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It's a shooter game, but mostly focused around serious roleplay. Chatting, doing actions, etc. everything is mostly written.
The lore is a little like this: there is a war between the west and Russia/China, and Russia/China win. Europe is divided into two halves - most of eastern Europe is controlled by regimes similar to Lukashenko, there are significant repressions. The game is set in eastern Europe.
It's kind of like Half-Life 2 in some ways. So what guns would work for a setting like this? The year is 2052 or something like that.
I want to keep the amount of guns small. So what do you suggest? I was thinking USP Match because it looks cool and is iconic, HK433 because it looks futuristic.
>Russia/China win
Is this high fantasy? But also at least one F2000
i don't believe you are being genuine when you say you want to talk about videogames.
I want to create a dystopia that shows my deepest fears. I live in eastern Europe and I am afraid of this scenario, so I think exploring this could be interesting.
FN2000 you say?
>serious roleplay
A rope so they can hang themselves
If you care about realism there are going to be millions of AKs and ARs laying around after any east / west war.
Throw in some FN Minimis, PKPsm LAWs and RPGs if you want heavier stuff.
It's a little bit into the future though, so it would be nice to show off new technology.
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>Russia/China win
If you're going to break suspension of disbelief this much, you could have laser pistols in your game and it wouldn't matter.
Then XM7 / XM250 for the west and QBZ-191 / QLU-11 for the east.
Sounds interesting, thanks.
Play into "The Us has fallen" and have almost no US manufactured guns except for some lost and unmaintained jank. All the actually good (gameplay wise) weapons are ones from Western Europe which get smuggled to the resistance (that never gets enough aupport), mainly French small arms. Everything else is either Russian jank or NATO lost-tech. Czech guns depend on what you wanna worldbuild.
I think given what we've seen in Ukraine, it might be more accurate to give Russians shitty AK-74s rather than the newest Chinese stuff or some prototype AEKN-42069 hyperburst double barreled bullpup that IRL only one non functional mockup of which was ever made. Maybe it's no longer the case, I haven't had the time to play shooters in a long time, but I remember more games having the AN94 than the FAL. I'd give the eastern bloc forces shit gear and convey to the player that it didn't matter, in the end they were victorious due to sheer numbers and willingness to throw millions of their own into a meat grinder. I like this idea >>62149548
Sounds like good ideas, I'll keep them in mind, thanks.
The way STALKER handled guns, the iconic double-barrelled shotguns were used by farmers there before the collapse, the russian guns were stolen from military depots or smuggled into the zone, and the NATO rifles are probably there for political reasons, since they are used by Monolith which controls the heart of the zone.
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Nogunz except improvised shit because the shitty incompetent authoritarian dystopian countries won. You're going to be killing each other over food that isn't tainted by gutter oil and radioactive isotopes seeing that those two would have been on a receiving end of a nuclear barrage as well.
>You have to choose between being gay anal raped by vatnik or being eaten by communist youth cannibal since you used your other barrel to shoot a rat for subsistence.
Say it with me: "Shitholepunk"
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>Civvie gun ownership ever in those conditions
Registered knives just like in modern China
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Remember to add a mechanic to bribe officials with red envelopes and vodka lest they rape and kill your family members before they organ harvest you when they do a surprise knife permit inspection on your chained knife. After all a curbstomped, oppressed people deserve nothing less for being racial inferiors AND Nazis AND fascists at the same time.
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If you have weapon mods in your game. Do NOT put this airshit tier red dot in it.
This piece of shit red dot was made popular because Call of Duty used actual airshit guns to model after and then all the retards started thinking it was some high speed low drag red dot.
But it's shit. Do not include it in your game.
I think it will be mostly iron sights :) I don't have the time to make mods or anything.
What year did this war take place?
Let's say 2032.
I'd suggest putting in the Sig M5 because that's currently the hottest gun among retards.
>It's a shooter game
post gameplay then
An FN F2000, yes, it's from FN, so European, and futuristic.
did it work?

I'd say the
22lr is your starter gun
.38 revolver is your main side arm gun
Shotguns are your main long
Sub guns being the OP gun.
Various Optics and wires coming from them
Low tech-but high tech ya know.
cheap export rifles from China. disposable, deniable way of arming aligned groups. Have the market get flooded by these
>Russia/China win
Why is this dystopian Westoid idiot?
or a monkey model QBZ-191 as the standard for the East
Type 64 integrally supressed pistol
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imagine this with a smart scope and APFSDS ammo. use it in conjunction with wall piercing RADAR and you have wall hacks
give the eastern forces olive drab / CB / EMR (ineffective blobby digital) uniforms with high vis tape all over. just like the Chinese naval infantry who cared more about friendly fire than hiding from the enemy so they adopted neon blue uniforms.

Gives them a futuristic, but primitive aesthetic that's also tied to Soviet/Mobik aesthetic
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Definitely think you should go with the QBZ87 as the standard for enemy mooks. It's like a massively simplified AK that has all soul crushed out of it. Simplest possible form, nothing complex. Made for hordes of millions of conscripts who have a life expectancy of seconds.

Imagine if they were fully stamped, or like 3d printed polymer?
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make them look halfway between WW2 Soviet conscripts and modern British police
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>Valmet krink
modern nork stuff is also great for inspiration
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Nato weapons are smuggled in and also used by mercs which is why there's 5.56 guns and molle equipment/90s-00s swat vests in the zone in the first place monolith uses home made as 74us.
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KS-23 obrez
Just make up your own guns, keep it practical.

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