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This OP actually owns handguns

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Noguns OP: >>62149328
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My blowback gun needs momentum or else it won’t feed well. Last time I tried standard pressure 32 it had failures to eject. I’ve realized I need hot rounds to cycle blowbacks reliably.
Also Paul tried a lot of fancy self defense 32 (American spec) and they didn’t preform well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjgg2neYcGg there’s other videos with the hot European rounds and they do far better. Idk why they don’t make more +P 32 ACP in the US (which is really just CIP pressure level 32).
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>i fear UNDER penetration so i use PLUS P fmj
If they dont expand they act like fmj retard
You know underwood sells hollow points too right?
The guy you shill shoots them too and they work well for you to see. The extra powder always helps with self defense rounds
Yeah I mentioned that these calibers have traditionally had shit hollow-point performance which is why the Hydra-Shok Deeps are so valuable. As far as your particular gun, idk. It's not as if traditional 1911s aren't also ammo finicky. They're just old designs. You should probably stop carrying retarded shit and at least get a modern(ish) gun if you really need to meme caliber. The Tomcat makes a lot more sense than a 1903.
Dumb theory but maybe they don't make them because there's no marker for the spicy salsa variants?
Also I'd blame your one-handed shooting causing limp-wrist induced malfunctions well before I'd start looking into a problem with SAAMI specs for .32
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It cycles perfectly with Fiocchi and other hot European rounds and I only buy those for 32. There’s even a JHP fiocchi variant which I have but haven’t run because I’ve only shot one box so far.
It is when it comes to small rounds since if you load it with the hottest you can (good in itself) it never jams, even if you put a can on the barrel.
I’ll probably get a P32, to minmax size. Euro rounds still get 900fps out of it
32 was much bigger in Europe and even the Germans ran a helmet piercing hot load in WW2 so maybe only European markets have treated it as something potentially combat effective.
Buffalo Bore 32 is pretty good (and has similar stats to ww2 32) but it didn’t feed reliably in my 1903.
Irrelevant since I never suffer a jam when running hot loads.
So hotter ammo is a cure for limpwrists. In blowback at least. Which is a cool discovery
What powder for 10mm carbine? 180 gr HST
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If your gun is jamming load it with the hottest ammo it can handle and problem solved.
It’s a chad solution
Posting in gay retard thread
Masochist who carries a 40 oz handgun here. Cycling out my HSTs for some fresh defensive loads. Should I get more of the same, or is there some new hotness that I should be aware of that would pair well with a heavy bitch of a gun?
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>.32 acp
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Inglis slide on turk frame is actually pretty good. Bore is in great condition, and the internal extractor functions well
You don't own any guns. see i can gaslight too, faggot
HST is still good/the gold standard, I think I heard a rumor that they reduced the expansion since some agency wanted better windshield penetration with the 9mm.

New "hotness" would be
>I shoot Winchester Service Grade since it’s basically M1152 (military’s new round, 115 gr 1300 fps, +P if not hot enough to be +P+) since you can also buy Winchester Defender High Pressure 147 gr JHP (only from SGammo) where it’s the military’s M1153 (147 gr Ranger T like projectile with +P loading, ~1000 fps) where it will have the same impact as the Winchester Service Grade at least at 7 yards.

The M1153 round is okay, I think I should find some tests of it out of a 3.5 inch barrel since I do carry it in a 3.5, it expands well in a 5 inch M9, don't know if it'll expand out of a 3.27 inch PX4

