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What's the best cartridge for buck breaking? For me, it's .35 Remington.
.308 has never done me wrong
What do americans have against 6,5x55?
W 6.5 creedmore has been crazy popular here for maybe the past 5 years. That’s pretty damn close to 6.5 Swede
Limited funds, mostly. Not my fault that the brass manufacturers can't be bothered to make brass for the fucking abundant milsurp market.
Both of you are based.
OP is a faggot.
a lack of guns chambered in it.
and also .243
45 acp
More than enough to kill deer, and I won't get side-eyed by boomerfags who say "that's not enough to take an elk".
.243 Fuddchester is trash.
It's just .308 but worse.
Better point blank range and a pretty significant amount less kick. That might not matter to you, but it definitely does to young and female hunters
>literally millions of M1 Carbs
>plenty of opportunity to make money
>"Muh 9mil! Muh 556! Muh three oh eight!"
Add on Lees, Mausers, Arisakas, Nuggets, and such, and the lack of brass or ammo is just baffling.
roommate in college took her first elk with it at age 15. Seems to be a good caliber if you need decent horsepower, but are recoil adverse.
I bet all the ammo manufactures out there are just itching to corner the market on 9×22mmR Japanese revolver brass!
They'll sell dozens of boxes a year, DOZENS!
308 is all you need
They'll just say it's not good enough to stop a moose
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You already know what board you're on.
Don't make us spell out out for you.
Nordic niggas shoot plenty of moose with 6.5x55 and even 7.62x39.
.30-06 is more than enough if you've got decent shot placement and use soft nosed bullets meant for large game.
Fuck elk, 30-06 with modern loads is a completely sufficient grizzly bear round
.357 mag
6,5x55 and .308 is more than enough for an elk. We use both on moose here, although the 6,5 will end up low if not slightly too low on the Joule requirements, if the pipe is cut to fit a silencer.
It does however have good penetration and you won't see any boomers here badmouth the infamous 6,5.

That being said I currently run .308 because I wanted it chopped and silenced. After getting more experience as a shooter I've decided to replace it with a 6,5x55 bolt rifle, mainly because of the smoother shot and flatter trajectory.

I'm not getting rid of the .308, just replacing the bolt action with a semi-automatic.
>Fuck elk, 30-06 with modern loads is a completely sufficient grizzly bear round
Absolutely true. People don't practice enough with their hunting rifles to be abble to achieve good shot placement, then they compensate with more power, often needlessly. My uncles shoot all the time& kill elk every year with 6.5creed, even though autists on this board will insist 6.5creed is insufficient for elk
I mean famous.
It's one of the most popular calibers here in Norway.
444 marlin
>45-70gov with a different name
Pointless round meant for Marlin(trash) fanboy loyalists.
>here in Norway.
What are the laws on a young white American man of decent physical fitness and republican leanings coming to Norway to find a Nordic wife to bring back to the Midwest? What sort of visa would I need? Is this even allowed?
At what ranges are you usually taking shots on big game in Norway?
Slim to none. Would be better off looking for a religious girl in rural USA imo. I might do that actually.

There are good girls here too, but it's one in a million. They've all been destroyed by feminist brainwashing. Only a fool would marry one.
>vaguely right wing
Those are problems. Claim to a be a political refugee seeking asylum from Trumpism or something. That's more or less guaranteed to gain you a residency permit.
From that point onward you're free to stay and work in Norway.
But do keep in mind that if you're a 5/10 in the USA, you'll be a 2/10 in Norway.
90% of Norwegian men will be better looking than you.
So you better be prepared to scrape the bottom of the Norwegian barrel if you're looking for a GF in your own league.
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Nothing, it just isn't popular, so rifles and ammunition are slightly more expensive than comparable rounds like .30-06 was and .308 is.

6.5 CM is pretty popular and that's the same thing, but fits in a short action that all the companies around here already make.
No limitations when you're out there alone really, but I don't think many people would shoot out beyond 200m. Too much chance of a non-felling shot, and you'd waste the rest of the hunt searching for an animal that you might have missed.
Finding injured animals is very strictly rooted in norwegian hunting culture, you are required to have a dog on bystand.

Maybe some mountain hunters take long distance shots with bipods, but I don't know much about that.
it’s a lot better than 45-70 for deer. You don’t even have reload it to get something that doesn’t suck. it’s 2400 fps in the box
I work at the gun store and I've had a chat with a guy who's selling reloading gear. We came to conclusion that.30-06 is perfect up to 400 meters for almost any kind of game in my country, and 9,3x62 is alright for large game at 200 meters
>Captcha: nggs
They do, they just cheap out on it. They make them out of .30-06 or 7x75 brass blanks so the head diameter is just slightly off. Won't affect function or safety, but the brass has a short life cycle for reloads and after a few times is liable to have head separation. Doubly so on the case head separation if you load it modern pressures.
I regret not buying a Swede Mauser in 6.5 back in the day.
I'm from Ohio. Bottom of the Norwegian barrel is cream of the crop over here
M98, my favorite. Cheapest rifles you can get here, down to less than 100 bucks. Still do 1MOA groups if not tighter.

I really want a M98 6,5 with standalone magazine and a GRS bifrost stock. A beauty with unmatched comfort.
I'd buy a brand new production if they weren't so god damn expensive.
>I'm from Ohio.
I can but offer my condolences. I was unaware that you were suffering such awful hardships.
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Obviously it's the 360 Buckbreaker
It's .270 win, not .270 lose.
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.30-30 kills deer as dead today as it did 100 years ago. Is it the best? Probably not. Is it sufficient for where I hunt? Absolutely.
this really made 35 Remington useless
I've dropped Mule Deer and Elk with .270, 30aught, and 308.

