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What weapons do you use for gnats/mosquitos in summer? Just in the last 24 hours I must've killed 60 or so of them fuckers, but no matter how many corpses of their fellow retards I leave around they never stop coming, as if they're completely suicidal and WANT me to destroy them, and I can only pound the walls so many times before they start to hurt real bad. You'd think that if a mouse saw 60 mice skeletons lying around that it would get the fuck out of there, but these fucking gnats think they don't need to bother. Well, they thought wrong.

>mosquito net
I want weapons, not barriers. I want corpses, not no more bites.
For some hard-to-reach corners I've resorted to using a duckboard, but not only is aiming a real bitch with these (accuracy drop from 95% to 30%), but you also don't get the desperate twitting shortly before death against your knuckles - fucking love that shit, especially if they're still full with your blood. Bet you weren't twitching so pathetically when you stole that from me, did you?
I use muh dik and muh bawls
Delenda Carthago est, anon
Contain, kill, and eradicate

Barriers keep the reinforcements out and the victims in
Then you kill with insecticides. Look for the kind that fumigates entire rooms at a go
Then you clean your room and make sure no food is left out, no rubbish is left out, and you can wipe down every surface at least once a week with soap. Use bleach on safe surfaces and boiling water down pipes.

Maintain the protocol.
>Barriers keep the reinforcements out
I don't want the reinforcements out. I want the reinforcements in so that I can murder them too.
I like a spray bottle full of 100% isopropanol. One with a nozzle that can spray in a stream, so I can blast them out of the air or shoot ones that have landed on the floor/walls.
DDT, and lots of it.
I had a grandma with DDT experiences. Fuck off.
Mosquito dunks. Google it.
1. Take big plastic drink bottle. Cut off the top
2. Fill ~halfway with water, sugar (alternatively honey or fruit juice) and a little dish soap. For an extra punch, add a tiny bit of yeast.
3. Put the cut-off top of the bottle (sans cap) in atop, upside-down.
4. Put in dark/dark corner of the room.
5. Check regularily and dispose of the mass of corpses that will amass on the surface of your bait by whatever means you deem appropriate.
How much water, how much soap, and how much yeast exactly?
Eyeball it. About 3:1 water:sugar/juice/honey, and if you use yeast, use just like a tiny knifetip of it.

Optionally, wrap the outside (not the top) of your bottle in black tape, that also attracts the little shits.
I used to ride my bike behind the big trucks that sprayed that down the road. Me and our friends, we thought we were riding through clouds.

At least we didn't eat lead paint I guess.
Alright, I've written them down, and tomorrow I'll get the ingredients.
Death to all mosquitos.
Destroy stagnant water.
When it can't be destroyed spawn fish.
I like to have a wet cloth in front of a fan. I don't have AC.
>also since I've written the OP there were 20 more gnats that came in
>I didn't even notice them coming in
>killed them all through
I wouldn't mind opening the window again, but at some point I gotta sleep ...
get one of those electric fly swatters, so satisfying swinging it through a swarm of mosquitos, it's like mini fireworks after dark
Gay and complicated
Unnecessary you need the stagnant water for the trap
Look up the fucking mosquito dunks it's chemical warfare and a booby trap that also targets and kills the eggs
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And then there's the retards who're all like
>noooooo you can't kill insects that have never bothered developing a scintilla of self preservation because
Get smoked, retards. The sooner literally all insects die out the better, and I don't give a flying fuck how many food chains this would destroy. If 80 corpses won't teach you, then you just fucking deserve extinction.
Do you not have window screens anon?
No. The corpses are supposed to be enough of a deterrent.
>Din't know that corpses means "more living space"
>Tell tale signs that theres a meal inside
Anon...they don't think like Humans or Animals.
Sounds like a them-problem then.
>open the window
>see a bunch of gnats tries to fly in
>try to shoo them away with the duckboard
>they don't care and try to come in anyway
>one hour later
>my hands sure are bloody
>not with my own blood, but the blood of others these bastards got
I hope it was worth it, you utter imbeciles. I tried to warn you, and you wanted, nay, BEGGED me to kill you.
We did the same thing. You could taste whatever they were spraying
>At least we didn't eat lead paint I guess.
No, we breathed lead air
hanging fly ribbon strips work well to get a % of them, in tandem with other methods
Chemical warfare. Thermacell is the brand name. It vaporizes nerve gas off of a chemical pad. Poisonous to all living things, but is metabolized by vertebrates so fast it does nothing. Bugs aren't so lucky. I don't know if they die or just fuck off after getting a wiff off it, but i find it effective either way.
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Ever tried one of these?

Makes insects explode on impact. Batteries not included.
They spawn virtually infinitely. Deal with the problem at the source by draining local standing water, or get a window screen. Alternatively save your personal energy and get a blue light zapper that will kill them for you.
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get one of these, toss the packet, fill with natural (smells more gooder to them) applecider vinegar & a little dish soap, works for months
get fucked lmao
that literally does do anything except kill useful insects, thats as helpful as chinks killing all the birds only to cause famine
those retarded things need to be banned, same with cross-toxic animal baits, they only make shit worse
>that literally does do anything except
*that literally doesn't do anything except
fucking dyslexia
Maybe I'm OK with famine. Maybe that's just the price I'm willing to pay for no longer being bothered.
>Maybe that's just the price I'm willing to pay for no longer being bothered.
key thing: it does help you in any way & only worsens your plight
i understand the idea of releasing foxes to kill all rabbits, and while sure, foxes kill rabbits, what you'd instead be doing is shooting eagles to stop mushrooms
if you're gonna fight, don't attack something unrelated
you have better chances picking up smoking, as insects hate smoke, especially tobacco smoke
>it does help
*it doesn't help
holy fuck, i am retarded today
>it does help you in any way & only worsens your plight
I'm willing to sacrifice humanity on an attempt.
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sacrifice implies gain, benefit, rewards
there is no gain, there is nothing, only destruction
bro how much bug spray did you huff today
>there is no gain, there is nothing, only destruction
>implying that destruction isn't a gain in and of itself
>Makes insects explode on impact.
These work pretty well on anything you can see and are very satisfying to use on a swarm.

