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Buccee's Blues Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread
>>Midnight Pretending Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists
https://hackmd.io/@Patchboi/PatchThread (2021)
https://hackmd.io/@chef5estrela/ByQJ8OFtn (2023)

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists
https://hackmd.io/@Patchboi/PatchThread (2021)
https://hackmd.io/@chef5estrela/ByQJ8OFtn (2023)

thread theme
Where do I buy a hyperborean buccees patch?
Bucees rules
buccee's FUCKS
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inshallah brothers
Bucees is full of fat fucking mexican families all the time, place sucks.
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I will buy NV and walk around bucees
Coincidentally all the same things are true of your mother
europoor here, why buccee's so popular?
Buccees is Most Great
Death to America
Death to Israel
Curse the Jews
Victory to Trail Mix
It's like a gas station but not shitty.
For a lot of people in the US an actually convenient store (not a "convenience" store) is a cosmic experience.
Been twice when I was traveling out of state
>very good food compared to the competing gas stations
>pretty clean but so is Love's so IDK there

Most of the merch is just random Chinese stuff with Buc Ees logos slapped on them, the shirts were fun, the beer selection was decent, jerky selection stupendous, and the hot and ready food rocked. Everything else is just marketing, the billboards are pretty amazing.
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yeah, when sneed patch restock?
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Newest patch acquisitions
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soon. I dont think moogs is gonna make it in time so she will have to make an appearance the one after as punishment for stealing strawberry
W2C??? I had no idea that got released
Someone pls
That’s just America in current year anon. Fat and brown
Pretty sure you contact the seller's PayPal. YuccaFlatsMiningCo. or something like that

no website, you have to email anon @ Yucca.Flats.Mining.Co@proton.me
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Hello patch bros. Does anyone have that pic of Kraut's "Xen Exploration Team" patch image. He released the design pic a while back. I have it on a hard drive somewhere but I was wondering if anyone here had it on hand. Wanted to send it to a custom patch maker one of these days
Where do I buy it?
Also, anyone who knows where to get Armored Core patches that aren't AC6, please tell me.
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Pallasposting. Idk when these will be ready.
where to obtain bottom right?
What is wrong with people? Who does this unironically?

It's a Texas-sized convenience store where you can gas up, get food, and buy shitty beaver merch.

Thanks god I don't live in Texas.
What is this from, looks familiar
>long drives across great expanses require snacks
>it's the perfect union of Japanese convenience store variety and CostCo bulk
>beavers are industrious and tasty

The mascot's Ameri-Spurdo mostly.
Really need this nigga to wrap up that beer run he went on and gin up some Baaqi Al-Bivaar flags
where do you get a black sun buccee?
If only there were like 5 posts about it in this thread
any patch sellers in eu?
Fat Cat is in Poland. Besh is still out for smokes.

There aren’t? There’s a bunch of lists but I can’t find it in any of the paste in links
Georgian here. The one I know is about 40 miles north of Atlanta and it's just full of rural whites.
Here, retard
so where do i get it?
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Came back home and some amazing patches were waiting for me.
what's the best baseball cap brand to put a patch on?
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I need a small hard hat sticker of this.
preddy good but maybe should have gone all in and commissioned an arabic calligraphy representation of buccee
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patch request
your body odor is in violation of the clean air act of 1963
would buy
wow you are in luck
Too large. 1.5-2" is a good size for hard hats.
who are you and what have you done with summaryanon?
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>Baaqi Al-Bivaar
Hot dangit man
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Having a Labor Day sale if anyone wants some good /ak/ themed stuff:
25% off all patches/stickers
30% off all milsurp/one-off items in stock.
Running from now till Monday night at 11:59pm CST.


