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File: russian comms .webm (1.55 MB, 464x848)
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Is it normal for a nations military to use civilian applications like discord to communicate? This is a russian UAV command
They should use teamspeak
Desperate times desperate measures. I think the US military used IRC at one time; which was the discord equivalent for Gen X.
Would this violate Discord's TOS?
IRC was definitely used. MIRC, that I know of. Kinda funny. At least it can be secure since you control the server and all. Not so much with Discord. Russians doing it is no surprise.
They probably know about it, and are on the payroll.
This is like a tutorial level for 1N2X1s.
I’ve seen Ukrainians use discord, too. Seems kind of dumb, unless you’re really good about who gets an invite link. I wouldn’t doubt the FSB and whatever glow niggers the Ukrainians have comb through the leaks every time they happen looking for intel.
Ukrainians literally do it, too
I'm sure the spooks have a backdoor to listen in
Would assume that discord is owned by NSA through PRISM. Pretty dumb to be using it for the russians.
>MIRC, that I know of.
i remember getting a chuckle from that when i learned about it 20-odd years ago. but that was back in the boomer era. they have far more competent things to use today.
i think ukraine mostly uses a custom android app as sort of a freeware BFT with chat feature. they developed it before the war for artillery spotting.
IRC is just a protocol, you can use it just fine with opsec maintained.

SLACK apps look the same
Sure it’s just that Ukraine started the war with limited resources, it isn’t a surprise for them to rely on it. Didn’t expect the 2nd military of the world to fall so low so quickly.
If your infosec is good than it's fine. You can have a locked join channel so someone can't get an invite link and immediately scrape anything, and it's all end-to-end encrypted anyways. You'd need a lot of things to happen to happen for it to be compromised on Discords end, and they don't automoderate content at all from what I've seen. Believe it or not there's no spooky NSA gigascraper, you can say plenty of nasty things as long as it's not public where somebody's gonna report you to the FBI.
IRC was also used by delegation inside their building when they were being shelled during the constitutional crisis.
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The US government can subpoena discord at any time and require that they not disclose that they were subpoenaed, is this likely to happen because your friends shared some spicy memes in your gaming channel? No. Will this happen if the Russian military is using your channel? Definitely. It would be like if the army started using TikTok to coordinate operations, or if the airforce used a private VK group to schedule flights
IRC is self hosted and can be implemented securely in several ways

Discord is a hosted service from a US company that's explicitly against end to end encryption, your threat model is not 'some ukrainian might get into the server'

>Believe it or not there's no spooky NSA gigascraper
Discord has automated content identification and reporting tools, primarily for CSAM but the tooling is there. If a company is co-operative with law enforcement they will be very responsive to government queries, subpoena or no.
Discord is a tech company targeting teenagers that has billions of dollars on the line if they're taken to court, I believe they're responsive to government queries.
How do you even secure comms? Those guys are using landline phones
Actually yes. It's cheaper to certify COTS software for military use than to develop dedicated military software, and the end result is usually better. Of course I don't know what the Russian certification process looks like so it's quite possible they haven't gone through what we'd consider the proper steps.
>Russian UAV command

Is it? Based on the drones they are using, the action they are observing (some guy wandering alone, classic Russian tactic), using Windows OS and that Ukrainians have used discord extensively before, it looks more Uki to me. Maybe the uniform tips it off but I have no idea when it comes to uniforms.
That desk phone is Russian tho I can't believe guy is allowed to vape in there, that part gives more of Ukraine vibes.
It was posted as Russian UAV post on telegram, and the guy on the left looks like is wearing pixel green camouflage, as for the set up it’s nothing special to have some screens up on a wall.
File: DJI Flighthub.webm (3.16 MB, 1280x720)
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I wonder why they don't use the DJI FlightHub software instead: https://youtu.be/1ucIm6g9llg?t=130

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