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/k/ - Weapons

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Bit different from my normal breads, this isn't all photos from the same conflict, I have tons of small gallerys that can't sustain a thread of their own but are very interesting/cool and the images do have captions/context in the filename so it's a slight step up from your usual kino picture thread.

Soviet-Afghan war thread from last night >>62413384
Founder of paladin press, and Soldier of Fortune magazine, definitely a name /k/ommandos ought know.
this one always makes me laff
More people should read up on Katanga, interesting little war.
Malay Emergency
Rwanda time
sorry i like rwanda time
Also if anyone has any good books for any of these wars like the falklands or the iran-iraq war or rwanda etc please share them. I love reading more about these kinds of small conflicts.
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the context for this one is as follows: An Iraqi Shia clergyman fighting alongside the Iranian forces, armed with a G3 rifle, sits in front of a wall with empty artillery shells scattered around, after an Iranian counter offensive in Hajomran"

guess the filenames too long, need to fix that.
something about m81 and aks in the middle east is kino. i should buy a maadi crutch folder.
Now we'll get into the bush wars. gonna be SA and SA in angola first but i might get into my rhodesian folder.
imagine the smell
The fact that we didn't get a large wave of ddr kits is depressing.
>give the NZ soldiers proper battle rifles snd MG
>and some ww2 smgs or squirrel gun for the local

They really don't trust local militias with actual gun, right?
the vickers in real FN NATO
The french weirdly used to cause they did give them smokeless poweder berthiers and shidd relatively early but yeah lol i always feel bad cause if you're the guy with the rusty smoothbore bolt gun you kinda know where you stand with the group.
thats right boys, not only do we have cool SA pictures and pictures of rebels. we have some cubans and soviet advisors in angola.
it makes sense to give the small asians an smg though
they've less mass to handle the recoil of a FAL
this was legit part of the thinking for sure, but i think also they just were more likely to give the good new stuff to their regulars.
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The Lebanese civil war was wild af
yeah i need to raid getty images with inspect element again and grab some more shit for that one, it's wild.
Rhodesia now
I love these Rhodesian short sleeve shirts
yeah they're pretty neat, like a nice hiking top.
lemme know if you guys are enjoying it and if theres any conflicts you'd like to see a thread on in the future.
i love pictures of troops doing mundane stuff like eating a meal together,
more soldiers taking a load off.
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im pretty sure its the first Chechen war but no other context, had to include lol its my favorite food pic ever, this nigga eatin beans.
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Cool thread OP
thanks anon
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battle for the falklands by hastings
also excellent dump so far
This image is falklands war, surrender of royal marines to argie troops after the fighting at govt. house
>This image is falklands war, surrender of royal marines to argie troops after the fighting at govt. house
excellent picture, added to the falklands folder.
primas are an interesting smoke. rip russian etsy sellers.
every ak74 i see i want, and i already have a few.
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I LOVE Paladin press.

I wish it didn’t shut down. I’m scrambling on EBay to get the out of print books.
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>Armed forces of Ukraine
>Russian Federation
>Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
>Russian Federation
>Mountain Peoples
>Republic of Artsakh
>Kosovo Liberation Army

Is this perhaps the most based militant group ever?
yeah they were awesome, i have a couple of their books, one by Rob brown, one by rob krott and then on amazon of all places i'd found a compilation of magazine articles they did as a coffee table book in the mid 80s i got too.
i like them, they seem like they know what they enjoy and they aggressively pursue it lol.
tfw the local milita group was the youth league .22lr team but i use the caption the picture comes with typically
those are Aussies, they have Owen Guns and to my knowledge the brits never used them
hey thanks for the correction, theres always errors in these because i basically just find them online in forums, news articles, reddit or twitter even, here etc. Some are from gov sites or more reputable sites.
>oven gun
oy vey
your coming with us anon.
fucking lekker bru, would like to see some of the other african civil wars in the future
I'm actually working on curating my galleries for the first and second congo wars for a future thread. maybe next weekend we'll keep the whole thread in the dark continent.
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I was wondering why the local militia was armed exclusively with target 22lr with globe sights lol
my guess is someone was being dramatic for the newspapers and making mountains out of molehills.

bonus is my current pape
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higher quality version
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thanks anon much appreciated, enjoy my old pape
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you're welcome
I have completely slacked on ukraine post 2022, israel-hamas and modern stuff. idk i mostly do images and theres so much video footage and its so current it leads to the threads getting derailed super quick.
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threads only derail if you let them.
amen anon amen
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here, frogs making fun of the bongs in that pic
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also malvinas penguin dump
nvm hit the image limit, heres the folder https://imgur.com/a/7kMXajW
danke, yeah image limits still 150 it seems. well lads thanks to all who posted especially with new photos and corrections, it always helps. hope you guys enjoyed. I'll probably be back next weekend if i'm not super busy running around and ill be in here responding if anyones still around until i rack out tn.
(Good threads, anon.)

I've been interested in doing some gallery threads but I haven't had the time to figure out an elegant approach in the current year. If you want to make this a semi-regular thing, and make it at least vaguely interactive, I'm down to do some similar threads.
This one makes me kinda sad
also nice thread OP
thanks frens, i did these semi-frequently for a while but life kids etc, but had some time and i've added some new stuff to the gallery, i really need to clean it up a bit, get it on it's own harddrive on my end and get it up on an editable drive. the biggest chores usually formatting and sorting cause each war has a folder and then in there i always have an untitled folder for random images ik are from the war but nothing else, and then occasionally ill get a dump like Argentinepengunon or like once a nice croatbro dumped his dad's old pictures from his police unit and now i have a bunch of still untitled pictures but from the same unit etc.
reaction image potential
The Iran-Iraq War by Pierre Razoux is fantastic. Pretty long read but you will enjoy it if you want tism level detail
How would a manlet deal with this situation?
I appreciate filenames. We could make a whole thread on just the shitshow that was Bosnia 30 years ago
Thanks anon I’ll add it to my read list, if I’m gonna get just one or at least one to start on a specific war I like the tism level zoom outs.
I definitely have enough to do the Yugoslav wars (I typically combine the 10 day war, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo into one main thread)
today, op was not a faggot.
I'd wager /ourguy/ Nellis was the one who took the picture since he should be there next to the chopper.
its like when your trying to take a group photo indoors and you gotta keep rotating to find out which direction wont leave a portion of the group in shadows
Chewie shaved parts of his face?
Good thread OP, luv me some 80s gear
Good shit OP
what pistol?
>Pingu being taken as a prisoner of war by the Argentine invasion force, 2040, antarctic oil war.
>Tree cancer
Glock 40
>1 million deaths
>small conflict
One Hundred Days by Adm. Sandy Woodward
Logistics in the Falklands War by Kenneth Privratsky
Two Para - Falklands: The Battalion at War by Maj Gen John Frost
I want that Beret...

thanks OP. those were all great.
>any conflicts you'd like to see a thread on in the future.

North-ish africa desert warfare like sudan would be cool to have pics of.
>snoop lion
Trusting militias with guns is how the British lost America.

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