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You just came home from a successful campaign of destroying a bridge, a key infrastructure that could determine the outcome of the war. However your superior is hell bent on failing you and during your mission to destroy such important, strategic infrastructure, you had a minor hiccup of having your flag stolen by some filthy frogs

How do you justify yourself without making yourself looking like a fool?
Blame someone else. The war hero, who I ordered to attack the enemy and then blew the bridge behind before he could retreat, will do.
Careerist and correct. Deny, blame, sling accusations and obfuscate. Then go back to your tent and await promotion.
And if all else fails, let it be known that you have friends in horse guards and the king's court.
Pretty much. More often than not the guys whose job it is to rip you a new one at the very top of any organization are so insulated from the actual problems that they don't really care, they just need to punish a scapegoat in order to show they've done their due diligence. Give them enough convenient excuses to make someone else that scapegoat and they will just to avoid rocking the boat.
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>Cheesy 80s guitar mixed with fife and drum intro plays
>Small skirmish between the British and French
>Tongue is missing as usual
>Sharpe flailing his sword around while Hagman gives cover fire
>They win the skirmish
>Messenger on horseback approaches
>"Lieutenant/Captain/Major Sharpe, you are summoned to Lord Wellington's tent"
>"Bloody ell Patrick, what's 'e want now"
>Sharpe arrives in old Nosey's tent
>His spymaster of the day is there
>As is a weasel looking British officer or French lord
>"Sharpe, this is Lord Fucksworth, who has a dangerous mission for you - you will be enormously outnumbered, deep behind enemy lines with no support, oh and Major Ducos is around so watch out for him
>Lord Fuckworth insults him for being a poorfag but reluctantly accepts that this is Wellington's best man
>"As ye like sir, Ah'll get it dun"
>Cut to Sharpe and Patrick discussing the mission
>"It dun maek bloody sense Patrick, why do they need us to tek this castle/find this woman/get these supplies/uncover this plot"
>"Oh surely as the fields o' Ireland are green, sir, God has a plan for us, sir"
>A few battles happen on the way to the objective
>Oh look it's an attractive young woman who keeps looking at Sharpe suggestively
>They fuck
>"Look Patrick! It's the thing we're here for!"
>Lord Fucksworth appears and betrays Sharpe
>Ducos appears
>"HON HON HON! Bamboozled you again my nemesis"
>"Bloody Ducos"
>Battle happens
>Patrick goes "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH BANG" with the 7 barrelled gun
>Wellington arrives
>"Well done Sharpe! You've done it again"
>Sharpe and his men march into the sunset
>Had your colours stolen
>Blame someone who was KIA
Treasonous display
Why did you do this?
Did you not even consider my poor sides
Well the blame obviously cant fall on you or your cousin so it must be the ungentemanly ranker and the Dead colonial.
Realy the ranker should be happy with his current position even if he is a war hero and the personal project of your superior.
Major Lennox must answer!
>the Dead colonial
That's the guy standing behind him. A Virginian, sir.
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A Sharpe thread...
did swheet williams even stand a chance getting the girl?
Against Bean Sharpe?
Hell no
Book Sharpe it's a coin flip
In the book, I believe he spent more time with her so it was closer. In the show, wasn't just there for a day or two before heading to Paris for weeks/months?
He has a cousin at Horse Guards, anon, and he has friends at court.
I really don't understand this scene. It's just a flag Kek! LMAO! Like just go have them make another one!
The Sharpe show is ruined by the budget. The guerilla ops are all fine, but every major battle amounts to 30 guys, 2 horses and one cannon.
Are you that clueless?
A man who loses the King's colours, loses his friendship
Sometimes I wish that the Bongs continued with the Cookson repeater and actually made it good (like the Kalthoff repeater) and equipped entire battalions with it. Would have been kino. Least the Americans gave some Spencer repeating rifles to their units.
In the era, losing your regimental flag/standard is like losing your code book or cipher today. The flag is used to signal to troops in battle where the HQ/commander is and as a rallying point. Due to these reasons, it also has acquired ceremonial and almost religious meaning (actual religious in the case of the Romans) that losing it meant great dishonor. Conversely, capturing the highly defended item from the enemy is a mark of great bravery.
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At first installing Fallout London, I stole the Sippersons gin from "House guards" distillery, that's my Easter egg sir.
>Horse hair wig, very vogue
>Carries dentist tools to rip out dead Frenchmen's teeth to replace the ones he lost. Aims to have full set when war is over.
>Will remove wig, false teeth and eyepatch, so he's unhindered in battle
>Was about to wipe arse with law book, found it interesting instead. Defends Sharpe at trial while claiming the lack of "onus probandi" (Burden of Truth), after cutting his own hand to demonstrate a point.
>Dissapointed the girl he liked hooks up with Sharpe.
>"Fine. I'll just go to London, be a lawyer and help soldiers widows."
>Quite possible scored widow poontang
Sweet William Frederickson. Is he /k/ approved?
He is /k/ personified
>the fucking Battle of Waterloo
>it's ten guys on horses filmed in a park
I just watched that episode, the French girl is perfect
>TIL there are nudes of Assumpta Serna (Teresa)
He's a total bro and one of the few that survives the whole series. The scene where he's spitting all over the new colonel whole talking is funny as fuck
I wouldn’t just die for Sweet William I’d die to help acquire for him a crumb of top shelf French pussy.
Question why does russia get hate for using african troops when the uk did it first? in 1600s!
Same reason Russia has been looked down on forever. They’re a smelly ethnic backwater larping at empire desperate to be European, it’s ALWAYS cringe when they do anything except be a backwater.
That unfoirm looks really good.
God I miss stealing other companies guide ons
>Be E4 mafia
>Which absolutely doesn’t exist
>Capt Turbofaggot in Bravo Company throws a bitch fit over someone in his company getting caught smoking in the barracks
>Bitch to Sgt Major
>Battalion wide ass chewing and seven mile run in boots ensues
>Massive barracks beautification operation conducted
>Me and a couple buddies about to PCS
>Drive by Bravo company
>Guide on posted out front
>Absolute chimpout ensues
>Another battalion formation for 12 mile ruck
>Captain Turbofaggot literally foaming at the mouth
>Cool but we have orders and we have to drive out to New Jersey to turn in our TA-50
>My bro frames it and has it hanging in his living room to this day
I would burn London to the ground for that man…or just for being London.
Tell the truth. Your image is immaterial. The first duty of every officer is to the truth, whether it's scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth! It is the guiding principle on which the military is based. And if you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened, you don't deserve to wear that uniform!
>How do you justify yourself without making yourself looking like a fool?
Ritual suicide.
Nip go home!
every UK show is like this. if you gave them a budget for 100 pyrotechnicans, 1000 extras, 5 steadicams and 3 cranes they wouldn't know what to do with it all

