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Any idea how to break open old bunker doors like this?
it's sealed for a reason. you dont want whats inside.
a plasma cutter
6' dig bar to pry it open and a hammer with a crow bar to break the lock
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Some old plane parts inside here probably
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Just knock.
Knock the padlock off with a hammer or boltcutters and turn the lever.
Hard to tell from the pic but is it just a padlock and maybe a metal bar welded from the door to the frame?
A battery angle grinder will make short work of both.
it's painted with lead so if i'm gonna use a grinder id need to sand it a bit
Don't. Dead. Open inside
You're asking yourself if you could and not stopping to think if you should.
he wants to break inside a obviously locked up bunker, and your main concern is the lead paint? really?
You just get a couple of spanners
>>62394088 there is probably cool things inside. open it. It might take some time. Get motorized tools. a cutting wheel of some kind. open it.
uhhh yeah? what else would i be afraid od? landmines? spooky ghosts?
someone opened one of these recently and there was an old f16 turbine along with some old tools and gear
Train your ki.
There is not deadly radioactive microelements and airborne chemicals inside.
Just open it up and enjoy your free stroll inside, don't forget to take deep breaths inside and take all your time to appreciate the architecture of bunker. The more time you spend in the better!
It is untrue that liquid fuel used it missiles leaves a lasting contamination in bunker storage and refueling areas, the scientists are lying to you. Go in pussy or no balls.
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Something along these lines

Depending on where you are, you might be commiting a felony. In some countries, breaking into a military installation can get you lined up against the wall. Make sure you are covered from this.
it's been abandoned since at least the 90's and the airbase itself is legal to wander on, at worst i'll be hit with property destruction
you are an adult leads not gonna hurt you just put a tshirt over your face
I love threads like these. Hope OP delivers. Don't worry about deadly materials OP, get yourself a face mask and you'll be fine.
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i have a 3m but i haven't cleaned it and it's been collecting dust, i have a friend who has a ton of power tools so that won't be a problem,
not just lead but asbestos and mold too
this is what the shelter would look like inside btw
>not just lead but asbestos and mold too
Don't kill yourself, anon.
Liberally spray all hinges and cracks with WD40 or similar product. Then blow the door off with C4 shaped charges.
It's one of Al Capone's Vaults and this one actually has treasure in.
As soon as he lets me out I'm I'm I'm I'mI'm

I'm going to fuck him. I will simply REWRITE his anus.
Anon, has it ever occurred to you there might be a reason why it is shut? Also, thermite. If you do, for the love of God, wear a gas mask or something so you don't inhale poison or some shit.
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Op here, under all these shelters is an entire complex of hallways leading to a large commando bunker, pictured here is a staff shelter that can fit about 50 men underground
OP where is this? I want to rape you in those tunnels
brother even if not used, it's probably a military installation
you gonna get v&
You're probably going to open a nuclear storage facility and get irradiated, or worse poisoned by chemical weapons.
That padlock's in relatively good condition, meaning whatever's in there is regularly accessed by whoever owns it.
That means, should it contain some cool military hardware, someone's gonna be knocking on your door at some point to ask for it back at gunpoint.
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The nukes are stored in bunkers like these
They are welded shut and you can't get close to them though
A risk i am willing to take
Anon is going to wake up with guns in his face. Godspeed.
>A risk i am willing to take
Alright, in that case, as someone who works in security and watches stuff like this, here's what you'll wanna do:

bolt cutters for the padlock at a start, angle grinder if you can get it, don't bother with a torch, that's completely overkill and could result in fusing the door near the lock, it wont be a good weld but it'll be enough to keep you from wrenching it open
crowbar in case it's stiff
something heavy to keep the door open, it's not uncommon to have a self closing feature on some of these and you don't want to chance the mechanism on the other side not working
doesn't look like there's a key hole in the handle so you should be fine with all that
Also, make damn sure you don't bring anything identifying with you, if it falls out, and yes, it CAN fall out of your pocket without you noticing and has happened a number of times, you're fucked.
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The other side of this base is still smei active and might have nukes so i'll be careful
>The other side of this base is still smei active and might have nukes so i'll be careful
That may complicate things, I'd go with bolt cutters first then, grinder makes a lot of noise and if any element of that bunker is still actively in use, they 100% will hear you.
Wear a mask and unidentifiable clothing, just in case there are cameras still up an running.
I'll try bolt cutters and an ironsaw
I could try thermite but i'm afraid something will catch fire
Got that covered
i was thinking you'll be fine until you posted this. if theres an active military base right next door with nukes, youre a fuckin idiot. they WILL show up in trucks and they will spend the next 10 years raping you in the courts. there's no "semi active", they have cameras right there. youre going to fuck your whole life up to break into a high security empty closet. if there IS stuff in there, you WILL be caught.
>right next door
No, i should have specified this. The active part is a land base entirely on the other side of town
just make sure you post the raid on your house afterwards so we have closure
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OP have fun meeting big bob
OP is going to get fucking arrested real quick.
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I present to you: portable thermite sticks. $120 a pop.
>it's not uncommon to have a self closing feature on some of these and you don't want to chance the mechanism on the other side not working
Now that's a thought more horrifying than being v&
For that flimsy ass lock an angle grinder will do.
If the door is rusted shut get a blowtorch.
Probably nothing inside though, if it's secured with that.
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It isn't just a padlock, it's like a sort of vault door with pins
Also it's blocked out with these concrete barriers so they really didn't want someone in here
Uncle Asvestus lives in there
Did OP get caught yet?
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Be careful about going into confined spaces that have been untouched for decades.

