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What is your favorite American service weapon?
Your mom services my American dick, the supreme weapon across all planes of the multiverse
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>I now it didn’t technically serve
Idgaf should beaten the 1911 purely on aesthetics
>a black woman
wtf is that it looks like a spanish astra in 9mm largo.
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I love the icecream cones of death. Early cartridge firearms in general are just amusing and interesting to me.
was that M4 drawn by AI wtf is that.
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Triangle handguard M16
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>should beaten the 1911 purely on aesthetics
Get on my level, Pleb.
Based Kraut killer.
>Nonreg afro under helmet
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Nope, the engraver was this retard.
>drawn by AI?
worse, divershitty hires
Sheeeeeit ladiez, you mean to tell me we wuz soldjas and sheeit? Mmmm Mmmm Gurl! Slaaaaaay~
Savage model 1907, it lost out to the 1911 for US army procurement.
I'm not even a /fa/ggot, but the "bald+beard" look needs to die already. It's the bowlcut or mullet of the 2020s.
most regs arent enforced on niggers and women, especially not hair regs
>nigger soldier
>canadian gun

Next you're going to claim how "canadian" the Lee- Enfield is, right?
The only rifle Canada produced of note is the Ross
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>What is your favorite American service weapon?
>"United States"
pick one

Constitution didn't get ratified until 1789, prior to that there were the Articles of Confederation, and during the Revolutionary War there wasn't even either one of those, we still didn't know what we were going to do if we won. Some people even talked about making George Washington our new king.
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I don't care that it didn't work worth a damn. A mass-produced breechloading rifle in 1819 is fucking based.
>Raise militia army
>Reform it into Continental Army
>Become US
>Rename Continental Army to US Army
>249 years and 1 month later, cause autistic retard to "reeee"
M1 Carbine
A tie between the 1911 and the p226

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