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>drive up to trench
>kill everyone
>get back in

it can't be that easy, right? why do they leave instead of holding the position they just took?

full vid with sound:
>using a M113 in a direct attack role

that's not a good idea
The Gavin is extermely flexable anon.
I can't wait for this to be a video game level.
I just want a trench version of r6
Is that a magazine being dragged on the ground?
They probably can't hold it, they have no tanks of heavy AT so better to kill some vatnigs and leave.
This puts pressure on Russia to replace the mobiks holding most trenches with trained infantry and destroys Russian moral.
>that one 200rnd box of 5.56 just along for the ride
Our goal is to kill as many Russians as possible. Until enough have died, no land will be held. You win a war by killing your enemy. Russians seem to believe the Golem myth and Soldiers made out of dirt will appear maybe that's why they die tens of thousands for bombed out dirt in a foreign land. Either way they will die. Bring us more flesh.
T. Ukrainian.
>replace with trained infantry
Might as well offer to replace it with a real, live fire-breathing dragon
>anon discovers what M113s are for
eugh man if this war was ever turned into a videogame it would be nothing but treelines and commblocks
based hohol defender of EVROPE
if I was in charge I'd you plucky bastards thermonuclear weapons.
One for each you gave to Russia with the understanding they wouldn't fuck with you (plus tip). The difference is, OUR nukes would fucking work.
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silly crests this is how you disembark
Drop this fine lad every AstroGavin available straight from orbit.
What's the gun at 30? A Minimi?
why is he tossing a nade at 0:11?
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>not using spontaneous ejector seats to disembark
based. where are you stationed, btw?
Yeah, saw drum. Looks like he knocked it off the rails on the gun so it spooled all the rounds out and dragged behind him. I’ve done the exact same thing getting out of a Stryker and it’s a bitch when you’re trying to shoot people
>why do they leave?
Inbound Artillery
>why do they leave instead of holding the position they just took?
consider russian inch-by-inch continual-small-group-spam tactics
if they send 5 people every 30 mins for 24 hours, some will eventually make it to an intermediary trench line, or even one too close to arty spam.. thus you clear out those toehold positions to stop them getting too infested with mobiks capable of shooting back and being supplied

...would be my guess anyway
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>red forest level
>desert level
>naval level
>swamp level
>slag heap level
>underground level
>60 mile column level
>pisskey gigafortress level
You're just not paying attention.
Despite the memes, russia still has trained and (relatively) equipped troops, they just make a smaller more precise portion of the army. The current strategy is a new hybrid of old Soviet and BTG tactics, with a large expendable body of troops fixes the opposition in place, artillery regiments hammer the position, and finally the more competent troop corps exploits the breach. It's a blunt, and rather unsustainable strategy, but it is more effective than pure blyatzkrieg
It was just a little harrasment bum touching.
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I think flamethrowers could use a comeback...
Imagine good ol' trench/bunker clearing with them, supported by drone dropped napalm bombs. Mobiks burn and suffer all the time anyway, so what difference does it make except increase efficiency?
show me the russians in that video, go on
Based. Leaf here. I wrote my Ukrainian-background MP telling him to give literally all of our guns to Ukraine last year in April after I can’t even remember what fucking atrocity because there have been so many.

I’m gonna write him again and say we need to get up to the 2% GDP NATO spending target and blow it all on bullets and shells for Ukraine because every dead Russian is one less for us to have to kill in WW3.
oh the irony
>it was a village made up of 3 shacks
>they lost 1k soldiers a day to capture it
>we didn't need it anyway
lol nice.
Hows that access to the yuan going?
>enemy is in shitty position
>if you take it now you are in shitty position
>kill enemies in shitty position, leave, rinse, repeat

