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In one hour, you will have to fight a vampire to the death. You can use anything at your disposal which you can prepare in that time.
The vampire is vulnerable to typical folklore things such as holy water, garlic, silver, and wooden stakes through the heart, but it is also supernaturally fast, strong, and cunning. Additionally, sunlight will only irritate it rather than instantly burn it, and it can heal from most injuries other than being staked in the heart or exorcised, given enough time. If it finds other people while hunting you, it will drink blood from them and gain buffs to its speed and strength.
When the hour has passed, the vampire will appear at the foot of your bed (or wherever you last slept) and immediately begin hunting you. How would you fare?
My penis
One word:
Peenus weenus
I roll to seduce
I would have sexual intercourse with the unholy abomination
With a kiss (WOMEN ONLY!)
I will submit to vampire queens and be their handsome servant who gets taste of their blood
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I mean really, what else did OP expect when he used that picture?
we must submit
Based brickposter.
All of you retards would die immediately.
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I dont know if a brick can defeat the vampires that seduce men to be servants
"gon bash ye' ed' in wit' a fuckin' brick' innit"
i genuinely do not care
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>random tatted up instathots
extremely poor taste
unfuck yourself
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you will serve your instathot vampire mistress, and you will like it
I would fuck up a vampire with a brick
>hairy bush poking out from behind the panties
Fucking perfect hnnnngg
looks Russian
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serve and you may be rewarded
she scottish
boomer 45 and some silver bullets might crank my hog later but no vampire shit
use OP's hoe ass as bait and then i hide on the top of a building with a nvg and when she starts to suck OP of his blood like how his mother did to me then i jump off goes her head and i get a portable blowjob machine anytime i want (defanged of course)
difficulty (3/10)
rewards (7.5/10)
over all its pretty worth it in my opinion
och aye is that so
a fine black haired pale skinned Celt filly I perceive
I shall save her from this life of depravity and we shall repopulate the highlands together
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you will do no such thing, you will be used as a blood slave and eventually turned into her vampire bodyguard/slave
ground silver in a leafblower
>20, she impales on your dick and is defeated
>1, you're impaled on his dick and become butt thrall for life
she's a sub and needs a depilator badly
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you will worship the vampussy!
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I run it over with my 2003 Honda Accord and than force it work a night shift at walmart until it either kills itself or pays me back for the damages.
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*sucks blood*
*makes you go work security at her underground vampire club*
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Considering the vampire blood she will feed you to make you loyal to her and a ghoul will give you heroin induced euphoria that is probably 100x greater than sex, I think it will be good. Maybe her friends will use you too

Fuck people answer this question a million times already.

The answer is those "real sunlight, full spectrum" flood lights people use to grow weed indoors and some batteries.

Pretty much massive area of effect, last for days and just a few of them make and impenetrable dome of light.

Practically like carrying a massive flamethrower with near unlimited fuel.

Also can easily rig them to motion sensors and such to make super effective booby traps.
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Shelter in my bunker, call upon my legion of highly trained bodyguards to slow it down and immobilize it with sustained automatic fire, trap it then confine it. As soon we have it under control we use political prisoners to keep it alive and figure out how it reproduces.