hornblower managed to have multiple ships to film in the water, but once the crew goes ashore its some dipshits larping in a park again
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>"Oh surely as the fields o' Ireland are green, sir, God has a plan for us, sir"
Fucking lost it kek
guidon, you illiterate fucking American

>every episode and special is pretty much the same thing every time
>still far more enjoyable to watch than 90% of todays garbage
how the fuck did they do it?
That just makes it worse. In the show, he's just disappointed when she chooses Sharpe over him. In the books it completely destroys their friendship and he fucks off to Canada to fight the Americans

Better write to some of your friends at Horse Guards to inform them ahead of time. Just in case.
>you had a minor hiccup of having your flag stolen
Step one, don't be the kind of homosexual who would think this was a minor problem.
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Get out of jail free card.
I feel you could sum up every single Ciaphas Cain 40k novel with this shitpost, changing very few details besides the names.

They've even got a screaming retard that fires his gun once a book.
Honestly the only reason why I wouldn't want to see this series remade with big budget is because modern production requirements (politically correct dogshit) would mean they'd fuck it up so bad the old series would be lesser purely because of the new one existing.
Masterfully templated anon.
Hagman would be a black woman and would rap the end credits, yo nigga there be 40ish shillins on that there drumb
Which is mildly ironic, given that Gaunt's Ghosts is generally regarded as the "Sharpe in 40k" series.
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>Patrick goes "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH BANG" with the 7 barrelled gun
He do be like that.
Which it is for maybe the first two books and then Gaunt becomes far more political than Sharpe. Also Sharpe in the books is a turbo autist unlike Gaunt who can actually hold a conversation with other offices that is not just violent grunts. Abnett can actually right dialogue unlike Cromwell (in the earlier books)
I mean they did a really really good version of the Saxon Stories in the Last Kingdom. I would trust the studio behind that show to get it right.
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>Horse Guards - London
>The guards are actually just people
The best is Red Dwarf for having a cast of 4 plus an average of 1-3 guest characters of the week and almost never extras.
It's the television equivalent of fast food.

