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If a war breaks out between the US and Iran after the election, what equipment and tactics would Iran use to fight a super power? How much of their old western equipment still works? Are any Iranian made designs good?
kill yourself AI faggot
What's wrong with AI?
I am very disappointed that you decided to post slop, and am now saging your thread. Do better.
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IEDs strapped to kids, F-14 Kamikazes, Mullahs and other officials hide in Turkmenistan until the U.S. leaves, standard muzzie stuff.
So just basic insurgency like Iraq? Iran doesn't have greater capabilities or more sophisticated equipment?
Why would Kamala attack Iran?
>Like Iraq
Iraq fully intended to oppose the Coalition conventionally, the insurgency phase didn't even really heat up until the U.S. completely dismantled the state apparatus and monumentally fucked everything. Iran on the other hand, put a decent amount of effort in native missiles and drone production, but more-so to export to other insurgencies abroad.. They've put pretty much all their eggs into irregular warfare
Oh, and I forgot to mention Pakistan will take every possible step to help out Iran without openly encouraging hostility with the U.S.
>but they dont like each other, why would they?
Because Pakis are full blown retarded, and that's all the reason they need.
the taliban will be fighting iran with american air power paving the way, nothing more
So it sounds like Iranian insurgency might be more effective then.

That is bizarre.
Could be, being realistic about one's capabilities is the first step in making an effective strategy
I'm noticing a noticeable increase in anti-Iran warmongering going on on this board lately. What's the cause?
>What's the cause?
absolutely no idea
just like all the hate for palestine
i have no idea who could possibly hate any of those groups for even a single reason at all
we sure do live in strange times
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The conventional tactic of using IEDs to blow the 18 year old American GI's balls off for Israel until they fuck off and go home will no longer work because Israel has already managed to hijack the American education and healthcare system to forcibly transition the future draftees. This is 20th generation warfare.
Islamists can only into assymetric warfare
Pic gives me Come And See vibes
This is false obviously we have warmongered against Iran since the boards inception, don’t go against the board culture. Support the war
US and Iran seem to be supporting different sides in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
So just like Americans then.
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Yeah, the Mullahs don't give a fuck. During the Iran-Iraq war it wasn't the occasional wonderlust kid sneaking off to war, or mascot roles like drummer boys of old. Children were actively drafted and mobilized. The only reason they didn't mobilize women is the whole "no family supervision" clause that comes with their religion
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running away and hiding behind civilians
I think it's the opposite. I think the US would pull another 91' against most militaries up front. It's assymetric that the US struggled more with recently.
>le epic muttmerican who lost 10,000 aircraft to asian "runners"
>USA sends a million black men
>iranian women surrender, men accept the BBC
>USA wins
Iran would get bombed and it would take everything they have to maintain their police state.
The US could air drop rifles and make things really shitty. The Iranian people deserve better than their shithole government.
Asymmetric works both ways. The US has only ever come out on top when they had a huge advantage or were running away and hiding most of the time.
less losses per sortie than pozziyan bbc force today, even including malfunction not just combat losses
>"you only won because you were so much better than me!"
Weird cope, but ok
Nobody is dying for you, Moshe.
There are about a dozen israeli shills on this board as they don't have anywhere else to go.

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