>world is a fuck
>I am trash man
>570,000 dead mobiks
>oil rig level
>Azovstal steelworks level
>RDK air assault on Belgorod villages level
Wagner DLC with both both the mutiny and the glowies hunting them in Africa
>absolutely seething
Didnt need that offensive or that crimean airbase? Did you need that last cargo ferry making the crimea run?
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Because they are sf, their job is to kill. Let some other sob who didn't had the balls to join stormtroopers to waste his time in a fucking hole catching artillery.
No need for that, there's already a whole Wagner game in the works
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>ZNPP level
>obligatory modern warfare guncamera level where you blow up Belgorod fuel dumps in a Hind
If you hang around /k/ enough you'll notice some asks why flamethrowers haven't made a comeback every few days. The answer is that incendiary munitions have replaced them. They do the same job, but are easier to carry around, use, and don't require a great big tank of fuel to to be strapped to your back.
>The airliner raid to rescue a VIP in cawwa dooty was glowies "rescuing" Pringles for the sequel, Metal Gear Solid- The Blyatom Pain
That was the one with the Wizard of Oz Prigho head, right?
>basically a crowdfunded, livestreamed war, complete with celebrity figureheads that basically act like twitchthots
>hyperviolent combat footage cut down to pure action with blasting music, not dissimilar to cod frag videos
>PMC releasing their own games and movies about the war while still fighting it simultaneously
Have we hit post hyperreality and/or postmodernism? It genuinely feels like a Paul Verhoeven movie.
buck broken
You know a ziglet is defeated when it resorts to passive aggressiveness. Either that or it's too tired to spam gore right now.
the RTSs will be unreal..
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Ever heard of combat mission black sea?
Why use memes if you don't even understand what they mean?
>Russians are way more than you. You will all die for nothing in the end
Difference being that it's the unvarnished truth when Ukrainians say it. Seethe more about it.
Brown on brown, friendly fire
>Stationing troops in a barely secured trench that your enemy has the full grid coordinates and a map of
Suicide to remain.
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>Russians are way more than you. You will all die for nothing in the end
@62155845 (You)
>You will all die for nothing in the end
Nice projection katsap
There are 3-4 drones for every Russian soldier, so don't worry they'll get by just fine with these numbers
The Fallout 3 VATS headpop that happens about 5 seconds after this is glorious
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oh hey, this telegram account is back
Russia has to fire 10 of those hypothetical shells just to maybe hit their target retard
Hypothetical shells because MIGHTY RUSSIAN BEAR is having to beg and scrape to Kimmy for his old and busted shells just to not have the front be completely out of ammo lmao
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cry harder
>Despite the memes, russia still has trained and (relatively) equipped troops
waisted digits
the cream of the crop (dressed in parade uniforms no less) got gibbed in the first week of the invasion
calling what troops russhit has left "trained and equipped" is disingenuous at best
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>zelenskeyeyeyeyey is the kike of kiev but let's ignore the other kike who doesn't even have the courage to visit a battlefield
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maybe he should ask his friend for a loan
>I don't get why it's more pathetic for a much larger and richer country to beg after invading its smaller neighbor than it is for that smaller neighbor to beg
yeah I'm sure you don't
We already have a million Cold War Gone Hot games. Literally no reason to do a Ukrainian War one when it's essentially the same shit. However I wouldn't mind a CoD style game where you start as a Russian riot cop driving in a Tigr down to Kiev and suddenly get lit up and you gotta escape.
The APC was a mistake built for wars that have never happened. Its mobility coerces use as an IFV so that happens. 113s can easily be uparmored and many foreign users like Turkey do, but it's cheaper not to.
>russia has more than 5 shells for every hohol scum
is that why you're having to go to best korea and beg the flying fat man for 50 year old rusty shells and rockets?
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sure thing, old palsy, Peskov was just whining the other day that Puccians aren't fucking and making babies enough to feed into the meat grinder
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WP rifle grenades would be far better. Odd that all rifle grenades see reserved for drones but it's easy to make bullet trap adapters instead. Of course no one does for whatever reason but they do work.
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In the garden
Peaked and Bum-touching
>Great Leader
>Red line
>Trash heap
Squared and sticking out
Being measured
>Brown line
Out the Window
In gearbox
Without a handle
Quietly exploding
>Square’s forelocks
Almost flew off
Warmed up
>why do they leave instead of holding the position they just took?
Because the russians probably already involuntary called in a arty strike on their position
is it much better? you knew you were planning an invasion, ran out of ammo anyway, and had to buy norkshit with a 10x higher rate of failure
Idk why you're trying to deny reality. Even Ukrainian troops talk about the "sheep" and actual soldiers russia uses. Mobicks and convicts sustain/press the lines, and the professional troops act as QRF and breathing units
To avoid artillery and drones, the Russians tend to probe the grey zone with small groups of infantry to scout Ukie positions and coordinate artillery fire. If the smaller elements find a weakness, the rest of the platoon will push up through the treeline to make the attack. It looks like the Ukies are using APC + dismounts to quickly counter these dismounted scouting groups ahead of the Ukrainian lines.
A ukrainian unit leader said that approx. 3% of anything Puccia fires at their positions, be they arty, missiles, bombs, or what not, hits anywhere near them, and of that 3%, 0.5% of these cause casualties (injured or dead.) Doesn't matter if you have all the artillery in the world to spam if you can't hit something reliably enough.
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>says the guy spamming buzzwords like kike, tranny, hohol, jew, etc.
>forgot already that Puccia is full of niggers and mudslimes and mystery meat chinks
>Puccia has to go begging to ragheads, chinks, and dog eaters to sustain their army
pottery innit?
>Russians are way more than you.
And they also die way, way, way, way , waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than "us".
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But it's ok when glorious Puccia says they shoot down all the drones and we get footage of refineries, planes, ammo storages, and fuel dumps burning, right zister?
>Russians are way more than you.
If you mean way more homosexual, then yes. Katsaps are raging faggots.
>not even trying to deny it
>samefagging this hard
Ziggers aren't sending their best anymore, huh?
>a vatnig dedovshchina receiver seethed
stopped reading right there. consider ropemaxxing
>NTA but math isn't an opinion and 144>38
Sure. Also 5-10>1, and by a larger ratio. So Russia is losing and they will all die first.
Well that's nice, they got more than 5 for every ukrainian. Too bad they'd need like a thousand for every ukrainian with their shit accurracy.

You mean like the demographic collapse Russia is undergoing right now? As always, ziggers project.
NATO will send free sperm to all the young Ukrainian widows who want to have non slav children.
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>and then they wonder why they take no prisoners
let's not pretend orcs ever took prisoners unless it benefited them or they could harvest their organs, Alexei
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Update your scripts already you lazy fuck, or do you want to be kubed in the next meat wave to capture 'Strategically Worthless Town #273' like half a million of you orcs?
>just because I talk all day about men fucking each others doesn't mean that I'm a faggot in denial, ok? checkmate
with a 5-10:1 k/d plus all the western gibs they should have won already, what's holding them back?
more that 3k civilians killed in donbass. fuck around and find out, right?
>le gore
>le cubes
>le meat grinder
>le "we didn't need it anyway" cope
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>professional troops
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>Day 884 of US Special Decartelification Operation in Mexico
>The tactical feint towards Ciudad ran out of gas after soldiers traded all the reserve fuel for fentanyl and hookers
>Cuba closed the Straits of Florida and the Yucatan Channel to all American warships entering the Gulf of Mexico
>Pararescue bravely sacrificed themselves during the Battle of the Gulf of Mexico to hold a taco stand for a few days
>Navy Seals quickly crossed the Rio Grande but got lost and dug into the Trinity Nuclear Test site for weeks. Thanks to Belle Delphine's bathwater it's estimated that 1/10 will survive their cancers
>Biden has been riding around Delaware and Maryland on a train, getting massages from McKayla Maroney after jazzericizing in his technogym.
>During the Siege of El Merida (8mo. 20,000 MIA) Guy Fieri snapped and drove across the United States in his militarized RV to coup Biden with crowds of civilians and military cheering while his Chef Wars Boys kept shooting down 10% of the United States working helicopters and an AWACS
>Biden gives a bizarre 2 hour long interview-lecture on why Canada started WW1 to Piers Morgan.
>Two companies worth of marines lost to cluster munitions when gathered for an address by their commander on the importance of not bunching up together in an active war zone.
>Military influencer posts about it on TikTok only to be bullied by Steve Doocy into giving themselves a shotgun lobotomy.
>Eight F/A-18 Super Hornets and two AWACS are claimed to have been destroyed in a matter of days following the US advance into the town of Guachochi
>33% of Atlantic fleet lost to a country with no navy
>Cardboard drones disable so many oil refineries the US suspends fuel exports for two quarters
>Arms sales down 80% since annexation of Baja
>American insurgents have taken numerous border towns in new Mexico and still hold them while the governor denies they were even taken in the first place
So is Russia winning yet?
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biggest fear is being marshmallow Puff man tier mobility in a dangerous situation.
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Damn the zisters are losing their mind today
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game opens with a VDV Heli Assault on Antonov.
getting obliterated to the last man/position.