What is nice is that the M1152 and M1153 pair nicely for practice/defense and the M1153 isn't that expensive either at 50 cpr
There's not a single chad thing about you, faggot.
also coincidentally, the video I linked he talks about the HST change, it's not a rumor, the newer lots of HSTs are tuned for better penetration at the cost of expansion.
>plays ammo roulette
>mental gymnastics
>cherry picks flawed data
>contradicts self constantly
just buy a modern 9mm to carry, jesus
Being chad apparently means being a chronically ill 3'9" femboy that seeks men expanding his butthole with their genitals
youre not gonna talk sense into a total retard
Onions men hide in echo chambers, moralize, get outraged over everything and are always smug, never trying to improve.
Meanwhile I know my flaws, I hate being weak and so I became stronger and also made sure I’m not victim material. I’m also not judgy and will wonder around trying different things.
That’s more Chad than the smug basedjaks you find everywhere and definitely more capable of defending than them.
>chronically ill
There’s nothing I hate more than feeling weak
Would an inglis hi power count?
I like my 32 :)
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Forgot my cat photo wpxs
> tranny
Also, you’re a schizo
Sorry, ma'am, but you should leave.
HST and speer gold dots are still the hotness in compact/full sized. For tiny guns federal invented a new hotness round called hydroshock that was discussed here >>62153399. With your 40 oz gun if you know HSTs cycle why change?
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That honestly makes sense. HSTs are marketed towards pigs, and the ability to punch through a windshield to reach a coked-out troubled teen is probably a lot more useful than an extra millimeter of expansion that MIGHT nick something important.
Hydrashok is old shit
Do you know what marketing and brand recognition is anon? If not you should go look it up.
Expansion seems to be kind of a meme anyway.
You're going to be hitting vitals or you aren't. Your shit expanding to 1 inch in diameter isn't a game changer most of the time.
More like cops have qualified immunity and are shielded from lawsuits if the underexpansion leads to over penetration and an innocent bystander is hurt they’re protected

Unlikely, but I’ve seen a few videos where behind the target there is bystanders
>hk in the OP
>even worse than the revolver threads
fucking krauts when will we learn
More like it’s the stupid fucking faggot
These threads make me question if gays should have gun rights
It'd be awful if that ever happened, but thankfully it never has. There is no documented case of a law enforcement officer firing a round through their intended target and hurting someone behind. It's never happened. Overpenetration as a concern for the safety of bystanders is a myth.
Are hollowpoints just a meme? Have I been paying 2x the price of balls ammo for years for no reason?
Its happened. Its just that every shooting does not get Michael Brown beat down or George Floyd level of media coverage
He's retarded, he's referring to Hydra-Shok Deep which is new. It keeps the center-post from the original Hydra-Shoks.
What have I done?
You’ll then bitch when the slippery slope reaches you
I've got plenty of time if you'd like to produce some sort of evidence of this occurrence, but I've never been able to find any.
My bad, I believe it was initially reported that it was over pen but it was a stray.

Still, literally every cop is carrying JHP to prevent over penetration for 60+ years. It had to have happened. Plenty of incidents of cops missing and hitting people, like in New York.
I'm still rocking Winchester Ranger idk
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Literally 2mm of expansion would have killed one of my patients by clipping his decending aorta, where every oz of blood in your body is pumped through every 90 seconds. Expansion matters, and you shouldn't carry FMJ for that reason.
That reminds me of that anon who took 3 9mm FMJs to the chest from his GF’s ex, well he lived and all he had to say was don’t use FMJs to kill people
As a doctor what 9mm bullet do you recommend to deal the most damage?
Is that still in production?
just got a few boxes. make sure you don't get the factory reject stuff
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Not a Doctor, I shoot X-rays and CT scans. Here's another view of the bullet next to his aorta, which isthe big grey circle by his vertebrae with the rest of his heart above it. The streaking artifact you see is why you don't want metal in your scan, but for obvious reasons he couldn't exactly help it.