Wish the new drop of stickers I got coming was here, but it won't arrive till next week. Oh well...
That's because you live in one of the worst states.
Because it's a big fuck off gas station with everything you possibly dream of.
The worst state even. Disgusting honestly.
maybe I'll make some smaller ones at some point

Labor Day sale is up, 30% off patches with code "Labor24" also restocked this possum and a red triangle manufacturing co. patch
thinking of "your ad can be here" patch
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top zoz

>le edgy internet nazi incel: the flag
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what a shame that lewd patches come with black censor rectangles
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something like this?
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Maybe somebody someone will make one
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Sticker idea
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patch idea
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getting ready for my airplane trip tomorrow
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Patches are up :D
code is "Summer" this time
moogs wasn't ready in time sadly but will stop by later
saving the best one for last amiright
yes something simple
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Got some "Never Goon" patches out.
Also use code LABOR24 for 15% off throughout the labor day weekend!
forgot link
I would buy if you hadn't ripped me off on my last order and then ghosted me when I asked about it. Can you just send me my shit so I don't feel like I have to take everything off my wall on principle? And I like your patches dude so this fucking sucks. Is it that hard to fix your fuck up?
shid anon, probably fell through the cracks, aho isn't a scammer and I'm sure he'll fix whatever error happened as he's fixed several for me so calm your tits nigger
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>shid anon, probably fell through the cracks
yeah, fell through the crack of my ass
I've had issues with Aho fucking up packages too and stopped buying as a result, but you need to slow your roll a little. As long as he's aware of the fuck up, which he certainly is now that you've shit up the thread, I'm confident it'll get sorted out soon.
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truth be told i've been struggling to keep up lately and ngl that preorder made it worse. nonetheless the plan has been to go through backlogs and get it all done this 3 days weekend since I have more time. I am sorry for the wait but I will make sure you're taken care of

I've since stopped sorting by name when packing which is usually causes the issues. I'm sorry for the trouble & do you have everything you needed from me?
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alright went ahead and resolved rn

and a psa for everyone, any new orders probably wont see a tracking # till mon or tues. I'm gonna stop so I can sort everything
>I'm gonna stop so I can sort everything

There really isn't much money in the niche patch business and being a seller is more of a hobby than anything. I'd make more money (and faster) getting a weekend job at Home Depot or Hot Topic. Good on you for making it right in such a public forum
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Howdy Goys,

I’m the guy who does the cute little gun guys. My life has been kinda busy and it’s been hard to justify spending time on the doodling of these fellas.

As a result I’ll be offering little commissions for the gun guys,15$ a pop. If you’re interested hit me up by email: punishedpigeons@gmail.com

Thanks for enjoying these lil guys, makes me happy y’all liked them.

This image is in my "to make" folder. One day Ill get around to it.
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lol nice, give me a link please, i got some new ones today too
Whoever said Ai was shot in some tow truck mob shit, I now believe you
Do you think you could do an OCP/Multicam subdued version of some of the patches?
I would buy but I need subdued for my larp.
Particularly interested in the 9716 Radar Decoy SQ, Temporal Reconnaissance Wing Patch and the JS Kaga patch.
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patch seller
I am going into battle
and I want only your strongest patches
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Need a tec 9 patch to go with my Mac 10 patch.
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Tec 9 patch when?
damn that’s fucking sad, just a kid
>not shipping to canada
How am I supposed to express my hatred for this country if I can't buy the anti leaf patch?
cant help but wonder what a patch thread seller meetup would look like
Yeah I can probably do that

so true

based puddi enjoyer
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I'm sure that boomers in my unit got no idea what any of those patches mean but who the fuck cares. Also kinda want to get me some stalker patches. Sorry about the shitty quality.
I guess I could ship to Canada, but it'd be like $17 or so for shipping.
Potentially more/less depending on where you live but $17 seems to be the average from what I've looked at*
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All recent orders are going out tomorrow! Also working on Volume 3 for a Fall release. Drop suggestions or requests if there's anything specific you wanna see
based and makes weak kikes seethe
requesting this
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directionally based but it's kind of a shit design desu
looks fantastic. what's this from?
I'll do that on my drive home tomorrow, hopefully I pass by a bucees before dawn
Imagine driving 2-4 hours straight to desolate wastelands. Bucees is an oasis after such grueling rides. Granted a lot of the travel centers are pretty nice but bucees has both the quality and the atmosphere. Plus the gas is usually cheaper than what's close by
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Death tarot card. Last post was upside down.
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Here's everything that's currently in stock - there's an active coupon for 30% off patches for Labor Day - "Labor24"
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About 10 hours left in the sale for the store, just a reminder there is no code required (but if you sign up for the news letter, you can get an additional 10% off!)
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Lunchtime Rowdy Elimination Squad patch when?
Roman salute/10
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Wendigo girls with nods and guns?
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Had this sitting in the envelope for the past year and I finally slapped it on a bag, then took it to a nearby range and a couple of the employees got a real kick out of it. I now feel like this is gonna make a lot of people's day, being in Texas and all.
He deserved it
how do you like the reflex? do you have any other micro 9s?
Sorry it's a 509c not a reflex. Never shot any micro 9's either so couldn't tell you how it compares to others.
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I remember seeing some really cool patches from declassified Air Force missions.

