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who knew even buddhist monks have their limits?
Muslims tend to do that.
>krillin when nobody wants to have sex with android 18 while he watches
I think the Lord Buddha is teaching us a lesson about patience.
Is this the ultimate tactical outfit?
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Wirathu was too based for his own good.
What is it with turdies trying to ambush from concealment in vehicles, fail to get control of the situation, and instantly be put on the backfoot?
They're going to cuck us out of the three gorges, I'm calling it right now
Right now everyone is in the "learning" phase of this mass multi-front uprising so the dumber guys are dying first. Give it 2 years and we will see some cooler things.
Nirvana is a warm gun.
Alright, what insurgency did I miss this time?
Did the llama start spitting?
You are late
Its based
Krillin is such a chad he made his robot waitu into a human waifu then impregnated her.
Tf? Why aren't they using kung fu
only shaolin monks do
Mass ass-whooping isn't as scary as mass shooting.
Don't get me wrong, it's scary, but not AS scary.
Those guns aren’t loaded, they are actually firing hypercondensed chi energy. So it is technically martial arts.
It's just statistically impossible that *everyone* was Kung Fu fighting
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Always has been
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Clown thread
This, pro-Ukraine poster like OP embarrass themselves yet again.
Your favorite character?
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>some retard took the time to make a video this stupid and then samefagged on top of that
The retarded pajeet assumed the post was about Ukraine because of the blue and yellow on the badge.
I'm not registering bitch
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what the actual fuck?
goes fucking hard
>The time for talk has passed. The lords work must be done.
>buddhist terror
>militant monks are fueling anti-muslim violence
I really want to know how exactly the post-9/11 fear/hatred toward Muslims ended with unending sympathy and sucking up to them
Wait 'til you read about the shit the Buddhists got up to in Feudal Japan
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In Uganda it is possible.
>seething about Ukraine in unrelated thread
Are you a literal nigger?
The body armor saved him.
Generational contrarianism. The Bush era made it very easy to hate Americans and being cool for being anti establishment (even when your entire consumerist culture spoon feeds you the concept) has been astroturfed since the 60s. The Obama years further ratified white guilt and anti westernism under the guise of anti colonial apologeticslastly. Lastly, and this is the big one, the media and universities consciously facilitating self destructive sentimentality through the Trojan Horse that is “tolerance” and critical theory, because Joe McCarthy did nothing wrong.
Why in the name of Siddartha, St. Michael, and Hachiman-no-kami is there an A2 carry handle mounted on the far side of the scope on that rifle?
umm to carry it, dum dum?
Warrior monks have been a thing since day one. Theyre armed because the koranimals and raping and murdering women&children nonstop. They are invasive species to their country propt up by Saudi Arabia. Its honestly repulsive how American dems are calling these dudes terrorists when its their people living in fucking fear and terror everyday from koraimal violence thats getting worse and worse especially when you consider SA is sending in weapons and jihadist terrorists
>okay so I just killed all those people, but I already said the nianfo when I was like five or something so it's fine
>samsara? nirvana? whatever, I'll just go to the western heaven when I die
Think about the left like those retarded women who own shitbulls and constantly make excuses for them until it eats their toddler-age child, it's an over-socialized maternal complex.
Traditional Buddhist monks were pretty fucking violent back in the olden days. Buddhism and Buddhists being all chill and peaceful mostly comes from the hippies who saw the nice surface bits and discarded everything else.
I'm amazed that a religion where the difference between you going to hell or heaven isn't based on your past good deeds or sins, but on the thoughts you are currently having at the time of death ever caught on. Like, if you are a philanthropist, but you die wishing you could have done more good in the world, that gets you sent straight to hell because you still have attachments to the mortal world, but if you are a vile, wretched excuse of a human being and you die with no regrets, you get to go to heaven because you have no attachments to the world.

Also, if you are a woman, you are immediately dammed to a minimum of a 100 years wallowing in boiling menstrual blood for the crime of being born a woman and there is no course of action that you can take to change this whatsoever.

The Eastern concept of purity just becomes more and more retarded the deeper you look into it.
Because we so thoroughly kicked their arse that it became clear that we just ended up pitying them and their miserable existence. America went on the warpath to get one guy and effortlessly brought the entire region to its knees by sheer, uncaring accident.
>russia got it's ass kicked in afghanistan, accomplished nothing, fled and left ammunition and weapons..
>USA got it's ass kicked in afghanistan, accomplished nothing, fled leaving weapons, helicopters, ammunition.
Nobody kicked the ass of that entire region... It was a Pyrrhic victory at best.
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>pic rel:the religion
sounds based
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It's less heaven and hell so much as whether or not you'll be able to metaphysically kill yourself so your soul (soul-particles really) won't have to exist anymore. These guys really hate being alive.
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buddhists are hardcore as fuck
so it's a bot set to post to any thread with a webm in the OP, O'm guessing
based retard
Trust we all do ain't until you break you set the bar higher I wanted to be a monk instead I'm the same idiot enduring a life I hate.
>Trust we all do ain't until you break you
What is this retard babbling about?
leftists won the culture war and they have unconditional love for all brownoids
The culture war was created by the right because if people focused on economics they would realize the right is only good for the extremely rich and bad for everyone else.
So while you can afford to buy a house, have a stay at home wife and raise 4 kids they distract you with what tiny groups are doing and tell you they are destroying the country.

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