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Didn't he transform into a ghost?
Sisters...not like this...
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i can't believe he actually just killed all those people
i get he wanted to do an episode on explosives, but using REAL LIVE meat target???
Oh okay not yet, he's still transitioning.
gearing up for one last exoneration...

A song for the thread
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his final video should be a collab with the slow motion guys and kentucky ballistics to remote fire a 950 jdg into his head in extreme slow motion for his fans
>They're gonna change the channel name
Owari da
Paul is not long for this world, the near only youtubers left are turbo skills and utter trash.
He's legit knocking on heaven's door now, like actually about to be done. God bless him.
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How much much more time you all think he has?
the video basically said its pretty much ogre and in the video he can barely lift a fucking ruger 22
two weeks
Pop tarts: a miracle of science
his brother said his family is preparing to say goodbye
> anyone actually sticking around after pauls gone

Let it die a with dignity.
When he goes all we'll have left is larperators and fudds
Paul is going to die while that fat fuck Boogie2988 is still live...

Life is not fair...
Life is a bitch and then you die. Godspeed Paul thank you for the entertainment. It's always the good ones, why couldn't it be some faggot guntuber like demo ranch or inrange
We've heard that he had only weeks back in like March from his friend. it's really hard to gauge how long will take. I asked my sister, who's an oncologist, back when it all started, and she said that she's seen people with pancreatic cancer hang on after they're transferred to hospice for up to two years, and as little as one month. His family probably knows something we don't, but he could conceivably still make it a couple more months. I'm guessing the video is out because they think he only has a week or less left, though.
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or mike the kike
Women should not be doctors
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Goodbye Paul.
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"Sounds good to me, thank you everybody"
Should just call it the Paul Harrell Legacy
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Time for Paul memes, let's keep the mood up because being sad won't give him any more time
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>Should just call it the Paul Harrell Legacy
No, just leave it as Paul Harrell and let it be done. No references to his death, no compilations, no reposts, no shortened versions of short versions of videos. Just let the channel stand as a memoriam without a reference to it being one.
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post rare paul harrells
He's the only "celebrity" death I've actually cared about besides Steve Irwin, and he's not even dead yet.
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gonna miss this man
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>how it feels to live long enough
yeah nobody wants to watch his brother anyway
This anon claimed to be absolutely shit faced when he typed this, i laughed harder at this than possibly anything else in my life
What a ghoul Roy is for insisting on continuing the channel after Paul.
What do you do?
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Maybe Paul wants that
I wonder if that was the last gun he ever shot or the last one he wanted to shoot?
No offense to his brother who seems like a good guy but he isn't Paul. He should make a second channel or else it'll become a second king of random monstrosity.
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His dad looks like Woody Harrelson, and Paul is a Harrell son. I guess that makes sense.
I think he wanted to keep it going because that's how he pays some of his crew.
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I don't know the amount of money running through Paul's channel, but I'm guessing they're operating close to cost. You'd think the money they'd save not doing videos would be enough to make up for the lost revenue.
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Someone post naked Paul in the sea.
I need to see his powerful pecs
why cant we just crowdfund a pancreas transplant for him? we need men of his skill for the upcoming revolution and civil war
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I’m going to miss the thanksgiving specials the most
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Paul literally asked Roy to keep making videos. Paul wants the crew to continue. If you watch the first videos that Roy made, you can see how shy and uncomfortable he was when being filmed, I promise you that it wasn't his idea to take over.