Can someone make some stuff like this instead of anime girls?
where do I get yuriwaffen patch?
Come on anon, where did you buy this?
How did the culture get to this point. Imagine commissioning this from an artist in 2004
Pretty sure that isn't Ai, but yeah he's in hell either way.
Think it is. I lost all my shitposting and doxx stuff for Neet him and sticky. He looked as faggish as that guy.
Sticky and NEET deserved to be doxx'd. Fuck those guys (sticky is a guy).
Yeah I exposed him during a stream where he was wearing a huge diesel watch. After that he started wearing gloves to hide his man hands lol
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im still getting some kinks out of the design, but ill be ready for sale soon. I think im going with the cutout version rather than a background/border.

You remember those napkins drawings I did? I wish I still had em.
Man I had all the pics saved. Wish I could get that folder back
Why did those fags disappear from the general anyways? I didn't lurk for a few years.
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speaking of oldfags I just put up one of Besh's knives in the garage sale section of the site
Ah, I figured it was you, Kyle. How've you been?
Pretty good. About to sell 2 houses
We need a patch to commemorate Paul
my sentiments exactly, honestly next payday I'll buy a god used ll.Bean tan field jacket in his honor.
shit, honestly if my cetme build gets refined enough and actually cycles and is flawless I'll probably paint the mag like a poptart box and the rest of the rifle like the late 1980's mud blob camo to contrast against nice walnut burl
For a more accurate depiction, you should make him effeminate, brown and seething. Just like all resentful and hysterical anti-war protesters America had to put up with.
t. Spec. Gomez, Eglin AFB
>effeminate, brown, seething, resentful, hysterical

Quite the opposite, but feel free to sacrifice yourself, Israel depends on the cannon fodder
Post wrists
Jeets out in force today
Even this serbian cuck rolled up
>during a stream
Picarto or w/e it was called
Breee cigane, reka san ti, upucaj se.
Is it stolen valor to wear the unit patches of a disbanded army whose former members are still around?
I think the SS guys kicking around in Latvia would be okay with it as long as you're not ugly
possibly, but would be much simpler matter if you got rid of those former members

this needs that pedo symbol and star of David, then it'd be perfect
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I have a mighty need for that silly ass kiwi patch
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no and who gives a fuck?
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Ah yes my new patches are here.
Yo lemme cop the Konata patch
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Before Buccees, the only place to take a fat shit and shit out the HFCS goyslop were random gas stations with disgusting bathrooms, sometimes the bathrooms were locked and the clerk didn't have the key, or a druggie would shoot up in the bathroom etc etc. Bucees is a lot better.
>israel has no right to exist
the irony is that ultraorthodox jews agree with you
buckies is gay
Where new stickers?
I have mine sitting right next to me. Thinking of putting on leather straps so I can attach it to a molle belt.
dinosaurs are my best friends
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Fuck this captcha man
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The ukranian has a new patch but it's pvc which I'm not a fan of.
You don't need to pretend to be someone else while shilling your PVC garbage, Ukrainian.
Tell him to restock Yukari Mittuns schizo, that's all I care about.
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Am I doing it right?
>Brotherhood of NOD
>uniform isn't black

