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Behold the kebab removal device/ the Turk eater
a bit cringe innit?
That's crap.
Can someone who's more in tune with the void enlighten me on what half of this shit is about?
how is it schizokino? its just copying
Oh for fuck sake..... FBI we had nothing to do with this speg if he goes full fucking mental and decides to shoot up something.
It's not cool and neither are you
Cringe and gay.
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It looks like the original picture, was there another shooting by a Brenton Tarrant wannabe recently? Or is OP just pic related?
I miss those day, so long ago
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Nah don't think so, but there's always that "oh sorry!" dude from Buffalo
>here's your reparations
sorry yeah i jumped to conclusions and assumed op made a copy of the tarant gun AFTER other chuds have already done this
If he ever does I hope he posts his shit on /lgbt/ or /bant/ instead of pinning it on /k/ and /pol/
Oh no /pol/ is a total shithole let him post there. Let them get the flak for half of the shit we get blame for after a tard decides to best way to an hero is do a mass fucking shooting to be edgy
I remember when the livestream was posted here, Brenton did nothing wrong and he stopped a bunch of terrorist pedophiles
Malakai or Thorgrim?
Always a good time for a Thorgrim run
>cock eater
To each xir own
I remember watching that video in the middle of class lmao
You remind me of someone
Muslims in the Anglosphere and Europe are a symptom of the jew.

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