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how physically difficult is boot camp and subsequent infantry specialized training? (in your military, most likely american but any is welcome)

if you practice a physically demanding sport (mma/boxing/football) at a competitive level how difficult will you find it to be from a physical standpoint?
Be a lanklet cardiofag and you will do fine
Also a reminder: If you are still talking about bootcamp 6 months afterwards, it means you didn't do anything interesting.
It is just the first filter.
Took these notes from various vets I talked to playing in pool tournaments at my local Legion and VFW, as I have an IQ above 100 and #neverserved. Also, responses range from Boomernam to GWOT.
Fucking sucks, but survivable by 90% of retards who sign up.
Sucks less, more ship and technical stuff. Chiefs are a separate species of human though, so experience may vary
Sucks less than the Marines, and food is slightly less shitty.
>Chair Force
When your training program involves how fast you can ride a bike, is it really a training program? Also, food is fucking Michelin compared to the top three.
>Space Guardians
More or less like Air Force, according to AF guys who worked with them, but I haven't interviewed any guardians to confirm.
>Chiefs are a separate species of human though
chiefs are the senior sergeants of the navy; but while senior NCOs are generally respected over junior officers in other branches, in the navy it's a whole different level.
Being injured and weighing up if you will be fucked up even more if you push through the pain or just risk it and hope you can heal after you have finished whatever you are doing. Sports build a good base but you will be working without proper nutrition, rest days, sleep and still expected to perform.
According to the guys I talked to on the pool table, they're given a fair amount of freedom to fuck with lower to mid level enlisted officers (where any other branch will court martial you for pushing back against the designated tard wrangler).
I’m did so fatigue research for the navy and lack of sleep is hard for some people. Can you sleep with people snoring, talking, beds squeezing? Can you physically and mentally recover off 6hr or less sleep?
what about the french foreign legion?
ive heard they shit on recruits more than anyone
For combat arms, boot camp is easy compared to MOS school. MOS school is easier than being in your unit.
if you work out regularly it shouldnt be too difficult no matter the branch. Id say if you can pass the pt test before you even get there than youll be alright
Boot camp has like a +90% pass rate. The only people who don't graduate either quit, got hurt or were literally retarded and the recruiter faked their asvab. That's for a professional military of all volunteers.

Conscripts we see have a basically 100% training graduation rate, assuming they're trained.
TL;DR anyone can graduate basic unless you quit.
Shipping to usmc boot camp in a week. Any tips?
Let me clear this up for all you pathetic fucks who live vicariously through retards and pussies. When it comes to boot camp, SPECIFICALLY the Marines and Army, they DO NOT WANT TO FAIL YOU. Now that everyone is terminally online, people assume because the drop rate for dudes going to Parris Island or San Diego is so low, that they will be fine just being average. And in a way you’re right to assume that.

What the internet doesn’t care or know about is how often dudes fail out of ITB/MCT, whatever the Army’s MoS schools are. We aren’t even talking about advance school drop rates.

So yeah you’d be right in assuming anyone who’s about average athletically will be fine in boot camp. But I’ll tell you exactly how your career will go
In the Marine Corps or the Army if you decide to be average.

You’re gonna probably pass boot camp, MAYBE get some superficial injury, and immediately fall into the “I can’t wait to EAS/woe is me my life is so terrible this shit sucks” crowd. All those stories about dudes spending their entire career mopping and doing dumb shit? Yeah that’s 90% of everyone who ever served, and that will 100% be you if you just coast along.

