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For you, it's guaranteed cholera.
For Mobik Conscriptovich, this is drink of the gods.
Shitting the pants, it is rite of passage. Provide lubrication so that your legs can run when drone drop bomb.
What's even more revolting is that in all honesty, in the midst of combat, hiding in trenches, or running from drones, you're not gonna be able to just drop your pants and shit whenever you feel like, even if you have severe dysentery.
All of them probably smell like bile, sewer gas, and dead fish rice-water diarrhea.
it's surprising to see how little people think about prepping to have to deal with unsafe drinking water. people i know who are stocked up on guns, ammo, food, medicine don't have any proper water filtration equipment.

clean water is the most important thing in a survival situation. if you get sick from drinking unclean water, you are fucked.

if you don't have something like the MSR Guardian, you WILL die
I don't want to imagine the ass waterfall.
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Why would you film yourself doing that
So the Tsar can find out and do something about the lack of supply.
So that the Tsar will know how bad things are on the front line and fix the supply chain, of course.
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Can this thread be about rat burgers again?
rats are friends, not food
>weapons board
>weapons thread get deleted, this clown of topic thread still up.
Is this the power of shills?
biological warfare is weapons
>rat hands typed this
cholera and dysentery comes from the shit of other animals/people/people animals. If i had to, I'd be drinking from a wheel rut in a stretch of nowhere, too.The heavy metals, eh... that's a worry for if they survive.

Imagine water being crucial in all kinds of combat and survival situations.
Adorable little pink hands typed this post
Mobik cannot get cholera if killed by drone before infection spread to inststine
PUCCYN asshole hardened, used to abuse from dedovshima!
Drinking from a rut in the road is like licking a door handle. You’re picking the most trafficked part of the “stretch of nowhere” just boil the water or add a few drops of bleach ffs. A dollar store jug of bleach could treat all the water they need for like a month at least (or until someone decides to try see if they can get a buzz from it)

And news flash, this shit is literally everywhere.
That's why you find fecal bacteria like E. coli all over the place.
Plus, protozoa which that don't come from shit are still pathogens.
Giardia, E.coli, Norovirus to name a few are all common pathogens you can find in water all over the world, and have high chances of making you ill (i.e no asymptomatic infections). They're far from killing you, but you can't fight properly when you have a headache, abdominal pain, muscle weakness and a severe case of the shitters. I suppose if they're so undersupplied and desperate to drink from puddles on road they probably won't live long enough to suffer, rendering this conversation moot. Still funny though.
India tier.
Mods can see your previous posts and know you're a /pol/troon zigger shill, you brown retard
I think it's because it just never a topic that gets brought up, as they just think "I've got shelves full of bottled water, I'll be fine" and because they never actually do a test one to see if their prepping plan actually works, they never realise how fast you get through water and have no plan on what to do when it runs out.
I seem to recall that the Anon said you have to strip off all the meat, grind the bones into a flour to hold it altogether and only eat the heart and the liver in terms of organs you don't chuck. They said they could get enough for two burgers if they made them thin.
>Man just casually drops a one and a half hour documentary with AI David Attenborough review Indians like an invasive fungus.

Unironically impressive, but is there anywhere I can watch it that's not catbox, as I don't have the time now and the link might be dead when I do?
that was me, you're grinding the bones up for the marrow and calcium, but yea i guess they could work as a binding agent as well
So Lieutenant Muhammadovich understands why his dick is covered in liquid shit later and is less likely to whip you for it.
>bile, sewer gas, and dead fish rice-water diarrhea
As someone who's had severe dysentery before, I can smell this in my fucking soul. I hate you for reminding me of this.
most preppers are larping idiots with zero actual outdoorsman skills
They could have at least boiled it first or something
Mods arent real retard. I bet you believe men can get pregornant

The pants have been shit
the bowels are voided
the cock is in the ass

assholes are working...........

Yes, send smoke signals to the nearest drone operator.
How'd you get that?
Fuck that semen slurping country.
>most preppers are larping idiots
This. At least in the states. That's why they are widely ridiculed.