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The most comfy videos in existence. That and the one where he cleaned his AR with a bar of Ivory soap
Roy Harrell Thanksgiving Special
>Welcome out to the range
>Today we'd have some turkey, but I ate in the car completely raw and cold
>So I'll be covering the dos and don'ts of shitting in a thicket
>I'll be covering this [TURKISH BRAND]'s survival toilet paper
>They're not a sponsor of this channel and we've had a lot of fans ask us about this brand no one has ever heard of
>So I'm gonna go back here 10 yards and make it look like a clay sculpture exploded in a kiln
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That's hard to watch.
or Paul Harrell Archives
I don't know if it can work that way
>pancreas transplant for him?
You can live without a pancreas, that's what having serious type 1 diabetes is. It's so deadly because it spreads very quickly and is hard to detect.
Sometimes I think he's too stubborn and will manage to hang on the rope until he does 15yrs later, because of clips like that, but it sounds like he's been off treatment for awhile and it seems to be catching up
I wonder how many months ago that ending clip was filmed.
He deserves a capital F, son
>sounds like he's been off treatment
I thought Paul's been in hospice for months. It was my understanding that the only treatment he's getting is for the pain.
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It hurts bros...
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I don't like how this is feeling...
How do you detect it before it's too late?
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at least he had a great life, and a good ending
full body MRI every 6 months.
Why not just abdomen?
Not him, but you don't really. I believe it's asymptomatic until it's bad, so by the time it's caught, it's probably too late.
might as well while your in there.
I mean you can't really do full body MRI's (which is practically a PET scan) in US every 6 months unless youre shitting out cash.
just accept the inevitability of death
That would be too based for this world
>PET scan
don't they hold you against your will until you piss because your dangerously to the public radioactive after that
Please post the meme about taking turkeys for free from the park I need it
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I'll be honest, I stopped watching his channel once his brother or cousin or whoever took over. Nothing personal, but the new guy just doesn't have the same charisma or screen presence as Paul. I still see his videos in my feed because I'm still subscribed to the channel and never had the heart to unsub.
Roy has commented that every video is filmed about 2 weeks in advance so probably about 2 weeks ago
>that's what having serious type 1 diabetes is
That's more or less just normal type 1 diabetes actually, and I would know
I emailed paul a few months back, and he told me he was on a new regimen of drugs that had him feeling much better. They're only delaying the inevitable, but it seems like he was given a few extra months which is huge for someone in his position. He looked really bad in this latest video and I'd be surprised if he made it to Halloween, even as stubborn and tough as Paul is.
It’s bullshit. Full body MRIs need to be as common as checkups. It would save so many lives
Pancreatic cancer is a bitch because most of the time there's zero symptoms until stage 3-4. It's not until the cancer has spread somewhere else when most people suspect there might be something wrong.
Don’t unsub you nigger wtf
No. I've had one and I was not held against my will after the procedure. You will apparently set off some Geiger counters, but the levels aren't crazy.
You would just develop cancer or some other terrible disease from the MRI process. The dye, the radiation, etc.
>All the tube scanners need contrast which can* be nasty shit
>MRI really wants contrast and tracers which outright are nasty shit
>CT is x-ray exposure which is nasty shit
Balances and trade offs anon. Cancer happens and the mechanisms behind it come from things closer to cascading failures like in aviation and pure shit luck.
>It would save so many lives
And waste an insane amount of time that doctors and techs could use to help those that actually need it.
There are other means of detecting signs of early cancer besides MRIs you know? You can have your blood drawn for example, and while that alone wont determine if you have cancer, it can determine if there might be evidence for it that warrants an MRI scan.
The first vid of his I watched. Still one of my favorites.
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>Full body MRIs need to be as common as checkups