Slop is slop, but it wouldn't be popular if it didn't taste good on some level.
Well a Commissar is a political officer afterall.

Ciaphas Cain is a take on Flashman rather than Sharpe, isn't it?
>Ciaphas Cain is a take on Flashman rather than Sharpe, isn't it?
IIRC, yeah
No way Sweet William has candor and courage. Nu-/k/ is Ducos.
Yeah probably
Ci-Ci-Ciaphas Cain! Hero of the Imperium!
Cotton, slaves and mollasses.
Cain is Flashman with Sharpe's leadership ability and actual esteem for the men under his command. And a way less whoring.
>And a way less whoring.
He still is keen on slinging his dick around quite alot, especially for someone in the GRIMDARK GRIMDARKNESS WHERE THERE IS ONLY WAR that isn't a cultist of that one chaos god.
Was Sharpe basically Sean Bean cashing out all his plot armor for one role, which is why he dies so often in everything else?
At Leipzig, Napoleon also retreated and blew up a bridge, cutting off and dooming the soldiers who were covering his retreat.

It was the style at the time.
Even got kicked in the face by a horse. Seriously, look it up.
He got stepped on by the horse.
Cain does a TON of whoring before he hooks up with Amberley; its all implied and understated because narratively Amberley is the editor
>Jurgen goes AHHHHH BANG with his melta gun
a cousin at the Horse Guards means fuck all to a General, even friends at court. by the Napoleonic era the only real influence that would make a high ranking military or civil servant a bit nervous was if he had had family or close associates in parliament or high in the admiralty/foreign office

Which I think the writers knew which makes Simmerson's threats even more pathetic
Uh, yes anon, that's part of the point. Simmershit is a spineless, worthless buffoon with zero comprehension of how the real world works.
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>please ignore the introduction of sub Saharan black characters in Saxon era Britain
Best episode of the series, I liked when Pat brought out the voice-operated gun, like an early 19th century Judge Dredd.
Even last kingdom trailed off towards the end with le strong women characters, and the film was pretty wank.
At least they explained him away as a missionary from Rome.
Fuck man that was one of my childhood shows.
Thanks for the reminder of that old sea biscuit.
That is a seven-barreled Nock gun designed for use in naval actions. I'd be scared to fire that thing too.

I forget which book, but he spends an entire briefing being one of the few people not cowed by the High Fleet Navigatrix spooking High Command about Warp fuckery, because he was too busy staring at her and going "fuck, Shortstack Highborn Mutant in too-tight gold dress hrrngg"
Also Veil's occasional editorial inserts whenever he's talking about other women (or herself) are peak quality.
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God save /k/, say it Anon. Go on, SAY IT!
The Jamaican army's band still wears it.
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Did they really wear this shit in combat?
Yes, because back then, a lot of combat was just posturing.
"The Prussian Method" was in style, where order and discipline in the ranks, as well as presentation and the like was more relevant than what we might call modern battle strategy of individual troop agency, movement, and eschewing flair for lethality.

This wasn't for no reason either. Guns were shit enough that in many cases they only worked somewhat, when you formed a line and volley-fired at the enemy (which is actually interesting for the 2A 'spirit' given that it specifically outlaws volleyguns, but that's a whole different discussion, and one that will cause much shit to be flung), soldiers were generally considered to not be individually reliable due to standard military life in the ranks being like that of modern day russia, and battles were very much decided by morale.

An army that was shabby or lazy in uniform was probably made up of poor troops, and thus probably easy pickings.
An army that forms a neat square or a line in perfect uniformity regardless of conditions or gunfire is probably a very dangerous troop, and not one to be approached lightly. In the age of portable massed semi-accurate handcannon fire from rank-and-file cogs taking over from melees between motivated warrior-fraternities, this posturing could greatly influence engagements from morale.
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Why did they have colors when all the non-white units normally didn't? is there reason for this?