Finland for contrast and comparison has something of a state-encouraged prepper culture where every household is expected to maintain their own prepper stockpiles and equipment to smoothly get through potential real emergency situations, rather than zombie apocalypses.
It does look better than the last video though. At least this time the water looks somewhat clear instead of just being a mudsoup.
this is a repost
I was referring to the brown soup some of the other mobiks are subjecting themselves to.
Ok just watched the whole thing, and good God, they have more trannies than countries have people and they fuck dogs by the hundreds openly in the streets. What the fuck is going on over there?
Having over one billion people, a shitty caste system, rampant superstition, a horrible religion, widespread unhealthy societal practices, pisspoor infrastructure, no proper education, terrible politicians and much much more.
moves like armchair warlord in that one interview
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Do you think boiling water is something people do for fun.
Everyone is talking about cholera, dysentery and etc. but no one yet brought up a question WHY they do that? Why aren't they supplied with fresh water? Why on such a scale? Why is there so many mentions of this so recently?
imo the state of russian logistics is more interesting here, we might be losing much bigger and important picture behind casual zigger suffering.
we already know their logistics is shit (in this case, literally)

the mindblowing thing here is how retarded this infantryman is in drinking from a puddle
doubled down by the fact that he's posting it as some kind of superior smegkalka, instead of something that is guaranteed to make him horribly ill and unfit for combat in a matter of days
The indians have taught them well.
>Live Death Guard reaction
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>Meanwhile, in the 1940s
I know right? even fucking bleach can be used to purify water. why are zigs so stupid?
If logistics was able to provide that stuff then it would also be able to just give them the water
How did you get supplies from the future? Asking for a friend.
t. not timecop
they can at least loot bleach, but I'm sure they don't do it because it would make them a bitch according to demented russian prison culture or something.
>xaxaxaxa look at the rooster cleaning his water!
or something like that
So I know this stuff doesn't solve heavy metals, pesticides, other poisons, etc. in your water, but is there any bacteria or viruses in commonly occurring fucked-up battlefield water that this shit won't kill?
These are not super great, but better than wet wipes.
It was the wrong picture.
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>Meanwhile, in 1915
they're not looting anything, they're out in the middle of fucking nowhere fighting over one-horse hamlets with pre-war populations in the double digits
We know, Gokubro
Really? Not even fucking boiling this shit? It takes like 5 minutes
>Thames TV
I half-expected to be greeted by Kenny Everett.
Left wing redditor faggots are killing this board, holy shit
>Cleaning drinking water is reddit
one gallon of bleach could purify like 3800 gallons of water, they really are fucking hopeless if they can't fly a drone to their front line and drop off some fucking clorox

like it's the bare minimum of what a military should be expected to handle, keeping soldiers hydrated... how embarrassing it is to lose men to low morale and lack of food/water... literally all the training on the planet won't matter if you only have piss to drink for 500 sq miles
>dysentery is trad and based
>make diarrhea great again
What the fuck does it have to do with guns or weapons? All of you discord little fuckin faggots and this fucking faggot loving mod unironically need to have your heads caved in. Youre all such pussy ass cowards, which is why you gate keep this blue board safe space
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fuck off retard
>russians military lacks the ability to supply clean drinking water
>not /k/ related

