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What went so right?
How did Brazil managed to be successful with them after the Engesa bankruptcy and the Brazilian defense industry getting really close to a collapse in the 90s?
I guess they have a really good engineer training system?, a lot of their engineers got poached but they're still successful (and apparently they even want to make a stealth fighter)
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The e195-e2 is great not sure how macacos achieved this
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>(and apparently they even want to make a stealth fighter)

If they managed to do this despite the Brazilian politics, then I will be really impressed.
I don't doubt their capacities, especially after the knowledge exchange they had with Saab in the Gripen program.
But the biggest enemy of the Brazilian Defense Industry, it's their own government.
it's a product that fits the requirements for small/medium size countries very well.
both boeing and airbus offer smaller cargo planes. boeing has the super hercules and airbus the c-295. and the cheapest solution for thirdies and small euro nations would probably be to just use cargo versions of civilian aircraft. you can land 737s and a310s on almost anything if you want.
Europe stopped making regional passenger aircraft. I'm not sure why, perhaps demographic or company life cycle reasons. Profitability?
Embraer cornered the market

State backing
Also Bombardier fucked up so they had no real competition
Embraer is based asf
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>Bombardier fucked up
They are doing just fine, spinning off their Global Express business jets as military variants.

C-390 is still new, there are like 10 total in service (6 with Brazil and 2 each to the euro's that ordered them iirc) so the verdict is out on long term effectiveness, but it does fill a nice niche. Like a mini C-17 but with the all-around capabilities and ruggedness of the C-130. Makes since for a lot of smaller countries that only have small, single-model cargo fleets.
that's the only thing Bombardier now has
amongst other things they fucked up the small passenger jet segment which is a huge part of Embraer's success
their various business failures in the 90s and 00s gave Embraer a clear run and a three decade lead

Full autism long answer to that: Bombardier sold its commercial airliner division to Mitsubishi, who promptly discontinued all its existing jets in order to go full retard with its next-gen SpaceJet project, which failed so hard that Mitsubishi quit the airliner industry entirely. This was made worse by most current Bombardier operators pre-ordering SpaceJets en masse to replace their aging Bombardiers, then getting left out to dry when big guy Mitsubishi crashed with no survivors (since they shut down the factories and laid/pensioned off all the workers except for the bare minimum for spare parts manufacture/refurbishment). Said airlines basically had two choices left: Airbus and Embraer, the last two reputable Western aircraft manufacturers still making airliners with the same passenger/range/size footprint as the old Bombardiers.
>Europe stopped making regional passenger aircraft.
As a europoor who flies domestic a lot its all A320neo all the time
I"m not sure from a business standpoint, but the last time I flew I made sure it was Embraer and an Airbus. If it's Boeing, I ain't going.


Although its true Airbus has been oversize replacement as well.
That's not an answer, any living aircraft manufacturer in 2024 is state-backed
All MIC is state backed.
All over the world.
Same. I flew American Airlines recently and it was on an Embraer made in Brazil and an Airbus made in Germany.
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>Full autism long answer to that: Bombardier sold its commercial airliner division to Mitsubishi, who promptly discontinued all its existing jets in order to go full retard with its next-gen SpaceJet project, which failed so hard that Mitsubishi quit the airliner industry entirely. This was made worse by most current Bombardier operators pre-ordering SpaceJets en masse to replace their aging Bombardiers, then getting left out to dry when big guy Mitsubishi crashed with no survivors (since they shut down the factories and laid/pensioned off all the workers except for the bare minimum for spare parts manufacture/refurbishment). Said airlines basically had two choices left: Airbus and Embraer, the last two reputable Western aircraft manufacturers still making airliners with the same passenger/range/size footprint as the old Bombardiers.

Are you telling me that Bombardier is literally not making any commercial airliners going forward? I remember reading about how they were setting up to fully build jets down in Mexico then covid paused that and I haven't really heard any progress on that. I know they still build the airframes down there.
>Bombardier sold its commercial airliner division
this is 3 decades after Bombardier already fucked up

we're not talking A320 size here
Embraer's best selling (by volume) jet series is the Phenom, which carries around 10 passengers

not to the extent the Brazilian Government backed Embraer
who is the US Govt buying its aircraft from? Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Lockmart, Gulfstream, Textron
who is the Brazilian Govt buying its aircraft from?
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My favorite Embraer plane is the C-95.
It's a 70s design and it looks like some IJA plane from WW2.
I also like the R-99.
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Embraer also made one of the goofiest looking planes I've ever saw.
It's for Navy patrolling.

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