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Have you taught your WHOLE family responsible gun use?
I live alone, have no friends, no family, no pets.
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>Have you taught your WHOLE family responsible gun use?
I've taught them that all responsible Americans own guns and they help prevent chipmunks from escaping but haven't gotten any further than that yet. I should do better.
You should probably get a dog.
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No because they don't make a book for squirrels. However the only way to learn responsibility is through exposure
No because my parents don’t want me owning guns so I have to hide mine. I wish I could take them out to shoot mine because I’m pretty much the most knowledgeable about guns in my house.
Ywnb aw
Can't, landlord doesn't allow them
my parents are the first people im robbing in the boog
nogunz losers
No, teaching
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LARPing Southeast Asian
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Is this the new "post pictures of your gun next to stuff" thread?
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I believe this is the early /k/aturday thread
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I'm a rentoid so I have to sneak guns into my mom's house if I want to take a picture with a cat
That kat looks like a fellow who knows how to keep a man's secrets, I think you're safe.
Sorry you can't find anything better, I have no problem with my tenants having guns so long as they are never retards or jerks with them (and it's never been a problem).
You legally can't bar tenants from owning guns
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I have a shitload of guns, just no cat
>You legally can't bar tenants from owning guns
As a matter of law in America overall, you are wrong. Afaik most states in fact have no law about it, which means that landlords (or anyone else) are free to make private contracts around it which is what a lease are. A few states have explicit laws one way or another and not necessarily along political lines you might expect either. In Texas they can't ban them, but also in Minnesota. On the other hand Tennessee explicitly allows banning them last I checked (which was a few years ago). Finally above and beyond all of this lots of places (including mine thankfully) have no-cause eviction. No reason or argument is required just notice, and then the required waiting period.