So take some fucking initiative. Don’t listen to retards online. Stand out, be bold. Don’t cry and feel sorry for yourself. If you can’t at least be proud to be there and have a mindset to commit for a minimum of four years, stay the fuck out. There’s far too many fags enlisting for glory or benefits these days anyhow.
Don’t listen to the “be a ghost, don’t volunteer” people. Getting fucked up in boot camp is a joke compared to what you’ll face in the fleet. Hopefully you got an 03 contract because otherwise boot camp might just be the most “Marine” thing you do in your career. So enjoy it if that’s the case.
Ask the DI if you have to fill out a Form ID-10T
Thanks, and I signed an 08 contract.
I’ll ask him that after I tell him I’m the best recruit there and deserve the guide position, also heard volunteering for IT helps with that.
Then you’ll be the best of the pogs next to intel. You might even get to stack some bodies here in the next couple years. Don’t let yourself become unmotivated. It’s gonna sound like some real faggy shit but just remind yourself how proud your family is/will be. Keep striving to do the best you can everyday even when the faggots are in your ass and making shit gayer than aids. You’ll be alright
Thanks, I want fire support real bad. Fingers crossed.
>was one of the quitters
Joined for the wrong reasons and got to boot and was like "why tf am i doing this exactly?" Senior drill instructor could tell i think and basically helped me get out, probably makes it easier overall to just help the quitters out than force them along
i envy americans that can just show up to a recrooter and enlist unless youre a giga lardass, in europe you need to jump through hoops to enlist in an army that will never deploy anyway
It was pretty easy, all things considered.
The very first ruck (18 year old me had only ever done cross country/track and was a total DYEL)
The longer rucks towards the end of OSUT (18 year old me had no concept of proper hydration despite the above and cramped up pretty bad on the 15 miler)
Loud-ass retards keeping me up at night for no fucking reason
>kinda sucked
Smoke sessions before I got used to them
Georgia heat and humidity as a Midwest kid
That confidence/obstacle run thing with the crawl under razor wire and shit, it was like 100 degrees the day we did it
>kinda fun
Gas chamber
Obstacle course
Some smoke sessions
Range days (half/half fun and suck depending on how retarded my fellow teenagers were)
>fun as fuck
Aren’t they getting ready to conscript people for a big war?
No need. Russians seems to prefer to commit sudoku at the drop of a hat. All you need is an unarmed drone to buzz around them.
For me, it’s any female DS. I went to Sill and all they do is screech and be annoying.
I’m the usmc 08 poolee and also a dyel, 145 pound cross country lanklet. Any advice for the rucks and gaining weight? Is it typical to gain weight in boot camp, or is that more when you hit the fleet?
Eat as much as you can, load up on peanut butter, bread and yogurt because you can grab as much of those as you like in mess hall
>commit sudoku
Learn to zone out and get into the right headspace during rucks
Also don't check your watch too often or else you'll probably be demoralized over how little time has passed
>don't check your watch too often or else you'll probably be demoralized over how little time has passed
i do the same during boxing practice circuits
That’s absolute bullshit. And if it’s true that’s pretty hilarious. When I went through boot in 2014 we didn’t eat a full meal until after we shot rifle qual at like month 2. Until then it was fuck fuck games with JUST enough time to choke down a couple good spoonfuls before they made us get up and get the fuck out. We sure as fuck didn’t get no damn yogurt. And peanut butter was 0
just there so the DI’s could catch recruits stealing it and fuck us all up in response. Our heavy took our guidon when he found a kids stash of peanut butter packets. Fucked us all up while he made the kid squeeze each one onto the floor in the middle of the squad bay. Smeared it around with the guidon and didn’t let us wash it for about two weeks or so.
>Everyone talks about how they made OSUT easier
>Now I keep wondering if I passed because they lowered the standards
You east or west coast
I was the same weight when I went through and I actually stayed the same weight the whole time despite eating like a dumpster at every meal. It wasn't until I got to my unit and started seriously lifting that I gained a significant amount of weight. YMMV.
Make sure your boots fit and tie them tightly when rucking (though you should avoid overtightening). I ended up with fucking horrible heel blisters during the whole cycle because I skipped this step. When packing your ruck, try to pack things as densely as possible and put the heaviest items close to your back and above the center of your torso or higher. Heavy shit on the bottom = avoidable pain during movements. Use light/bulky material like your sleep system to support heavier items.
Hydrate well on the days preceding a ruck or training event as well as during the event itself. I've found that if I'm properly hydrated 24-72 hours before an event, I need relatively little water during it. Getting enough salt and electrolytes is also critical; once you get to your unit, one trick you can use is shotgunning a whole advancedcare Pedialyte the night before an event as it will basically make you feel like Superman in terms of hydration the next day.
Pay attention to your stride and footstrike while rucking. Some people, for whatever reason, have the leg length to take long strides and just don't and cause themselves unnecessary suffering by not striding out. I'm a manlet so take this with a grain of salt if you're not but I've found that the faster I ruck, the more my strides resemble lunges, in that I'm taking a long step and pulling the ground towards me with me heel while the other leg briefly locks out. Again, YMMV.
Avoid associating with quitters, whiners, and retards when possible and do not listen to their bullshit. You're stuck with all these people for your cycle, their attitudes can be infectious. Things are drastically different at your unit so keep your head up and keep moving til you pass.
Screencapped, thanks. For boot sizing should I just go with the size I’ve been using for hiking, or will I be able to try different sizes out when I get there?
i go on hikes and rucks, less than id like to but i still do at least once a month sometimes 2, at the beginning i got blisters and shit but now i dont anymore and the skin is thicker, are my feet toughened or will they get fucked up anyway?
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Calm down, Captain America. Congratulations, you have an SM fetish for getting yelled at by buff, burly men in boots, and submitting to those men with higher authority than you. We get it. You can come out whenever you like.
How hard is the Crucible?