Once we understand it's biology we use it to make our Nations Leaders immortal and create an army of ghouls as the perfect workers.
If “foot of my bed” is bounded by “the foot of the actual bed I am sleeping in.. then I get the largest caliber gun handy (preferably 44 mag or above) and then grab my sleeping bag and a 12 foot board with 2 bricks.. lay down, set a timer, and as soon as the vampire phases in.. put a round through their head.. yes.. it will heal.. but… heads probably don’t grow back fast…. Set a stopwatch and track what the interval is.. blow apart the partially formed head as soon as the new one appears.. from there you can start seeing how you can go about securing the vampire.. personally I think cutting the top off my water heater, putting the body in their (head exposed) then as much coiled rebar or wire fencing and then filling with concrete is probably the most reasonable way to match “securing the supernatural” with “things I can grab at the hardware store or order from there in less than 40 minutes time”. Keep blowing the head away…. Once the concrete is cured over several days you can do a careful trial runs with some friends handy (sharkbite suits might be a good safety idea) to see if the vampire can escape the reinforced concrete…. If this is secure then start looking into exotic reinforcement… holy water.. crosses and stuff like that…. If the vampire starts breaking free from the initial containment then blow the head off and start putting it in a bigger metal box with more reinforcement and concrete…. If you have a swimming pool then hire a cement mixer and full it…. At some point it’s either the vampire is so comically overpowered that this scenario is hopeless, or brute force physics wins the day….
I revoke my invitation and lock the doors and windows after they are forced to leave.
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why is her face so flat? she looks like a cartoon character that just ran into a wall
>hang ERPers on a sunny afternoon
>ERPer says last words with final gasp of air
>"*dies lol*"
fine i guess...
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In their culture being a bit chubby is a sign of success, hence their leaders and Kim's daughter are all chubby. If they were skinny it would be a bad omen for the nation. She is skinny because she works hard for big brother and devotes alot of energy to it, hence she is skinny.

Also she might just be a meth addicted tomboy.
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>Tfw no Prevertin addiced nuclear armed North Korea tomboy GF
Vampires are overrated as hell.

I could fuck with a werewolf chick though.
Think about it
>works as a space heater on a cold day
>pack hunter = harem
>can actually eat food
>can go out with her during the day
>probably likes her steaks rare

I believe in werewolf supremacy
Oh, and I forgot the most important thing
>working reproductive organs
I could totally kill a vampire, I have a really big knife
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I buy a bunch of garlic, grind it up and make garlic butter, baste it onto a brick and beat them to death.
the proven method is to get someone else to do it
>Rub garlic on bullets and load into glock
>Obtain wooden staves from spare wood
>Shoot vamp and finish off with stave
Rub garlic all over my naked body and fight dick out like a champion
anon said flat not fat, dipshit
>In their culture being a bit chubby is a sign of success

>why is her face so flat?
orientals tend to have less sunken eyes and less prominent noses
>she looks like a cartoon character that just ran into a wall
that would be Awkwafina
truly gag-inducing features
You really have no idea about how traditional asian cultures work do you?

Mean while in the real world: http://www.kcna.kp/en/article/q/70d6822796a74f70162299ae9739c947.kcmsf
I AM Asian, specifically, oriental

>chubby is a sign of success
bullshit is a popular Western theory and it's applied not just to us but also Africans
it has no empirical backing whatsoever, in fact oriental womens' standards of cosmetic surgery is generally more slender than Western women

personally I think it's Western feminists and liberals kneejerking against evil patriarchal trad values and trying to find excuses in other cultures' supposed practices
double bonus since it's non-white
meanwhile in the real world over here, generation after generation has always been warned against obesity dating back to Confucius et al, our women diet like Europeans, our celebs are thin, and many Buddhists, Taoists and Shintoists often have meat abstinence days, in part because of the strictures against taking animal life but also for "health"
only recently in fact is there an awareness that orientals in general are under-nourished, and as we grow richer and more educated, we're getting taller and broader, though still slender
if you knew anything about oriental "signs of success" for the past forty years at least, it's having a gym-toned body

you want to see an actual Asian culture that prefers the curvier phenotype in general, go look at India
fucking slampigs the lot of them
even then I blame lack of self-control more than a genuine preference
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you faggots need Jesus
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>i'm Asian but also African
>Western feminists
>Our culture
>India is real Asian culture not Korea