instead of ending the game with the objective "Survive" like Halo Reach, you open it up with it. really sets the tone.
Fighterzigger's losing his mind about a Backfire getting drone'd on the runway.
I for one look forward to the absolue autism of the inevitable Arma coop scenarios.
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>Damn the zisters are losing their mind today
Something about watching your country regress through a century's worth of tanks and IFV/APCs fighting your tiny neighbor with barely 13% of the population and no navy requires Olympic-level mental gymnastics anon, remember that the vatshill seething is a sure sign of sanctions and attrition warfare having an effect.
thank god their artillery is literally all from ww2 now and all of those shells fucking miss lmao.
i get the impression the shell statistic is the cope you you hold onto closest, you really genuinely believe a certain amount of shells per day must inform a certain amount of casualties because that's the only way russia could ever win, when that's simply not how things work anymore.
sadly for you that will never happen because unlike russians, they don't actively behave like a death cult, and are humans that care for and help one another survive.
not legal in russia fren, you'd best hope you never meet the people you're shilling for because they're sending you to gulag for your antisemetism agains putin and his lackeys.
as it turns out, people treat you like a reliable source when you don't make lying your religion and have like 30 different words for it, which is what russia does.
they take no prisoners because they're literal subhumans who began shooting civvies at the beginning hours of the war.
you of course, being a natural-born subhuman, support this.
Does anyone have the video of Trench Rambo commenting on the footage of his action? I can't find it anymore.
RIP to that stupid vatnik that had a round on 25mm go off about a foot behind him you can see the blood even from the drone.
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you know, it's funny, i made 3 russian friends on steam over the last few weeks, you know what they all told me?
the country is fucked, they're scrambling to save enough money to get the fuck out because they're like 80% certain the country is going to fall apart in the next 10 years, they're hoping they can make it out in time.

why are the russians living in russia so misinformed, if only they had listened to subject matter experts like the zigger in this thread, then they'd know they're actually completely fine and have nothing to worry about, including all those sanctions that all of them talk about, one of them even claims that he's unable to get enough bandwidth for 1080p because it was impossible to get any modern routers anymore, what a silly russian, western pro-russians know better of course.
>why do they leave
One of those hard-won lessons from ww1.
Kek this shit is so baffling to me. An US equivalent of this shitshow would be considered an absolute fucking disaster by EVERYONE. Hell, if those >>62155162 >>62155233 >>62156074 >>62156353 were American soldiers you'd see this shit on the news for months and there would be court hearings and movies about it. How the fuck do ziggers even try to spin this shit positevely? The whole thing has objectively been a complete and utter fuckup.
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because to ziggers if you aren't dying like flies you must be doing something wrong, that's the only way they know how to fight, with inaccurate artillery barrages and drowning the other guys in their blood and bodies
jeez they really parked themselves up their asses, i guess they figured out they are still drunk
you think it's ok to bomb children? what are you, an Israeli?
How new are you that you don't even know anything about the so-called Donbabwean children?
by god, no, he's not a russian.
donbass never had intentional civilian shelling btw, this will never change no matter how many times people lie about it.
>still manually tossing grenades 3 years into the war
Man they could really use some launchers
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What drives you to spam this rubbish and constantly ban evade? You do realize you're just a figure of fun here right dude?
>most corrupt country in europe
russia, yes
>would never lie
they have no incentive to and have rarely been caught lying, unlike you, who make it a daily habit and then act like a victim of persecution.
>my previous post
>they bombed civilians with cluster ammo purely by mistake then
yep, does that make you upset?
you don't actually give a shit about civvie casualties and it shows through your facade, donbass never had civilians getting intentionally attacked, ukraine did the best they could given the circumstances, that being a bunch of unmarked russian forces acting out an insurgency, something you're still in denial about after the guy who fucking orchastrated it in the first place came out and admitted it, then getting dissapeared because he didn't follow the narrative, you've already forgotten about him dispite shilling for him so much in the past, know who it is?
>what will be the next cope
right now the next cope is that trump will magically save the superpower russia (lol) dispite a large amount of his voterbase being anti-russian.
i don't know what your next cope after that will be, you tell me.
They lost tens of millions in "The Great Patriotic War" that they definitely didn't need Western help for, even decimation wouldn't register with them
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>muh civie casualties
somehow, I just don't believe you
tzd means tzd
>reee warcrime
it's not real.
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QRD on Piss Key?
I wasn't paying attention I guess, that was summer 2022?
>shill threads
which ones?
>if you wanted to convince anons to support ukraine
nobody really needs convincing for that
>no u
that is what you do at all times, yes.
russian claims of warcrimes have been shaky at best, ukrainian ones aren't, i'm sorry reality is biased in ukraine's favour and you can't play "muh both sides" at all times.
>they just bombed villages by mistake
they didn't bomb villages at all lel, even russians only claim they bombed the donbas, which they did to hit russians trying to invade their country.

lemme guess, you "don't pick sides" and "don't care about either side" but you'll die on the hill that ukraine bombed the donbas to intentionally hit civilians, something that has been disproven over and over again.