MRIs use helium
earth has ~10 years left of helium at current consumption rates
if anything they are going to be less common
>~10 years left of helium at current consumption rates
Hydrogen balloon fails at birthday parties when?
Lower helium consumption and no helium machines are being introduced to that already.
It's really peculiar that over all these years /k/ is the only board I've seen T1D ever get brought up, and multiple times no less. I wonder if it's always just the same few anons.

t. an anon who's had to deal with low blood sugar air raid alarms every night for over 20 years now
No. You actually have to empty your bladder before the scan, because excess water will make it hard to image your abdomen. They just tell you to drink a lot of water when you get home so you can flush out the tracer, but that's it.
Come up with a better method then. I’m sure at least one of you is an Indian/Chinese researcher
You're thinking of CT scan, MRI doesn't use dye or radiation. It uses magnets and shit creating a better image.
Win the genetic lottery
>the new guy just doesn't have the same charisma or screen presence as Paul.
True, he's getting better with talking in front of a camera but I'll miss Paul's sense of humor most.

Paul's brother, Roy, does well on testing but he doesn't share any of the anecdotes we love.
>All the tube scanners need contrast
they don't but hospitals will inject you anyway because they can bill you for it.
Stage four has spread to other organs, he'd need new everything.
>I wonder if it's always just the same few anons.
doubt it. I don't come here often enough and only recently just got firearms of my own that even warrants me being here (still don't understand why there are so many noguns here in the first place to be honest) but I've seen it brought up before on other boards like /sci/ and /g/
>t. an anon who's had to deal with low blood sugar air raid alarms every night for over 20 years now
I personally use CGMs but those are kind of a pain in the ass sometimes when they fall out and the sensors fail. Wish there were better solutions
>I've seen T1D ever get brought up
I've only ever brought it up in Paul threads because Paul has pancreatic cancer. Mention it once and you pig insulin takers seem to come out of the wood work.
>pig insulin
modern insulin is 100% manmade as n rDNA origin, which basically means they modify the DNA of yeast samples to multiple and ferment insulin instead of alcohol. Science is truly amazing, what a fucking time to be alive...
you're either a leaf, europoor, or underage

MRIs use gadolinium contrast agent fairly frequently to get better imaging.
And it makes it feel like you're pissing your pants, but you probably aren't.
I’m a burger who knows nothing about medical devices
the entire world but america banned the use of that toxic, lifelong poison.
so uninsured
just inject the yeast into your colon and give yourself insulin-auto-brewery syndrome
My doctor ordered me a brain MRI because I have this like pressure feeling in my ears and I have medical anxiety just to make me feel better, I'm on medicaid too and didn't pay a penny

I wonder if i could get a yearly full body.
digits and some communist goons put paul in a self defense situation just one last time.
I've found a channel that's VERY similar to Paul and it's really good on it's own merits.
>I personally use CGMs but those are kind of a pain in the ass sometimes when they fall out and the sensors fail. Wish there were better solutions
I'm on both CGMs and a pump nowadays and to be honest the rate at which I have highs and lows still feels about the same. They're fairly unreliable but it's still better than having to do 200 finger pricks a day and not having to carry a million supplies any time you go somewhere so you don't drop dead from a high or low.

>Mention it once and you pig insulin takers seem to come out of the wood work.
It's just funny to me to even see it brought up at all since it's a fairly rare variant, not the typical diabetes 95% of people have. Let alone that there's apparently at least several of us here.
Gadolinium-based contrast dyes are still very much used around the world, Anon.
No I’ve got insurance
Might need more than dubbs but we'll see
>They're fairly unreliable but it's still better than having to do 200 finger pricks a day and not having to carry a million supplies any time you go somewhere
I'll be honest, I rarely check my bloodsugar, even though I should be. If my bloodsugar feels high, I can usually tell just how high it is from how I feel, same with lows. And to be honest, for me, the newest CGMs out there actually pretty much match how I already feel, to me they've gotten pretty accurate in fact. But what they're really useful for is looking at trends, because you can see in realtime just how fast your BS is rising or falling, or if it's high/low but stable, which is something you can't always feel, and this can help a lot when giving your doses more accurately without having to doublecheck or be conservative on insulin or sugar intake.
t. fellow MRI’d hypochondriac
then you would know why what you said is retarded
Fuuck that reminds me my doctor keeps telling me to take Pancreatic enzymes and when I found out it's made out of pigs I quickly noped the fuck out.
I don’t know much about medical devices. I already said this.
>Pancreatic enzymes
Are you the other T1D anon? Because my doctors have never told me to take those. I didn't even know they were a thing
that has nothing to do with it retard every screening costs $$$ regardless what device it is even with insurance.
Yeah and I didn’t know that. I already said this. I know Paul is dying and that sucks but there’s no need to be rude.
I used to be largely the same, but the longer I had it the more I became immune to the pingpong blood sugar side effects. My blood sugar can drop to ~40 and I won't feel a thing, although the high blood sugar effects are still hard to miss. Don't know how long you've had it for but take care of yourself anon, I'm almost 30 now and have minor but noticeable neuropathy and a slew of other issues that were caused from it.
then you'd just die immediately from hypoglycemia
>I'm almost 30 now and have minor but noticeable neuropathy and a slew of other issues that were caused from it.
Same, although as far as neuropathy goes I don't really notice much and I've had it for a little over 20 years now. I still have all the feeling in my feet and my eyes have been shit since I was born so I don't notice a difference there either. But you're right, I don't want to get overconfident, I know how fast shit like this can hit you when you don't expect it to.
“Master forgive me, but I’ll have to go all out… just this once.”
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I'm also a hypochondriac.