I think that it is highly unlikely that you have the slightest idea how the culture, economy, industry, military and society of the DPRK works.
I think that it is highly unlikely that you can read
I think that it is highly unlikely that you will still be talking after your shift ends.
>grow richer and more educated, we're getting taller and broader, though still slender
obesity is rising as well
ultra-processed foods
>obesity is rising
amongst the working class, yes
like I said, culturally the true "sign of success" is a gym-toned, athletic body
because gym and sports was regarded as an activity for the leisure class
>ultra-processed foods
cheap cooking oil and sugar
many eat until full
if you aren't feeling full you eat more
addictive high calorie, low satiety upf = obebsity
more and more of the diet in industrialized, and barely industrialized, nations are becoming ultra processed
sugar and cheap oils also make a large portion of upf, and the sugar certainly doesn't help you eat less either
it's countries like Japan that has a problem with ultra processed food

the problem with India is that their traditional foods are extremely fatty and sugary, which is common with treat foods in all cultures (which is after all precisely why they're treat foods)
that wasn't a problem in antiquity when oil and sugar was expensive, naturally limiting consumption
but now oil and sugar is much cheaper
also India is still very poor and they haven't gotten over their poorfag mentality of not needing to watch their diets (they had always been calorie deficient until now)

there was a fella here describing the same phenomenon with his Egyptian in-laws
the fast food industry is exploding in urban India
so they have increasingly shit diets on top of upf to contend with
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Some things never change.
If you throw enough high explosives at something it stops being an issue eventually.
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>How would /k/ defeat a vampire?
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13mm | .454 Casull
Is lycanthropy hereditary?
Brother I can't give my immortal soul to some undead ho, even if that bush is hot ngl.
Nigel Howard: Chav vampire hunter. Defrauding council assisstance by day, hunting vampires by night, now in cinemas near you.
By dick or by brick
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Kissing is surprisingly effective.
I can personally confirm that this is the only way.
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>drive to the store and pick two jars of minced garlic
>eat a couple of spoonfuls
>pour one of the jars over my head
>wait for the vampire to appear
>shoot it with a 12 gauge until it falls over or at least gets stunned momentarily
>pour the second garlic jar on the vampire
>drive a stake through the heart with a large mallet
Plant a mine field in a open field put some sprinklers with holy water load up a mini gun with Silver bullets and wait the fucker in the misle of this field the plan is if je attacks on lane the Mines and holy water Will aloe him down so you Got time to fuck him up if je attacks from the air well the mini gun has enugh rpm to say fuck ya muda
but im not italian
You certainly defeated readability, you may stand a chance against a vampire.
Depends on the vampire. If you're dealig with an anime jap powercreep then you're done for. A VtM vampire only requires a good shotgun blast to the face, unless they're metuselah demigods. A folklore vampire is kinda tricky, sometimes all it takes is a bag of rice to appease their autism, sometimes they're relentless cadavers that won't yield no matter what.
>Nigel Howard: Chav vampire hunter. Defrauding council assisstance by day, hunting vampires by night, now in cinemas near you
I'd watch it
It'd be like a spiritual sequel to Attack The Block
Could even guest star John Boyega, preferably as one of the first victims
Joke's on you, I have a progressive shotshell press and I buy my minced garlic from costco.
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I would offer them my hand in marriage of course. I will land myself a hot britbong vamp wife or die trying.
my last "routine Blood Work" my doc is mumbling about "tri-glicerides" and other shit, so I tell him "just tell me like I can understand" and he says "well, in medical terms...you'd give a vampire diarrhea"
Are we talking bullshit vampire that is basically human but can transmorph, or a witcher tier bullshit higher vampire that literally can't die even if you turn them into a puddle of goo.
>How would /k/ defeat a vampire(
By living in reality.
Well, what kind of vamps? Also shotty with dragonsbreath
Based filthy mouthed doc.
A hamburger should appease em' for a while.
That face on the hamburger wrapper XD
literally :3
I am remoralize
>he doesn't know
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and rape
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it think it's the Blade type that you can take down with your buddy Kris Kristofferson but more tolerant to sunlight.
>mash up garlic
>mix it in with holy water
>pick up the stabbiest piece of silverware in the house
>cover it in the garlic and holy water mix
>stand in front of the foot of my bed with enough space between me and it for the vampire to spawn
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happens to best of us
You reminded me I got a jar of pickled garlic in the pantry, so I will probably steal this idea. My going plan so far was to equip a butcher's knife in one hand and a silver cup in the other and try to stab the vampire with both when we do battle in the living room. Your plan is way better. I haven't got any holy water so I will probably try kidney beans in the hopes that the operative word "kidney" somehow acts as a discount communion on the contents. I can put it in the silver cup for double effectiveness.
what's the LD50 of semen? Let's find out
>take silverware
>melt with a torch and cast some .454 ball
>load Uberti reproduction Colt Walker with 55 gr FFFG and CCI no 10 caps
send that bitch back to hell through the door, a wall, and three pieces of furniture.
whys it ok to mock italians
Round 2: Angry Wife Asking You Where All The Silverware Went

