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Is there such thing as a truly rifle-rated helmet?
>10kg helmet
sure, you just need to either relax your definition of "rifle rated" or relax your definition of "helmet"
It would be heavy and restrict your vision, paradoxically increasing chances of death.
Sure but it'd be a titanium-foam dome directly connected to a chest plate. It needs to be able to tank penetration without snapping the user's neck.
how come nobody made a heavy ballistic helmet that rests on the shoulders instead of the head?
>doesn’t snap your neck when it takes a hit
>no neck aches from a heavy helmet on the head
>can be made even heavier than a regular ballistic helmet since it’s not on your head
>it’s pure concentrated pussy repellent
>limits vision
but that last one can be solved by adding cuts and holes, even if it compromises its protection it would still be sturdier than a regular helmet.
Is there a reason (other than the impact maybe snapping your neck) you couldn't do it with UHMWPE? There's Level III plates made of that stuff that weigh like 3-4 lbs.
How do you aim your rifle. Or walk

You don't, you let the BattleMech do it for you.
all of these combined but attached to a powered exoskeleton
problem solved
Because UHMWPE have large back face deformation. Tests with cadavers show that UHMWPE non penetration hits break body bones (ribs, sternum, spine).
Head armor need not only to stop penetration but also with deformation not reaching skull. This is why steel.
why didn't you post the funny pic
No the ponggg kills you anyway.
The helmet has to absorb the impact of a rifle round while also not concussing its user or weighing 25+ pounds.
Just assume getting hit in the head with a rifle round will fuck you up no matter what you're wearing.
>Is there such thing as a truly rifle-rated helmet?
every time someone claims that a helmet is "rifle rated" they mean it can stop a non ap rifle round from >600 meters or from such an shallow angle that the bullet wouldn't have even hit you in the first place if you weren't wearing the helmet.
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
Yeah, but it always needed a top spike

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