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rate russia's newest field artillery
is that 37 or 50
see THIS is how you fight NATO, cheap efficient guns without the bloat found in that pole of the world
i see these racking up a great bodycount, there is reason why the West lacks barrels
>no hearing protection

Do they not have any SPG-9's left?
Why even niggerrig this contraption.
73mm smoothbrain-barrel
how do you aim them?
Why are they using bmp guns as towed artillery????
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Oof. It was a neat idea but the execution at the time was terrible, even for the USSR.
I like the bouncing, very cute!
That's the neat part: you don't.
Ukies going total artillery death wasn't a joke, senpai.
They look afraid just reaching for it, they must be aware that a shell will probably explode in the barrel at some point.
Because they DIDN'T run out of arty XAXAXA
xoxolia is over
man what the hell is this, werent they pretending that theyre using old tanks as artillery or some shit before
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low velocity
low accuracy
low range
extremely low payload for the caliber
but at least they had common ammo
Russia has a bureaucratic love affair with towed AT guns. If you deep dive the manuals and read between the lines, it's because the crews of towed AT guns were unable to retreat in WW2 so they were forced to fight and die in place, getting a slightly higher kill count than otherwise expected for the price of the resources.

No gun here.
What makes it new?
Can they put it on a jeep without everything beneath the gun?
>Can they put it on a jeep without everything beneath the gun?
It's already on BMP-1's.
The KBP 2A28 Grom was originally designed to cope for the minimum range of 1960s ATGMs by sharing the ammo of the SPG-9 recoilless rifle. I.e. we're on historically marvelous levels of juryrigging.
gesture of goodwill
As >>62151686 says, this is the gun used on the BMP-1's which implies that the BMPs they come from are so rekt that no vile technomancy can raise them from the dead.
Honestly, I get the idea that a lot of this shit is just the result of bored and drunk mobiks trying to look busy
Blyad stupid NAFOtroon if it's stupid but it works then it isn't stupid.
And besides it's cheaper than NAFO shells so it's a loss for trannykraine to destroy them zaza.
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Kinda off-topic but why can't they just REMOVE the fuel filled doors of the BMP-1 and replace them with normal doors?
Yeah I know it decreases the range but it makes it ALOT more survivable for the occupants.
Should dig out the older M40 recoilless rifles and hand them over to the Ukrainians. I know the Americans don't have them anymore but some of their allies still have them and make ammunition for them.
I hope they are wearing ear protection
>the fuel filled doors
Odds are they won't have to worry about long term health issues.
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>he dosen't know
The rear doors are fuel tanks...
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So that's why they were thicc.
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BMP has fuel tanks in its back doors. Its literally death trap
BMP fuel tanks in the doors honestly aren't a major problem, diesel isn't that flammable, they're drained first, and if you're being shot in the ass you're done for anyway.
The utter lack of armor and mine protection, and the ammo carousel cooking off are much bigger issues.
>why is everyone is so mean to me
It's okay, the blast wave from American nuclear firepower will fix the ear damage.
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Anon the door fuel tanks are bad but they're supposed to be empty during combat and more often than not are filled with dirt to add some additional protection and mitigate that issue. It's not the major issue, the armor is thin as fuck and if we really want to talk about fuel tanks being a problem the fucking dismounts are sitting with their backs to the main fuel tank.
Fuel tanks stop bullets. Diesel doesn't combust magically from bullets.
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god look at dat ass, she is so fire.
Why did towed guns die?
>that cute bounce

It's not the fuel tanks in the door that you should be worried about. It's the fuel tank in between the two rows of seats.
>It's not
It's both.
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I'd be inclined to agree if this wasn't at least the 3rd iteration of the concept we've seen out of what looks to be the same shooting range. This isn't fucking around, this is a development process.
No, but incendiary rounds can light it up. The flashpoint of diesel is only 96C.
>remove turret from BMP
>BMP is now a comfy APC
>Grom is now a lightweight field gun
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>more survivable for the occupants
who cares?
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>twice as many weapons
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>rate russia's newest field artillery
What was old, is now new.
>werent they pretending that theyre using old tanks as artillery or some shit before
They weren't pretending. They were. Both sides were. We had people on /k/ who were fucking there telling us and providing proof that they don't use tanks like you'd expect. They said this is what happens
>Be Ukrainian in town, in trench
>Russia's somewhere 'over there'
>A BMP of some sort will appear on a hill and spray autocannon rounds into the general area and them move back
>A tank will appear, often using a search light at night, fire 1-3 rounds of HE shells in the general direction of the town or where Ukrainians might be and then roll back down the hill before anything can be done about it
If they had 'control' of the outskirts of the town then both sides would park tanks on the hills and fire into the town. That's it. The fact Russians are using tanks for offensives doesn't stop they often used them as make shift artillery.
>face full of noxious gas after every round is fired
I bet that gets fun after a while
Considering how many BMP 1s the soviets made I'm 100 surprised that they never had a towed 73mm gun that used the same BMP 1 rounds

(Yes I know of the 73mm recoilless rifle but it used slightly different ammo)
Cuba made their own domestic towed infantry support 73mm on an upscaled maxim gun carriage thing
No documentation though
That is adorable and I want one.
The life expectancy of a Russian soldier is like 12 hours anyway, the chances he’ll live to complain are low.
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My boys will destroy you, ukracuck
Who's older, the crew or the tank?
the tank, for a few years
You can take one look at that cheao shitty uniform and know its going melt right into the skin.
They probably mount these to their fortifications and when western humvee comes near, its over for it.
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no technicals?
the fuel acts as an extra layer of armor if a shell makes it past the meat layer
too bad its outranged by pretty much everything, so while they chill in their fortifications, they just poof, suddenly explode thanks to being outranged by actual artillery
Or armoured vehicles that can drive forward :^)
depends, do we start counting at the day it rolled of the assembly line or the day it got upgraded to 2022г. standard?
That makes too much sense,so I believe it.
If you want to know what it takes to make the BMP-1 somewhat crew safe, read up on the BMP-1A1 OST. To put it short: shits fucked yo, and we can't really fix it.
Probably the only thing they can salvage from all the burnt BMP wrecks. Or it's the part that wears out last, so they end up with lots of guns they cant use anywhere else.
Not gonna lie, its a pretty cool and neat idea.
If it was 1940´s...
these things can't be use in indirect fire because they have shit range. for direct fire support, do russians lack mortar?
BMP-2s got destroyed and they can't build more so they started taking BMP-1s out of storage to produce BMP-1AM with the same turrets from BTR-80A
Means there are surplus 2A28 guns
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forgot pic
You can just empty the door tanks or fill them with sand.

The bigger problem is the internal aluminum soldier bench/fuel tank that you can't do anything about.

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