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i read a great fanfiction that combined sharpe with temeraire, for those in this thread who like dragons, by the way
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Do a better job if you're gonna post Sharpe's Pasta.
Question: why are you a cock-gobbling faggot?
But to seriously answer your question, it's because those African forces in the British Empire were Imperial subjects at the time, whereas African forces for Russia now are turd world mercenaries, since the former Imperial holdings of Russia want absolutely nothing to do with that shithole and they can't politically use their real citizens.
>Hornblower series with Ioan Griffudd
>Sharpe series with fucking Sean Bean
>Flashy gets one book adapted loosely as a movie with Malcolm McDowell
>one book
>we’ll never have Flashman at the Chrage adapted
>Flashy is mostly known as “source for Ciaphas Cain” and “was parodied in Blackadder”
Flashy bros, we’ve been robbed. I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy to be associated with fucking 40k slop
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That's just my style
>And doesn't link it.
Now that's not proper soldiering, man.
>disregarding the m
I know it's you Ducos you rat frog bastid.
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Hon Hon Hon! Foiled again
Bloody Ducos!
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Until 1857 all Indian troops were either East India Company forces or raised from allied Indian princes; the allied forces were local and decisively non-Western in their organization and doctrine
>the television equivalent of fast food.
But it is good fast food.
When I get hungry I would walk across broken glass like John McClane for waffle-cut seasoned fries. I wouldn't do that for a salad.
Point is, "good" TV is PBS. Which is unsatisfying once you outgrow Big Bird. It needs to have something compelling there to entice an audience.
Also, at least Sharpe isn't a male-oriented soap opera like most of the schlock they pump out to cater to that audience. Sons of Anarchy fans, I'm looking at you.
No way Flashman gets anything. In the books Flashman raped slaves aboard slave ships bound for the new world. When those books were written High Plains Drifter was in the box office and audiences could understand anti-heroes.
They are way stupider now and studios/networks do not take risks.
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It's clearly a typo you disgusting brown cunt.

it's quite good.
You rarely make the same typo twice without ever spelling it correctly.
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Prove it gutenberg
just use half loads on each barrel and use smaller lead shot
Btw this is Tongue, who was mysteriously MIA since Sharpe's eagle
>(which is actually interesting for the 2A 'spirit' given that it specifically outlaws volleyguns, but that's a whole different discussion, and one that will cause much shit to be flung)
Okay, what?
What these were african slaves?

Between 1795 and 1808, an estimated 13,400 slaves were purchased for service in the West India Regiments at the cost of about £925,000. This constituted about 7% of the enslaved Africans imported into the British West Indies during this period.[
The guy who died. It was all his fault.
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Back in the days where men were men
This is one example of why Monarchies usually become too top heavy and can collapse. Especially if it is a monarchy funded by an overseas trade empire.
We in the US should take heed of history's lessons.
Still looks great.
Suffered from shit writing in the late seasons because of Kurt Sutter. Same thing happened in The Shield.
>Cmon Jax, we have to pump Black into Juice's Brown to appease Yellow and get us to move the guns, BROTHER
>hey jax remember when we all rode unique bikes and then they got shot up in an unnecessary scene so now we all decided to get matching new model year 2011 sportsters
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Simmerthug life
Subhumans who invoke outside sites need to be given global bans with their ban page linking them back to their home.
Yeah, Cain is Flashman with some Sharpe thrown in, while Gaunt is straight up Sharpe in Space.
The author of Flashman also wanted to be as politically incorrect as possible.
I have a cousin in Reddit, and I have friends in Discord.
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Comrade Devodovishnik leaves the worst to the last.
He says you lost the Czars T-I-G-E-R-S...
Did the British really buy slaves and give them guns? Or did they use them as logistical support to augment Regulars?
The Empire was never, at any point in it's history, self-financing. It was always an prestige project and national security venture
Nope they saw combat two blacks of the unit got Victoria Cross.

Here is a book written by white leaders of the units


one there first battles in the carribbean

, 1st West India Regiment, moved against his left, and the grenadiers of the 1st West India Regiment, with the remainder of the 7th, advanced against the centre. The troops rushed forward, fording the stream under a heavy fire, and attacking the enemy, who was greatly superior in numbers, with the bayonet, drove him from his position.

