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I'm starting a /k/ sensha-do team. What tank should we use?
>girls tankata
I'm honestly terrified to consider what the fucking boys are doing, Ace Combat fighter jock shit? Or just going full on 1989 WW3 with the WMD's turned to 11?
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exclusively experimental shit
Soccer and basuketo
Karl Gerat
dont be an axis. be better. be an ally.
>the nuclear football club
I think we know the reason why they have to use fuckhuge ships for the girls academies, the boys fucking blow up the world each year.
Skip the tank and just rape the other combatants pre-combat.
Raping is against the spirit of Sensha-do.
It's a creative use of unique traits or abilities. How is it not allowed?
>Ace Combat fighter jock shit?
More like real life Warthunder. Hope they release Boys und Flugzeug soon.
Matilda pls. Or Hetzer :3
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The /k/ommando Girl Academy for Tolerance and Friendship Schoolship's senshado team should EXLCUSIVELY employ Hobart's Funnies
Flamethrower, faggot carrier, mine chain, DD drive it would be pure excellence
lore wise boys do just normal stuff. tankery is seen as a weird, unattractive old fashioned/granny-tier activity in that universe.
but fans have been asking for a boys und flieger spin off pretty much since the beginning.
ARMORED warfare
Girls can't rape girls.
You haven't been reading the right doujinshi.
Soldiering games
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>Skip the tank and just rape the other combatants pre-combat
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I read that doujin
>get's mogged by bunch of medicore tanks
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T31 Demolition tank

2 183mm rocket launchers
105mm Howitzer
1 M2
3 M1919
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A38 Valiant
I think an M4 with the Ford engine would be the easiest. I'd rather drown myself in boiling sulfur than do a valve job on a Chrysler multi-bank.
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>an M4 with the Ford engine
>would be the easiest
And the best.
T30 for the flag tank, M26 Pershings for the remaining 7 vehicles.

I just learned that my town got twinned with Oarai, always a good excuse to rewatch this shit.
>anon learns that senshado girls carry grenades for personal defense

(also, are the condoms carbon-coated for protection?)
Riight, cause getting into a struggle snuggle with someone who one-handed vacuum loads the main gun on any WW2 tank sounds like a fucking BRILLIANT idea.
why not just have consensual orgies as teambuilding exercises?
Centurion for combat effectiveness, 7TPdw for Yukai bait, T-35 because I want to see what that retarded configuration can do with GuP stats.
I think my dad would’ve preferred to catch me watching porn instead of tank girls. He just looked down, shook his head, and walked out
>The UST wants to know your location
Wow, anon. I didn't know you were such a sissy fag! Don't you know that Sensha-Do is a girl's sport?
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LET FUCKING DO THIS LADS, we've got the high ground.
My dad was watching GuP himself
Normally I'd hate this idea but if GuP is donezo completely then I say fuck it, it's the only way I can even have a slight chance to get more
Your dad sounds like a giant queer in regards to his taste in media entertainment. I hope he has other redeeming qualities to make up for it.
The StuG III (or is it a IV for whatever reason?) seems a bit unfair here with its high velocity gun. So I'll go with a M3A3 Lee painted in proper olive drab and with a crew of men instead of anime girls who are all skin and bones. So not the one on the screen but same basic design.
You should dress up as a tank girl, that would really show him
Nobody likes a tryhard
Boys play with bigger toys
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trench warfare with carbon coated dirt
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Im in
Watching weird porn.
I got my normalfag dad to watch the latter half of Der Film.
It's just a solid action flick if you start at the beginning of the main match.

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