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>Pontoon Peiper stuck in La Gleize
>2nd Panzer mauled
>12th SS barely made it out of the assembly area
>Skorzeny's attempt on Ike? A nothingburger extraordinaire
>now Patton is rolling in from the South
So much for the great Antwerp copefensive. Maybe the Krauts should consider withdrawing to the Westwall before their troops lose any remaining combat value instead of sending 17 year old RAD kids into the grinder. But that's just a suggestion.
V2 hypersonics will bring everything in order. Roasted Belgians!
I know you're desperate for a participation trophy but ww2 = eastfront. West and japan was a meaningless sideshow.
>AUGUST 2, BBC: the Polish home army and the resistance fighters have successfully captured 70% of the major strategic targets inside Warsaw, effectively retaking control of the city and its surrounding areas.
Man, it looks like the entire German garrison disintegrated overnight
Yeah. I hear pretty much all the germans are sending into that mess are penal troops and Russian SS volunteers. The Poles will fuck those guys up and even if they can't manage alone it's only a matter of time until the Red Army intervenes, they are basically on the other side of the river already. I smell a cauldron brewing.
Just wait till election and Thomas Dewey winning! Then the help for the allies will be cut off and everyone will know everything
>allied mustangs and B-17 above Warsaw
Das ist verbei
>West and japan was a meaningless sideshow
>Japan allowed to bog down and drain the Soviets in the east
>No significant shipping can enter or leave the soviet union
>Italy and Germany are able to concentrate fully on the western front
>Oil from Africa and mid east allowed to flow into Germany without issue
>German industry remains intact
Lmao so I guess Soviets get gang raped by the full force of the Tripartite and their little allies. God it would have been hilarious. Soviet dick riders have been desperate to rewrite history for years.
Ich am Heinrich von Krauthausen aus Reichsgau Mitteloberhausen und das hat mich demoralised. I will sofort write to the Führer und Reichsmarschall Göring that der war ist verloren and that we need to surrender in order to reduzieren further loss of Menschenleben.
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you know whats funny. Foreign propaganda in those days was far less obnoxious then it is today as its primary vectors were radio broadcasts or leaflets thrown from planes/arty shells etc. both you could completely ignore not giving a shit

Compared today where thanks to the stupidity of making the net open access for all corners of the planet it means the most vile zigger and xigger propaganda can be cooked up by straight propaganda ministries and injected straight into the social media feed of your average clueless western retard that spreads its narratives either willingly or unwillingly.

Thus you end up with this absurd situation where western civilization has overwhelming military/economic and manufacturing capacity yet is directionless, cowardly and self doubting/hating in enforcing its will against little gopniks like fucking puccia

With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the Third Reich and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the American eagle, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of German power and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of American motor city direct-current electricity, motor city aircraft carriers and quantmotor city enhanced artillery will be the instruments with which America affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Nazi leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.
Let's make a new ww2 war plane

Rocket interceptor

Lead designer was into corrosive fuels that doubled as the oxidizer. Plane is a flying fuel bomb with a nozzle, would explode when touched inapropriately, doesn't come with a fuel gauge, guns due to excessive recoil, were often seen exiting the plane from its back end. Entire project sabotaged by higher ups for personal reasons.

The folk's fighter

Concept came to a dictator in a last stand pipedream, constructed with starved slave labor, wood and glue-piss, would disintegrate at random, features a first gen jet engine that is as reliable as the great leader's erection. Was supposed to be flown by children and their grandparents. 70 years later it has cult following it, claiming it was the first stealth fighter and was launched from a moonbase.

The people's fighter

Designed by prisoners for prisoners, pilot is chained to the controls, main armament is composed of 40 submachineguns, engine pulled from a tank, the propeller was circumcised with a hand-saw for increased ground clearence, constructed from steel, surplus cardboard used for the prototype presented to the local commissar and 20 km of rope (mostly for the tail section). Tops out search results for aeromorph bdsm.
>I hear pretty much all the germans are sending into that mess are penile troops
bros wtf? i thought they were against western degeneracy? why are they sending gays & rapists to fight?
Xaxaxaxa pathetic Yankees are encircled at Bastogne. If allies are winning then why are we advancing?
This war must stop right now, ceasefire?
All of these sound based as fuck and would wipe the floor with whatever western cowards whose pilots are afraid of sacrificing themselves for the greater good could field.
I heard Winston Churchill himself led SAS raids
Is there a reason Hitler didn't give up to the Allies in 44? Surely beats having Soviets rape their way up your country, right?
Haven't you been reading Intel Seig ß? The Anglos are going to mass castrate the German population if they win. Why do you think they're hardlining on unconditional surrender?
High Altitude Long Range Strategic Heavy Bomber Fortress