I don't see anyone killed.
Just see guys shotting in to the ground.
The propaganda doesn't work.
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Population: 6
Time to capture: 6 months
Orb: Secure
what does russian propaganda not working have to do with this video?
I got money on it being about the Russian that got arrested in relation to the high-speed train sabotage in France. That's the second Russian to be arrested for fucking with the Olympics
Isn't it the third or fourth now? There was the dude who failed his Explosives check in the hotel, but I want to say there was a second or third between then and now.
This is bait
>To be just, Ukrainian offenders need accountability, too. Violations by one side do not excuse violations by the other. The laws of war apply equally to aggressor and victim for good reason. The international community deliberately chose to make protections unconditional to reduce the staggering toll of armed conflict. They forbid reprisals – the laws of war rejects tit-for-tat retaliation. Civilians deserve protections by simple virtue of their status as noncombatants. Similarly, surrendered soldiers deserve protection by the simple virtue of their status as POWs. Given these basic principles, Ukraine must allow both examination of its own possible violations and punishment as appropriate.

>russian claims of warcrimes have been shaky at best, ukrainian ones aren't
you haven't even looked at that video, have you? you're just brainwashed by nato propaganda that Ukraine is a nation of saints that can't do anything wrong (sounds familiar, huh?)
Didn't read. TZD means TZD.
>nooo warcrimes are bad!!!
should've stayed in Russia then lmao
you have to be 18 to post here
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That's more applicable to you, kid.
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>still going on about muh 6 trillion donbabwe children
/chug/ or /leftypol/?
>that video
do you mean the one where a bunch of russian civvies entered a warzone and sat on a beach right next to a military installation?
yes i saw that one.
then why are you still here?
It is though.
His shift isn't over yet.
How many of those were Ukrainian?
many were from colonies like ukraine at the time.
russians are confused and don't understand that this time their deathcult strategy will require exclusively russian flesh, they don't have colonies to sacrifice anymore.
>essentially the same shit
>why yes I have Bradleys and T80s in the same armored company, my other 2 companies are Abrams and BTR4s and Leo's with Lynx.
it's prime real estate.
>implying invaders deserve any legal or moral protection
Enslaved peoples are often forced to fight for their imperial overlords.
>why do they leave instead of holding the position
these are just mechanised WW1 trench raids
100+ years later, still the same old shit
fyi the Ukes don't deploy two different types of vehicles in the same battalion group
i.e. the companies in a mechanised battalion will all have the same APC / IFV and the same tank
>Ramirez, we've gotta stop the Russians from blowing this damn, it'll flood the whole Dniper valley!
>mid mission twist is that you fail and the flood uncovers hundreds of Red Army and Wehrmacht skeletons who come to life as zombies
>why do they leave instead of holding the position they just took?
because they all die the moment overwhelming Russian artillery superiority turns them into brownish reddish mud mush
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>because they all die the moment overwhelming Russian artillery superiority turns them into brownish reddish mud mush
Here's your puccian artillery bro
>the m249 guy with a box being dragged behind him
what the fuck
Between all the airfield bombings over the last 3 days Wagner got an entire column ambushed and wiped out in Mali with videos and pictures...
Russians have no civilians, simply unarmed logistics troops. If some faggot leftist "human rights activist" (communist) tells you otherwise, gut him.
best soldiers got blown up at the beginning
you are crying about the mobiks and the retarded blocker guys who only know how to shoot mobiks in the back as if they are worth something
Lots of Mexico comparisons but this shit is even funnier (and more psychologically accurate) if it's Canada.

>501st Airborne surrounded and killed by CAF reservists after dropping unsupported onto Kanata, Ontario
>Maple Leafs fanclub becomes a militia and holds St. Catherines for months
>US loses 20 000 troops in a 6 month battle for Leamington, Ontario
>the entire male pro-american population in the 51st and 52nd states of Alberta and Saskatchewan is extinct after being sent into battle with Springfield rifles and steel M1 helmets - US government sends Mexicans and blacks to repopulate them
>US retreats from Winnipeg after officially annexing Manitoba, demands Manitoba in peace deal despite only holding a patch of blown-out prairie somewhere south of Brandon
>d-day landing at Halifax cancelled due to threat of naval drones launched from Yarmouth
>michigan and upstate new york regularly bombed by US assets
>american rebels based in New Brunswick conduct regular raids into Maine
>pro-american discord groups seethe endlessly over Adrien Arcand, for some fucking reason
>canadian anglophones, even as far as British Columbia, start speaking French instead of English
>JTF2 actively hunts US servicemen in Germany
A reminder that there almost no western leftists that support Russia. Tankies are just fascists in slavface or bug varieties anyway.
Modern commies aren’t even left economically, they want dictatorships and kleptocracy. Auth Left is a mirage.
You may disdain your average San Fran faggot but every day the war continues, they are seeing Russia as more and more subhuman, correctly.

It’s overwhelming GOP sheep that support Russia now, at least on the surface because the dear leader is pro-Russia, so they must be.
I’m hoping that dam breaks and they come to their senses.
>t.carbon based life form with half a brain.
If you don't believe me, or Ukrainians, or any outside observers.. then I just don't know what else to tell ya anon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>12 Americans dead from eating poisoned Tim Hortons
>Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are more likely than Republicans and Republican leaners to see the Russia-Ukraine war as important to U.S. national interests (81% vs. 69%).
Here’s the gross part. This split isn’t present elsewhere.
> However, Democrats and Republicans are about equally likely to see the Israel-Hamas war (76% vs. 77%) and China-Taiwan tensions (76% vs. 78%) as important to U.S. interests.
Gee, I wonder why…
>Modern commies aren’t even left economically, they want dictatorships and kleptocracy
I’m sorry to break it to you, hippie bro, but leftism was always like that. The Nazis were left-wing. You got sold a pipe dream that would have turned into everything you hate.
>the Nazis were left wing
Opinion disregarded. Do you think North Korea is a Democratic Republic too?

