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>Spend billions buying this fucking thing Yuktobania instead of using that money rebuild Farbanti
I hate living in Erusea so fucking much

I'll never understand how Strangreal economics or wartime economics works or even makes sense.

Even minor nations going through economic issues can seemingly shit out 4th and 5th generation aircraft by the hundreds.
it helps when jews don't exist to parasitically suck out the entirety of the lifeblood of your nation while the niggers shit it up with chimp outs.

for instance, the US pays tens of thousands of dollars for a small bag of screws used on fighter jets, and i mean there's like 6 screws in the bag.
What >>62412885 said mostly. Strangereal global population is mostly White and Slav, and a good chunk of East Asian. MENA, Africans, and Hispanics all make up like 1% of the rest. With no welfare burden. It let's countries focus on important things like endless war and dumb mega projects
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still, at least you can visit italian bistros
how would that work if u dont have underwater planes
Nazi Germany was a third world shithole in the 1920's yet by the 40's it was conquering some of the most powerful nations on the planet within months.
Remove jewish foolery and a small nation like Australia could be shitting out hundreds of F-22's a year.
By "remove Jewish foolery" you mean accumulate massive, unsustainable amounts of debt in order to rearm?
Fucking localizers.
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i love my queen
no, it's a bistro ran by world famous chef: mario italia, creator of italian cuisine
>internal debt
No I mean have a currency that isn't valued based on ancient blood cultist schizophrenia.
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>it helps when jews don't exist
>Jews dont exist in Strangereal
>what is Belka?
Ace Combat Infinity isn't in the main continuity, but it does explain it: automated manufacturing technology has reached the point that aircraft are being shat out in such numbers that the biggest concern of air forces is finding the pilots to fly the damned things.
In AC5, this is also alluded to with mention that Grunder Industries has slashed the cost of manufacturing via new techniques without sacrificing aircraft performance.
Later, in 7, we see a completely automated UAV factory that basically prints out drones on its own, only requiring a feed of raw resources, with all energy costs being handled by the nearby Space Elevator's power transmission. The factory can even reconfigure itself to produce new models within hours.
>for instance, the US pays tens of thousands of dollars for a small bag of screws used on fighter jets, and i mean there's like 6 screws in the bag.
Yes, but all these screws are precision made and have specific specs they need to meet and a certification that they will always be in spec.
Things are not expensive for no reason.
You CAN use some random screws you found on the floor somewhere in your fighter jet, but do you really want to? 10k is a rounding error nothing, when the cost of the jet is 85 million or more.
Not everything is a big conspiracy.
>a currency that isn't valued based on ancient blood cultist schizophrenia
You mean like the Nazi funnybucks?
>jew projects as they always do
Be less predictable.
read the wages of war
>Leftists still cannot meme circa 2024
The irony is that you're the one projecting, kek.
What's wrong with Italy existing? Maybe it's just a city somewhere?
Just wait until they find out how fucking expensive the metallurgy is. Even with all of our modern tech, most batches don't even pass inspection and need to be recycled. That's high high the standards are.
You're out of your fucking gord if you think /his/ isn't primarily Tankies
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especially sice we have such gems like sapin
>meme is more serious than just calling someone ugly or evil without elaboration
>this confuses the stormtard
identity politics is also shit when you do it
>random princess canonically made basically everyone believe Erusean propaganda
is the whole of strangereal just simps or what
>scams are fine if you scam your own citizens and businesses
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she is adorable and she has amazing singing voice
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Tankies? All I see is a bunch of retards obsessed with shitposting about religion and phrenology.
>They still cannot meme
only superplane I use is the Wyvern, it just feels less broken than the others
Also that one with the laser instead of an MG for the MG only challenge
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I like its cockpit having panels for lower visibility.
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get's ADMMed
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Who the fuck do you think you're speaking for or to?
>internal debt
Who told you that. Schacht literally lend trillons from US and Rothschild and Hitler spent them on military.
>i love my queen
I'm pretty surprised how little love there is for her on rule34.xxx
AC7 isn't even that niche anymore, I don't know why she doesn't get more attention.
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Canards are for people whose sexual proclivity encompasses animals, sodomy, and eating ass.
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Incomparable to the true goated sexplane ADF-01 Falken in Osean red, my beloved planefu... why didn't I buy the Bandai model kit when it was available...
you just know
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The last couple of paragraphs here is very prescient, having been published in 2019. It was clear where warfare was going.
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No wait that's the wrong page, this comes after it, check the paragraphs there
tbf if a company can't produce a screw that meets required standards for less than 100 bucks then theres a serious problem with said company in the first place.
None of their production equipment is useful because they're just relying on luck to produce something that meets standard.

