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The reason why most staircases in medieval castles were built to be extremely narrow and spiraling in a clockwise direction is:

Since medieval castles were built mainly as fortifications, staircases were designed to make it extremely difficult for enemy combatants to fight their way up.

Since most soldiers were right-handed, they would need to round each curve of the inner wall before attempting to strike, inevitably exposing themselves in the process. The clockwise spiral staircase also allowed the defenders to use the inner wall as a partial shield and easily allow them to swing their weapon without being hindered by the curvature of the outer wall.

The stairs were also intentionally poorly lit and built to be uneven, making it even more difficult for the attackers to gain any sort of balance or momentum during their fight up to capture the castle.
Based fortifiers
you can also roll bowling balls and caltrops down them if there's people coming up
Remember to make stairs uneven
But what if you were a left handed?
that would be sinister
Then you were the spawn of satan and should be drowned
The lower guy in that image has the advantage
>swing my sword
>it dinks off the inner wall of the staircase
>this angry chainmail-laiden retard splits my face in half with his axe
>my blood runs down the stairs and causes my comrades to slip& fall
>they throw our bodies in the moat
Stairs are staircases you ESL retard.
You enjoy the usual left-handed combat advantage from fighting opponents inexperienced against lefties

But you still lose, because fighting up stairs sucks
Sorry, that's a myth. If it were true, you'd never see wide staircases (you do) or anticlockwise staircases (common). The source of the myth is apparently pic related, who didn't actually know a fucking thing about medieval castles.

Fuck you buddy I’m turning my car into a motorcar
neat thanks anon, also how do you get furniture and big stuff up their? You got a winch and a balcony?
Absolutement manifique, mon ami
ok enjoy moving literally any piece of furniture in your narrow, spiral staircase.
You took point
haha theodore cock
You pitch the attackers to hire you and you fight upstairs now.
Literal retard. Guy on top can only swing straight down making blocking easy with the shield above the head. Guy on top can't reach low enough to protect his legs with his shield. Guy on bottom can stab upwards, he doesn't have to swing and "dink off the staircase".
Look at howthe bottom is holding that sword. He's swinging it. That axe chad on top has the high ground and a power advantage. He's gonna break that little twink's shield and wrist with that blow, and send him tumbling down the spiral stairs
>gets kicked
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passer l'arme à gauche
For me, it's having a 2000 ton cast iron sphere precariously held in place at the top of the stairs which is triggered by a pressure plate. There is also a giant anvil conveniently labeled "2 tons" held above the door at the top of said stairs that will fall on any intruder who makes it past the boulder, reducing them to fleeing the house while flattened and flopping around making accordion noises.
I don't use those stairs.

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