I just watched that 950 in slow motion video too and had a strong rip of herb, so your post made me lose it

Did Paul say anything about cannabis ever bros
based pumpkin hater
>Did Paul say anything about cannabis ever bros
Yeah, that's it gay like you
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>Did Paul say anything about cannabis ever bros
I know weed is something they recommend a lot of cancer patients to because it makes you feel good and makes you hungry which are two things that you need when you're fighting cancer
I love weed so much bros
>Did Paul say anything about cannabis
He REALLY doesn't seem like the type that would or even possibly ever did. That said, I doubt he has a strong opinion on it, based on my take on him at least
I'm stoned at this very moment mein neger

>His ending was Kino

Are you guys talking about diabetes? If so how do you test for it?
would you know my name
if there are poptarts in heaven
would shasta taste the same
if you went to heaven
beyond the door
pork wrapped in fleece blankets, i'm sure
And I know there'll be no more
tears in heaven
i won't be long
my remington green and yellow box gone
what you might call experts in heaven.
Drink you piss.
Is it sweet?
You got the beetus, soon to be sugarfoot.
Lol, get a load of this fag who just drank his piss.
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>be only guntuber that's not an annoying atention whore
Type 1 diabetes. It's a very rare (presumed) genetic variant of the usual fatass diabetes where instead you're super skinny and have your blood sugar pingpong between extreme highs and lows daily, you need to do injections basically every time you eat anything or have episodes where you need to eat a ton of sugary shit to not die. It's an extreme pain in the ass to deal with and not many people know about it, or conflate it with typical type 2 diabetes where you can just take medicine or a single shot a day.

It's nearly unheard of to get diagnosed with it as an adult, so you're safe. Almost everyone who's had it gets it around around ages like ~1-10.
they put him into a self defence situation
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They literally need it for sensitivity. You can get away without using it but then the output is shitty and hard to figure out for the docs looking over it.
> If so how do you test for it?
lmao, trust me, if you have it you'd know. It's not like cancer where you can have it without knowing until it's too late. If you constantly feel like shit, are unusually depressed, and are constantly thirsty and constantly need to piss, like moreso than usual, then I would get myself checked.
Yes, a lot of people need contrast. Sometimes you can get away with not using it, like for head bleeds and bone breaks. No dye needed for that, because bone shows up well anyway. Kidney stones dont need dye either, but its added because you want to rule other things out at the same time. A lot of people DONT get dye because their creatinine is like 8.0 because their kidneys are just 2 soaked coffee filters with holes.

Anon i have to wait 12 hours before my stroke patients get MRIs done because the hospital has 1 machine and it takes like 2 hours to set up, run, and then another 2.5 hours to get the radiologist read.

Expecting a MRI to be standard of care for random checks, even every 4 years, would completely implode the US industry. CT scans take a fraction of the time, but even that would melt the system if EVERYONE started lining up for them. And my hospital has 2 CTs and we still get hours-long back logs. If you want that you'll need some sorta AI radiologist interpreter software, an MRI machine that doesnt cost millions and a room to itself, and it needs to run in about 5 minutes.

Thats the neat part, you dont. Pancreatic cancer doesnt manifest until it starts to obstruct the adjacent ducts OR the pancreas cells become so derranged that their endocrine/gi secretions go out of wack.

There are markers you can test, but we dont randomly check for them. You could ask your PCP to check them, but even if they came back normal... youwcould just come back in 6 months with pancreatic cancer. Its an aggressive cancer, so screening randomly isnt that useful. The likelihood of randomly catching it is just very low. Hence its not done.

Thats more or less an active FDA trial with extremely promising results, but they dont put it in the colon.

Go to any doctor office, or buy a blood test kit at Walmart. Hell sometimes theyre free. Your grandma probably has a kit, medicare hands them out like party favors.