That being said I carry 124 gr +p speer gold dots because they run well in my carry piece and I don't notice a big difference between my accuracy or firing speed even with the added recoil.
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Don't use birdshot either, this guy got locked out of his house and tried to break into his own home through the window. His neighbor shot him in the fucking face from what he guessed was 30 feet away. Dude was basically fine.
Oh no no sigsisters

Did you try the reddit ejector yet
I'm not watching that does the gun fall apart or something?
A P320 jams right away and it takes the cop like 10 seconds to clear it.
That's not very freedom of you
Lol hello grandpa
That is especially surprising because the Sig V-Crown bullshit ammo has a mega wide mouth so you would think that to run well in the gun, 320s would be able to feed anything, at the very least. And if they can feed that, they should be able to feed the popular polymer-tip HP law enforcement ammo PDs use.
So what's going on here?
How are inox compare to regular steel in term of durability?
Stainless doesn't rust right?
>this supposed transboy/girl/anon keeps getting smaller in estimates each post.
How much smaller do they need to get until they’re a reasonable size for ccw?
>Gentle grip, seeking safe queen(prince?).
>No fatties.
What even is this thread? Can we leave drama in the previous general or are we just seething all day forever now?
I think the cop panicked and shot 1 handed, maybe induced it with his other hand. So many videos of cops doing that. Hard to tell, but either way it did jam and seemed impossible to clear without dropping the mag. He would have died if it wasn't for his partner mag dumping from the ground.
>Stainless doesn't rust right
It's stain less not stain free. Stainless steel can still rust if you don't take care of it, but the finish on the inoxs seems pretty durable and I've yet to see one rust, not that that means it can't or won't happen.
Yes. Hollow points only have the theoretical advantage of a slightly larger wound cavity, but people have been telling me for about 20 years now that this advantage somehow does not inherently apply to projectiles larger than .356, so it's all bullshit. Hollow points and other dedicated "self defense" ammo are just another marketing gimmick to convince people that they will be killed without buying something. And it worked.
I always here berettafags going on about how 92x is more features riches
What features are in 92x that aren't in fs?
You can change the backstrap from straight to hump unlike the FS which just has the hump.
It also has a shitty red dot cut but at least it comes with a cut.
It has dovetail sights not shit ass milled sights.
It has a significantly better trigger group.
I think they changed the placement of the safety somewhat so it's harder to actuate it on accident by running the slide, which never happened anyway unless you were some hamhands dumbass but now it's even less likely to happen.
+it has a rail
Oh no, the cop had a "oh shit that guy really wants to kill me right now" moment and then his gun jammed because he limp wristed it.
>seemed impossible to clear without dropping the mag
If he tapped it and then wracked it he would've been fine but he was in "oh shit" mode
Go home man you're either drunk or you just started learning English
Vertec grip, dovetailed front sight, pic rail, optic ready, decocker only models.
I don’t know, his post has a single typo. It is fairly obvious what he is asking.
>What major changes and features does the 92X have compared to the original 92FS?
Unfunny and tiring.
What about smaller fmj types that tend to tumble/bounce around anyways? Doesn’t that stand to cut an artery better than a low power JHP that might not open?
I hear these being shilled all the time, not sure if they're any good.
No you don't.
>Expansion matters, and you shouldn't carry FMJ for that reason.

That's not the case with low velocity pistol cartridges.
Those don't benefit much from hollow point bullets, they often lack the velocity to expand the projectiles properly.
And they've often got questionable penetration capabilities from the get go, which get drastically worse in combination with hollow point bullets.
I've seen X-rays of some guy that got plugged dead center in the chest with two rounds of .45APC hollow points, and the bullets were stopped by his sternum, leaving him with only minor wounds and some broken ribs.

For these reasons ball ammo and hard-cast lead are a valid self defense options for low velocity rounds, such as various .32cal rounds, and standard pressure (non +p) .38SPC and .45APC/Colt.
>expansion only matters for low velocity-
What typical handgun cals does it matter for then? Unironically asking, I’m a soongun for CCW, HD, and obviously for range. Just trying to narrow shit down.
Expanding bullets are optimal for any cartridge with enough ass to achieve adequate penetration in spite of the parachute effect. The only times you'd want to carry FMJ are 1. when legally required by international law or whatever shithole state you live in or 2. if you're carrying an inadequate caliber like .32 ACP and need as much penetration as you can get.
>>expansion only matters for low velocity-

That's not what I said at all.
Penetration is the no1 factor in handgun lethality.
If the rounds lack the penetration power to reach and damage/destroy vital organs, then the rounds are no good for self defense.
Expansion is good too, but not if it comes at the cost of acceptable penetration.