yeah actually you are doing it wrong
the original Nod troops were grey.
I know Arc Dream sells pins and key chains. Haven't checked if they sell patches. Shame they support faggotry
It's the KISS of gas stations. You are going for the larger than life experience.
Peace through power, brother
In the name of Kane!
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This is all i got
>The ukranian has a new patch
What's the link?
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Pic. He deleted all his shit though so idk what's going on.
Yes... Fashion shifts more quickly than some people think.
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Forgot my fuckin gif
Any Dungeon Meshi patches ?
Oh shit I remember when fatfck was new and just had the one or two fatboro patches. Cool to see he's big now. I haven't actually been around for a couple few years or so. Shame to hear besh is kill
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Why isn't he angrier?
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I'm all for more Christian militant stuff, but I'd also be interested if you expanded on this one
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probably my favorite one
Not often I see an AZ NG patch, nice.
What do you even put these on
Patch boards, some of these anons are former military so have patch boards.
Cops/LEOs have patch boards
Airsoft guys
Paintball guys
SHTF real boogaloo guys who have 6 sets of gear ready to go
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clothing items and anything else I can attach velcro to.
Anyone know of any cool F22 or F15 stickers?
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im interested in sneed and out patches
shill me
I'm not in the us
are you inna Ukraine?
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Red Flag Workshop has some, but a lot are sold out. I have an Ace Combat one.
>K-On patch hasn’t shipped yet
Aho what’s going on big guy?
Mine shipped on the 6th. He's probably still trying to get everything out
i ordered a patch from skinwalker over a month ago and ahoworks almost a week ago and neither are shipped yet. its over
I waited a month for my skinwalker order recently but it showed up last week, have patience anon, people get busy or lethargic
The patches are great if you're a /pol/ edgelord, but god it looks like a honeypot. I cannot order sadly then.
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It's me again. Wanted to clear Aho's name here as any issues have now been resolved. Really truly appreciate you making it right as that seems to be pretty rare nowadays.
My NEET patches finally showed up as well so we're vibing this Monday.
>we're vibing this Monday.
oh god shut the FUCK UP
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On this exquisite day
>Verification not required.
yeah, if your not already on a list you will be after ordering from there
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Anyone got a hookup for some cool medic patches? I have one that says “the more you scream the faster we come” but I’m always looking for some more
Where’s the cowprint one from?

I love me any milk or cow related patch
There's a couple Tomboy Sweat milk carton style patches around
Yeah, we all got a real abrupt crash course in the hell that Canuk towing mafia wars are. Still insane it's real, and moreso that it's so unheard of to most folks, given the scale.

It always blew my mind he was so young. Really good dude, he'll always be missed.

Usually a bunch of fun, either going out shooting or just hanging out.

Personally I get big sheets of trunk liner/felt from Walmart, works great for hanging a few hundred patches on your wall. Otherwise they go on my hat or plate carrier.
Would any embroiderer be able to make patches?
holy shit where have you been
I got it from Aho
What character is that?
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Himeno from chainsaw man. idk why there is a thing of drawing her in cow print though, I read the manga a few years back so idk anything to do with the anime.
Also could anyone make a patch out of this Shikanoko image.
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patch idea
I'm sorry you have to go back
Got any timeline on when we'll see Moogs?
It's just not the same without the entire band, but cool patches anyway Aho
>Art made by literal Gay Tranny Activists
I'm sorry Anon, monke is funny but that image is actually gay nigger shit.
kill yourself tourist faggot. that image wasn't funny in 2013 either.
That image is never not funny, you zigger.
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New patches
>all these buzzwords

Your body odor is detectable in the next county anon, in case you were wondering why nobody likes you
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Sorry, it's been hectic atm.
Uhh, about 80% of them have arrived now, I'm just waiting on the last few to get shipped, then I'll make a big post about it then. Probably by either the end of this week or sometime next week.
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Autumn is almost here and so is Volume 3! As always, see poll related to vote on designs.

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>Sold out
>Sold out
>Sold out
>Sold out
>Sold out
>Dead website