One of the Diabetes anons here
just want to say that i fucking love weed. It has no direct impact on bloodsugar except that it makes you hungry, so just keep that in mind (it's also a very different kind of hunger than low bloodsugar hunger, with low bloodsugar you really crave bread and other shit with carbs, with weed you actually feel hungry and just want to eat fucking everything)
i never liked this guys videos and thought his meat targets and testing methods were retarded but it really fucking sucks seeing him go out like this.
I would unironically watch that and laugh the entire time.
They wanted to rule out a brain tumor but gave me contrast anyway to milk me.
what video did the tracking meme come from, I can't remember
Yeah, well, maybe we men should step it up and start applying to med school in much higher numbers. Otherwise, there'd be an extreme shortage of doctors if it wasn't for women. Like, there would be a serious crisis and people would be dying left and right.
Yeah, I can't bring myself to watch his post-cancer diagnosis videos. I will tear up and start to bawl.
Typical Paul response. Like when he got interviewed by some other faggot youtuber and the guy said "Any words for your viewers?" and Paul was like "I just hope I saved you some money on ammo."
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He doesn't shill, and youtube typically demonetizes gun stuff. He has 1418 paid patreon members and only one paid tier ($5) which means he probably makes around $7090 a month doing his thing.
Why do so many veterans end up getting cancer?
DU, also America hates its vets and knows exposing them to burn pits and toxic shit will eventually remove them.
Mil is like a blue collar job without any of the lawsuit checks and balances. You see guys getting exposed to dangerous chemicals, taking experimental drugs, etc all of the time without a lot of checks and balances till things go tits up. The current president's son likely got cancer due to being around burn pits in Iraq.
he doesn't even seem that into it. it would be a shame for the channel to die slowly as the brother gives less and less of a shit every video until he just stops.
it's a shame his kid is such a poofter, it would be nice if he had a son that was up for continuing the channel
>blue collar job without any of the lawsuit checks and balances
so like a blue collar job.
you ever seen the pile of chemicals they have at a body shop? the lawsuits only come after most of them are dead.
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Shame his Chad son who lives in Missouri can't do it.
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>digits and some communist goons put paul in a self defense situation just one last time.
yorokobe shounen
Fuuuck i need to buy 10 helium tanks asap
Retard, if women weren't in the workforce the economy would be lightyears ahead of where it is now, or had ever been in the past. There wouldn't be a shortage of fucking anything.
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I work with boats and the amount of shit the laborers are exposed to on a daily basis is insane.
>don't worry we tested air quality and it's fine
Meanwhile fucking fiberglass is so thick in the air it makes a quarter inch of fucking dust a day. No respirators. No suits. Just eyepro.

Quitting in a few months. Don't won't anything more to do with this death trap.
then you got some niche stuff that has no official studies.
If you work inside an active cable room ALL day for most of your job for 30-40 years you are probably gonna get cancer.
all those energized wires, even low voltage, emit low level EM radiation.
its something a few older guys I talked to noticed.
an odd little coincidence.
the look of pain on his brother's face is a bit heart wrenching to be honest.
Top 5 Tips for Wilderness Survival
Not that anon, but women should not be doctors.

All muslims must be exterminated.
Agreed, and women should not be doctors.
They were right to shove you into lockers.
Your consent is not needed
He will be exhortated
Its 300 years at current consumption, peak oil retard
No, they just tell you to stay away from chillun for a day or two.

source: mum had lung cancer last year
A lot of people prefer female docs, especially for things like OB/GYN. Women are a lot less whiny during vag exams

>what do you mean you want to look at my vagina when my chief complaint is "bad vaginal bleeding"

Or their husbands try to do the protective thing. Look, i dont want to look at your fat wife's cervix either, but the first thing an OBGYN is going to ask is "what did you see"
I'm sorry that you don't understand that women are people too. I'm sorry you don't understand the scientific bias that has plagued the medical field for millenia because of it's male dominated thinking and treating women as "just men but with some different hormones". I'm sorry you don't understand that means clinical studies are fucked for data that can be properly applied to women. I'm sorry you don't understand the social and individual psychological impact of a derth of female obgyn's. I'm sorry your parents, the education system, and society as a whole seems to have failed you/ or that you're just a horrible human being. Either way, I'm sorry and I hope you get better soon.
You are 100% without a doubt an incel redditor. There can be no doubt about this.
>Paul Harrel dying, less than two weeks to live
>Thread talking about vagina doctors
Arrividerci, Pauli.
Wait, which one is this? looks fantastic did he really compare cigs?
Is that a Bersa Thunder?
OSHA is a joke
oh no not the helium!! It's only 24% of the mass of the entire visible universe how would we ever get more?!?
He was testing cigs as fire starting material
>sounds good to me! Thank you everybody.