Liability is the other big issue area here. Some states protect private property owners who don't ban guns (and also allow hunting and lots of other stuff), which is what we want. Mine is like that, same with land, I can post my land but if I don't (and I don't) and someone comes through hunting or whatever and breaks their leg innawoods I'm completely shielded from liability. If a state doesn't, insurance or other concerns might push someone to put a ban in writing even if they personally don't like it.
I don't tell the landlord I have one
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Oh, well that's unfortunate too. I also allow pets (assuming no problems, and no shitbulls). If you have a cat I'll give you a small discount.
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That's a cute cigger
what the fuck is wrong with your cat
Something wrong, smooth skin?
His cat is self optimizing against the increasing prevalence of thermal optics. Counter snipers will never catch him.
very cute cat, very fluffy, probably great with mice
I don't have a cat but a neighbor's cat has decided we should be dinner buddies. He brings rabbits into my yard and eats them while I watch. Real Wild Kingdom shit.
Damn. Only a few of my cats have ever caught rabbits, and only a few times in their lives. That dude looks like an impressive top Tom alright.
buy your own house if you don't like having a landlord. It's a free market
I love cats but they are an ecological disaster. There are usually 3 cats that come to my patio to hang out. Then back in 2018 a new young cat came as well, it started fighting with the other 3 and started killing every bird that you could see. In just a few months it literally got quieter due to his overhunting (didn't even eat them)
I tried waiting 2 more months to see if he would chill out but he didn't so one evening I gave him a really nice wet food can for cats and after he had finished and shot him with my 12g.
Using the 12g was a mistake as it make a big mess but I wanted to be sure he wouldn't suffer.
Ever since then birds and other animals came back same with 2 of the 3 previous cats.
He's a small cat, but he does it all the time. Last year he was bringing dead rabbits to my place every few days during the summer. And he eats them too, just leaves a pile of feet and guts. I had to keep raking up the bones. Like a war crime site.
>I love cats but they are an ecological disaster.
In all seriousness anon, this has become a meme but the science says it's kinda overdone in many ecosystems. See for example this 2019 paper in Conservation Biology:
>"A moral panic over cats"
>Abstract: Some conservationists believe that free-ranging cats pose an enormous risk to biodiversity and public health and therefore should be eliminated from the landscape by any means necessary. They further claim that those who question the science or ethics behind their arguments are science deniers (merchants of doubt) seeking to mislead the public. As much as we share a commitment to conservation of biodiversity and wild nature, we believe these ideas are wrong and fuel an unwarranted moral panic over cats. Those who question the ecological or epidemiological status of cats are not science deniers, and it is a false analogy to compare them with corporate and right-wing special interests that perpetrate disinformation campaigns over issues, such as smoking and climate change. There are good conservation and public-health reasons and evidence to be skeptical that free-ranging cats constitute a disaster for biodiversity and human health in all circumstances.
I mean, in New Zealand or other special environments with unique ground birds etc yes honesty compels admitting serious risks. And cats do vary too. But it's not black & white. I personally have tons and tons of birds and wildlife with two cats, and only barely do they sort of keep the chipmunk population from exploding and forcing me to drown them by the literal hundreds. ymmv for sure.
I'm gmoskees mom I taught him how to shove guns up and down my pussy mouth and ass in order to worship satan we sacrificed mac lg were all going to helll anyway i keep that tek in my ass.
Wild, and he doesn't look small (for a cat) in that picture at least. But guess he's figured out the strategy and techniques there. Wish mine could do it for gray squirrels.
>And he eats them too
My cats eat most of their kills, almost entirely rodents, but sometimes bring them to me. The rare times they've caught rabbit though they eat it 100% of the time. Rabbit is pretty tasty.
I'm not smart enough to argue with that but I guess it was a mix of my area probably being sensitive and that cat being a fucking killing machine. It was unnatural. I'm talking about seeing like 5 or 6 dead birds in my property daily from that cat alone.
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The rabbits he catches are usually juveniles, although he grabbed a big one once.
To be fair that essay doesn't bring forth anything that debunks or disproves the established notion of cats being an enourmous risk to biodiversity. 70€ of the essay is them bringing forth the "ethical aspect" which is basically "nooo poor cats don't kill them, let them kill everything!"
Yeah I was only talking the generality of what you said not the specific. I'm not shitting on you on anon or anything, I love cats in general and love mine in particular and they're genuinely good kids. So my feelings are against it at a general level. But I like humans overall too yet also recognize some are mad men who need to be put down. I don't think I can honestly say there can't be any cats like that too, they're their own creatures and the world isn't infinite. I've had to shoot animals that were problems, I didn't hate them and felt bad for the necessity, but there it was. It sounds like you made it instant.

Even a juvenile rabbit is pretty big for a typical cat. Voles/mice/chipmunks and such are more their normal fare sizewise and even then they're cautious about getting bitten back, hence all the throwing them around before eating.
If you’re still living with your parents and you own more than one gun it’s your fault. Save money, move out
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This is now an early /k/aturday thread
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>squirrel pet
Based. I read leprosy was so common in medieval europe cause everyone kept squirrels and apparently the common breed over yonder carried whatever the leprosy pathogen is
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I had to fix my roof cause i didnt trust the maintenance nogs not to snitch on my chickens and dogs. Then i had to shoot a crackhead one night who tried breaking my door down and got evicted. Have some land now so whatever
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can we talk about your hydraulically operated cowcatcher?
Your parents should have gotten holsters/ condoms senpai they must've been drunk on the computer like a gangsta grandparent.
He got a little hot so he took off his coat
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my cat looks just like yours
black cats are fun
mine likes to be a creepy asshole sometimes and run sideways or stare at you while in the position like this pic, and runs around the house constantly because she doesn't like being outdoors
As soon as you figure out a firearm that crows can operate reliably.

And no, I'm not giving them butterfly mines.
The Goldfish are incorrigible.
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I sure have.
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Really handsome kat and wheelgat anon.
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>his parents
My family are all brainless normie retard cattle.
Most of the nearly humanity destroying viral events have been carried by rodents.
Still not even a drop in the bucket to mosquitos though. Mosquitos carry the largest kill count of humanity by far.

