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How many uniforms did other militaries donated to Ukraine? I know the U.S. donated OCP stuff from their own stockpiles. How does Ukrainians using American/western uniforms make you feel? They even use obscure camos like digital tiger and flektarn.
Here is a Ukrainian wearing tiger stripe coats. Interesting to see tiger stripe still being in use
Flecktarn? Obscure?
Germany donated plenty of winter equipment.

Goes to show that you'd need huge stockpiles to equip an army. Even if you give your recruit the bare minimum of 5 shirts, 3 field blouses, 2 pants and 2 pairs of boots, that will add up to a lot.
Banger, yet all those cool camos just to come back to wearing blue or yellow armbands to prevent blue on blue.
Arm tapes are never an issue when it comes to camo effectiveness. It just makes it easier to identify friendlies if you ever see their figure.
Camouflage is a meme.
>Interesting to see tiger stripe still being in use
It never went away. SOF has been using it CONUS since the Vietnamese made it. Lots of OPFOR appearances and a couple big heritage exercises overseas.

That's a First Spear jacket likely picked up from US "observers" so it makes sense to see an active use camo in Ukraine.
They don't need to pick up anything from local Americans, they can just order them.
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>lots of SOF use it
Not really. It’s pretty obscure outside of OPFOR stuff.
You’d have to be a retard to look at it through the lense of leftists and Reddit. The war has people from all sides. Geopolitics don’t work like your video games of right vs left.
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Ukro/findland uniform
>fighting waves of homosexual shock troops coming to genocide your family is leftist and reddit, ackshully
Redditors, are we the good guys?
lol captured. Probably thought he was “defending democracy” all he did was perv around in brothels in Kiev and the get sent to die by his command. Also why is his uniform not even dirty he just surrendered without fighting?
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>How many uniforms did other militaries donated to Ukraine? I
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Not Finnish uniform.
Possibly a finnish dude who went to Ukraine to work as a merc. There are always a couple of those.

Or he just wanted to kill some russians, that happens too.
>fighting homosexual
You sir are very confused about what western ideals are…
Worst fake I've seen all week.
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Oh I see it now. Clearly you must support genocidal imperialists if the other side is supported by reddit. Priorities right?
>samefagging this hard
The pic you posted is just regular MM-14, it’s not even Finnish. Another thing I’ve noticed is the uniform not being salty and looks unissued. If he was actually captured, the uniform would at least shown some wear and tear. You’re just shutting up the thread because you couldn’t control your urge to shill.
>claims to captured someone
>uniform looks pristine and new
Why are Russian propaganda so horrible? They could have at least had someone wear the uniform for a week in the field rather than using captured stockpiles of unissued uniforms.
Why is a thread about camo causing so much zigger seethe?
Also kek
Because it’s literally staged lol. The uniform looking all clean and shit is a good give away that it’s propaganda. But of course, you shills don’t even care about the small details. You just want to shitpost in order to seethe about Ukraine.
I don’t know, it’s probably just someone trying to get the thread deleted by detailing it.
Not how it works. It literally looks like the Russians just slap the uniform on him and call it a day. Even if he hasn’t sawn much action, the uniform would still shown some wear
Basically everyone has either multicam or MM14 now. Ukraine is well past the "wear whatever the fuck we can find" stage of the war
Yellow armband + camo uniform sticks out significantly less than non camo uniform and no armband
Armbands don't fuck with camouflage effectiveness IRL, hence why every single swinging dick in Ukraine today still wears camouflage
>American SOF "advisors"
>this nigga thinks American SOF are doing shit in Ukraine outside of escorting politicians in Kyiv for meetings
>pic is just dudes wearing uniforms you can buy on the internet or at any tactical store in Kyiv/Lviv
Reddit completely shattered your mind anon
>First Spear jacket
Much more likely a 70$ Helikon Windpack jacket bought online. First Spear uses olive zippers, these are black.
Why do those patches look like they're fresh out the box hmm
It’s just a coincidence, anon
They're raiding the board because a air base got blown up.

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