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HKfags assemble. I feel the need to fall for the USP meme. It needs to be 9 mm sadly because money (I just had a fourth kid and stuff). Which 9 mil USP would you go for ? Btw I know every other modern HK is better but things are what they are, aesthetic matters.

Also HK general.
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>It needs to be 9 mm sadly
No it doesn't. 45 or bust. You will regret getting such a bulky pistol in 9mm.
>Which 9 mil USP would you go for ?
The bog standard 45.
> aesthetic matters
All hail the USP
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Why? I agree with the other anon, the sheer chunk of the USP is wasted on 9mm. Sure it will be a pleasant shooter and cheaper to take to the range, but… it just doesn’t have quite the same cool factor, nor the USP45’s real secret benefit: the ability to safely handle bubba’s pissin’ hot .45 Super loads right out of the box. In a world with an overabundance of practical, reliable, fun, relatively inexpensive 9mm pistols, the USP design deserves to be applied where it really shines and where no other mass-produced automatic has quite the same appeal: as a big badass doublestack handcannon that can compete head to head with the available 10mm options in terms of STOPPING POWAH and do it with far more style.
>usp meme
Just buy a P30.
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is there a P30 long barrel version rated for 45 Super? No?
Fuck off
>but it need to be-
>But, i said USP
>Muh money
Mk23 with a suppressor
I'll be a dissenting opinion and say that USPs are cool, but I sold my 9 because aside from the aesthetic they're really just wasn't much going for it.
The DA/SA trigger is fine? It's not terrible like a lot of people on /hg/ say but it's certainly nothing special.
I got sick of it mostly because it's a chunky, top heavy pistol that isn't super enjoyable to shoot. Obviously your milage may vary, it's possible the USP just isn't the right gun for my hands specifically.
I know you said cost is a factor, the USP 9 is usually the most expensive for the base model, being 9>45>40 ime. I picked my 96 model up for $600.
At the end of the day it's a $500 pistol that sells for $800. If the LARP and the aesthetic is worth that price for you then go ahead, but if you're looking for something actually practical there's a lot more options in that price range.
>No P7
>No P9S
What's wrong with you?
I sold my USP because the trigger sucked, the proprietary rail sucked, it would have cost almost as much as a new pistol to get a threaded barrel and a slide cut, and it just wasn't very good. I got used, from a big box store, what i paid new for it 5 years ago so I'm pretty happy about that.
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The P2000 platform is HK's hidden gem, and the HK45CT is the pinnacle.
USP is a more refined MK23. It's better in every way unless you need to be just like your favorite vidya character
>Wants gun retardedly overbuilt for stupid Americans who want to shoot hotter and hotter ammo that's breaking everything else on the market
>Gets it in weak euro caliber
USP 9 owners are stupid
>$500 pistol that sells for $800
HK dropped the $500 part when they realized they couldn't compete at the volume they wanted
>>Gets it in weak euro caliber
>USP 9 owners are stupid
I was doing a Bundeswehr larp more than anything
>H&K General
I have an old H&K 770 hunting rifle. Am I welcome in this thread?
If so, I'd like to say that H&K can go fuck themselves with a cactus, from making flimsy proprietary magazines that are borderline unobtanium and cost like $250 a piece on the second hand market.
Also this fucking rifle slings brass out at mach-fuck, mangling the cases so badly that the entire case head bends, and the cases can't be reloaded.

To be fair, the rifle still runs anything and everything except ziggeristani steel case ammo, and the hammer forged polygon barrel gives zero fucks about bullet weight/length.
Shoots just a cunthair over 1 MOA with any and all ammo of decent quality, with no appreciable difference in point of impact at 100yards.
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.45 because Commander Misato dome'd niggas with the USP.
Misato's USP is in 40
770/SL7 mags can pinch a bit.
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My expert is my favorite USP.
GG&G rail? That's a standard X300 right?
I'd only steer you towards a full size USP 9 if you were going to pick up a .40 slide and barrel as well. It's very overbuilt -- which is good because the thing can eat 9mm proof loads all day no problem.

The jet funnel and jetfunnel mags are basically mandatory for a USP 9/40 at this point btw

If you want to just lock in to 9mm than I would advise a USP Compact or a P2000 instead.
Your mags are going to be VP9 17 rounders for the USPc and the P2000

