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Is dat a holosun AEMS?
it's ya muddah
Where is this from?
another fat L for horosun users
Did something else happen?
Hearings ongoing. USSS chief is making a stuttering fool of herself.
She resigned
Every piece of reporting I saw on this said he used irons and no sights. What the actual fuck?
honestly considering the distance, the probability the zero wasn't perfect and that he had just been spotted by cops his shot wasn't that bad, especially since he was aiming at a moving target.
Shitty imagery at a distance. It was being debated from day one, but it was clear that he had no magnification either way.

Oh, she did? I've been off the net for the last day or so. Good to hear.
yes because everyone was basing this off of ONE picture where the black sight was obscured by the dark-green treeline. no news sites have any accountability for being factual when they can just say 'oopsie' a week later
Yeah on Tuesday I think. It was about fuking time, all she was doing was fueling conspiracies and making the USSS look like an absolute target
Reminder that it is completely legal for President Joe Biden to order the USSS to not protect his political opponents from potential assassins.
Offset irons too, lmao
sure, if that person ISN'T an ex president.
I'm understanding of the frustration of the inane questions Congress asks, but she was fucking up basic questions.

All she had to say was the SS sniper neutralized the chud as soon as he was able to identify the threat. She also poorly explained that using a range finder is not enough for the SS to shoot on sight, although it might be enough to temporarily detain. Basic ROE questions that can be answered without revealing the specifics of a shoot-noshoot.

It was bonkers. She didn't even mention that every event will have lots of people with binos and rangefinders and climbing on roofs or entering restricted areas. It is in her defense that the shooter wasn't behaving that unusually compared to other suspicious but benign people.
i wouldn't be surprised if she has been doing absolutely fuck all in her position, it probably is a very simple job considering how few attempts are made on presidents.
>laws mean what I want them to mean
That's denial of a detachment, nigger, not stand-down for a detachment already assigned, such as is issued to all former presidents.

Pretty much.
>Every time the Secret Service pulls the trigger, it is taking the life of an American citizen. That is not a responsibility we take lightly. Under current rules of engagement, "somebody told me he has a gun" is not sufficient grounds to take the shot. If you believe that should change, I will draft the memorandum right now.
Is that so fucking hard?
With a pension I'm presuming?
Nigga, Joe Biden doesn't have the mental acuity to order a fucking pizza.
I prefer Biden over Harris any day.
Yeah I'm sure. Fed jobs are such rackets
President has to work within his constitutional powers and US code of laws. There are multiple ways this could be accomplished.
Thanks for telling us you don't know shit about how SS works. They get services for life, doesn't matter if they run against current president or not.
>it was bonkers
>Is that so fucking hard?
Yep. It kind'a cuts both ways: you feel sorry for her while also realizing that her poor performance is literal proof that she should be out of that position. She lacks the skillz required for it. And a bunch of people under fucked up hard, they should be held accountable. Lots of this shit is supposed to get HANDLED without the director having direct involvement ... it's supposed to be mundane doctrine. There's rot there and some housecleaning needs to be done. Also.
>All she had to say was the SS sniper neutralized the chud as soon as he was able to identify the threat. She also poorly explained that using a range finder is not enough for the SS to shoot on sight, although it might be enough to temporarily detain. Basic ROE questions that can be answered without revealing the specifics of a shoot-noshoot.
Shooter was identified suspicious hour before shooting.
30 minutes he was spotted as using rangefinder. Now he is a threat. There was plenty of time to send police team to neutralize him non lethally (detain and question), But they just stood on the their dicks.
Also fact that vantage points were not covered by police teams is utter incompetency too.

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