What the fuck is wrong with this place? It's like the owners don't want to make any money.
bunch of racially ambiguous zoomers and one female (koz)
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You think people make patches to make money?
I will buy a few of those
Patches died out years ago.
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>but ill be ready for sale soon
hows it looking? i want to get a couple in the OP pic too, figured id order them together and save a little on postage
>couple in the OP
Those are literally the most stupid patches ever and you will look like an idiot wearing them. Best to keep them locked away on your idiot patchwall in the closet.
You'd probably be the right guy to ask, but I've been pushing for years now for a Fuddy Seethe Derpwrangler Brogade patch (36th SS Derlwanger)
Basically a pair of crossed clown horns on a black Waffen SS unit shield instead of the crossed grenades
what do you guys do with patches
Psychic armor, they protect fragile egos. They aren't worn.
put them on my range bag obviously. you do have guns right anon? unless of course...
I'm starting to think the poster who asks what are done with patches is the same poster and he's just bumping the threads retardedly.
I've been around, mostly working and whatnot. Just happened to be bored at work and found this thread, crazy it's the one where Ai was getting mentioned.
How rude
The truth Hertz doughnut.
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Fuck yeah Halloween patch!
>NOOOO stop liking things I don't like boohooooo
Fuck off.
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I put them on my plate carrier, range bag, backpack, and hat. So far the only one to get any comments was the little Garand Dude on my hat because I only shoot on private property
Eyepatch should have given it away. Idk why the cow either. Aho you around to explain that one?
any plans to release more patches?
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she's done now and could go up but if she goes up tomorrow it would literally just be her alone T^T
It's not about that, it's about juvenile and rediculas choices. And you know that, that's why you're so hostile and defensive.
Glad you got them ^^ sorry it took a bit longer
I love the round one on top. where did you get it? does it fit on a hat?
yo can you restock your "Space Shuttle Door Gunner" , "Christmas List" and "Wanna play?" patches? Missed out ages ago and always wanted these
patch idea drawn by my gf. Was originally going to be "would you still love me if I was a worm" but that was a bit too wordy. I think this gets the point across all the same, though
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Put ‘em in a patch binder.
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Restocked these - also put together a bundle of possum patches
Kinda cute.
Based Edelweiss enjoyer
Big tits simple as
Nice worm
Anyone know if Koznstahl is inactive? I ordered a patch two weeks back and haven't heard a peep.
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glad to see you guys still remember me even though i don't post as often anymore

i have reworked catbeard black and restocked cato and loaf cat today
there's also 20% off of szlugita and fatrlboro patches
here's the comparison between old and new (bottom) catbeard, come over and take a look :3
Man, really would prefer if this was embroidered.
there's literally not a single fair priced embroidery shops in poland
He just posted here 2 days ago.
Yeah i had completely missed it, got a mild amount of retardation on my face.
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Where did you get the “something bad will happen soon” and Kay patches?
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he's here. Also death's flag from the tarot card and restonked the angry pine tree.
Oh darn it, I was hoping you'd make him angrier.
Yucca Flats Mining Co if you're reading this you are quite the gentleman
getting the pre release king patch makes me feel all warm and special
appreciate u
PK Patchworks, and Waifu Dynamics.
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Forgot the pic
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And a follow up, but the new stickers have arrived. They will be on the store starting at 10am CST Saturday!

And just for you anons here (though obviously share it around if you want):
A 9% off your entire order discount, use this code at checkout: "PatchThreadBlues"
(Good till Monday at 11:59pm, enjoy~!)

Why 9%? Idk, it's September. Don't think too hard.
Kino. Someone needs to make a compilation of every patch thread SS division shield
You lie. I see Mexicans in the one in Calhoun constantly.
I wish you’d make “smug anime girl.jpg” into a patch desu senpai, would cop

aww thanks! I make a bunch that I really don't know what to do with so I just send them along with folks.

I'm going to be moving at the end of the month, so I think I'm going to pause the patch thing until I get settled in, maybe early Nov sometime
That can be arranged, ngl.
Been out of the game for awhile, is the long Miia patch still being sold?
Woodpatch stopped posting on /k/ years ago. Of course not.
I went through every site listed, couldn't find the Buccee's black sun - where get?
This might surprise but the answer is in this thread if you know how to read
lemme know eta so I can give you some of my hard earnings
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why has there never been a shoop da whoop patch? @aho
That's a good point. I'll get on that
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Sure, it'll probably be with another patch set release closer to November then.
They made a /pol/ one and it was kek

I would unironically buy that patch/wall art
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am excite, curious about your other releases this come november too
stormcrow will be back inshallah
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I bought the anime one instead back in the day.

Does anyone still sell this? If not, I'll consider taking it over (maybe with a blue octopus, heh..)
Sale ends tonight at midnight for (you) guys, just an FYI~

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