Often the atmosphere composition will be fucked up because of gradual oxidation of the free air.
The problem with hypoxia is that you don't realise it is happening to you (it makes you retarded).
If you go into a space like that without ventilation, ideally bring an air tester.
OP got v& and blackbagged, thread's over, pack it up boys.
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Reminded me of a bunker door in my brother's basement. The apartment which the basement belongs too was bought just a few years ago so we don't know what's inside. Pic related. The upper leaver is jammed, it can't be moved. I don't know how to open it. Maybe hit it with a sledgehammer? It's in an old tenement house in Poland, but I doubt that anything interesting would be inside.
i would absolutely try smacking that lever with a sledge hammer
will opening the door and coming back the next day air it out? can the gas inside combust if i use a torch?
>in poland
secret jewish safe
I see what you are doing there. lol.
Or don't be a retard and get a painting mask for a few bucks.
I think about 30 pounds of Tannerite might work. Don't worry about any old unstable ordinance behind the door.
I'm sure you'll be fine.....trust me bro.
>can the gas inside combust if i use a torch?
There is only one way to find out. And it should be live streamed for our viewing pleasure. :)

Old locks are relatively easy to pick open nowadays with modern tools.
just need to figure out the maker almost nobody uses one off locks, they are almost always commercial models used in many places.
Can go on dedicated lock picking forums with food photos for it.

If there is some welding angle grinder with battery and a sledgehammer should crack any welding relatively easily.

A crowbar at the end in case it is a bit stuck.
Daddy long legs are harmless pussy
Try using a wrench or something
Don't step in any standing water or puddles. Sometimes they have asphyxiating gases dissolved in them that get released when disturbed.
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>mfw Fruit Punches are actually kind of real
Pretty useful information,thanks anons
OP please remember to post results
this nigga found the entrance to X18
>in an old tenement house in Poland
probably just a bomb shelter then, no? I wouldn't expect anything other than maybe some food rations and medicaments, but I'm sure curious. Do post if you manage to pry it open.
>It makes you retarded
So what you're saying is OP has nothing left to lose?
rotate your images retard

plasma or propane cutter. ask any metal workshop what they are if you have never seen one in action
If it has a collection of old WW2 polish guns, what should he do? He potentially can't post them here because that could get him in trouble. Can he take them to the cops and say he wants them registered in his name?
>a active perimeter right next door with maintained fence
>oh the actual base is on the other side of the town!
yeah this is a darwin award candidate. Cant stop determined stupidity
>probably just a bomb shelter then
If it's old enough, it might be the internal door to a coal cellar perhaps?
Hence the locking mechanism.
get a cheap ass propane torch and try by heating up the lever base and its surrounding. Sometimes the heat helps to weaken the rust jamming the shit on the interior while metal contracts with heat which also eases operation. Ideally two guys with one heating up and the other knock on it with a hammer/sledgie. as the heat travels also up the lever

Doubt its that thick as this (vatnik union poland/possible WW2) is not a nook bunker but a bomb shelter
If they're bolt actions and nothing crazy, look into the laws first and see if that's even possible. I'd assume it'd be best to already have whatever paperwork done you need to be a legal gun owner in Poland. Research before you even start making calls. If they're machineguns then you're probably fucked unless Poland allows them or semi converted machineguns. Definitely a "shut up and start quietly researching" situation. I'm not Polish but assuming they have to get registered (or the potential for something to be illegal) it makes things awkward. I wouldn't want to get in trouble for a discovery.

Also maybe this. IIRC the US has some old houses with coal chutes and doors in the cellar too with varying designs. Not quite as common here though.
>coal cellar
Doesn't that door look way too heavy and secure for something like that? You don't really need door that heavy and thick to shovel coal into a central furnance. They might as well be wooden for that kind of stuff.
>Doesn't that door look way too heavy and secure for something like that?
No, it looks heavy and secure enough to be a coal cellar door.

>They might as well be wooden for that kind of stuff.
That would be neither safe nor secure.
>bottom hinge gone
>paint and rust all over
This will be hell to open, but I'll hate you forever if you don't do it and follow up.
He's dead
have a hippo ram it
You should be able to pry it open pretty easy with accessibility like that. If not, hit it with an axe to see if you can put a hole in it. If so, cut a hole big enough to climb through with a grinding wheel or sawzall. Or fuck the axe and go straight to grinding.
thermal lances and 15Klb warn winch
>As soon as he lets me out I'm I'm I'm I'mI'm
>I'm going to fuck him. I will simply REWRITE his anus.
I'm sure I've forgotten this reference.
Captcha: 4han
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I found a hole
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I heard some sort of alarm go off next to me and some mechanical buzzing
That wasn't an alarm, anon. Hope you don't plan on having any more kids.
GTFO, place is probably still monitored
Did any of these threads end with something interesting or was OP always a faggot?
well an alarm just went off right next to me, that interesting enough for you?
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>well an alarm just went off right next to me, that interesting enough for you?
Are you really going to make me come out of my chair? Go home manchild.
I've seen some interesting results on /out/ but this particular case seems more relevant to /k/. Anxiously awaiting a follow up
there is a large hole in the bunker (large enough for a camera at least) so i'll try that next
>I've seen some interesting results on /out/
Like what?
Abandoned bunkers, mostly post-WW2 US where they were thoroughly cleaned out, and not as heavily locked up as this one.
Yeah they're watching, best fuck off and stay well away, they'll know you were there but if you didn't do anything and didn't look sketchy, you're in the clear.
If they see you there again however, it'll likely be a case of "hey it's that fucker again, he's up to something" followed by a party van showing up.
OP, youre ok?
Quite larping and just open the safe door.
perhaps >>62422278
is real and got up from his chair lol
Thread's over everyone, RIP OP.

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