Too fucking kek.
And for a note, I’m center right. The [current party] is full of zealots. I’m good.
69%? Those are actually pretty good numbers. It means that Trump and his followers, still buttblasted over Zelensky not handing over the dirt he had on the Biden family's business with Ukraine's gas company, won't leave Ukraine to be raped to death by the White Mongols.
That gunner would be dead within a picosecond after making contact with the enemy.
sweet merciful lord, Ukrainians are based
Someone got butthurt last time I linked cold hard numbers, so just google Pew Research for more.
Ukie Funding is a net gain for the American war industry, new jobs, and taxes (they’re backed loans, not a handout) America is doing what it does best.
>War Profiteering.
And it makes sense to get the breadbasket of Europe on our side of the proverbial wall. Russia can starve.
Uh, no. Stop devouring slop. I can call mayo ketchup until my lips crack and bleed, it doesn’t make it so. The Nazis were firmly right-wing. It’s clown shit to claim otherwise.
>Fuel storage
Mostly useless
>no, you don't get it, they weren't ReaL SoCIalIStS because they thought the other guys weren't real socialists
Disregard excuses, despise collectivism
>Nazi Germany
>Left Wing
And that’s why extreme right wing people love em so much!
This is peak retardation. You’d be rightfully criticized from both ends of the spectrum for this nonsense.
These nations love Democracy, right anon?
>Real Republic Hours

Go back to your hole.
'Nade spam works about as well iswy2mkn video games as it does in real life
Which is to say, pretty well if you've got enough grenades
He knows he’s wrong, it’s not an argument made in good faith. Zealots love to conflate Nazis with the left as a very transparent deflection. They do the same shit by claiming the Confederacy was in alignment with the modern Democrat party.
Reality doesn’t matter to them.
Both sides start out as Red Alert Soviets. Ukraine slowly turns into GDI, Russia eventually loses access to its tier 2 and 3 units.
We can go deeper with the game shit comparisons.
Grenades are Browbeat (the MTG card) or similar.
>Either you deal with it, or it murders you.
>Dealing with it benefits the one who threw it* by diverting your attention and ability to response to other stimuli away from the impending bullets and other fatal consequences.
*unless you’re hot shit, brave, and lucky and you can toss it back or otherwise stop it before it gets to you.
Two bad choices either way.
They’ve got that cloning vat(nik) going up but there is something in the chems…keeps producing gay rape loving prison chaff.
>National Socialism was a Socialist ideology
>Left Wing
Socialism is inherently left-wing. Stop falling for the excuses and look at what they actually fucking do. Communism by any other justification would be as shit.
Anon, I’m not going to bother replying after this on the off chance you’re being genuine, if you’re actually being serious, please go read something instead of regurgitating this.

I doubt it, but that’s the extent of my interest in arguing with someone who doesn’t seem to understand that labels mean nothing.
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Fair enough, text is a terrible format for debating in detail. I have actual reasoning behind my beliefs, but I came on in a pretty shitty manner and killed any chance of actually talking that out. Goodnight, have a Priggy to go,
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>red forest level
>mfw mid way through the level all the battle and animal noises cut out and is replaced by anguished screams that get louder and louder as you go deeper into the forest

I hope Mortar in roof SudaAnon makes a cameo
>Modern commies
ALL commies
I'm with >>62159303, Communism was always authoritarianism dressed up
>it's not a dictatorship because there are 12 dudes in a Central Committee instead of just 1, and we promise we're doing it For The Workers (trust me bro!)

>net gain for the American war industry, new jobs, and taxes
broken window fallacy
>they’re backed loans
not sure they'll ever collect on those

as I said the last time this came up, this war is financially very very cheap for what it's accomplished (breaking Russia), but it still costs money and is still regrettable
Conscripts hold trenches and tier 1 guys clear them
>Communism by any other justification would be as shit.
this too
change the labels and it's an oligarchic tyranny
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>>PMC releasing their own games and movies about the war while still fighting it simultaneously
The only novel thing is the PMC part.
>8AM in Moscow
>Sudden rush of bad takes
That tracks.
Where does French Canada fit into this
>Bullfrog is here for you!
>man if you don't believe my lies or the lies of my fellow vatniks what else can I tell you?
more lies, presumably.
they were in more ways than one.
anon, facism was invented by mussolini, a massive and prominent communist, to SYNDICALISTS, who are left wing commie types that are supposed to DISTRUST the state.
communism and all its derivatives are a hilarious clusterfuck of infighting and opposites converging/converting.
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>Richard Baxton piloted his Recon Rover into a fungal vortex and held off four waves of mind worms, saving an entire colony. We immediately purchased his identity manifests and repackaged him into the Recon Rover Rick character with a multi-tiered media campaign: televids, touchbooks, holos, psi-tours-- the works. People need heroes. They don't need to know how he died clawing his eyes out, screaming for mercy. The real story would just hurt sales, and dampen the spirits of our customers.
>why do they leave instead of holding the position they just took?
Because the Russians will undoubtedly reoccupy it allowing them kill more Russians.

They're not trying to retake territory, they're slaughtering Russians. It's really that simple. The current strategy is pretty clearly to run a meat grinder designed to force the enemy into submission by attrition. That is the state of the war. Everything Ukraine is doing supports that end goal of causing such ridiculous casualties that Russia will eventually either be unable to stop them in future counter-offensives or otherwise be forced to pull out. This is why the Russians are taking over 1,000 casualties a day every single day for such tiny gains. The whole thing is a trap and the Russians are made to pay dearly for every inch they are allowed to "take".

This is a very VERY basic method of defensive warfare. When done right it weakens an invading enemy FAR more than continually launching costly counter-offensives trying to take back land. Ukraine is doing it brutally effectively.
the guy at 14 seconds is dragging something behing him on a strap. what is it?
>they want dictatorships and kleptocracy

This is left wing economics, centralising power and property into the state IS leftism, putting power and wealth in the hands of individuals is right wing. A right wing system is one in which the people have the power to simply kill government employees who infringe on their rights.
Make it a 3% and upgrade your miltary too due most likely we will also be needed when china will eventually chimps out and rest of NATO will have to go island hoping with burgers along the japs, ausies and better Koreans
T. Baltic