Would you pay them for screws?
Things are expensive because fuck you, not because they're hard to produce.
samefagging tourist
well ya but you're talking about a bag of like 100 screws.
Maybe the reason for the economic issues is everyone buying hundreds of 4th and 5th gen fighers
If I keep spending money on planes and pilots, one of them is bound to be a singularity that will single handedly win me the next war
It was clear since the Obama administration and his predator missile diplomacy. Anyone who's surprised about UAVs becoming a mainstay of air combat and warfare in general must've been born after the xbox 360 released or just severely retarded
There are no jews in this game so economies have more money to spend on their military and superweapons.
>If I keep spending money on planes and pilots, one of them is bound to be a singularity that will single handedly win me the next war
I mean....that isn't wrong. It is technically correct.
Belka is Germany + Yugoslavia though. It was an aggressive imperialist monarchy that bullied its neighbors, went through the cold war stuck between two major powers, then balkanized and fought a failed reunification war in the 1990s.

Huh... actually Belka is like Serbia
These two made out on that boat and you cannot convince me otherwise.
>things are not expensive for no reason
Corpo faggot bootlicker detected
>what is cronyism
No, the increased cost comes from how tightly controlled things have to be in order to meet those higher standards. What, you think the aerospace industry, and the militarised portion no less, is going to just use whatever fucking standard bullshit screws are available from whatever cheapass vendor?

No, the designers of the airframe are going to demand a screw with a specific set of dimensions, and a very specific set of material properties to guarantee it will work every time, for a set amount of time. This means extremely tight control over the raw material composition, along with extremely careful manufacturing process, and rigorous inspection and quality control. There are many ways to produce this, you can manufacture in bulk and select only the good ones, which is inefficient unless there is significant enough demand to be able to resell the rejects, or efficient enough recycling processes to make it viable to start again, both of which would also demand an intensive quality assurance process, not cheap either. Or you could spend the absolute fuckload of money it takes to get a process perfected to the degree that most of your output meets this tolerance, which minimises waste but absolutely balloons the cost of manufacturing.

These increased costs drive the price of the final product up, but that's decided beforehand by people who are experienced, and better at estimating this shit than me.
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if so they would have to make out on post war ball. avril wearing nice dress
You're right, but it's also not a secret how wasteful defense procurement spending is in the United States in particular. There's a lot of pork built into it. So yes, the screws are built to exacting tolerances but the guy working in the screw plant makes 14 dollars an hour to run that milling machine and the guy who runs Lockheed Martin is a billionaire, and so is his congressman.
You don't REALLY think that's where the 'cost overruns' go to, do you?
>tbf if a company can't produce a screw that meets required standards for less than 100 bucks then theres a serious problem with said company in the first place
Producing the screw is is dirt cheap in terms of labor, what costs money is the associated QA process. Especially since there is rigurous QA needed at every step in the
supply chain.
You can say "you don't need QA this strict", but this is a matter of opinion. And

Things are expensive because they are difficult. Everything that is easy costs virtually nothing.
So how did Germany pay for the rearmament? Be specific and make sure your explanation cannot be reduced to "issuing nazi funnybucks".
>Who the fuck do you think you're speaking for or to?
Anon is speaking as a /k/ and to a /pol/tard. You.
Now fuck off back to /pol/
I think many people just have no idea how expensive things are, especially in terms of serious project budget estimates.
It comes out to launch the planes
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...pusllsed propopoulsion?
>and the guy who runs Lockheed Martin is a billionaire, and so is his congressman.
Congress reps aren't poor but there's only a couple of billionaires in there, like two last I checked.

Compare that to the CCP politburo where the top 90 or so officials are billionaires with the money in their family's names.
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The problem with most AC superplanes, and sci-fi fighter jets in general, is that they are so skinny yet loaded with tech that there doesn't seem to be any internal space for having other important things, like fuel.
>The problem with most AC superplanes, and sci-fi fighter jets in general, is that they are so skinny yet loaded with tech that there doesn't seem to be any internal space for having other important things, like fuel.
Fuel space is the line where you think they become unrealistic?