You have 1 hour until she finds out what you did to the silverware, how do you defend yourself and the marriage?
I have a boar spear an orthodox bible and a bottle of holy water

Im just blasting Sabaton and pinning it with the spear while my brother beheads it with a machete
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racism against Italians is socially acceptable
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libtard propaganda
also kys, freak
>The vampire is vulnerable to typical folklore things
I never leave my house anyway so I don't have to do anything. Also, if they're unable to cross running water then they're kind of fucked there are water pipes everywhere
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I will be using the dick
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I don't think so
I have a plan. I will distract her with my repeating digits, taking advantage of the vampire's compulsive need to count.
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She will count, number of bullets in your magazine.
lungs filling up with sweaty feet air
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that's a lot of bullets, I've got time
Remi has clean feet, behave yourself
Anabolic steroids, magical martial arts, and plot contrivancies
according to /d/ a whole village died in the middle ages because she removed her socks
Not invite them in and then go to sleep
Based and Home-Alone-pilled
The only surefire way of dealing with a vampire is to marry her.
>The only surefire way of dealing with a vampire is to marry her.
With the eventuality of staking some hard wood into her.
i am imagining a panicked husband sorting through the heirloom formal silver set for the couple weird pieces that nobody knows what they do anymore to melt down.
Then impregnating her?
There is no other way unfortunately.
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>Reject modernity
>Retvrn to VAMPIRA
Eat a massive amount of garlic and sharpen some sticks.
Lycanthropy is transmitted by blood, so it probably passes from mother to child.
>In one hour, you will have to fight a vampire to the death. You can use anything at your disposal which you can prepare in that time.

Awesome, since you're whipping supernatural beings out, I get to go whole hog.
>The vampire is vulnerable to typical folklore things such as holy water, garlic, silver, and wooden stakes through the heart, but it is also supernaturally fast, strong, and cunning. Additionally, sunlight will only irritate it rather than instantly burn it, and it can heal from most injuries other than being staked in the heart or exorcised, given enough time.
Neat. let's see how it like a neutrally charged particle beam, or maybe a singularity projector. Doubt "Vlad" is coming back from being blasted into a microsingularity.
> If it finds other people while hunting you, it will drink blood from them and gain buffs to its speed and strength.
When the hour has passed, the vampire will appear at the foot of your bed (or wherever you last slept) and immediately begin hunting you. How would you fare?
I live in the middle of nowhere, and my home is -literally- on consecrated ground. Flappy flap bat dude is fucked.
Plus, my army of indestructible fembots constantly patrols the property to keep stray creatures from fucking with my honey badger ranch. So good luck with your vampire shit OP.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: put garlic in the gun
garlic doesn't do anything

vampires can't be impregnated
So it does come down to brick?
>vampires can't be impregnated
That is an incorrect statement sir.
norblerposting is taking over the world
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>guise why gook pan face?

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