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Though this was /k/ino, in Taiwan they recently made a mini-series following a scenario for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan:

It looks pretty hopeless for them. Especially when their streamers start shilling the CCP.
I am demoralized and ready to welcome my chink overlord. Private property and individual rights are overrated anyway.
>Director Lo Ging-zim explains that after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, he considers Taiwan to be "the most likely next flashpoint... drama is not presenting the truth but metaphor as to how we might react to the challenges in reality", and that Zero Day aims to show the public how to face a potential invasion.[7] Hong Kong actor Chapman To, who plays the character of "Brother Qiang", a Chinese Communist Party operative, expressed in a media interview that "it is embarrassing to play the role of a Hongkonger sent by the People's Republic of China to infiltrate Taiwan, but acting such a role is not difficult because there are many such people in Hong Kong".[11][3]
If they armed every man woman and child.
It may deter. They certainly don't have enough American pig dog capitlaist weapons to withstand the grory of the PLA empire of chiiiner


it always looks different as on film

neither side will be as competent as they are portrayed and it will end bloodily
This will happen by 2030, probably by 2028.
china does want or have a way to invaded. that why they built those island, it was away to protect the mainland without have to invade taiwan. china knows they can't even get one boat across without it going to the bottom of sea.
Delusional. Unless they're ready to pearl harbor the US in okinawa
As long as Intel remains incompetent, TSMC will continue being a 51st state of America.
The only reason why Taiwan continues to exist is because of TSMC
>probably by 2028
So when Kamala is finally elected? I could see that.
Where are Russian carriers?
Mommy Kamala will turn Beijing into a parking lot before she lets her calls lose value
Probably the bottom of the ocean by next week desu
>focuses on the grey zone lead up to the invasion
finally a kino
Taiwan has mandatory service for all males out of high school. My dad was issued a garand in the 70's.
sounds neat
should probably mention it's not out yet so not exactly a lot to talk about

I think he's considering the MLU of their fleet, they won't be able to afford it, it will be go mad on Taiwan or go CCCP rust mode.
Unfortunately conscripts only serve for like 3 months and shoot a total of one magazine during their entire service. They recently extended it but just like everything else, it’s too little too late. Like wtf they’re still buying amphibious assault ships like Project National Glory is still a thing. Taiwanese defense doctrine is completely retarded, and it doesn’t help the pro Independence Party is even dumber than the current military brass.
Are they going to upload the full thing on that Youtube channel or is there another place to watch it? Because I agree, so far it's /k/ino
That final scene is cool as fuck. But it’s weird that they got props for the new 191 yet are using uniforms that the PLA phased out years ago.
They have USVs now so I don't think the CCP stands a chance

Probably easier and cheaper for their Costume/Accessories dept to buy those in bulk and get every extra covered in gear.
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Chinese autists are NOT happy
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>yellow dawn
>>Having the insertion team carrying patches is also dumb. You'd want the op deniable until the last moment
>Wow guys a bunch of Chinks in Type 07 carrying Type 95s and QBZ-191s showed up on our shoes and started shooting at us.
>We have this slight suspicion that they might be PLA, but they didn't have any unit patches so there is no concrete proof.
Do military autist chinks really think that people are this stupid or are they just using their own intelligence as the baseline for everyone else?
Shores. They could appear on their shoes tho ynk
its a poltical thing more than a military intelligence thing
Think of the little green men in 2014
It's not even believable with all the retarded beurocracy that goes into these types of incidents. China would just get fucked out the ass with sanctions immediately because there is no politically believable scenario where a platoon or company sized amount of "radicals" gets all that military equipment in communist China without government support. The fact that he's simply criticizing patches and not the fact that they are in full PLA standard issue kit is retarded. If they wanted plausible deniability they would all be plain clothes with non descript AR-15s or Type 56/AK-74 variants, not just "generic PLA soldier without unit patch".

They also hacked Taiwan medias ahead of the invasion in the episode to broadcast instruction on how to surrender to PLA personnel so it would be kinda worthless to try to be a tid bit deniable at that moment.
Well the thing is they aren’t in standard issue kit. They’re in basically pre-2018 battle dress, while modern PLAAF airborne are wearing digital multi cam with high cuts and all that other high speed shit. Yet they’re also carrying the new 191 in this shot, so it seems that the production team is skimping on the uniform budget.
NGL it would've looked a lot cooler with what actual Chinese SOF uses. Basically a Thin Red Line tree line scene, but modern.
Difference is Taiwan is an island. Invading a heavily defended island across a sea is 1000x more difficult that what Russia has attempted in Ukraine. China needs 100 times the manpower and equipment to even gain a beachhead. And this is assuming that the US Navy does nothing. No, Taiwan is more valuable to the CCP as the convenient political boogeyman for rallying local nationalism.
that is fine and all, but you are assuming you think and act under the same pretext the leadership in china does. Im sorry for bringing up youcrane, but the same line of thought would have made a russian invasion obviously retarded. Yet they did it anyway. We just dont know what is going on in their internal politics. Nations make stupid choices like this all the time. Invasion of iraq etc etc. Nations are not rational actors. They are basically homicidal cheerleading squads.
It looks like it's more mapped out like the invasion of Crimea where the grey war is won well before the helicopters take off only it goes even further by establishing deep fake press conferences and hacking the media. So it has elements of a domestic insurgency, information control and a coup combined with absolute panic.

Makes you think of how many foreigners would actually flee when it came to it though. And how Taiwan's allies would even respond to their citizens being trapped behind an exclusion zone in the South China Sea.
So is it even out yet? Anywhere I can watch it?
Does Taiwan really have fifth column traitors?

