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Literal skill issue.
watch out OP the Western does not like when failure is shown

they will dilate, cope, seethe
And yet here you are, seething
Please post passport and nearest firearm
Say the line, shill!
>sigh, competency crisis
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Sup, vatnik
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As unfortunate as it is, things like this happen eventually. The main concern is whether or not the unit and the wider USAF learn from this and endeavor to not repeat the same mistakes
No, what is important is putting as many female and/or faggot asses into seats as possible. That is the way ideologically driven organizations are, and our military is one, now. Shame about that.
what you just said does not take away from my statement you marvin the martian ass motherfucker
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Faggots, just as bad as vatniggers Taki the bait so easily.
Only decent response. Hopefully they'll learn and apply to future training.
They’re slated for replacement with the B-21 in like 5 years anyway, this isn’t the first accident at Ellsworth either, it’s a shit station.
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>posting such an inmodest and moral picture of a woman (who probably doesn't even know how to operate the firearm she's holding)
>Flag of the Great Satan's ZOG
Absolutely haram, José. Submission to Allah will put you on the path to righteousness and paradise, In'shallah. May the word of The Prophet (PBUH), guide you.
what dun blowed up in russhit today?
Diversity is our strength, say it like you mean it or the political commissar will put a note in your file.
it's literally in the investigation report
said the guy who was seething in the first post
It literally is. Imagine where we'd be if we didn't have anyone who spoke fluent Russian/Farsi/Chinese/etc
Not surprising. Lower recruitment standards to make up for shortfalls. The US education system being an expensive joke. There are bound to be competency issues.

Just another symptom of the rampant anti-intellectualism spreading across the country.

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