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I still can't think of anything more stupid than this entire thing.
What's so dumb about it?
>I still can't think of anything more stupid than this
That's just a failure of imagination.
>What's dumb about a VTOL doing anything other than airlift, noncombat A to B travel?
Figure it out yourself.
>combat VTOLS bad because…THEY JUST ARE OKAY!
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I've been inside one and think it's neat.
it usually helps if you have a brain first
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Why doesnt Bell make an AV280?
They tried to mount a minigun under the V-22 but the idea never went anywhere
hover drives would work better, more control and higher loads with slightly more chance of failure
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surely no worse than the CV-22 Osprey
>have plane that can take off and land vertically
>push it into attack helicopter role that relies on low level, slow speed flight
Surely nothing bad will come of this.
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>noooo you can't build a helicopter which goes twice as fast twice as far
Fuck off logisticstard.
>It's big
>It cannot maneuver in confined spaces
>It's slow while vertical, especially when changing direction

I wouldn't want a Chinook to replace the MH60. I definitely don't want an even bigger fat fuck to either.
It caused too much stress for the airframe and caused the gunner to get sick.
>>It cannot maneuver in confined spaces
And the black hawk can?
Let's take helicopter and make it x20 times more expensive.
Though not stupid from the MIC's POV.
Compared to the Valor, yeah.
>it's big
The wings pivot sideways just like the V-22, it actually is more compact than helis lmao
>it cannot maneuver in confined spaces
Yes it can
>it's slow while vertical, especially when changing direction
Being able to get in and get out quickly was literally the sole reason the V-22 project ever took off the ground. It is the one thing tiltrotors excel at

Hence why they went with a tiny, simplified V-22 made entirely of composites with engines that don't rotate for the V-280. They did the same exact thing when they made the B-21, the previous thing was too expensive and this is the cheaper option while still being just as good doing its job
why always rotors? when are we geting in to te sci fi tilt jet engine VTOL game?
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I love you, Valor-chan!
Do this for the V22 and get laughed at.
what i want to know is why no other helicopter uses a lengthwise arrangement of rotors like the chinook. the thing has been in use forever and has a pretty good track record, so i can imagine that another vehicle based off it's principles could succeed.
>low level, slow speed flight
This will go the way of the battleship and Normandy-style beach landings. That's the whole point. Unfortunately, the Army still adopted the M14 v2, but let's hope the adoption of the Valor will offset that handicap.
>I still can't think of anything more stupid than this entire thing.
In recent memory, how NGSW went.
I love you too, Mikan. Now get in the bathtub.
Nigga, terrain masking and pop up firing is the M.O. of attack helicopters. With terrain masking being the primary means to make the approach to and away from an LZ for air assaults when there is a threat of SHORAD or just general AD.

It's like the main advantage helicopters have that fixed wing aircraft mostly (mountains, and big distances being the exception) don't have.
Quad-copter drone config with two diff size rotors. SICk hover control.

For hi-speed it would fly with rotors horizontal and for really hi-speed and long range the big rotors would fold back.

now pay me $100 billion

Oh, and like drone it will be able to remote.
Now consider whether an opponent of the United States would have SHORAD beyond MANPADS (which can hit helicopters but not V-280) within the first few hours of the war, and weigh that against the speed (280 kn vs 152 kn for UH-60) and range offered (500-800 nm vs 320 nm for UH-60) by the platform. The new aircraft can be ferried to China by island hopping from Hawaii without aerial refueling. This are potentially extremely important capabilities for a volatile Pacific.
There is still a role for low-and-slow air operations, but are they really suited for the type of work most fighters do?
>within the first few hours
I don't think you understand both the proliferation of SHORAD worldwide and their effectiveness.
I see. I suppose the US must address the fact they're decades behind the multipolar world with regard to hypersonic technology before turning to their 'logistics' frivolities.
They aren't but the more people that think they are, the better.
Because physics. Look up disk loading.

words cannot describe how impossibly hard an IRL warbird from COD advanced warfare / samson from james cameron's avatar would make me.
NTA but explain
I just read OPs post, that easily did more damage to my IQ than FVL.
If you want to take off vertically you need more thrust than weight. Making that much thrust requires a lot more power if the disk area (helicopter rotor or jet exhaust) is small. That's why a human powered helicopter needed to be half the size of a soccer field.
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>hurr durr need tilt rotor go go fast
Meanwhile the 1TSG figured this shit out over a decade ago
>low level, slow speed flight
It can do that too
>M14 v2
The people that wanted these rifles fought in both gulf wars
Does not work at full scale. Quad rotors work because the fatal flaws don't manifest at the scale they're built
what the shit is this hahahaha, is this the Gavin guy?
Rotors are very efficient. More efficient for their weight than a jet engine by a lot
>attack helicopters are le bad
There is no reason outside of safety or compression stages in front of a jet engine to have enclosed rotors as the main propulsion. Most of the lift from a prop disk is coming from the tips of the rotors that are moving at the fastest rate. When you put a structure next to them you create surface effect and more importantly turbulence from tip vortexes that create a huge amount of inefficiency compared to open rotors. There's no military reason to enclose the blades if it's going to cut into range and operating costs. You might see these things on the civilian side, and maybe there could be some stealth or other reason to make them like that (outer disk gear drive, though that would itself be massively less efficient than a central hub).
>make a personnel carrier
>give it a turret and a gun incapable of dealing with armor, don't armor it against mbt's anyway
>give the already sluggish vehicle a launcher that only slows it down
Still can't think of anything more stupid than this entire thing
because jets and fans are shit at generating thrust for vtol
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>Nigga, terrain masking and pop up firing is the M.O. of attack helicopters
Back in the 1980's, sure. MANPADS have proliferated too much since then, especially from the early 2000s onward
just put a shroud around them
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This is unironically a more viable design
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v-280s are slated to be $43 mil per (with R&D costs & maintenance wrapped in to the initial buy), this is cheaper than a modern Apache
The original tactic was to just rocket pod the shit out of the target area as you flew over said target area. Western and later Eastern countries resorted to distance pop up attacks specifically because of the rise of MANPAD's.
Apples to oranges. The AH64 is loaded with way more sensors and weapons. If the base model V280 is already 43 million with none of that. Imagine how much a gunship version will cost.
How does it yaw during forward flight? It has no vertical stabilisers.

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