It's estimated that half of all humanity that ever existed was killed by mosquitos.
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>le heckin furbaby!!!1!

i have a cat too
but you gotta chill out about them
i love cats but i don't have toxo
or at least i didn't have it like a year ago or so when i got tested
why are you sperging so hard over cat photos if you supposedly have one
more of a pitying disgust, not sperging

obsessing over your pets like they're your children is gay
Makes you stronger. All real men have it.
I've seen studies that say children who contract toxo have a higher chance of schizophrenia as they grow older. Toxo doesn't really manifest how it does in either cats or rats in a human body, it doesn't want to be in you because it can't reproduce or spread that way. So it just flips out and does something entirely different, unrelated to cats or rats or shitting in bodies of water.
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>shitting in bodies of water
I don't know if I have Toxoplasmosisbut I do have a cat and I shit into bodies of water exclusively.
Alright fair enough, I mean the irresistable urge to spray violent diarrhea into bodies of water that something might drink out of.
Toxo can only reproduce in a cat's guts, but can only mature within a rat. It makes the rat fearless of cats so that it will be eaten. When the toxo reproduces inside the cat, it gives the cat the uncontrollable urge to shit in a body of water so a rat might drink it, thus restarting the cycle. Humans aren't part of that cycle at all, so it manifests differently. You either become a schizo or you just become a risk taker from what I understand. There's probably other ways it manifests, it really just doesn't know what to do with a human body.
>You either become a schizo or you just become a risk taker
That's exactly what it does in rats as well (though I'm pretty sure the schizo part was never definitively proven). It reduces the activity of the fear and risk-avoidance centers in their brains so they're easier to catch for cats.
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Um that's a tank destroyer.
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What makes you say that?
too late to reset the ecosystem anon. very interesting take. I don’t agree, my dumbass neighbor started culling the cats and now we get gophers and mice are rampantly abounding in the area.
>t gophers and mice are rampantly abounding in the area.
As they should be as they are native
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You should cull your neighbor.
>Uh they were here first whites are trespassing!
nta but no, just like with deer originally there would have been far more natural predators for them (including various species of cats), far different diseases, far different other competitors and overall environment. We've altered the environment and higher levels of the ecosystem pyramid so much that we're inescapably part of it at this point, along with the species we've brought around. Speaking of which, some of the stuff you might think are "native" simply because they're so there now aren't. Common mouse for example is not native here at all, it's native to India and it arrived to the Americas from Europeans same as so much else. At this point of course it's worldwide and perfectly impossible to eradicate. Same with lots of the vegetation around, even stuff hundreds of years old isn't native. There is almost zero actual for real old growth forest in most of America, it was all cut down completely. What one might think of as old is only 100-200 years old at most. And on and on. Going
>muh natives muh white guilt
Is pointless and stupid. Just have to work forward now. Anything widespread and well established for centuries IS "native" at this point, part of the evolving ecosystem. Makes more sense to try to improve things in bigger respects going forward.
Not even earth worms are native to North America.
>muh natives muh white guilt
Are you mutts that ignorant to not know the concept of autoctone species? We're not talking about savage indians scalping kids, we're talking simply that if you care about the enviroment you protect indigenous fauna and floras and kill everything that is not indigenous. I live in australia and cats are a huge problem, but little cunts want a new cat for christmas and they let them roam so I need to put even more traps down to kill them
No cats are just cats, the guns are my children
>Are you mutts
>I live in australia
>descendant of literally castoff criminal scum in an antiguns joke country busy pumping out as much coal for the chinks as he can trolling about wildlife
Imagine living in Australia and your biggest concern is killing cats, while your government rapes you and the Chinese buy everything in sight. You might honestly be worse than Bongs.
>discussion about cats
>immediately thinks about whites and politics
buckbroken /pol/chud
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>Imagine living in Australia and your biggest concern is killing cats, while your government rapes you and the Chinese buy everything in sight.
More important to the point of the theme of his complaint, Australia has one of the biodiversity wonders of the planet in the form of the Great Barrier Reef and has been busy for ages shitting all over it. Massive amounts of pollution from farms, mines, industry, and so on that they dump right into their rivers and flows right out all over it. They run ships right through it all the time, they're up to 1600 wrecks in the reef now, including bulk coal carriers and shit that then run aground and dump oil. And of course the reef is going to die for sure (sooner due to all the extra damage, but later anyway) due to fossil fuel carbon dioxide but Australia is happy to keep up with that coal for the chinese anyway.
Hey it's my cats! They are growing up :)
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Pretty cool coloring on them.
Aw man, my two battle buddies are black/white and orange/white too.
>Gunner, HEAT, tabby!
>on the way!
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you have cute cats
So if Childless Cat ladies are a demographic that turned out to be a sleeping giant political force.
What about Childless cat men?
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Why'd you get evicted for defending the property?
Nice snubby, anon. I carry a 442. I installed a Wilson Combat spring kit, painted the front sight orange, and installed old school wood grips with a BK grip adapter. I pocket carry in a DeSantis Nemesis holster, loaded with Underwood's standard pressure FBI load, and two reloads of Golden Saber 125+P. I carry a full size when wardrobe allows...but the snubby is so easy to carry
I've seen rats with toxo and it seems to go a bit further than that. I've seen them run right up to housecats, most of the time ones that look extremely weirded out and try to back away from the rat in disgust, but the rat keeps approaching them and standing right in front of them. They're compelled to outright seek out cats and stand there, waiting to be eaten.
By contrast, toxo in humans just makes you more likely to be a cocky aggressive fucker.
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What a cute pair of /k/ots

