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Which one would be best to survive an apocalypse or active warzone?
go back to /v/
Probably the nanosuit, because it seems to power itself indefinitely and you'd never need to take it off. The fallout armor is more of a vehicle and doesnt have a 200 year battery like it used to. N7, deadspace and clone armor are just toughened space suits and halo armor is supposed to cripple people who wear it while not having metal bones.
kys board fag janny
>active warzone
>an apocalypse
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Mjolnir is the most survivable and 2nd most functional with armour attachments, Mark 45 is the most functional in terms of what it offers you at its base and it has a fission reactor in its chest so won't need to be charged.

like >>62458312 said if it's on a spartan it's the best here by far, but if it runs out of power its weight will just crush a normal human instantly.
I'd imagine the cunt who was super charged into being a near literal god while wearing armor that can ONLY be harmed by the literal denizens of hell wouldn't have an issue dealing with bullets. There's your answer, now fuck off redditard
>Nano suit>ironman>mjolnir>trash
I'll admit to not knowing much about the other stuff than the basic shit I've seen, my impression is that they really don't do too much for the user other than surviving bad atmo type situations. Since your question was survive the nano suite definitely wins. If the question was fucking shit up then it'd probably be equal or lesser than the ironman suite.
>it has a fission reactor
Arc reactors are much better than fission. There's toxic waste or massive cooling needed. It's some kind of magic cold fusion stand in that requires no active maintainance that gets in the way of the story or character wearing it. The same can be said for the mini fusion reactor in the Mjolnir armor.
oh boy 2 intern jannies in one thread
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The halo armor is shit compared to the n7 armor. Bullets in Mass Effect travel at like mach50 because of... the mass effect. They are extremely small but traveling at those speeds you get something more extreme than pic related.
Mass effect armor has shields as well. But really if you bring those physics into the argument a geniune strategy should be shooting the ground around your enemies and vaporizing thier cover instead of wasting shots actually trying to hit them.
>believes this
If they moved at that speed they would both kill the operator and blow the weapon apart when it turns into plasma due to atmospheric friction, and even if it didn't, the "grain of sand" sized projectile wouldn't go more than 10 meters.
>iron man
You just had to ruin it didn't you? Fucking gay ass super hero bullshit
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pic related you never need to take it off and it's powered by bird magic, so I don't need to explain shit.
You're not considering "the mass effect" which pretty much puts everythings effective mass to zero or whatever.
I'm gonna bend over bakcwards for cooks, supply, and whores. Somewhat in that order, but the supply people I'll bend over backwards twice as hard just because I am kind of a dick to them sometimes. Time off whores I'm not going to exactly bend over for that but if I got time off ..
meant for >>62458504
You're also assuming the weapons are made out of whatever shit is made out of today
How does the mass effect in the armor and gun stop the projectiles from vaporizing the ground and cover around the target you're shooting at?
limited game physics. If they could have programmed it in, then I'm sure destructible environments would have been a thing.

They have shields but once the shields are depleted the armor is still able to take a few hits.
I came here to say the same thing. Alternate answer for warzone: whichever you can get trained to use. Except for the Praetor suit. You're not Doomguy.
power armor already survived apocalypse
Wait I forgot about family, like cooks. Supply. Whores. Family. Family might go head of whores. depends how well you do with whores.
>not posting the best suit
Ironman armor can survive a nuke to the face.
That's because it's broken as fuck. The only comparable sci-fi character is OG Doom Marine and he's half a god anyway.
N7 or nanosuit, IMO. Mass effect armors have shields built in, and the nanosuit is adaptable.
If by broken you mean over powered I am failing to see the issue since OP asked for the best.
It's not even overpowered. It's a narrative device. The whole point is that it's an unbeatable force. Comparing the finest invention in that setting (better than the portal gun easily) to some other mech suit is completely unfair.
Iron man because he can just blast off
Iron Man's armor is bullshit. It's just made out of regular metals and alloys. No adamantium, or vibranium. It's also incredibly thin, so a .30 should be able to penetrate it but he survives a 120mm heat round from a fucking tank. Even his "mk 1 armor" from the desert is just made from steel but tanks a 50cal like it's nothing. He would also die pretty easily from concussions and shit seeing as how much he gets tossed around. His bodily organs would be all over the place. It's made even worse because of his constantly "blasting off" shit that he does.

The nanobot suit is even dumber. It adds no weight at all but somehow makes a complete suit that can pull mass out of thin air to transform into looney toon shit.
>being this much of a lorelet
Besides Eezo there are no magical materials, the only improvements are zero gravity forging and mass effect assisted blending of materials, and the projectiles themselves are made from tungsten.
>the other magical bullet types
I can't even explain how they could make grains of sand to do what the special ammo does in game, it's just fucking magic at that point.
>a nuke
No. Just, no.
First crysis nanosuit would be my pick.