Private Samuel Hodge of the 2nd WIR was awarded the Victoria Cross in 1866 for courage shown during the capture of Tubab Kolon in the Gambia. Private Hodge was the second black recipient of this decoration—the first being Able Seaman William Hall of the Royal Navy.

In 1891, Lance Corporal William Gordon of the 1st Battalion WIR received a VC for gallantry during a further campaign in the Gambia. Promoted to sergeant, Jamaican-born William Gordon remained in employment at regimental headquarters in Kingston until his death in 1922.
If you think Mercantilism didn't succeed in accumulating literal metric tons worth of specie I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
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I'm not going to argue that anon's point, but mercantilism only works for the mother country, and weakened the Empire when the Americans left.
Wait for him to take a piss
Now that's fucking soldiering
>I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy to be associated with fucking 40k slop
Ciaphas Cain is one of the best things 40k has going for it. Hell, its releases are the only thing I am even bothered about 40k anymore for.
The franchise as a whole, yes. Cain is not as bad as that however.

Agree completely that Flashman deserves better by the way.
>Ciaphas Cain is one of the best things 40k has going for it.

Ah, a tourist. I bet you like Guardians of Galaxy.
Anon, this is a board for adults. 40k is for overweight pedo greasy-haired bo-smelling manchildren. Or worse, Russians.
>this is a board for adults

It appears to be blue, my child, just like videogames or traditional games.
People have been talking about warhammer on 4chan for decades, what is this topical horseshit.
40k has really gotten too popular for its own good to the point its going mainstream and adopting all the current day politics. So a lot of people are distancing themselves from it on contrarian places like 4chan.
>It appears to be blue
That just makes it a board that adults can use at work.
>40k has really gotten too popular for its own good to the point its going mainstream
That's probably for the best, for the same reasons that you see resentment for edgelord positions on 4chan with resulting accusations of reddit.
The reason is that being edgy (or grimdark) was originally ironic parody and then it got taken seriously and became cancerous.
When orks were jolly hooligans, 40k was funny. When people unironically praise the IG, astartes or inquisition, it became shit.
>a lot of people are distancing themselves
A handful of massive spergs on an Indonesian telecommunications forum is not "a lot"
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>Warhammer 40000?
Is this worth watching?

I like the Victorian era military setting but otherwise know virtually nothing about this series.
The irony being that your post exposes how much of a tourist you are to 40k
>Victorian era military setting
The claim isn't that mercantalism didn't generate tons of revenue; the claim is that London always had to spend more to secure and stabilize the Empire than it received in imperial revenues.
You sound like a Tau player
>off by like 15 years
who cares? everyone knows what's meant by saying that
>The irony being that your post exposes how much of a tourist you are to 40k
Can't be a tourist to a place you only saw on TV.
>London always had to spend more to secure and stabilize the Empire than it received in imperial revenues.
I fail to see how this troubles my East India Company share portfolio but I'll bring it up at the club with the chaps. Maybe they'll be interested.
The fucking era is aimed after the napoleonic wars
>those nazis in ww1 were bastards, what are you complaining about its only 20 difference everyone knows what they meant
nobody cares lmao
Yeah. I'd recommend starting on the second movie, Eagle. The first movie isn't bad, I just think it doesn't typify the series as a whole
Acktchually I care that you were wrong
>Man I love the Georgian era
>The English civil war is my favorite part!
It would be easier for you and the lads to directly embezzle public funds; admittedly there'd be fewer luxury goods for you to consume but there would also be less geopolitical bs with the French and the Dutch
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I miss when /tg/ was actually good and creative
>4chan board
>ever good
They can produce more or less OC, but they are never good.
Even Adam Smith concedes Mercantilism was making London money hand over fist.
What do you think makes an image board good, you fucking idiot?
>bruh bruh
Ook ook?
The ability to write three shitposts a minute, on any topic.
Flashman is Victorian, Sharpe is Napoleonic.
>lord Fuckworth
I laughed out loud while on teh bus, fat teenage female student looked at me in weird manner
also, they ware expensive as fuck, and unique, I watched a documentary about it once
this copy paste is such a classic

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