Full size USP's are best served in .40 and .45.
Understand right now that most HK's no longer have really good trigger models in production - you get service grade DA/SA or LEM - every new production gun has room for trigger improvement - AND guns can be converted from DA/SA to lem.
I dunno man have you even SEEN the .45 USP Compact Tactical?
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>Source: some book for hikis published 10 years after the show came out
Misato's USP has staggered witness holes. No actual USP has staggered holes but the 9 and 40 mags have double rowed witness holes whereas the 45 only has a single row. Misato is a government spook and the show was made in the 90s. Her USP is in 40 and you should kill yourself.
>USP 45 launch: 1995
>Neon Genesis Evangelion first episode: 1997
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Yes to both.
I reel like this is a highly desirable rifle.
Are you a leaf by chance?
I got a USP 9 last week.
It feels like an honorary steel frame
The magazine shows a capacity of 12 rounds and it also has the extended finger rest which the 9mm and .40 don’t have
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The rollmark in the show says 40 S&W on it but keep dying on this hill ig
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Lucky. Realistically the price I’d get for this is like 1500 which is a serious loss
Actually nvm, that’s like a 600 dollar loss actually, no idea why I thought I paid 2000 for it when it was 1500
>40 SUP
Have you considered the Japs have limited exposure to firearms and likely did goofs throughout the show and only got the record straight with the book afterwards?
Disingenuous, it clearly is .40 S&W
>Have you considered the Japs have limited exposure to firearms and likely did goofs throughout the show
Of course, that's exactly my point. Japanese no guns got small details wrong. This explains the magazine. Literally does not detract from the fact that her USP was intended to be in .40 S&W
>>only got the record straight with the book afterwards
Literally no one from Gainax was involved in the writing or illustrating per the original wiki source. No one was setting the record straight, it's a merch book for hikis that Gainax licensed without giving a shit like they did with the 10 million other slop licensed Eva merch items.
again, really weird hill to die on
Oh so you were just trying to jew people in /hg/ the other day at $2250 for no reason then?
2200 and I throw in a few patriotic mountain dews
I hope you get testicular cancer.
I'll buy it.
2150, the patriotic mountain dews, and some wendy’s receipts where you can do the survey to get a free sandwich

Dude I was shitposting and not actually going to sell a gun in /hg/
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Every time we try and talk about USPs
These fruits probably don't even own guns, let alone USPs
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I actually own a USP
9mm HK USP mil spec is the P8.

From what americans said to me it has an unorthodox safety. The trigger pull is around ~4kgs which can be quite heavy with the DA trigger.

Other then that pretty basic pistol, rather indestructable.
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And I hope you live happily ever after. Reddidesian brushstroke not withstanding.
You misspelled based.
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I've been searching for a full sized USP 9mm with the stainless slide online for ages now. Virtually non-existent. It's always a compact or a .45 or something when I do spot one.
You get what you deserve
K's never made it to leafland iirc, probably marketing photo, airsoft, SOT, or LEO in that order
I sold my USP because it fucking sucked. Still gonna defend Misato against .45 allegations
Distilling this thread the full sized USP is the ultimate HK handgun. What is a good price for one? I will buy one.
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Its not. It’s the best looking but honestly is a very mid handgun not worth at all the MSRP of 1 fucking k. The gun also has unfounded mythical reliability while the gun is reliable it’s not indestructible like claimed. No, it will not last 200k-300k rounds without any maintenance. Look up suppressed use, your warranty is voided if you do not use a specific B&T can. You need the USP tactical recoil assembly too, which still some people still damage the frame from heavy suppressor use with. It’s not the greatest pistol on the world by a long shot.

Looks cool as fuck though.
But I don't want a MK23. I want. P220, what is the HK version?
That isn't the owner. Go look at the prices yourself, what are you retarded? It was $1,600 for the USP from LTT $300 for a weight $300 for a barrel and however much the Grey Guns and HK match shit he threw at it cost. $2,200 is not unfair especially if that includes the optics and extra mags.
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I wish they made an MP5 in .45 too

>USP 9 Compact because I watched Blood Diamond too many times
>USP 40 because I played too much Rainbow Six Vegas as a kid
>USP 45 Tactical because I played too much MW2 as a kid
Ahem. Attention, your attention please: you can now buy a new HK pistol for the price of an XDM.
USP 9 is arguably the only viable option in today's world.

>18 round mags
>9mm for duty/CCW
>Can be milled for a red dot and is no different than any other modern capable firearm out there.

Anything else is LARP. The .40 isn't bad though, but the world moved on from .40
The USP 45 can also be milled for a red dot.
Yes but the whole point of the post is that no one uses .45 anymore. If we're talking of serious use. Which is why I said the USP 9 is the only practical/serious option.
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Hey guys, can someone help me diagnose a problem? One day my USP V1 decocker and safety became extremely hard to operate. The gun still fires fine, and I can safely decock the pistol and work the safety. But it just became extremely difficult to move for no reason. I thought maybe carbon/lint build up, but it literally happened from one second to another. It's not like it slowly started getting more difficult. Just went from working fine one second, and the next it's like an extra 5lbs necessary to move the lever.
Now put one of them to your temple
The gun is becoming aware and soon will kill
Day 1,523 of manifesting a USP 2.0 in 10mm with a proper rail. Day 1,523 of knowing it will never happen and that HK hates that I exist
Theres the MP10, superior in every way to the .45
Contact HK Customer Service for a custom piece. Inform them that price is of no issue.
Worse, they don't hate you, they don't even know you exist
Yeah, that's why they're the new standard that everyone knows exist and uses
But then why no P8A1?

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