So for standard velocity rounds (9x19, 38spc+p, 45apc+p, 40S&W, etc), as well as high velocity rounds (10mm, 357Mag, 357Sig, etc). Go with expanding bullets, this is inarguable.
Soft nose or hollow point, find a load that's been tested and proven to work well for the caliber and barrel length you're going to be carrying.

For low velocity stuff (380acp, various 32s, non+p 38spc, non+p 45), go with ammo that doesn't expand. FMJs or solid cast bullets.
These rounds already have questionable penetration power, and using expanding bullets only makes them worse in this regard. Especially if they're fired out of concealable pocket guns with short barrels.
The lack of velocity also means that expanding bullets don't tend to expand properly when they hit flesh and bone anyway, so using expanding bullets just reduces penetration and gains you no additional lethality. It's a bad trade.
>/hg/‘s view on purse carry as being anywhere near as safe and low key as AIWB?
I know this isn’t a question in most anons’ wheelhouse, but I can see the benefit in having both options for myself. Is it safe, and vaguely comparable in ease/speed of draw? I’d obviously swap purse/hangbag that could actually support it.
If not, I’ll live.
I was about to ask more but anon below you reiterated. Thanks regardless. >>62154387
I didn’t mean to misconstrue your wording, phone posting reply window blocks the original message often. Very helpful clarification on my ignorance.
I saw .380 was somewhat common in subcompact or smaller, so I was vaguely curious.
It won’t be a worry for me. Not wanting anything smaller than a 9mm.
It's hilariously unsafe unless you have the gun in a holster inside the purse, since the trigger could snag on literally anything else inside that compartment, and the draw is totally fucked—setting aside the fact that purse carry usually means that the guy who snatched your purse now has a free gun in addition to all your other shit, most purses don't have any way to anchor a holster at all, let alone fix it one spot that you can consistently reach for when you need to drop 200 lbs fast.
Please, just wear pants and a loose-fitting blouse and carry (A)IWB like a normal person.
bra concealed carry is much safer and effective
if you have no tits then there's another option https://www.wtvm.com/story/29983999/tx-woman-during-arrest-theres-a-gun-in-my-vagina/
>never trying to improve
Ironic, seeing as you never listen to anyone's advice and refuse to buy a 9mm. Shut the fuck up forever you hypocritical contrarian retard.
I probably should have specified cross shoulder, with a hard formed holster to protect trigger guard.
But very fair. I’d still stick to AIWB when possible. I just can’t wear slacks or jeans 24/7 365 due to employment reasons and I also just enjoy wearing something nice out at times?
Checked. Quality fucking digits..
Isn’t bra carry super dangerous ? I don’t know shit though. That’s just the impression I’ve got.
All else being equal, bra carry doesn't sound that much more dangerous than carrying with your Glock pointed at your...femoral artery, just significantly less convenient to whip out.
>can't wear normal clothes 24/7 for employment reasons
That sounds illegal. Did you know that you have rights?
92x inox when?
Eventually, surely. They already do every other combination of 92X and 92XP features, a Nistan 92X is bound to come up eventually.
So apparently the x300U has an A and B variant. I've heard the A was meant for Glocks but wobbles, and then I've heard it has an extra locking system that doesn't get talked about a lot that eliminates the wobble. I've heard the B is better for everything hands down, but if you overtighten it on accident it warps polymer frames.
I don't intend on carrying it, just want to put it on a Gen 5 17/22 for home defense. Do any of you have a specific opinion one way or the other on the A or B models?
>businesses can't set a dress code
Zoomie detected.
You're not buying this fuddlore are you? Smaller calibers will have shallow penetration and then stop. Very rarely will they hit a bone and have the energy to bounce around like a ball.
Only high velocity small projectiles like 556 will tumble or fragment through a body consistently.

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