Equiped with an advanced super bombsight. Only the lead plane was equiped with said bombsight. Dubed Richard Gay, its auxilaries included a modest set of 32 electric power generators with a 50% failiure rate and its entire defensive armament was made up of a single digit of rifle calliber machineguns. Was used to bomb civilians and bait enemy fighters.
>Japan allowed to bog down and drain the Soviets in the east
>Who was Zorge
>What was Khalkin Gol
Things the Russians would not have been able to repeat while trying to hold off a German army that's completely focused on them.
Japan made a choice to not try again after the rape at Khalkin Gol. With all their anti-Red paranoia of the 20s and 30s they still were too impressed and traumatized to do it.
>Russians lose a shit ton of troops repelling the Japanese
>the Japanese being unwilling to commit to a land war in asia
>xaxaxa Japanese defeat
Ivan plz.
Japanese decided to try again after that, and Zorge communicating this to Moscow allowed them to pull critical troops from the East.
And even after they did that the Japanese stuck to the plan.
I hate Russians more than you can imagine, but there is no scenario where the Japs are a factor, given the whole IJA/IJN madness, lack of good steel, Khalkin Gol experience etc.
But you realize that this is a shitposting thread based on the premise of making up vatnik style copes about the military situation in WWII?
I know, but I will never forgive the Japanese for fucking it all up. They spent 20 years obsessing about fighting Communism only to sperg out at hacking Chinese to pieces with swords and trying to out-navy the US. Shamefur.

"Sorge advised the Red Army on 14 September 1941 that Japan would not attack the Soviet Union until:

Moscow had been captured.
The Kwantung Army had become three times the size of Soviet Far Eastern forces.
A civil war had started in Siberia.[49]"
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I was going to write an oblastpost about how the US government shouldn't be sending hardware to the Soviet Union but that's just unironically true.
Better than trying to crack Normandy without half the German army tied up in Eastern Europe.
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Fuck it, I am Death Drive pilled. I want to write my Panther into naval gunfire on a doomed counterattack in Normandy already, FUCK.
I want to be a gunner on the last King Tiger at La Gleize covering the retreat of the rest of the Kampfgruppe.
I want to spearhead a breakout from Budapest!
I want to be with the Charlemagne troopers breaking into Berlin while everyone else is trying to get out!
I want to be the one who shoots Petrenko on the Reichstag!
>Tokyo ordering the Japanese Air Force to cease their buttfucking the Soviets to not escalate the war
>third rate garrison troops led by a fucktard
>the elite shock army and fucking general Zukov himself
The Soviets were fucking embarrassed as they had numerical, technological, and doctrine superiority and STILL lost more troops against Manchu toadies and Japanese too fucking incompetent to brutalize unarmed Chinese.
>no basedwanger game yet
Feels bad man.
>Japan made a choice to not try again after the rape at Khalkin Gol. With all their anti-Red paranoia of the 20s and 30s they still were too impressed and traumatized to do it.
You forgot:
>Japanese torpedo boats once again free to terrorize the Russian (Soviet) Navy.
Oh no, Alliesisters?...
the Bastogne cumpits will hold!
someone post the diagram
>12th SS barely made it out of the assembly area
Once again the Big Red Chads completely BTFO another SS division

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Who would win in a fight?
>The 1st SS Panzer Division, 3rd Fallschirmjaeger Division, and 12th Volksgrenadier Division under the command of SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer und Generaloberst der Waffen-SS Josef "Sepp" Dietrich
>A half-strength American platoon led by a 20-year old lieutenant.

>Dietrich, but it'd be close
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U mad?
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>Bastogne cumpits
Aw, nut!
>no significant shipping can enter the USSR
...except for the Arctic convoys which the Japs haven't touched, despite being American
>why didn't Hitler surrender to the Jews in 1944
Idk anon
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You fucks just wait, I tell you the new M24 Chaffee will be a game changer.
>More Ami Vaporware
That's what you said about the M7 last year
When the war is over, we're going to find the bastard responsible for Malmedy and hang him. There is absolutely zero chance he will end up an executive at Porsche.
The Royal Navy escorted most of those
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Think he meant the Far East convoys which the Japanese didn't touch because they were afraid of bringing the Soviets into the Pacific War
Huh, TIL
Why move, when Ike keeps sending negroes and jew boys to get slaughtered against your fixed positions? Once the yankee manpower reserves are exhausted it's just a straight drive into the open country.
for real though, nothing ever happens.

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