Y-you too Paul

>no more comfy rainy day range videos
It's not fair.
>everything you said was right so I'm just going to call you names

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i dont like this thread
You're not gonna get laid by white knighting on 4chan, faggot.
There was a Finnish conscript who posted here once on how they shit in the field
>take off belt
>drop pants and drawers
>put belt around tree and hold with a hand on each end to support yourself from falling
They call it "The Harley Davidson"
Tried it, works great
This is like replacing a pet that hasn't even died yet, have some damn decorum
This is really not the place to win friends and influence people. You're yelling at a wall and only you are frustrated
The most absolute finest gun satire in history is going away, what shit times
This is great
Virtue signaling doesn't work on 4chan, or in real life (since you're ugly).
they were saying that shit fifteen years ago
his brother is dying, thats why he is so stiff still. you sad sacks of shit have no empathy.
No empathy, or just people for whom not many bad things have ever happened to.
Medical school student here. Opening up cadavers that died from metastatic cancer is horrific.
my dad died from pancreatic cancer on may 5. the V.A. poojeet doctor with fake degrees called him a pussy and a malingerer. fuck whoever taught that little monkey those words. they told him he was fine. he was mostly cancer by the end.
RIP to your old man. Fuck any doctor that doesn't order a full body MRI and make the insurance jews pay when even a hint of cancer is detected.
At this point I'm tired of being served by spics, pajeets, and niggers in the medical system. And insult to injury is the co pays to these fuck tards. Paying full price only being served by a DIE hire.
Hi Anon, I'll be getting my kidneys, eyes and what ever else shot by thicc hard glucose running through my veins. Thank God I live in a socialist country, so I'll make the public pay the bill. t. T1 for 24 years and not treating it as good as I could
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Are you constantly thirsty?
Whew thank goodness I'm not constantly thirsty
>you are constantly thirsty and constantly need to piss
>Are you constantly thirsty?

(I'm not the guy you guys replied to) I am constantly thirsty, and I do constantly need to pee; but every time I get tested for diabetes at the hospital (every year for basic checkups), the test comes back negative. Is there anything else I should be testing for?
You do realize that you can't just fly to the nearest nebula and scoop all that shit to bring back to Earth, right?
We're sending you to Saturn to collect more. Godspeed, you brave volunteer.
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He's not really gonna die, is he?
What is your diet like? Do you live in a hot area? Have you done blood glucose tests multiple times per day? What is your HbA1c? Are you just thirsty mofo?
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That would be the best thing. Just abandon the channel really. Release whatever b roll from paul they have left and just let it go.
Yeah seriously. Paul looked fit as a fiddle until he got cancer. Fucking horrifying.
Cancer is an insidious disease, meaning that you have it and then it progresses slowly until you start having symptoms. He's probably had cancer for quite some time.
I would advise you to get a vape, if you haven't already gotten one; smoking is absolutely awful for your lungs (keep in mind that vaping isn't great either! Just a few times less harmful than smoking) and vaping is much more effective

