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A cutlass, shortsword or similar one-handed bladed weapon is the ultimate melee weapon for home defense. Baseball bat cucks can get fucked.
A gladius is fine too.
Majority of cuttlases are cheapo mass produced weapons that put cost and ruggedness over performance.
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>"tactical" gladius
Anything wrong with that? Rubber overmold is probably the cheapest way to make a grip.
the fuck is sam hyde doing reviewing sabres
It does look cheap I'll give you that.
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Yes, very good. From the Roman legionaire's gladius to the Rwandan genocidaire's machete, one-handed short swords are the Glock of melee weapons.
I have that sword in the OP. They call it a knife, but let's not kid ourselves. It's extremely nice for the price, solidly made out of decent carbon steel, and is very robust. It's absolutely a functional weapon, and is the one I keep next to my bed at night. The handle is a bit thin, though, but I gave it a paracord wrap and now fits perfectly in my hand.

10/10 do recommend

I'd really want better hand protection, especially since you probably won't be carrying a scutum in your off-hand.
All it takes is one lucky thrust with a bat or machete for you to lose or break a finger and have that hand disabled.
Rapier mogs
Theyve obviously zeroed in on their intended demographic lmao
>since you probably won't be carrying a scutum in your off-hand
If you don't make your own scutum with integrated pepper spray and flashlight, you have really noone to blame but yourself.
12 in kitchen knife
Worked for Bowie
>They call it a knife, but let's not kid ourselves.
A messer is just an AWB-compliant sword.
>swing sword
>it gets stuck in the drywall when you miss
It's pointy at the end for a reason, idiot.
Cleans better.
Are you the guy who accidentally cuts himself all the time?
Raise 'um right! With mag loading in Home Economics!
Not you again.
>noone to blame but yourself.
>Putting pepper spray and a battery on your ball sack.
Wft weirdo.
Why not use the Chad Spear then?
Because I don't have chad 10' ceilings and an open floor plan to accommodate its length.
>doesnt appreciate the tingle
have sex.
short-ish slashing blades have always dominated tight quarter indoor fighting.
>that one little retard messing up the formation
>Oh it's a girl
>short-ish slashing blades
Most of them were rather stab-centric.
>home defense
Bong eurofag thread. Stop daydreaming about having sword fights in the hallway with intruders and just convert to Islam already.
Fuck off fatmutt, we're using the tools we're given.
In the UK, at least, having anything on hand specifically for self-defense is illegal. You would need, like, an actual sword collection that you grabbed one of in the heat of the moment, and even then you'd probably get nicked off to prison for the full Rotherham child experience.
Truly, the UK are the europe of europe.
Honestly I fucking love this thing. Making me consider getting a hanger or some sort of backsword

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