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Full disclosure. I saw it on one of those FB groups where they make fun of fudds.
insurance wouldn't touch you
International maritime law is not a freebee zone. Also setting out to do crime is a crime.
I, too, watched that Nick Crowley episode
The pirates could have rockets, recoilless rifles, mortars, or AA cannons. That is in addition to the standard fare of PKMs and DShks. The amount of ordinance and weaponry that can be found in countries like Somalia is staggering and I wouldn't want to be the poor bastard who fucked around and found out.
When did pirates stop being hosti humani generis?
Not a single ship that had armed private maritime security forces (3 guys with AKMs) aboard have ever been hijacked. No armed private security force has ever even taken a casualty before. OP’s yacht is getting filled with bullet holes after a year, but they won’t be dead. At most you’d need to stack some sandbags around the railings so the customers have some cover.
>all that just to say that you want to shoot black people
Go extinct already, swine.
Hi Jamal
You need drones, too. Not necessarily for overwatch (although that would be nice during the terminal phase) but mainly to drop napalm into the Somali boats as they approach.
Niggers might be stupid, but they'd eventually learn to avoid yachts. unless you kill them all so they can't go back and tell the other pirates. also isn't piracy off the coast of somalia practically zero after pretty much every navy in the world decided to patrol the route?
That was actually a thing 10 years ago. I remember seeing ads for it.
Fuck that OP.
If I'm hunting bulbheads with B40's, I want a full on WW2 type Q ship, only with modern weapons and armor.
Something that looks like easy meat, but can lay down a world ending broadside of "go fuck yourself" kind of firepower.
Timmy Tourist can learn how to slap clips into a 40mm BOFORS or some shit I guess.
>Also setting out to do crime
you cannot explicitly say you're going out there to shoot pirates, that falls into the legal definition of being a mercenary which is against the international rules of armed conflict

so you need to be ostensibly guarding some shipment from somewhere to somewhere

once your true mission is known to glowies, they might actually stop you

at the very least, once identified and put on watchlists, you will have immense difficulty finding anywhere to dock your ship or even supply it. certainly you will have your weapons seized by any Customs in the world so you have to figure out how to cache the kit in international waters

also recently Somalia is quiet, it's the Houthis who are chimping out, and they have state glowie backing so you'll have Iranian and Best Korean glowies gunning for your head. not to mention the Houthis themselves now have aerial drones, surface drones, and antiship missiles.

it's a fucking fantastic idea don't get me wrong, and I wish someone would actually do it, but these are the IRL factors to take into consideration

t. know a couple of guys guarding Gulf tankers
It was fifteen years ago, and it was a joke that got turned into a hoax by unscrupulous news outlets presenting it as fact.

Your outcome is more likely, I admit. African chaos and Islamic savagery should not be underestimated though. A ZSU 23 bolted to a fishing boat could knock out a yacht and the Somalis definitely have both.
FPV drones, they're the great equaliser of our time
>tfw your rich boy human safari is role reversed by plucky somali fpv pilots
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sensing a lot of butthurt coming from you
>Niggers might be stupid, but they'd eventually learn
They've tried - and unsurprisingly failed - hijacking like 10 different warships over the years.
The first time I heard this joke was through my dad receiving an email 10 years ago. Last time it was a cruise ship, not a yacht.
"You can get an AK for $50 or a minigun for $100. I only managed to get a couple of guys but my kids sunk 3 whole ships!"
>I only managed to get a couple of guys but my kids sunk 3 whole ships
sheeit, this exact sentence brought it all back

joke emails on Yahoo in red yellow and blue text with three different font sizes and multiple exclamation marks so that you knew what the punchline was!!!! and a laundry list of email addresses from multiple fwds nested like a deranged matryoshka

simpler times
Damn, my dad saw one of those>>62153618
Where we're going, we don't *need* insurance.
They probably didn't recognize them as warships.
Hunting pirates is not a crime.
>Obtain letter of marque.
> Obtain surplus Fletcher class or later DD.
> Refit it to look like merchant ship, and be more fitted to slaughtering small craft.
> (to be announced)
> Profit (?)
They probably thought they could bluff their way onto them. Niggers are, INCREDIBLY stupid after all.
I almost miss it...
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fantasies like these is why you need to read John Ringo (OH NO)
Alright mandic calm down
>you'll have Iranian and Best Korean glowies gunning for your head
Even though governments have significant resources, their ability to project their power and influence has flaws and limitations. That's not to say you should be complacent regarding your own preservation in the pursuit of Houthi death for sport, but rather to keep things in perspective.
I *am* the insurance.
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>heavily armed
>implying pirates would try to attack a boat that can easily top 50 kts if needed be, rather than a slow container ship that barely goes at 20 and filled with retarded indians that hode their entire paychecks inside the safes
Even without armed guards approaching yacht is dangerous because it is fast and maneuverable and can just ram and crash pirate boats.
Thats not self defense. Thats setting up a trap on people with intention of harming them.
so it's ok to be a pirate as long as the people you are attacking might be armed?
And who would pay your benefits then nigger?
We die you die.
Unironically kill yourself
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>surplus Fletcher
There's 4 left in existence and they're all museums
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Dibs on USS Cod. I bet their youtube channel would gather some more attention if you pitched the idea to them half a year on patrol and other half as a museum.
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they was gud bois dey dindu nuffin, dem boys didn't know you was gonna be armed. they was gonna turn they life around they was just gonna kidnap one mo wyboi.
Why not just hitch a ride on a cont ship?
i deployed into that area in the navy. they most certainly do not.. these guys are pathetic retards even by somali standards and rarely if ever have more than shitty, rusty rifles.
even if it is, who cares.. somalis and much less their pirates deserve it
imagine being this concerned over what some corporate losers condone. time for your corporate sponsored sex change bud!
source on this guy???
No it's not.
larp fantasy threads were acceptable when everyone on /k/ was underaged but now they're just embarrassing.

is this tactical cargo cult?
pirates forfeited their humanity, it's open season on them demons. Anyone who forsakes God's law is up for grabs.
Anon this is just a lovely cruise package which happens to be in an area full of nig--I mean pirates and so needs must be heavily armed.
Who is to be blamed if every cruise happens to be set upon by the local wildlife and fires back in turn?
worried that the black held monopoly on killing blacks is coming to an end?
>Thats setting up a trap on people with intention of harming them
Just like the pirates
They wouldn’t get shot if they weren’t acting like opportunistic, predatory niggers.
That's a hitman service so youre going to jail. Next.
>There's 4 left in existence and they're all museums

Well, that sounds like a fine opportunity for them to solve their funding woes.
>Slaughter bulbhead pirates, collect monies from bounty.
You're not Law Enforcement.
if you wanna do that you can just join the police
I saw almost this exact same "meme" on ifunny. It was a twitter screenshot and the only difference was that instead of "Business Idea: " it said "Wealthy Russians are". After that it was this shit, word for word.

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