Also why is RASP hardcore?
easier than you think. hard if youre a pussy.
they literally take the lowest functioning people that are still useful.
Not hard, just sucky. Have some common sense and take some initiative and you can easily distinguish yourself. Side note not to drink the koolaid too deeply or you wont even realize they successfully indoctrinated you into being a boot ass boot
Crucible ain’t shit.
>Also why is RASP hardcore?
Honestly regiment is worse
Can you elaborate?
When you get issued your boots (if it's anything like how the Army does it) you'll be given a pair to try on and rushed into just accepting it. Don't let them force you to accept a sub-par pair of boots just because they want you to hurry up. If the pair you get doesn't fit, politely but firmly say so.
They might, since you ruck much more frequently in basic training.
RASP is what people imagine basic training will be. If you get there, grit your teeth and fucking push on to the end. Let the cadre be the ones to tell you no rather than self-selecting out of it. My biggest career regret is not trying harder at RASP and washing out as a result.
Idk what a crucible is
So long as retards keep their talking to a minimum then its easy to fall asleep, sleep on a humvee hood while its running to get max heat in winter and the sound is irrelevant
Crucible - 54 hour training evolution in the field, culminating event of USMC boot camp, not actually that hard, suck it the fuck up.
>Avoid associating with quitters, whiners, and retards when possible and do not listen to their bullshit. You're stuck with all these people for your cycle, their attitudes can be infectious.
I'd say that's just good advice generally, civilian or military.
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>take cat-asvab at local Army recruitment station
>recruiter praises my score
>can't do a single push-up(doing 150 wall push-ups daily), but can do ~15 sit-ups
What do? I will be taking the real asvab at the end of the month, does the army have a fat camp? I also weigh 249lbs/5'11".
Does the army have a poolee program similar to marines? If not better start running and doing push ups, tubs
What is your mile time anon
We just did ethnographic research on enlisted and ran officers in the lab in Monterey. I never served, but many sailors told me it is a badge of honor to function sleep deprived. Kind of crazy from the civilian side.
I'm 6'2 305lbs and ran a mile in 11:05 today. I definitely felt like I could go faster and while it was moderate difficult, I wasn't so exhausted I was vomiting or anything. How many months would it take do you think to get to a 9min mile
At least in western countries, the navy is usually the most pragmatic branch because their equipment is the most expensive.
>can't do a single pushup
>do 150 wall daily
do real pushup negatives
I'd say 2 months. 3 jogs per week keep heartrate around 140 to build stamina, moderate calorie counting and you'll do fine.
FFL is basically prison camp for people who got nowhere else to go.
It's like Russia except you'll only probably end up in Africa.
The shitty part is sleep deprivation, the rest isn’t that hard.
can you complete basic if you're 5ft ~90lbs? and would I be picked on
You would be my cock sleeve
Ill have a gun so no
Didn't stop me before. I love the small brown ones
A big part of military training is learning but how your body performs when sleep deprived and how to function without sleep. It also teaches you that you can sleep anywhere if you have to.
4 months of suck, afterwards you do the FTS which sucks even harder(specially if you go para) but it’s shorter.
2021 Infantry OSUT
Gay and retarded not hard. Hardest bit is not beating your sub 60 IQ retards to death as they inevitably fuck everything up for everyone. Also it's funny as shit how quickly everyone segregates by race.
Went to OSUT infantry in 2016. Was 24 at the time. Some of it sucked I guess, but overall not really that bad physically and I wasn't in peak shape. Main thing is the boredom of doing mundane tasks around a bunch of retards all day.
Pretty sure all militaries have some form of hazing in them.

Yes, even in American SOF selection and training.

Maybe no longer in normal boot camp/basic training for grunts but they'll be hazed when they reach their unit anyway.
hope ill get to see it for myself, going there in October

at the moment I can do 36 pushups and 12 pullups, level 7 luc leger, I still got 2 months to go for training, I also go on rucks and hikes to train
Do you speak a bit of French? if not, try to get some before going, it will save you a lot of ramassage, running is also really important so if you aren’t good at it try to improve as much as you can before going, a 7 can get you to firm the contract but you will have a rough time with the footing
I'm studying it, I slacked off before so I'm behind schedule but I'm studying French yes, I know some basic shit

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