit as assets, and we already know how business elite love getting in bed with China for profits. Singapore is a combination of both. Anything Singapore gets, will end up in CCP / PLA hands.
How is Egypt untrustworthy? We were offered indigenous mirage manufacturing by france but pitched it for F-16 which turned out to be a complete failure in the long run
It is america being israel’s bitch that fucks things up
Egypt is the India of the Middle East. Not only are you inveterate gang rapists (taharush gamea), you also harbor delusions of grandeur on the same level as the Pajeets and Indonesians of being an independent non-aligned regional power who finds it convenient to suck off Uncle Sam for now but will have no hesitation to turn on the West when the situation changes. Egyptian dog
You are just incoherently seething at a fact that even the blind can see
You're arab
>Just a year later F-35 got surpassed by advanced Shenyang FC-31 version
What fanfic is this lifted from?
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Real life
>Ever "surpassing" anything ever made by western nations, let alone america
>australian very obviously losing his mind over the existence of indonesia and malaysia
australia is an irrelevant country. get over it.
>Friendship ended with USA
>Now China is my new best friend
I'm going to go to Medan and hatefuck a bunch of teeny indog whores just for you, my piggy friend
i wouldn't even joke about engaging in underage sex tourism. afp doesn't fuck around with that shit.
our F-35s can blow your pissant monkey model air force out of the sky before they knew what hit them, get over it
Whoa Calm down timmy
you aren't in the RAAF.
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doesn't really matter, because it's not a shithole, unlike you, other companies are already compensating for boeing's ineptitude, namely spacex, whom are mogging everyone else so hard that you can't see anyone other than china without a looking glass if you compare them on a chart with everyone else.
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who is timmy?
he sounds like a very wise man.
Hey, who put these goalposts over here?

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