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They call him the fastest gun in the west wing of the retirement home. What was granpappy carrying?

why did hickock 45 do this? Was it because he got demonetized?
why did the cop cover the cam after shooting? is that standard practice?

Old people turning traffic stops into their funerals.
>grow up breathing in vapor from leaded gasoline and particles from lead paint
>lead in your body gets sealed into your bones as you grow
>start to get old
>bones deteriorate, releasing old lead
>lead poisoning symptoms - unwarranted aggression, inability to conduct long-term reasoning - begin to appear
decide for yourself what this means for society, but it's gonna get worse before it gets better
I think he just grabbed his radio to radio in that he fired and the suspect is down.
>grow up breathing in vapor from leaded gasoline and particles from lead paint
>lead in your body gets sealed into your bones as you grow
>start to get old
>bones deteriorate, releasing old lead
>lead poisoning symptoms - unwarranted aggression, inability to conduct long-term reasoning - begin to appear
Id make a joke about the age of politicians here, but then i remember MTG
>Horse "person"
Checks out. Never seen a normal dude into horses and that includes the ranch larpers who refuse to just use quads/pickups.
sounds about right. i remember going out to my uncle's ranch one time and he beckoned me over to one of his mares. he stuck out his fingers and said "hey anon, smell my hand". unwise, but i did, and i told him his hand smelled like peaches. he told me "yeah it's the weirdest thing, she gets this crust on her pussy and it smells just like peaches". i thought maybe he was just fucking with me until he actually started scratching shit off the horse's pussy and sniffing it.
Reminder that Gen X had a higher lead intake than Boomers did. If this is gonna be a problem, it's gonna get a lot worse lol.
That explains kneepad Kamalas kackle and hiding of exculpatory evidence.
You're hyperfixating on lead probably because you're autistic. How much lead was in the toxicological report?
>"white male, blue hat, blue jacket"
>is clearly wearing a purple hat
pilot confimed color blind
are you sure you know what "hyperfixating" means?
Yes you retard, you're spewing your bullshit in every thread you can.
It took him half an hour to draw that weapon. Imagine larping as a cowboy for that much of your life and during your moment of truth you take a century.
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>that donkey noise after he gets shot
>everybody who says something I don't like is just one autistic person
must be blissful being this stupid
This is fucking hilarious bro thought he was a movie character or some shit
>breathing in vapor from leaded gasoline
that's not how lead from leaded gasoline was ingested.
looks like that police department is using springfield xdm elite pistols
yes. there's a reason kenya can unfuck itself and baltimore cant
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>noooo you can't just know about things your actually retarded for knowing things

ass-blasted boomer detected. When did you get here, 2016?
thanks for sharing this unreal story with me today lol
shine on you weathered gemerald
>It took him half an hour to draw that weapon.
Maybe he's just Southern

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