Personally I don't find cravings much of an issue - albeit usually I smoke outside my housing during long forest walks. I do drink a lot of tea when I stone myself indoors though
>What is your diet like?
Awful, I'm poor so lots of rice and canned beans.
>Do you live in a hot area?
Yes, right now its 91° F/33° C which is considered cool, we pass 100° F.
>Have you done blood glucose tests multiple times per day?
No, should I start?
>What is your HbA1c?
Don't remember (last doctor visit was 3 months ago)
>Are you just thirsty mofo?
Always, I'll be thirsty and have to pee at the same time. Pissed off at my body for asking for more water while still having water. Its a cycle that repeats every 15-45 minutes.
Does this also apply to dudeweed? Do I need to switch to live rosin carts? I smoke 1 joint daily right before bed.
I bet your electrolyte balance is fucked up and that’s why you’re always thirsty. Add sodium and potassium salt to your diet. See if the thirst goes away
Okay, this sounds easy enough. I'll see if it helps
LMFAO. If they pull this shit on me again. Kill them all. I said no trans bs.
He passed on 2-3 hours ago, anon.
I'm sorry that ywnbaw
No he didn’t
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Why do all the good ones die of cancer.
> check for thead to see how ol' /k/ is taking the news of Harrel's passing
> thread is either more arguing about culture war horseshit or main characters of the universe making it about their own health
Ah well. Hope you're on to better pastures, Paul.
Post source on his passing?
>main characters of the universe making it about their own health
First of all, he's not dead. Second of all, since it was his pancreas that started failing first (I believe that's where the cancer started), its not uncommon for people to talk about the different causes of pancreas failure.
Put 2 and 2 together.
Stay the fuck away from Pop Tarts.
Can someone list a few videos where he tells long stories? I have a bit of driving ahead of me and just want to listen.
I'd accept women pediatricians. That's it.
Where do you think we are right now?
In their defence, they also make good gynos and dermatologists.
I think if you’re a man you should have a male doctor and if you’re a woman you should have a female doctor. I wouldn’t trust a woman doctor to take testicular pain seriously in the same manner that women don’t trust male doctors with their gender specific issues
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Roy is a soft body blimp.
No one can respect someone like that.
Paul once said he worked out most days or something like that. I believe him.
We all die some time, anon.
I agree with all three.
Don't forget jews. They need to be final solutioned as well.
Anon… we would run out of male doctors if you did that
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>I saw a film about a badger with a big beer cooter
Dude looks like Steven Ogg here
does anyone have a hi res of this? no AI shit. and no homo, would look good in my home gym
sucks that we only just started to see more goofy paul just before the diagnosis
You said no homo but that’s still one of the gayest things I’ve ever read
fine, you caught me. i want sweaty mutual masturbation sessions with roid harrell.
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Always thought paul was some goofy old guy didn't know he was built like this god damn. I should have started working out a decade ago. Gonna miss him his content got me into guns man.
NTA but I can't either. I've watched one or two but it kinda hurt to see himself in such a bad state that he was that excited over tasting a 20 year old poptart. BWE Firearms who I was considering getting parts from had stage 4 colon cancer and made it to ~February, Ironwood died a couple years back, a guy from a non-gun channel died a couple years back (IIRC I actually talked with him), I've had personal loss in recent years, we've had cancer in the family, some local guys have died, and for some odd reason seeing the video about Rabbit from VinWiki, despite rarely watching (except for his stories and a few other guys telling stories) really got to me. Just worn out; seems all the good older guys are dying from cancer in some form or another.
>Roy is a soft body blimp.
Worse is that he's a soft body blimp cop.
The reason there’s a shortage of doctors is because women go part time at a much higher rate and retire much earlier than men. Women should not be doctors.
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>a male born in the United States has a 41 percent chance of developing invasive cancer, while females are just slightly less likely to develop cancer in their lifetime with a probability of 39 percent.
>Thirty-four percent of patients received a formal terminal diagnosis.
About 150 anons in this thread.
60 of you will develop cancer at some point.
Of those 60 about 20 will be terminal.
Factor in my abhorrent understanding of statistics, it's probably closer to 5 or 10.

