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Another police officer almost dies because bullets don't come out of a glock when the trigger is pulled.

That's a sig.
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explain this
Well it doesn't even need a trigger pull for the bullets to come out then
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ah yes the famous glock 320
looks remarkably like the sig that has a dozen lawsuits for its bad design
Weird looking glock
But you already knew it isn't, I'm sure.
>Glocked successfully
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>explain this
explain this sigger
>have 2 variables in an experiment
>change variable 1
>result is the same as before changing variable 1
>"Variable 1 must be the cause of this!"
Just because a group has firearms, does not mean they know how to maintain their firearms.
These problems didn’t exist when cops carried revolvers
>These problems didn’t exist when cops carried revolvers
fine and dandy til these fellers roll around
I fail to see how carrying revolvers vs semi-auto handguns has any bearing on the events of North Hollywood seeing as how in both instances rifles would need to be used.
glocks wouldnt have made much of a difference in north hollywood but it was the harshest slap back into reality for american police in a while, they needed to modernize their weaponry because criminals had superior firepower to them
omg fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck glocks, man. that's the worst i've ever seen any gun malfunction, and i've shot hi-points
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mag(skill) issue
No cops or civilians died. Therefore the revolvers worked.
>retarded cop doesn’t maintain his shit
Idk what to tell you. Put 450 rounds through my g17 this morning and had zero hiccups. Up to roughly 7,000 rounds now with no issues.
He limp wristed it bro. Everyone knows glocks are perfect so long as you hold them perfectly perpendicular to the ground with absolutely no tilt in either or direction, and a freshly applied coat of lube between magazines. It's always these dumbfuck cops who can't remember these simple requisites
Not a glock in the video.
Having flocks would have had no effect since the issue was that they had body armor and the cruiser shotguns regular patrolmen had wouldn’t pierce it. What switched cops over to semi autos was the events of the Miami case FBI shootout. This also would not have had a different outcome if cops were carrying glocks but whatever cops are retarded I guess.
watch the video
more info on sigger slava J
5.56 cucks? How did we lose against 9mm?
I thought we were talking about the webm sorry im retarded.
I have watched a bunch of cop shootout vids:

- police actually aim and fire while criminals tend to fire wildly
- police have body armor so they sometimes take a handgun round to the chest and live. Criminals not so mich.
- police are in pairs or more while criminals are solo

That is mostly it. Man without armor with a 556 vs muliple cops will thpically lose.
9mm bros just keep on winning
Would officers do better with a TMP?
Why cops don't just carry a reliable double action pistol like a CZ-75 is completely beyond me

>incapable of being limp wristed
>does not go off in your holster because there's no cocked striker waiting to murder your foot
>smoothbrain zogbots who get 3 hours of range time a year and don't know how to maintain their weapon experience malfunctions when it's time to actually use said weapon
Stop the presses
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>double action
You are well aware of what I am talking about
We keep taking Ls... Bros... Beretta gods and CZ chads laugh at us...

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