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I'm somewhat prepared with the most important things: medicine, resources, knowledge, etc.
I think post-apocalyptic scavenging, creating groups, surviving, exploring, etc. would be /k/ino.
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Gaza: we have apocalypse at home
while impressive in a way, I'm not looking forward to it. radiation is bad, mkay?
I want to wear gas masks but I'd look like an autist if I did.
Easy and cheap to store a year of food for 30 years. Seal wheat and sugar in mylar.
anon you just want a new lease on life because you're a failure. you think you will thrive in a world where things are "simpler" and you don't have to worry about resumes or knowing how to not sperg out.
Gas masks don't actually protect you from radiation.
OP you are no worse than Isekai slop consumers who have a misguided belief that they 'just' need a second chance to make it right
little do chuds realize that the societal collapse is like high school on steroids, you will be forced to do the thing you are the worst at to survive - socializing. If you ever got bullied at any point in life you will fare very badly in a post-apocalyptic world.
brainless idiot
well they protect from inhaling radio positive particulates...
how long can you go without sleep?
loners do good in nanny states that take care about all that little details
- you can fiind water and food? great!!
but can you make decent shoes? or preserve food and water in case of illness or injury? find herbs you need while having high fever? if you are alone there is high chance you wont last long.
- more destruction means more bias towards groups as they can have more specialized roles and support members while injured/ill...
-what will you do when your weapon breaks and you are out of replacement parts?
you wont order more from internet -you would actually go and socialize
or die
>find herbs you need while having high fever?

i feel like most people have strong enough immune systems they can survive a fucking fever without medicine, anon
I like to think about nuclear war. I often wonder how fast one would take place half an hour a few hours warning? I like to imagine the panic as people run about trying to figure out what to do in their final moments. The shocked faces watching the breaking news bulletin and the emergency service broadcast loudly warning people to take shelter immediately.

I wonder what things would be like for the people who found shelter. Would they hear the blast. Would they have enough food to survive the initial radiation. Would they live long in the world afterwards.
No power, no internet. Invisible radiation creating vast no go zones and contaminated food and water. Even a minor cut could turn into a life threatening infection.

And then there are the other people. Desperate survivors armed with weapons of their own. Ready to kill to prevent starvation for one more day.

Nuclear war is a most beautiful nightmare
Nice to meet you. Could you point on map where you and your hoard are located? Me and the boys would like to [s]raid[/s] join your community.
if you stay in neutral temperature indoors? yes - but in bad weather with low temperature plus rain?
while hunting/gathering food and firewood fetching fresh water? without ultra advanced membranes to keep you warm while keeping moisture out?
working outside in bad weather when you are ill is not a good idea - especially without access to antibiotics.
prisoners in penal colonies or gulags died from illness not so long ago (and probably still do in some parts of the world)
Just go live in Ethiopia, faggot. But you won't because you're a faggot.
How did the rail road survived nuclear war?
So Palestinians are ghouls and Israeli hostages vault dwellers?
train stronk
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Exploring off limits places without getting arrested for trespassing or shot would be cool. I think starving to death and getting attacked by bandits for my shoes would get old, however

Man you wouldn't believe how many people don't understand how Gamma works
The least interesting part of the apocalypse is what comes after.
The most interesting part is what comes just before everything falls apart.
This: 2 electric boogaloo
Not only do spergs and losers want societal collapse because they think they wont be losers in a new system where they dont have to conform to basic modern societal norms, in such a scenario, being an asocial loser as they are would be greatly detrimental and would guarantee their deaths by natural causes, or by groups of people working together.
Wow the sheer stupidity
>m somewhat prepared with the most important things: medicine
a lot of essential medicine has shelf life of just 3 years, good luck. after that, an infected wound is all it takes to kill you
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