Where'd you get 'em?
Which pair
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Doggo knows which one is always loaded.
Mostly but they literally just don't care.
That wouldn't be possible, I've never touched a gun before
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I got then from a park in Kuwait. The dark gray kitty climbed me and I had to take him. Then a few days later the other kitty looked like he was going to die so I took him too.
>come to Kuwait for the oil
>stay for the kittens


I was kinda under the impression that they were siblings but one looks noticeably older than the other.
You're a good man anon.
I'm >>62485868 but a different anon, think you (or whoever else replied) mixed that up in my complementing him on his. My two are >>62446740.
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>Get these sleepyheads of my bed right meow!
I've taught them about pistols but I need to teach them about bolt actions. Maybe tomorrow.
They are brothers now. They love eachother.
Very cute kitties
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Only Mr Cat wants to start learning rifle usage for now, Ms Cat too busy throwing a chipmunk around in the field. Happy /k/aturday anons.
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this isn't to rag on you too hard or bring in negative vibes, but people posting ai slop and rando old social media memes vs their own kats&gats is probably why /k/aturdays started getting deleted. understand you probably just think you're helping by bumping but if there arent enough anons anymore interested in posting their own stuff or at least military cats/dogs/pets its a little sad but still ok if the threads just die peacefully before bump limit vs artificially pumping em until they get baleeted.
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Sorry but while I have gats, I don't have a /k/at right now

He’s judging you for buying a bullpup
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We've made it through yet another /k/aturday!
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It seems like it would be a good idea. Before he goes NUTS that is
That's 90% niggers and pajeets though. Thank every mosquito you see.

My brother don't let me get close to my nephew anymore because of my drinking, so no, he's the last one.
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Have you considered just not abusing alcohol?
based indoor chicken rancher
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I remember when Muffin picked me at the animal shelter. When I took her home that afternoon, we had the talk about the importance of firearms and the responsibility they entail. She has been a very responsible kitty all these years. Her she is with her VP9 Match!
What the fuck? Kot killing nigger
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You should have McNutted instead
an attempt was made
gathered intelligence suggest they were all liberal scum with irrecoverable minds
0 losses were incurred
muffin doesn't like open emitters

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