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Vaski, the sweetest kitty like gunspirit edition

Previous: >>62140517
>image limit reached

>sound image instructions
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Neko arc?
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My wife
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Cant tldr this so
A bit ago i joined this TF2 meme youtubers discord server. Its full of shartyniggers. After some time they thought i was a tranny or something, and latched onto me. I honestly have no idea why. They started drawing guro, rape etc of my character and antagonizing me.
My character is named Vaski. One of the people there started drawing that crude creature in the OP, and attributed MY characters name to it. My character which Ive been drawing for four years. This gremlin thing has nothing to do with my character other than the name. They could have called it something else but they called it that to make fun of me. Needless to say i left their server.
What does this have to do with /ak/? They know i post here. I would say make a new thread but it doesnt really affect anyone other than me. Theyll be back though.
based schizo fursona fag
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I want to impregnate 416!
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I want to impregnate 416!
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I want to sex sex sex 416!
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Like, oh my gosh!
you call vaski a gremlin? bro shes a cute kitty like creature not a gremlin lol
Like omg, I love candy and sweets!!
me too a sweet gunspirit like vaski likely uses candy as ammo instead of bullets
we know it's you fanda
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Post stasimouto.
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>gay discord drama from fags
kys yourselves
oh no no no no
you said kys twice, is this a freudian slip?
Attractive women don't experience this.
fuck off with this discord shit
fuck off
Last thread had faggots arguing about Russia and now this one is infected by shartoids from discord? Are we cursed or something?
bruh is that real lmao
keep shitting in your 4 16 diaper
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So fugly, have got any work done on that comic you wanted to make?
fanda putting effort into something that benefits other people? in your dreams.
I'm not the 416 fag and that fact that you accuse me of being him as a deflection only makes me hate you more
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I don't think this group is even possible at 500y if you clamped the gun down
>Being accused of being the Albanian Toe Gremlin
Truly the greatest insult a man can throw against another, in a just world such words would immediately be met with pistols at dawn
i'm pretty sure everyone has had one of those dreams chairforce schizo
Not really just been working on some character sketches
draw vaski the cutest little kitty
Especially with what looks to be a completely factory M16.
Can you draw Vaski twerking in a bikini? And yeah, I'm serious.
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>inb4 big guy
Like, oh my gosh. She's cute.
yes it is, how do I know? it was revealed to me in a dream.
as the kids say
skill issue
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Why are full wood stock semi-autos so sexy?
That's honestly more than I've done with my shit. Just remember at least one person is rooting for ya.
are you a girl?
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she is
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I've yet to encounter that mythical "too much garlic" threshold, at this point I'm starting to doubt it exists.
It's possible, just very unlikely.
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Took me a minute to get it
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Imouto marriage!
Aglio e olio and not even one side of fresh veggies given
sharty won thoughbeit
there's no such thing as too much garlic you can literally eat an entire garlic if you want
nothing can stop you
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I think my limit's at 3 big cloves a meal. Any more and I start burping like a dumb hohlonymous
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I want to impregnate 416!
Was getting double dubs part of your plan ?
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