My old man dropped a bull moose on an Alaska hunt in the early 2000s with a .280. can confirm i've had boomers flat out call me a liar before.
7mm rem mag. Its a 139 grain at M193 velocity.
>actually using Sneedmore when Grendel exists
Well which is it? 6 or 5?
God damn Euros ruin the language in the ugliest and dumbest ways
.270 broke many of bucks with that piece of lead. At least in PA thick brush I typically dont need to shoot more than 100 yards
Nice deer anon!
>.280 British
That'd be a bit hard to believe for me too, not doubting that it could be done, but what the fuck was your old man shooting that was chambered in that?
I'm working on a 45 super load to take one this year. Will be my first attempt with pistol hunting so we'll see how it goes
I am going to buy a hunting rifle for deer/elk/bear, mountainous area. Looking at the Tikka superlight. Leaning heavily on .30-06 since it’s one action size anyways.
>double lung a deer with a 1 1/4th inch fixed blade broadhead riding on a 16 inch 400 brain bolt with a 110 grain insert
>deer makes it less than 20 yards before bedding down to nap it out

I swear people who talk about muh best ammo have bad shot placement or take shots they shouldn't take. It really doesn't take much to ethically bring a deer down. My friend hunts with a 10mm glock because he's a fat fuck that has to sit in a ground blind and even then doesn't have the range of motion to use a rifle. He still harvests his limit each season because he doesn't force a shot. Well that's a lie... he forces insulin shots because he can't put the fork down. Alex if you're reading this lose some fucking weight buddy we want to bring you duck hunting again like the old days.
I have been watching a lot of hunting YouTube, and have been trying to figure out why so many animals get lost. I think a lot of people don’t factor angle into longer shots. A lot of it is people not practicing for field shooting positions.
>A lot of it is people not practicing for field shooting positions
It's 100% this. Buck fever either takes over and they feel obligated to shoot the first buck they see or they just didn't practice for the conditions they will be shooting in.
Siting in the stall at your range with your rifle in a mount really doesn't mean shit when you get out in your tree stands in your 5 layers of clothing because it's fucking freezing and you're trying to shoulder a rifle in the condition you're not prepared for.
It's why I almost exclusively hunt with bows and crossbows now because I can practice all day in my back yard without throwing 2 dollars into the void every time I pull the trigger. More practice means more ethical harvesting.
At work we had to use 30-06 for a deer call which is funny cause out west they were using ARs from helicopters presumably in 556
>100gr elk killers and 55gr varmint rounds faster than .220 swift
no, .243 is based
last time I went ammo shopping I was trying to find bulk 7.62x51 to feed my Israili 1919A4 (.308 doesn't feed quite right due to bullet being slightly shorter) and I was pretty surprised to find tons of bulk 6.5CM cheaper than .308 or 7.62x51 or 30'06. I somehow missed that cartridge going hyper mainstream.
The same reason we don’t chamber guns in 7.7 jap or 7.5 Swiss. Very few guns chambered in it back when modern bolt actions were being developed, except a handful of milsurp rifles floating around. The ammo was rare and nobody cared to chamber guns in it because almost nobody would choose it over more common calibers like .308 or .30-06
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I like .303 British
30-30 has probably taken more dear than just about any other round.
decided on a projectile yet?
This is funny to me personally because I've seen a Swedish Mauser in nine of the twelve deer camps I've visited in Michigan.
Sir... do you not field dress it before bringing it home?
>55gr varmint rounds faster than .220 swift
wait what
I don’t like leaving gut piles near my tree stands because they attract coyotes. I usually gut them off the back of my truck just outside my garage. Don’t remember why I didn’t do that this time.
I shoot 5-7 deer a year and use a variety of calibers. A humble 62gr Barnes Vortx .223 left one of the most devastating wound channels on a mature 8pt that I've ever seen. Literally separated his heart in half. Meanwhile I've had that same round in 30-06 punch a pinhole.

If I had to pick one? 30-30 is king still. I've stone cold dropped more deer with a heart/lung shot using 180gr soft points than anything else.
.30-06 is just .308 with a longer case. They're the same in terms of power.
You can put more powder into a larger case. Though cheap factory loads often don’t take advantage of that extra case capacity. I’m sure there is heavier projectile hunting ammo that is loaded hotter and intended to be used specifically for large game.
where can you find slings that work with the norwegian krag mounting points
No, it has an extra 200J
55gr .220 swift typically is offered at 3700ish and handlods might take it to 3900. it really excels at lighter bullets like .22-250

55gr .243 Winchester silvertip are off the shelf in the mid 3900s, with buffalo bore allegedly reaching 4100.

I didn't believe it until i saw it. It's crazy. To think you can load the same cartridge to almost double weight, still be around 3000fps
30-06 excels with heavier projectiles though. .308 was made to mimic 06 with 150gr. Anything above that, 06 outperforms it
Sometimes the extra power is a detriment. I've had some instances where I shot deer real close like inside 25yds and the effect was very marginal. While the same bullet was fucking devastating at 40 yds or more. Speaking specifically about those hornady xtp ballistic tip shitz.
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.30 Carbine.
>but what if the deer is far awa-
Shoot it again.
>but what if your ammo isn't loaded hot eno-
Shoot it again.
>but what if-
The Patty Hearst School of Hunting
Honestly these are preferable to the stupid cuck fins your forced to put on AK's in California and the darker wood actually makes it look nice.
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Eh I took one out with a 5.7
my penis isn't in a caliber good enough for the doe

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