wow so... you're retarded huh?
Go post some arma clips from r/combatfootage you limp dick pussy
Please poo in loo, sar
Yes, exactly, that has absolutely nothing to do with guns or weapons. In fact which fag filled twitter nigger did you get this clip from? Lets see the source
>8AM in India
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I'll do you one better.
Not shitting yourself to death is the ultimate weapon
I mean I'm not a larping 12 year old this literally conveys nothing
>Supports NATO which means you support open borders
>calls others brown
You're not fooling anyone left wing fag lover
For fuck's sake, even in 1200 AD they would have stopped and looked for a well or a stream.
nobody gives a fuck homo lmao
Yes Zister, dead Puccian faggots conveys nothing to you, Puccia stronk, Berlin in 3 hours
>Visual proof that the Russian military is pathetic and dysfunctional even by the standards of sub-Saharan Africa.
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>literally blew his back out
>only NATO can manage to not shit itself to death
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This is now a water squad appreciation thread.
I unironically thank the Lord every day that he didn't make me a Russian.
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>doesn't even filter it with a bottle full of used wet-wipes with benzalkonium chloride
Apparently Uganda can too.
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Every fucking Indian needs to be forcibly deported back to India.
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I too know this pain. If I ever find the filthy motherfucker who made that burger, I am going to drown him in a fucking portajohn.
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Sir, he just mentioned the battlefield diarrhea in a negative context. What made you think he is a NATO supporter?
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Unknown technology blyat!
>if you only have piss to drink for 500 sq miles
about that, anon ...
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So they were stealing toilets just to put the zigger coprofest onto another level.
Today I learned the ability to boil water is a left-wing communist fag conspiracy.
If a soldier in the US got himself in a dire enough situation where he felt like he needed to drink his own piss, I feel like even that is something that is preceded by an SF team getting compromised and shot to shit, or an aircraft getting shot down and the pilot landing deep behind enemy lines. Like the kind of shit congressional hearings are made of.
Yet here, this and far more heinous shit happen all the time, and it's just another fucking weekday. How can these people live like this and not commit mass suicide?
What's the point of this? Is he trying to look tough? Why not at least boil it ffs
>he fell for the 100C Jew
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In ze based and tradpilled Russian army, diarrhea is normal. Diarrhea isn't bad when it's a normal battlefield tactic for operational tempo. The only diarrhea in Russia is tactical and neither the general nor the soldier is doing it out of utter retardation. If the Russian military stopped getting diarrhea the lazy cucks would destroy the military from within. Meanwhile in the West they allow their soldiers to be soft and drink only treated water free from contaminants and bacteria.

>that is something that is preceded by an SF team getting compromised and shot to shit
Colin Armstrong / Chris Ryan, the one SAS who E&E'd from Bravo Two Zero, got a severe dose from drinking radioactive waste that effectively killed his balls; he doesn't have children
we've been asking this for two years now
a single video of one american soldier dying in such a miserable and lonely and pathetic way in a muddy hole would cause mass protests and court martials.
one captured american is a tragic news story for weeks and months
and yet, here we are
Based Water Wizards, thank you for your service
or a tablespoon (15ml) of bleach per gallon (one fifth of bucket) of water.
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Who is this narrator? He does Lord Miles' videos too.
To be fair with the exception of both Iraq wars, most US military action has been peace keeping or counter terrorism. If we were in a peer war US troops would be dying in miserable mud holes somewhere. But I don’t think they be forced to drink scum water out of a puddle like the second strongest army in the world locked in a self induced existential boarder conflict has too.
8mg of iodine per canteen should nuke any microorganism. Amoebas and below.
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My grandfather kept a full bottle of these in his pocket at all times while he was in Vietnam. Credited it with saving his life more times than he could count. Said that clean water was more important than ammo.
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>/k/ is literally a military recruitment board

99% of conversations in /meg/ revolve around how shitty the military is and how you should avoid it like the plague.
The wellbeing of soldiers is just not a priority of russian leadership.
You see, cumrag, if mobik die before get hard liquid shit, water is of safe drinkings
That slight raise of the head
>This is it, isn't it?
I don't hear any sound, but from my understanding it is either hazing or "Look brother, if you put in cup slowly, water is clear that means it is clean and good to drink"
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>doesn't recognize sir David Attenborough (or an AI imitating him)
This war can't end fast enough so I don't have to filter through garbage offtopic threads like these to find threads about fucking WEAPONS
They can in their dormant stage.
As if there weren't any non-weapon threads before the war started.
You are acting like this hasn't given us some of the best footage and discussions the board has had. You're a whiny fucking retard who is most likely incapable of pressing the catalog button.
>doesn't recognize sir David Attenborough

Shit, I thought he'd been dead for like a decade.
>best footage and discussions
Ah yes, the umpteenth drone/suicide clip spam and NYEH HOHOL NYEH VATNIK shitflinging.