Cats like junk food but eating that trash is bad for them :(
Can you people please post more TZD videos? I'm trying to build my library.
Yeah, no, that Anon is right. Russia is taking after Wagner in Bahkmut where they gangpressed mobiks into suicidal assaults to find Ukrainian positions and work them over with artillery and guided bombs until special forces move in. The catch is that their aircraft are getting fucked, their artillery IS fucked, and they have very little special forces that have practical combat experience, and those that do seem to be just competent and nothing like western SOF.
I've been writing to my government about letting you guys in the EU for years at this point. I've also donated what I can. Godspeed. Kill 'em all soldier.
>nazis left wing
God spare me this retardation.
ikr? it takes some balls to drive up to an empty trench, mag dump into the trees, then go away without showing the bodies or even checking for survivors. so fucking based that it makes me want to donate to ukraine, am I right fellas?
It's cool weapon footage, meanwhile Russia ain't showing shit lately.
Godspeed, Ukiebro. Fuck their shit up.
Quite literally seething and coping
Thank you anon for saying that. You made me feel a lot better about myself, knowing im not as retarded as you. Seeing you sperg out like this just feels cathartic, like when a bratty child gets slapped and start crying afterwards
Grenades works very well In trenches as there is limited possibility of escape and works for giving you cover when storming a trench
>Ukrainians officers are Vatniks
That's a new one
Are you the same guy as this? >>62160836
Not the guy you replied to, I just want to know if there is one or two of you around
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False flagging turd worlder, or legit schizo? Nothing I said is against Ukraine or even goes against their own claims
So same guy. Thanks man for the reply, it helps a lot
My last one for you, make it count
Hell yeah, thanks man
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there are people dying right now and you have nothing better to do than baiting for (you)s? get out the rope, larping faggot.
i don't see why i'd visit your subreddit, can you go back?
unfathomably based Alpha Centauri chads...
I kneel
i was looking for this image
I keep your people in my prayers every night
I hope God fills your limbs with righteous fire that you never tire of killing the hordes of darkness
Yeah I'm gonna need you to get up against the wall, fifth columnist fuck
prayers are a good start.
but equipment is even better.

God helps those who help themselves, and rewards those who help others. Every bandage, every magazine, every spare part helps.
>t. TZD moderate
not wrong, even if a larp
Kherson status?
t. clueless civvie
You'll win by pushing the enemy out.
You're not going to "bleed" Russia out by killing 2 million Russians, even if I approve of the effort
>Enemy starting to fortify position
>Attack position while lightly manned/fortified
>Recon position, pre-sight enemy trenches and hardpoints
>Inflict high casualty rate for little cost
>Withdraw prior to enemy artillery response
>Enemy re-mans position
>Fire on pre-sighted positions with arty/drones
>Tripple the cost of taking and holding ground for little to no additional cost
>Demoralize the enemy by making the process of even entering a position they consider their own a high stakes operation, forcing them to dig out their own dead before they can man a position properly
It's a pretty simple harassment strategy that works on a few levels, rather well suited for attrition warfare.
>t.retard that thinks the germans actually won ww1
>CCTV-IR footage of the NPP being attacked
What a wild night it was.
How many Russian soldiers have died so far?
>more that 3k civilians killed in donbass. fuck around and find out, right?
Over 10 years in an active warzone being waged by an insurgent force propped up by the same regime that leveled Grozny twice without hesitation and has constantly proven to have a complete disregard for civilian casualties over the course of every war they've ever fought.
Who's fault do you really think that 3k civilian casualty figure is?
is there an updated version of the US invasion of mexico copypasta?
>why do they leave instead of holding the position they just took?

There's a 100% chance they're in range of enemy artillery and CAS.
Ever played Arma Antistasi? You assault the outpost, kill everyone, grab what you can and fuck off.
Trying to hold it without support and reinforcements is just gonna get you all killed.
Ziggers call it CGI or say it is hohols/nato being killed
>How the fuck do ziggers even try to spin this shit positevely?

Pretty early after things started going south, all of the news outlets and talking heads in Russia pivoted to portraying the war as "fighting all of NATO at once".
They're treating this as the cold war finally going hot, despite NATO not having shown up so far.
It's why you see them claiming so many high-ranking foreign casualties all the time.
>>red forest level
Red Forest.

>>desert level
Zaton and Jupiter

>>naval level
>>swamp level
Great Swamps

>>slag heap level
Garbage and Truck Cemetery

>>underground level
Agropom underground, X-16, X-18, X-9

>>60 mile column level
That mission for Freedom where you blow up the BMPs behind the military checkpoint in Cordon.

>>pisskey gigafortress level
CNPP, Limansk, Dead City

Really drives home what utter fucking orcs they are; who the FUCK does that? It's one thing to use small arms and grenades or even small drones - or, if you're a competent military, even using PGMs on non-critical areas - but hosing down an NPP with autocannons boggles the mind. I'm half surprised that they didn't bomb the core and then try to blame Ukraine and I'd be willing to bet a kidney that idea was seriously considered at some point.
Why is this country full of really thin forests?
Property lines between agricultural fields. Think the Normandy bocage.
You mean like eft?
>Because the Russians will undoubtedly reoccupy it allowing them kill more Russians.
Plus, if they occupied a demonstrably easy to assault position, they'd just be killed by either artillery or a new mobik wave.

They're kind of playing tower defence and need to pull back now and wait for the next wave.
After a few waves, they'd know that position better than its inhabitants.
Whats the best way for individuals to support the effort?
Anon is right though. Tankies are shit. They are commie flavored fascists.
Authoritarianism is garbage, or are you a bootlicking retard who thinks you’ll always be in-group? People like you are the second group on the train to summer camp.

The utter faggots trying to claim Nazis were lefties are extra retarded.
It’s always vatnigger shills trying to muddy the water in their past or wannabe polcels who lie every breath they take instead of just owning what they are.
They’re always closeted faggots who have folders and folders of tranny and BBC porn as “research” material.

And Rs were originally pro-Ukraine defense and that’s deteriorated since the [candidate] reasserted control over the base. Less than half support defending Ukraine now.
>Traitor shit.
The irony of your call out is pretty fucking rich. Being anti-NATO is retard shit. Being Isolationist has never, ever payed off for America in the long run.
We’re making money off the war, creating jobs, and bolstering our own stocks with refreshed materiel. Go back to your shithole or you can leave this country for Saint Petersburg if you love them so much.

