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Body armor and helmets give you a false sense of protection, and false sense of confidence. Also limits mobility.
no currently-issued small arms can penetrate IV plates and IIIA kevlar stops basically all explosive shrapnel. kevlar helmets prevent being KO'd by debris or thrown missiles.

stop being retarded.
Face shields and limb armor are too neglected in armor R&D. People 500 years ago had better overall protection.
>limits mobility
maybe for a DYEL like you
>dies to a random piece of shrapnel from an arty shell that missed by a mile
>neverserved talking out of their ass again
>no currently-issued small arms can penetrate IV plates
M993, the last-gen standard issue AP round, penetrates almost all of them.
no it doesn't
Yeah, it does. It's known to penetrate the ESAPI, too.
I spent 2 tours in Tali country and one in the sandbox before that and never fired them
t. President's own bitch
Quite impressive. Is M993 issued frequently, or just some special ammo for front line infantry?
>standard issue AP round

not a thing
t. private islam magomed conscriptovich.
>all causalities of war are friendly fire
oh, wait...
>Body armor and helmets give you a false sense of protection
Wrong, they give you real protection against threats its designed to defend against

>false sense of confidence. Also limits mobility
Skill issue git gud
Not all but some level 4s, especially those made of boron Carbide since their Achilles heel is tungsten penetrators.

Quite irrelevant, as it still penetrates (some) level 4s. No one said anything about standard issue, merely currently because it's still being produced and used.
>Also limits mobility.
Yeah bro, without armor you can bunny hop and slide cancel and shit
No. The only thing that I will concede is that the practicality of body armor varies. In a warzone? Being shot at? You want the highest protection you can get. Home invasion? Why are you wasting time donning armor? If anything, soft armor is more practical for civilian uses.
Almost all of them. Alumina Level 4s, which are like 90% of the civilian market, also fall to the mighty M993.
>Home invasion? Why are you wasting time donning armor? If anything, soft armor is more practical for civilian uses.
Because the chance of some gang of niggers off the street slowly hacking their way through any of my windows, knowing the layout of my house well enough to charge straight to my bedroom and being able to kick the door down before I can gear up is about as likely as getting attacked by fucking ninjas. I'll probably have time to lie back on the bed in full battle rattle and goon to completion to the thought of the upcoming legal homicide before they ransack their way to the staircase.
>limb armor

Someone needs to come up with a design that covers just enough of the joint at the legs and shoulders so you don't bleed out from a hit there where you cant use a tourniquet.
Even ISIS and the Taliban realize armor is important.
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Some protection is better than no protection.
Youbneed that confidence or you have pussy boys that are not able to move
True but false confidence is better than no confidence.
Soft armor is for soft people who do soft tasks. I throw laminates just going for a scooter ride, more for trauma protection than actually getting shot or stabbed.
The Russians made a kevlar jumpsuit that was level 3 rated. You would get hot as fuck in em. Can't find it on Google right now because Google fucking sucks.

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