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don't post your overpriced scalpshit this time edition
Safariland M&P ALS RH holster 30
Troy Alpha Battle rail 9" 75

6 hole CAR handguards 25
CAPCO A2 Handguards 20
Both for 30

Aliengear molle holster and mag holder 30$
Romy WUM1 handguards 25
Romy G furniture set 85

Grip force adapter beavertail FDE Free if you buy a holster.

Email for pics. No trades unless you are a bay area califag
I've got a working Surefire M951 with IR filter and clicky/wired tailcap in near new condition. its not a chinko fake, i got it from a yardsale by bragg with old fart army guy's wife selling his shit on him.

shoot me an offer. sputnik1pathsofglory@proton.me
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Trying to sell this TIG welder, AHP Alpha Tig 200x, local to Houston for $450. Got nothing but scammer pajeets from trying craigslist. You get the machine, 2 smaw whips, tig pedal, argon tank, auto darkening hood with spare lenses, tig cups, big fucking box of stainless TIG rods, small container of 6013 smaw sticks, 110v puck to convert the 220 cable coming out of it, some other shit I gotta gather up. Got no tig rig though, hose had been torn and leaked a lot of gas. Start welding G3 receiver flats eventually today!
Good fucking luck selling anything here. You're all a bunch of double standards stingy jews. I'm glad I'm making bank on gunbroker and not doing any favors to a bunch of inbreds on a jap board ;)
Ah still salty he couldn't sell his overpriced FN barrel. May as well bump the thread.
I've already sold it on gunbroker awhile back. Tongue my anus nigger jew :)
thats a good fucking deal
if i were local i would hop on in a heartbeat

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