Very nice.
>that wasn't REAL COMMUNISM, REAL COMMUNISM isn't authoritarian
Choo Choo
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>my supposed officers I swear exist cannot be linked
That's NOT a new one.
>crying the moment someone merely asks if two posts are you
>in a situation where its not even samefagging
Such fragility is also not new.
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>why do they leave instead of holding the position they just took?
So as not to get rest by arty
What are the tactical implications of this? Should countries encourage or discourage this kind of demarcation?
Kindly fuck off with your hilarious nonsense.
Communism from the outset seeks to solve every problem by giving the "new" state LUDICROUS amounts of power so that it can completely overturn and rewrite society in a "better" way.
Marx was quite clear about that.
Commie anarchists merely refuse to get to that step and think everything will magically work out.
Much like how Marx thought making an ultrafascist society where the state had nigh unlimited power would magically work out, leaving the state to "hopefully wither away" as it became unnecessary."
I am paraphrasing a bit but that is literally how he thought it would go.
You anarchists do not represent all of communism.
You represent a just-as-retarded offshoot that think power vacuums are sustainable.
>Nazis were lefties
They were. Statist = Left. Right wing governments are based in individualism.
Stop conflating stances on social issues with structure of government.
A fascist government run by trannies is still fascist, in international communism style government run by racist boomers is still commie.
It makes it a real fucking pain to attack through. To do more than just drop the one-liner, here's some volunteers in Ukraine down in that shit. Note the complete lack of ability to see fucking anything.
>communist anarchist
same energy as 'virgin hooker'
have you really never seen them or are you just retarded?
>What are the tactical implications of this?
Lack of concealment and really obvious hiding places that can be raked with fire or searched with recon
>Should countries encourage or discourage this kind of demarcation?
These treelines serve as wind breaks and sources of timber and biodiversity, enjoy your lifeless tundra steppes without them
We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major....
That sounds fucking hilarious, are you pulling from a twatter/ribbit thread? Got a link?
Fuck, I really need to sit the fuck down and watch this one some day.
I don't know if you were this guy >>62163635
I replied to but I feel like I was far too hasty with my reply. >>62163645
So I want to apologize either way.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a classic.
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Mandatory watching.
nta, but you really should.
Lancelot is unironically a cheerfully bloodthirsty swordfag who has his own version of tachyon playing any time he sees an excuse to swing/stab at something.
He also massively fucking cockblocks a fellow knight from banging an entire covenant of hot women in order to focus on the holy grail.
I wanted to say just watch the individual sketches as you don't exactly need the whole movie, but then I realised it's just one scene after another and it never fucking stops

No I'm not, cheers
Just putting my oar in
I am >>62159748 though
lol I don't think they had the money to use film on anything BUT sketches
>lol I don't think they had the money to use film on anything BUT sketches
Probably not, that ending is only half a joke.
>60 mile column level
>not truck cemetery
>Being Isolationist has never, ever payed off for America in the long run.
False. It allowed the country to focus and build until the Civil Ear occurred, then allowed us to rebuild until we dipped our toe in the water at the end of WWI.
You do not actually understand what you are talking about and it shows in your impotent juvenile anger.
You cannot be both, by definition. Are you unable to appreciate that or do you take the self styling of ignorant edgleords as Gospel?
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Zoomers are so sad and pathetic.
Watch Life of Brian as well if you have not.
Meaning of Life and Erik the Viking are good too.
it literally can, by fucking history and how people can inherit part of a persons ideology, dumbfuck.
Its the same way china turned itself into a capitalist communist hybrid.
Try actually looking at the real world, and history.
>Anarchist communism is a political ideology and anarchist school of thought that advocates communism. It calls for the abolition of private property but retention of personal property and collectively-owned items, goods, and services.
>It supports social ownership of property and the distribution of resources "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".
>Anarchist communism was first formulated as such in the Italian section of the International Workingmen's Association.
>The theoretical work of Peter Kropotkin took importance later as it expanded and developed pro-organizationalist and insurrectionary anti-organizationalist section.
>Examples of anarchist communist societies are the anarchist territories of the Makhnovshchina during the Russian Revolution, and those of the Spanish Revolution, most notably revolutionary Catalonia.

You are retarded.
Catalonia in particular is something else because the commies were literally torturing and 200IQ mindfucking the anarchists, so they HATED the communists, but they were literally spouting the same fucking shit Marx did.
I’m a top investor in omega. Yes, this is done through power of free market. I’m an American.
>Life of Brian
Now that's a proper movie, start to end

Not sure about the others
T. cuck bitch.
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Russia can go home any time it pleases.
God, I miss the golden age of The Onion.
War isn’t a round of COD deathmatch you stupid fuck. You should know, my ancestors used yours as cannon fodder against the nazis and crushed them despite having a lower kdr
yeah we know that after 10 years you guys are in for the long run and dont care about losing a village or two. Im hoping to be able to join you soon
>USAF B-52Hs stationed in Minot AFB, North Dakota were destroyed by a Canadian missile strike
Not really. There used to be strong winds and occasional tornadoes in the steppes back in the day causing damage to the farms. These treelines originally were set up to counter those effects.
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3x the manpower, still no real progress. Two more weeks to Kiev, da?
Misreply, disregard.
what changed?
Generally no, but the Yooks don't seem to care about whether or not an idea is good, and to be fair, Russia's meat waves lack for weapons that could defeat even an m113 in sufficient density.
Sounds like a recipe for absolutely nothing getting ever done.
>Maple Leafs fanclub becomes a militia and holds St. Catherines for months
I mean, that's not even all that absurd? Have you ever seen hardcore Leafs fans? Dudes are fucking psychopaths.
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kek, that's the COD Zombies-esque spinoff campaign with President Zelichky
Not what was said by anon, at all. Weak shit. All commies suck. Go back to your ESL pit.
How are you more retarded than the rest? Impressive!
>Irrelevant brain rot.
>I don't know anything about history.
You won't breed. Read.
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hohols did that
>angry retard is angry
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>that he's unable to get enough bandwidth for 1080p
they are throttling YT
>40% this week
>up to 70% in the near future
>then ban
also they are cracking down on public VPNs. That and the electric plant wear and tear means they are slowly, but steadily becoming real northest of koreas. If ukranians have enough stamina to keep grinding them down long enough that is
nice fumble, butterfingers.
no one will notice, surely!
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it becomes much, MUCH more logical when you finally realize monke himself is the biggest and most aggressive proponent of TZD. I mean this unironically.