This is more akin to ASEAN countries who all have both low level and high level politicians who prefer yuan over anything else.
>China suddenly dropping a ton of blue boys in Taiwan

They would just shell Taiwan and fling every short range and medium range missile they have

They will have their little green men/women posing as actual tourists
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Ah yes can't wait when Taiwan separatist receive a couple dozens of Type99 and PHL 81 from China via Taiwan strait quantum tunnel when it finally happen
>hacking the media
Are you twelve?
Yes, it's called the KMT.
>normal taiwanese citizens advocating for the ccp and pla
>that warden who got bribed by the pla to release prisoner/pla agents only for them to gangrape his daughter
it's ogre
i am intimidated
the mighty doragon roars
literally every country is going to have fifth column
taiwan's gonna have a shitload because a lot of families still have connections in the mainland
also there's going to be lots of apathetic voters in any country that just don't care
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The only reason why they are filming this shit is because of a Taiwanese nuclear scientist defecting to amerimutts to expose the Taiwanese nuclear program.
>almost getting a nook
>defects to the spooks
to be fair, taiwan was under martial law at this point it's not like they a happy freedom land they are now
torrents plz if there is anymore. This actually looks pretty interesting
it's not out yet
If Taiwan had nooks you wouldn't have China saber rattling and causing havoc in the straits, this is literally a America moment that bit them in the ass again.
2027. Centennial of the PLA.
This is such a stupid meme. China themselves say they’re not ready until like 2030 at the earliest, and that’s just the bare minimum. Their goal of being a “world class military” is 2050. 2027 is a think tank invention meant to sell more fear mongering books.
Does America really have fifth column traitors?

This is more akin to former eastern bloc shitholes who all have both low level and high level politicians who prefer rubles over anything else.
>why worry about something that isnt going to happen?
hindsight is 20/20
we probably wanted to avoid another authoritarian nukular power in the pacific
So, basically a 5th column production to groom the country for invasion? /k/ doesn’t get how massive and powerful the Taiwan 5th column is. Chinese call it the “unified front” or something like that. They have to do a serious, deep purge of every level of their society or they’re seriously fucked,
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Said no one ever
Eh, this one seems to be sponsored by the Taiwanese government. It also is barely hiding the subtext that anyone who doesn’t fight is a coward. The fifth column is portrayed as mainly criminal elements (which is highly inaccurate, if anything the most prominent portion will be turncoat officers in Taiwan’s military). Add in the implication that the entire blockade starts with a false flag, and it’s pretty clear this is a pro independence piece.
no it's meant to make people think about what an invasion and occupation would look like
I can guarantee that the streamer girl is going to experience a not so fun time at the hands of the mainlands or their goons
the main story beats will probably be
a) you can't trust the CCP/mainlanders. they are not your family, family doesn't do shit like this
b) collaboration or kowtowing won't save you
c) we are in this together
kind off going for a national consciousness shaping narrative, defining what unites them as a people. Nations are formed from shared strife, by presenting a story/narrative of shared strife before it happens you can help form or strengthen the national identity
In a conflict waged as much over what identity people are and if they are just chinese or Taiwanese. This is as much a weapon as any gun is.
The CCP will without a doubt take Taiwan in the opening stages like what this mini-series is trying to portray. It will be a fait accompli then the question is if the US and its allies (PHIL, JPN, SK, AUS, etc.) have the will to contest the result. And I have little faith that they do have it. People are going to realize it's literally WW3 if the USA armed services commit to retake Taiwan and cowing the Mainland into a white peace.
The Chinese won't be able to get enough men onto that island once the USMC shows up.
Once China's invasion fails, we swoop in and give them the option to become a U.S. state.
It's literally WW3 if we don't. What do you think China is going to do once they take Taiwan and we do nothing to stop them? They're going to demand that South Korea quit hosting US military bases or they're going to invade.
Japan won't be far behind them, and China will be dictating the terms of their new relationships to our former allies.
We don't have a choice.
The problem is crossing the strait. Everyone saw what unmanned naval drones did to the black sea fleet in Ukraine, I can imagine that the priority for the US would be to make them submersible and autonomous.

The PLA's plan will probably look like Russia's, starting off with intense bombardment of Taiwanese positions followed by a beach landing, but the boats will never make it.
Smells like propaganda,
paints the Taiwanese as a people who have no will or interest in resisting a Chinese invasion. Not even the president has hope,
> Do you know, why does a country fail its education?
> It`s because we don`t have a country

That might be a realistic view of current Taiwanese sentiments, but its certainly a very pessimistic one. If a story portrays its people as unwilling to fight, is it a call to action, that the people must invigorate themselves?
Or is this series a black pill to demotivate and demoralize the Taiwanese from even bothering to fight?
This movie is likely an extension of 5th generation warfare, shaping context, and attempting to create outcomes for the CCP in the near future.
Covid was a test run.
The Chinese are going to unleash the crossed virus on the island and let the Taiwanese take care of themselves.
>if the US and its allies (PHIL, JPN, SK, AUS, etc.) have the will to contest the result
America will defend Taiwan simple as that. As for allies, Japan has undergone its largest military build up since WW2 and estabilished/expanded its presence on its small islands right next to Taiwan. It also has the biggest stake in Taiwan's security. Australia is the only country to fight in every war with America since WW1, it set up a base to host 2,500 marines for le piviot to Asia, rotates American bombers out of its northern approaches and is getting SSNs. The Philippines has agreed to open 4 new bases for American forces with 3 in Luzon. While signing RAAs with Australia and Japan to increase their presence in the region. Korea is slowly working more with other regional partners but dont expect them to do shit. IMO the UK will be more supportive than Korea, with AUKUS it will rotate SSNs out of Australia and that pretty big for them and useful.
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Please don’t call her that

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