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israelis have a new cruise missile. it's supposedly cheap. https://breakingdefense.com/2024/07/israels-iai-announces-new-wind-demon-air-to-surface-missile/
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>Isrealis plagiarize old American R&D, build 5 copies of a justasgood version and slap an 'authentic jew science plz buy' label on it
Every time.
why are Israelis obssed with putting EO sensors on their weapons?
It's super cheap and good for their circumstances (shooting arabs in the open under a clear sky).
Contrast vs MMW in the Cold War systems the USA insisted on for shooting vehicles in Europe in foggy conditions.
Looks like my latest kerbal space program project
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They announced this shit a day ago and already there are 3d models for sale with more detail than IAI has disclosed:
It's literally just a 3D model based on photos shown what the fuck are you talking about
I'm guessing you're the retard who once claimed that the Spike ATGM was based on the M47 Dragon and Copperhead.
There are no photos yet. It's a 3d model of a 3d model.
>It's super cheap and good for their circumstances (shooting arabs in the open under a clear sky
Well it's not just the EO seeker obviously. The also have iir.
>wind demon

More like fart demon.
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More renders of the thing
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Kruisu missilu :3
Bro that's a torpedo
>>62147333 (OP)
>Wind Demon
That is so clunky to speak out loud. It's going to lenit to 'Win Demon' pretty quickly. Let me see what people are saying...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObxtVONws5c [Embed]
See? 16 seconds in and he's already doing it.
>not some obscure esoteric name from jewish folklore
Israel has fallen
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>EO seekers and man-in-the-loop control
the jews two favorite things to put on missiles
Pazuzu would be a kino name
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>The WIND DEMON is fired from an airborne platform, e.g. a helicopter,
>It's going to lenit
yeah it's no good as a longterm name for english speakers. windemon says winrar >:3

>Let me see what people are saying...
that's synthesized speech tho
I think they just really like to see what they're killing. Hints of psychopathy, maybe?
We have JASSM at home
>Operators see a target before it blows up to direct it and give feedback post-hit
>JEW Operators see a target because they are le RAYCISS WHITE COLONIZER APARTHEID GENOCIDE
If you had to live around Muslims, you'd become psychopathic too.
>synthesized speech
Is it? I can hear him breathe in between sentences, but of course that could be part of the synth. He might just have a very regular boring voice, but honestly I can't tell. If it is an algo, going to 'Win Demon' but only on the second use of the name is interesting, wouldn't have expected that.
Lilith would be even more kino, as per folklore she's supposed to be extra vicious towards men and boys.
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>honor killing
>one of nine children
>Kahta, in the south-eastern province of Adiyaman
>Wikipedia: The city is populated by Kurds from the Reşwan tribe
It may sound impossible, but it is something even lower than t*urkish.
soi missile for soi war
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Wtf Turkey are there not enough bitches to go around that you have to keep it in the family?
Why are you sending me adds with olive skinned chayas with straight black hair?!
It's joever.
It's cheaper than cheap when some other countries' taxpayers are footing the bill.
Kek based knower.
filthy antisemite.
FMF can't be used on Israeli weapons.
It was used to fund the iron dome, surely the US government can come up with a way of funneling money to yet another totally indigenous project of the Greatest Ally
Yeah think so. Check the other recent vids and listen closely to the clipping and odd, fluent but wrong pronunciation of foreign proper names for things like vessels. There's a female voice too. Probably one of those recent synths trained extensively on one voice for AI voiceover realism. There are also some desktop publishing tools you can train on yourself to get results like this now. Shit like Descript.

Older videos are indian voices.
what does a Jamaican say during a hurricane?
>it windy, mon
crazy that people can't tell that that's it's synthesised speech. are you a boomer?
>Older videos are indian voices.
I see the channel is marked as located in pakistan. I guess accent-washed propaganda is going to become a thing.
>There's a female voice too.
Found it. That's much less subtle.
>are you a boomer?
gen x. It's somewhat suspicious, but doesn't have as nearly as many tells as other AI voiceovers that I've been subjected to.
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>Noooo you can't just collaborate with a country with world-class R&D and a perpetual need to fight off bloodthirsty gangrapists and baby-burning pedophile worshippers.
Skill issue, consider not fucking your cousins for a few generations until someone with an average IQ pops out, you fucking coward.

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