Enjoy this fleeting thing.
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His final video should be a prerecorded final message from Paul simply saying how much he's appreciated all the fans and support and wishes us all a happy life saying that his journey was a great one.
I don't smoke or vape. I'd rather pop edibles. Even 10mgs of THC is enough to get me high out of my mind
>Build a career and name
>Can't pass it on to your /k/ids
Fuck off
If Roy can't cultivate some charisma and camera presence then the channel would've been better off dying with Paul.
i need the QRD on his children
>start applying to
You live in a world where hiring based on gender and other criteria exists, no matter how much you apply someone brown, female, gay or retarded will be given you spot, even with worse results.
LAV probably wishes he died instead of being retarded and getting cellmated with Tyrone in federal penitentiary
I accept your concession, thank you =)
Well said and true.
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I've seen thing you people would call just as good
Meat targets taking fire over the shoulder of pork
Hyper ammo glitter in the dark at the range so bear with any gunfire
All these Shatner esque pauses will fade in time
like survival cashes in the woods
You be the judge
This. The channel itself is a financial asset for Paul's family. He probably wanted his brother to have it rather than it go to nothing
OP here

Its ogre



He's gone.
Fake as hell, when Paul dies, we'll get an update from Roy, not from whoever this is.
Went to the hospital a year ago for symptoms *exactly* mimicking a collapsed lung, to the point i almost passed out the prior night due to not being able to breathe. After 5 seperate scans of varying types I was sent home 2 days later with "lol sore chest muscles idk but stop drinking though"
Last month i went to the hospital after experiencing stabbing chest pains for 8 hours straight. Was discharged that night with "chest pains, cause unclear, also seriously stop drinking".
I don't like being like this. I'm not going to the hospital until there's a hole in me or i'm missing a limb.
I don't know why people would do that shit. Let Roy do it. Also when he passes I can't believe it won't be all over various gun news places immediately.
>I don't know why people would do that shit.
They're grifters looking for interactions on their posts (likes, comments, shares).
If you drink an excessive amount, THEN STOP BEING A FUCKING RETARD.
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You are suing, right anon?
>It's nearly unheard of to get diagnosed with it as an adult, so you're safe.
Not true. It's less common but still happens. My math teacher in 3rd grade got it when she was like 27. That's why they moved away from calling it "juvenile diabetes" anymore.
Paul announcing his own death feels extremely appropriate. Great video too. Best wishes to them all. My mother was diagnosed with blood cancer recently and it's been a roller coaster. I will do my best to muster the same dignity they did and offer all the support I can.
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>announce your own death
what a fucking g
Why would he sue over something that never happened?

Welp, you got what you wanted, anon....
Holy fuck that part at the end really got my ass chocked up, he's a real one
Fuck me, man. That looks on Roy's face....He knew this was probably going to be the last video they made side-by-side together.
Spoke too soon, anon....
-t. Literal retard.
I was wrong; he did die. Roy announced it as Paul prised he would. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-gZuFcEu0E
Man it's such a G ass thing to announce your own death.
Speak and it shall be so...
Prerecorded postmortem messages are a thing in media but actually seeing it is a tad bittersweet
Him breaking up at the end was pretty hard on me, I watched his stuff for years.
I don't think you were wrong to treat it with caution until official, because there really are plenty of people who try to latch onto this stuff. It was fine in the end, he got the message across in style.
Beautiful anon
fuckin gutted
the only guntuber i watched
this shit blows
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I'm at least glad he expressed that he essentially didn't have any regrets with regards to the community he fostered and the work he'd done at the end of the message when he started choking up. I think that was a genuine reaction to looking back on the years he has spent educating us and i'm glad to have been a viewer. He'll be missed but at least he seemed at peace with his legacy in the firearms community.
yeah but how would big pharma kikes make money on all the medicines and treatments when you have late stage cancer
>How do you detect it before it's too late?
in 9/10 cases you simply don't. It's not that it's a particular nasty or dangerous cancer, it's just that in most cases by the time you detect it it's already in the latter stages where you can pretty much do nothing about it anymore.
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yeah, my sister has the lawyers going.
suck my cock you fucking fag, he was at the daytona beach V.A. and was sent 450 tramadol by them every month in the mail, and he lived off beach street in those old people apartments by the marina. please cut all your veins and bleed out. thanks, god bless and you will never be a woman.
this is hard to watch.
Yes, it does apply (personally I've never tried cartridge shit)
Your chest pain was probably a type of food poisoning
women ;)
that would be impossible simply because no one that could hit the target would be able to pull the trigger.
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Yet boogie2988 continues to live on. Sad
Be strong anon
You are strong
He won't reach Paul's age.
in the military, paul was a shooting instructor and a fitness instructor. being swole is literally the other thing he's professionally qualified for

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