>>noooooo you can't kill insects that have never bothered developing a scintilla of self preservation
There are good reasons but they don't apply to mosquitoes.
Every ecologist I've heard speak on the topic just kind of shrugs and says that mossies don't do anything that matters and should be fucking eradicated.
>Kläre die STICHFRAGE!!!
They don't come in swarms though. I'd need something that gathers them in one place before they get sparked.
>those retarded things need to be banned
Fine to use indoors though.
none, typing & reading while smoking a pipe just makes my dyslexia worse lol
i guess the zappers are fine indoors, since those shitass tiny moths like to just crop about, but poisons definitely aren't, since whatevers eating it will just wander back outside
got a lot of idiots that like to use rat poison alongside the cattle & horses here, then like wonder why their $50.000 horse is costing them their entire property in vetbills, let alone the assholes who don't even have livestock that just end up killing another's
Just do it like Karl Karlsen, set your barn on fire, and collect the insurance money from the deadweight of your horse.
I've heard good things about these. "Mosquito Magnet Pioneer". No personal experience and they are pricey to buy and to run but supposedly it's the only anti-mosquito thing that actually works.
Never tried it but:

Mosquitoes use carbon dioxide to find victims. Buy a block of dry ice as bait, put it on the "suck" side of a box fan, suck thousands of them into a trash bag, find a way to make sure they don't get out. There are plans online. It seems like it would work.
i didn't know they made combination drillpress-coffeemachines
>i didn't know they made combination drillpress-coffeemachines
You put your head under it and it punches a hole through your cranium, injects brewed coffee right into your brain and then retracts the drill head and plugs the hole with a dab of epoxy.
What about the pain?
If you need coffee that badly and that fast, you probably are already in a lot of pain. Or not yet capable of physical sensation.
There's the effective way and the fun way.
The effective way is a bug zapper. You can buy them pretty easily or DIY one with two sheets of chicken wire, an AC to DC converter, an some capacitors.
The Fun way is a Salt Rifle.
>Every ecologist I've heard speak on the topic
must have been ignorant
mosquitoes are important pollinators of many flowering plants. they are important in biomass transfer and nutrient cycling
Alright, got the yeast and sugar.
How much soap am I to put into the water?
>that guy who spends his day manually killing bugs in his home

i can just imagine OP in his parents' low income split-level in some rural city, scuzzy-faced, black t-shirt w/ khaki cargo pants, poorly lit rooms with wood trip and ugly carpet, dad at work, mom comatose on the couch watching Hot Bench
>his day
More like evenings, before I go to sleep.
I'm in my thirties and live alone.
>rural city
With over 200,000 inhabitants.
I shower daily.
>black t-shirt
At least you got the color right.
>khaki cargo pants
You didn't even get the color right.
>wood trip and ugly carpet
This is getting embarrassing.
For you.
>dad at work
More like "living off of the inheritance of my grandfather", but sure.
>mom comatose on the couch watching Hot Bench
TLC, but I'm generous and will award you full points still.
a drop or two will get rid of the water's surface tension so the buggers drown instead of stand on the surface of the water
Oh fuck, I missed the "dish" in "dish soap". I only have soap bars.
>mosquitoes are important pollinators of many flowering plants
They're never the exclusive pollinators are they?
Just one amongst other less objectionable species?

I confess my ignorance on this topic in advance so no need to call it out.
Just lather some and apply a few drops
What do you do dishes with?
Actually don't answer that.
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Step 1: Clean up your fucking dishes
Step 2: Bleach your drain and run hot water through it
Step 3: Apple cider vinegar traps
Step 4: Stop overwatering your plants
Step 5: Get lavender scented soap, light some incense, put some peppermint oil in your drain occasionally
>he doesn't know dishwasher tabs
So I've finished the concoction, but the gnats thoroughly ignore it. It's 3 to 0 for me already.
Alright, after killing another 27 gnats that have made it in after I opened my window I can safely say that the water-sugar-soap-yeast mix isn't going anything, and that they are so completely without a trace of self preservation that they are truly life unworthy of life.

Just like cops.
>the water-sugar-soap-yeast mix isn't doing anything
Try increasing the sweetness, you're mimicking nectar, their primary food source. The yeast is protein I think, mimicking blood.
FYI only pregnant females go for blood, to help grow their babies. Some are just annoying and won't actually bite.
Yeah, no, still not doing jack. I've added sugar twice, and still see plenty of gnats rather fucking the wall than drinking the death nectar.
>walls: strewn with gnat corpses
>gnats: there might be food in there
How stupid can a single species be before evolution admits its mistake and just takes it offline forever?

Also, trapping works too.

This works, but will spread bacteria and viruses. When the bug is vaporized, the pathogens can still survive and now theyre airborne.
Wouldn't more voltage kill the pathogens, too?

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