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you have been summoned.

Show yourself.
I always wonder what happened to him
He was eliminated by the CIA for being too based
OP, why not break out a ouija board and try summoning Meplat or Tenement Funster while you're at it?
Awwwwww. I MISS that dude.
and my Galil :'(
game or 2 of soul calibur, I'll be kilik, cheers man
I've taken your waifu mcnig, whaddya gonna do about it?
I wouldn't be surprised if the Feds found something to pin on him after the Bundy Ranch fiasco.
He was part of making the government look like clowns and jackboot agencies hate being embarrassed.
Or maybe he dropped the trip and became a family man. Who knows?
ow shit, I was thinking about him the other day.
one of the more tolerable of his people.
I hope he's happy and well
He owns a security company now
He is on linkdin
Leave him be
u a dog fuckin ass cracka.
Well there's a few names I haven't heard in YEARS.
You all think Yattuwort got sent to Ukraine, or at least got his bussy blown up in a barracks?
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Not him, but:

I heard he deleted his youtube and other social media because of a new job, but that may have been earlier, before Bundy.
I know he came back and reuploaded some old videos for a while, just can't place it in time.
YouTube deleted the full video of that :(
Newfag here, lurking for 2.5 years, can I get a qrd on that guy?
Black people really do live rent free in the "minds" of conservicucks and lolbertarians.
>he's mcniggerator
Hope that helps newfag

>verification not required
lurk moar fag
Thank you anon
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I lost the photo of him cumming on his Galil. Wanted to post it here

I've only been here 7 or 8 years now and the tripfags I remember from then are Lady, Flandre and Mixtape. Also the guy that got arrested I think his name was Saiga Marine or something. Cummy paws too but he changes his name. I think they only place they exist now is in generals, mainly /arg/ and /ak/

/bag/ is dead and /gq/ is full of redditors
He got glowniggered after Bundy Ranch. Crazy that there was legit almost a shooting war over cattle and nobody even knows about it now
Was he really present for that lmao?

Oh I forgot Zastava and The cangen guy Moleman
Yes he was there. Moleman got v& last year for shooting transformers. Lady got in a shootout with police
>Lady got in a shootout with police
source? She was still posting Ak's with dildos and Hermetic books a month ago
I don’t know where to find it but there were local news articles posted and she would refuse to elaborate. Maybe that lesbo will pop in and correct the record
>was he really present for that
Yeah he was even in the background of an interview that Bundy did
did he take the galil lmao?
Don’t remember. I can’t find the video on YouTube
Here's another old trip to chew on.
Anyone remember Bat Guano? Used to post entire threads of nothing but images.
>Also the guy that got arrested I think his name was Saiga Marine
I didn’t know he got arrested. What did he do
Found him

thanks nigga

He and another faggot went a BLM riot to fed post where they may or may not have shot 2 people
Lolo how did I not know about this
Grew up together. Miss yah dude. You know where to find me/get ahold of me. I didnt wanna bother your brother.

<3 your asian brother.
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Someone on /gif/ probably has the full vid with audio. I used to have it but fucked up reformatting the wrong hard drive so I could do a fresh install of Linux Mint or whatever and as a result lost it along with a lot of other files.
Hey, I remember these retards.
This is why you need a DE for stopping power.
He put 7 rounds point blank in that guy's head and he's still standing.
He's clearly stunned since he's not moving and let his hostage escape, but he's still standing.
Combatbeard, IraqMedic, Ricky.... We've lost so many.
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Negative. He didnt have the Galil at that point, I don't think.
Galil-chan was destroyed by the government in 2019. btw. -_-*
>not summoning IVAN CHESNOKOV
Yeah, I member. I also member Milo and OPpenheimer.
man he had such a pretty AK74 what a fkn shame
People only remember the good tripfaggots and not the ones who plagued this board for years like Duke, Stalker, Alex, LMJ, heartbreaker, Squid, Oppenheimer etc. I would rather there be no tripfaggots at all and honestly it's one of the only good things left about this board now that a lot of them are gone.
Kek, love this pic.
Don’t forget about Zed
Also Lady, there were a lot of absolute faggot trips.
fuck you, Andy
I like Lady
Bowtie and Pap were good. and Hipsterwithabarrelknife
a bunch of Valmets too
I doubt op is bigc, you nigger faget
Anyone got the screencap of Phil getting trapped by Poju?
Doesn't Alex work for TFB now?
Bowtie is a literal reddit moderator now
Did, but left "voluntarily".
That's the oldest one I've heard of, he was slightly before my time but /k/ was still gay for him when I started. I'm glad zed is gone, or at least stopped tripping, miss Johnnylabs if he really was killed hunting stgs.
Black Powder Ranger is probably out of jail by now.
lmao I remember that one, but I can't remember if I have it saved or not
Lady was okay when she wasn't drunk
He's still around?
Lance was convicted of shooting five of the people who chased him

Expected release is early 2026
Willis McKillis even made a piece on it. Good times.
>everyone nostalgically simping for tripfags
kys yourselves

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