They're rarely in the air for longer than 10 minutes and it's considered mission failure if they're not home in 15.
worldwide scale economy
or something
You're out of your fucking gourd if you think it is. Like the other anon said, it's all religion and haploautists these days with a couple of stormfags and /int/sects thrown in for good measure. Fuck gookmoot with a rusty spoon for adding humanities to the name.
This. Paperwork and red tape cost money. Often, they cost a *lot* of money. People look at the prices and scream "corporate greed" or "corruption", and sometimes there *is* some of that... but some level of paperwork costs are necessary in order to guarantee that things will function correctly when you *really* need them to.

The trick is, a lot of the paperwork costs are driven by laws and regulations that were imposed somewhat blindly, intended to solve issues other than the exact ones that they're affecting now. The price of those screws may partly be due to collateral damage from regulatory requirements aimed at a completely different target at some point in the past. Government creates nothing; it taxes, legalizes, allocates. Sometimes, this actually results in something useful being created by a vendor.
They have to get into the zone of operation first, that takes hours. And not every mission has fuel tankers following the squadron everywhere.
because she appears on screen like 5 minutes at most and her design is generic as fuck?
It seems to be working just fine for the current US government.
>k defends MIC now
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american jewry funded the entire german war machine, anon.
mostly schacht and rothchild money.

nobody wants to talk about it, because god forbid people realize america funded both sides, and german economy wasnt aryan magic, it was literally just jewish free gibs.
How does a maintainer know how to fly a plane? Isn't that solely an enlisted job, why would she have that knowledge?
>WEAPON board support WEAPON industry?!! SHOCKING!!!
National socialists are the leftists. What part of race-based utopian nanny state sounds right wing to you?
The race-based part
The hierarchical top down state part. What, absolute monarchies are left wing now?
because she was building her own plane and knew how to fly it?
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>her design is generic as fuck?
It's literally Hackers-era Angelina Jolie.
>How does a maintainer know how to fly a plane? Isn't that solely an enlisted job
She didn't learn either thing in the military, she learned from retired vets.
Yes, the MIC is based.
You're not some pathetic peace-lover, are you?
>What part of race-based utopian nanny state sounds right wing to you?
The economics of that state, mainly.

Politics is a boring game about the allocation of money, it's not funny memes. Serious politics is boring.
By nationalising industry and then giving said industry something to do, i.e. building an Autobahn and then the Volkswagen.

For a kike you're staggeringly retarded regarding economic policy.
>By nationalising industry and then giving said industry something to do
that is unfortunately not correct
Jews don't exist. I also assume rare earth material like titanium and all thing aircraft related is super cheap. If not then taxpayers are putting up shitloads of money
>Gentlemen, I do not believe a lady on Earth would be able to resist us now.
I love this Macross wannabe.
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It will never not be funny as fuck to me that Ace Combat 6's plot hinges on the fallout of Ulysses exploding and fucking Estovakia up really badly. They then they collapse into a civil war, and the emerging new government immediately invades Emmeria in order to snatch its bread basket and get access to it's intact ports in order to restart Estovakia's economy. They claim to be so fucking poor that this is the only way to get back on their feet. That there's nothing more they can do to reduce strain on their economy.

Their Air Force consists of dozens of examples of:
Nimrod MR MK2
Rafale M
Mirage 2000-5
F-14D Super Tomcat
Tornado GR4
Harrier II Plus
KC-10's (an spare entire fleet just for refueling the Agaion fleet)
and a handful of UAV's
A fleet of massive bespoke flying battleships ranging from a VLS Cruise missile and Aircraft Carrier flagship, and multiple EW and Destroyer style smaller flying battleships, a couple super planes like the Nosferatu,
Finally a massive railgun complex used to fire what are effectively MIRVS full of cruise missiles over continent sized distances.
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The answer is that the bespoke airforces and economic woes are directly linked.
>/pol/ being wrong
Get droned
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The explanation given, at least in 5, is that the Jews (Belka and by direct extension Grunder Industries) managed to find ways to fabricate planes at even cheaper costs than the already high quantity of planes being produced in Strangereal. For the cost of 2 aircraft, 3 could be built by their techniques, and since the Jews (Belkans) have their grubby mitts in everything and have been responsible in particular for select major international conflicts in Strangereal, (especially involving Osea and it's allies) it would be safe to assume that multiple countries churning out planes are using Grunder Industries practices, if not officially because
>Being trustworthy, ever
I would be surprised to see a future AC game where the Belkans did anything but be petty. I guess there was that no-face "Georg" guy from 7 who died unceremoniously
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Now get back to work, we need to send up another 18 KC-10's to refuel the Agaion for the evening patrol.
Estovakia did nothing wrong. Gracemeria deserved to be turned into a crater.
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When it comes to superweapons, how large is too large?

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