Go the fuck back
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Good lad!
>Who is this narrator?
I have plenty of water purification tablets, and lots of pots for boiling water.
This. There's no point getting the most expensive guns and NVGs that money can buy if you don't know how to start a fire, purify water or preserve meat.
>Pidor is butthurt that his shill thread got deleted
Putin and Luka support open borders too,especially in Finland and Poland.
>spastic word salad with terms he doesn’t even understand.
Knowledge of basic not-die skills that toddlers and most carbon based life forms on the planet can understand is a psyop from turbocharged ukie/pole/finn/NATO super soldiers who support tranny exclusive marriage, open borders, and unlimited soup and salad.
I remember when polfags were faintly coherent…why do I miss them?
My dog is fucking retarded, like all dogs more or less, and I’ve yet to find any dog more foolishly inept at the basic mechanisms of intelligent life than a Russian.
>or the anon who claims basic medical and survival tools are nevercarries when you have anything as large or larger than a hip satchel.
>They gotta have 4 extra mags for their 10+ minute shoot out fantasy
I suppose that last part makes sense…they’re primarily shut ins so they’ll never need anything to carry or maintain.
>medical supplies are for pussies
>potable water is for leftists
>hygiene is a cuck kike psyop.
this scares the Russian
Russia is sub-Africa tier.LMAO
thank you /k/utie for the free water :)
Bright side is their life expectancy is lower every year. It’s a wild ride, not a long one.
You’d love the 22 years you might see. Just raw dogging life with a FAS brain that can’t process the concern.
I swear some of those ape hybrid soldiers escaped. One of their offspring runs the country. Exceeded the lifespan of all of his monke mates.
>Windows and tea, to shreds you say?
>"And now for the final ingredient...chemical W."
>ape hybrid
Plot twist.
They stopped developing humanzee because chimp and human hybrid was too similar to average russian.
>Mods can see your previous posts
I've always wondered about this. Is it board specific posts (i.e. /k/ mods can only see your /k/ posts, but not your /g/ posts)?
The real reason most Russians are so utterly broken is the quality ones left, or were forcibly suicided for being people.
based on my limited experience running various imageboard software on my own servers, it seems to be limited to specific boards, since each board has its own database and cache. That being said, there's really no telling what changes moot/hiromoot made since 4chan is basically proprietary.
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The open borders thing has always been a projection.
You lying motherfucking spammer, you never ever ONCE tried this! God, how I hate faggots!
How does that justify deleting an on-topic post though? Or are you hoping to get a share of janny’s pay for defending him?
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we need a final solution to the indian problem
>What’s zero percent of zero, and zero percent of that?
That’s how much they get for making fun of you.
Honestly highway robbery.
I vote that we spare Indians that make actually useful IT and math videos, actually funny comedians, and Indians that drive ice cream trucks during summer.
Still a bit miffed that they killed my autist 40k ai attenborough lore channel.
The horses were drinking water by the Yang-Tze...
The mobiks were drinking water by the Dniepr...
Anon, there is literally an entire documentary here >>62151795 that shows that the real person doing all of this is India and they are just projecting it onto the West to make themselves feel better as stated in Poo's Law 3.
You are either a pajeet or have been bamboozled by people less intelligent than mountain gorillas.
What do you think happens to the organic stuff that vaporises?
Does it just get splattered across a wide area or is it reduced back to it's component atoms and released back into the universe?
A lot of cool stuff came from that workshop
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The worst part is, they might already be at that level of fatalism.

"Who cares if we get sick from cholera three days from now. We are going to meat assault this evening, so we are dead anyways. At least we won't die thirsty."

Such is life in the zone.
>water squad appreciation thread
I honestly had no idea this existed.
I sort of assumed it was just jugs of water and purification tablets.
Makes perfect sense that a brigade would have a squad and equipment for the task though.
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why does this look like a fucking uterus
this is how you make some fresh tap
>You lying motherfucking spammer, you never ever ONCE tried this!
Making water traps was standard practice in cubs/scouts. I think I could source water in the bush before I could ride a bike.
They're not going to live long enough to get sick.
>oh look, anon is cleaning up and doing something
>let's take the water that he gathered, force him to make more and rape him for motivation
Russian proverb states "initiative is punishable".
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ire of my anus
Got original? What's the word they use for "cuck"? It's not poгoнoceц for sure, but what the fuck is it?

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