They either die but give him his gangster empire or get all killed is a win for him both. As the latter means not much is left to stick a dagger up his ass. With former the degenerate apes will continue worshipping him long after he is dead for tzar making them "stronk" much like they do Stalin or Ivan the Cruel

Worst case for him is neither one or the other. That has the highest chance of him ending up with a dagger up his ass (which he fears the most) in some palace intrigue if he loses the faith of dysgenic serf biomass
Shills who run interference for Russia are legit traitors to the West.
Thanks for not being a retard. It’s so pathetic how they’ll intentionally misquote to make strawmen up to mock. I’m not even socialist. I just think it’s rich to watch people pretend a certain base isn’t rapidly becoming Russian apologists because their candidate of choice is going to roll over for Putin again.
>anon made a mistake
I’m on mobile, it’s the same exact post directed at the wrong anon in the deleted one. Get over yourself.
Why do people care about this war again?
>stop mocking my failed nation
People care for a bunch of reasons. I Ike watching American weaponry BTFO vatniks. Simple. Others might be gore hounds, or have a deep (justified) hatred for Russians. The meme potential is also high. First war with quality cameras widespread.

So, in summation, eat shit.
>abloobloobloo stop not liking what I like

Compared to the war in Gaza or really anything else it's not any better footage or anything. There has to be massive brainwashing required to think it matters either way it goes
Gaza footage sucks what are you on about? With this war I can wake up and see a column of T-72s and BMP get vaporized with my coffee.
>then allowed us to rebuild until we dipped our toe in the water at the end of WWI
The US army was abroad that whole time.
They're nearly as bad as red coats for going places and shooting people.
Though of course, some people need to be shot.
Because it is hilarious
So it's literally just to watch stuff blow up?
>Compared to the war in Gaza or really anything else it's not any better footage or anything
You are profoundly retarded
Watch out we got the vatnik version of Cathy Newman in this thread.
The attempt at memory-holing history to serve their faggy narrative is tiring. Thanks, anon.
America has never been isolationist for more than a few decades and it never helped us in the long term.
War Profiteering in both WW1 and WW2 was great. Joining in was better.
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sand monkeys cant into war. Fucking some fagners in africa in the ass with small arms fire is their biggest win of the year while in bakhmut the same corpse pile was regular monday. Its complete one sided smack fest in gaza after the apes started the fight with the jews.

This is the biggest land war in europe between two conventional peer armies since ww2. Its outcome dictates if this is going to rage up into a giant regional war where war rages from the finnish to the black sea. Or, in case puccia breaks completely, chang campaign in siberia to pacify and incorporate it as a new imperial holdings while the north caucasus is in full rebellion because moscows latest tribute bounced
thank you and come again rajeesh
>anon just don't think about all the profiteering we did by supplying goods while being isolationist
nice one you get an open bob soon
no one was calling you a socialist buddy.
nice freudian slip.
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They're windbreaks to stop soil erosion. The US did something similar after the Dust Bowl.
>First large-scale war in Europe since 1945
Gee, I wonder why
Modern warfare warzone map used to be full of Donetsk 2014 references the last time I played it. It had the famous airport tower, Boeing crash site and commieblocks.
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>heh, nice try shill... but I caught you talking bad about communism!
It was pretty obvious. Three posts affirming the same point back to back. You should try and upgrade your grey matter, cause one day it may matter
>Requisite second post
So true bestie! Even though no one is defending commies or socialists, we'll pretend that's the conversation.
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>No U
>Nazis are lefties or something!

(You're so damned obvious, you can see it from the ISS...which vatniggers aren't allowed on.)
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Ah, nevermind.
A reminder that your low-IQ babbling belongs in /pol/ and /int/
oh no he had a meltdown :(
Delton lyrics in the wild.
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The feeble attempt to pretend 4chan was right-wing from the start is for newfags who only showed up Post-GG.
4chan started out and was always Anti-Authoritarian until then. This idiotic narrative is pushed by Russian shills as well to muddy the water.
>Fuck Commies, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Schizos.
Simple as. Auth Right & Auth Left are for bootlicking faggots who would strip guns from Americans without blinking an eye.
>inb4 shills defend one of those sides of the problem or attempt to derail the thread again.
America > Russia
Ukraine > Russia
The West > BRICS
>literally no one is talking about being right wing from the start
shut the fuck up meltdown-chan
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>forcing them to dig out their own dead before they can man a position properly
This part seems to be optional
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>Compared to the war in Gaza or really anything else it's not any better footage or anything.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Gaza footage is literally just
>tank rolls in
>zoom in on tank
>freeze, highlight tank in red
>red triangle overlay, big bold flashing letters saying "kike tank"
>unfreeze, some brown retard takes a potshot at the tank with a bootleg PG-7VR
>video cuts off 5 milliseconds after the explosion
>allahu akbar, please like and subscribe
>The feeble attempt to pretend 4chan was right-wing from the start
Stormfags tried pretty hard to colonise it and make it a safespace for racewarnao types but never got that the nazi stuff was just aesthetics, irony and shock humour.
>You win a war by killing your enemy
Trudeau BTFO
There were all sorts of polfags. Some were unironically into it, but it was a very small cohort who was routinely mocked anytime it was clear the anon was being serious. What would have been a weekly occurrence is a minute by minute level of retardation generated on a far more faithless scale.
4chan has always been racist, edgy, retard shit, but they were rarely ideologues trying to spread their nonsense, day after day, thread after thread.
It’s why /k/ can’t be /k/, and even /b/ can’t be /b/.
All boards are infected by the containment board, which was a huge mistake. Full full vpn and range ban of third world countries, (this includes Russia) alongside reintroducing poster count would fix a lot. Can’t be rid of election tourists though. Thats not going to change.

Sadly they get more web traffic from ragebait slop, so it’s never going back to how it was.
Fortress: hyperdimensional

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