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I feel an irrational urge to buy kukri but I'm still living with my parents and I don't know how would they react if I bough a scary item because of an irrational urge (we have no guns because Europe + mom is anti gun)
theres a reason why no one uses them besides the gurhkas, and thats only for traditional purposes. they're too heavy to be a good knife and not axe'y enough to be a god axe.
move out of your parents house
Fuck ya
Rest of the world uses other machetes
yes because machetes are cheap and lightweight. the blade on a kukri is like a quarter-inch think, they are comically heavy.
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Chopping knives do have their role. It's just not in combat.
At least it's better for home defence
I like mine. I live somewhere where I can actually to use it, and I highly recommend it
>does knife shit good
>does tomahawk shit good
No downsides in my opinion
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Forgot to attach pic for proof of ownership
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>they're too heavy to be a good knife and not axe'y enough to be a god axe.
Which makes them perfect for scenarios when you need something in-between. I don't know why /k/ has such an irrational hatred for middle of the road options.
then leave
get a bolo knife instead
they're actually shit knives. the "genuine" ones are just a sharpened truck spring, basically a hatchet. and the silly ring on the handle gives you blisters.

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