Ironman suit is probably the most overpowered.
ironman's suit is made out of a titanium alloy and is about 1/2in thick. It would provide no protection against even small arms fire. it's only benefit is that it can fly.

The crysis nanosuit can stop bullets but they would still cause internal damage like swelling, breaking bones, ect. It's biggest benefit is that it can cloak but only for a few seconds at a time.

The other armors have some kind of shielding or magical metals like the n7 armor or halo armor. I would still put the n7 armor above the halo armor since the projectiles it protects against are far more extreme.
That effect is a lot less impressive when it's a grain of sand hitting something other than aluminum, dipshit.

People have survived getting hit by Mass Effect weapons with no armor on.
>the projectiles it protects against are far more extreme.
It protects against teeny tiny projectiles moving fast. Considering we're never given a measurement of how fast, or how small, you're just making shit up like a spacebattler to fit your narrative.
>n7 better than Mjolnir
FUCKING WHAT. Anon Mjolnir can tank plasma, particle beams, and even falls from orbit. Meanwhile N7 gets rekt by PUNCHING.
This. If Mass Effect weapons were actually that powerful people would get instagib'd and even armor wouldn't save you because of all the kinetic energy dumped into you.
Using videogame mechanics as a canon measuring stick is peak stupidity.
> hitting something other than aluminum,
Right, because skin it would just bounce right off of. Are you fucking retarded?
For more than half the shit on the list there is no other way to measure it fucktard. And I doubt there have been some DEEPLORE books of crysis.
For long-term the nanosuit because it can absorb energy from the environment or biomatter.
The nanobots are self-replicating and cover up critical injuries in a matter of hours. Aslong as there is no damage instantly lethal to the operator, the suit and the operator will recover to combat capabilities.
The suits are also symbiotic. Long term wear blurs the line between user and suit making it more like a second skin.
It's also independently capable of countering biowarfare and mentally manipulating its operator to keep moving.
The suits are completely bonkers, but I guess it makes sense since some crazy bastard made them out of rampant autonomous nanomachinery stolen from aliens that can travel between galaxies.
In a trailer the Suit jumps away from helicopter missiles than tanks a IFV autocannon
Nanosuit. Self-repairing and you can power / supply it by slurping up dead bodies like a mosquito (I guess the nanites basically digest it). All the others well eventually either run out of power or just take too much wear and tear.
Also, the nanosuit is the only one designed for stealth and keeping out of the way. So it would be the best bet for surviving on your own anyways.

>The crysis nanosuit can stop bullets but they would still cause internal damage like swelling, breaking bones, ect. It's biggest benefit is that it can cloak but only for a few seconds at a time.
The suit will heal whatever damage you've taken, up to and including death. As long as your brain isn't completely gone, you'll be fine. And it will use nanites to replace the damage, eventually merging with your body completely. By the end of Crysis 3, Alcatraz/Prophet was able to just reconfigure the suit to become indistinguishable from skin.
It would just zip through, like a micro meteor. It wouldn’t transfer any energy to something soft.
Watts wrote a book for it. I think he wrote most of the Ceph lore as well.
>he thinks fission inherently produces toxic waste and requires massive cooling
>massive cooling on the black technology mini reactor
no, he has a point. the weapons ammo is atoms of a block of cheap iron being shaved off.
>There's nothing in the universe more resistant to impacts than aluminum, nor any projectile bigger than a grain of sand
is this stupid nigger's unironic point lol
S+++ shouldn't even be compared to the others tier- Iron Man suit.
>Oh no, a dangerous situation
>*Flys away at mach 5 to a different continent*
The only other ones that stands out is the engineer rig, as it's also not really on par with the others iirc, and Doomguy, is the armor even anything special? Thought it was the dude in the armor that was the special bit.
considering the armor keeps getting ripped up and you patch it up across the game, I don't think it is that special besides the gimmicks and aesthetics it provides.
the suit is literally fucking god forged magick given form. there's no comparison. I mean that in the most literal sense. there is absolutely no way to compare it to the other stuff on the list. there's no where to start, or stats. it's literally God mode wrapped in plot armor. so is doomguy.
then why do you need to constantly fix it if you get hit?
ironmans suite has a running theme of critical weaknesses in the moment that get patched up later.
what issues were still around in age of ultron?
its certainly no hulkbuster armor.
>critical fracture detected
hellspawn. the protection sigils and shit work against basically all forms of damage except the hell energy stuff, and even then, it ablates it considerably. any other material that gets hit by it just melts instantly.
nanosuit 2 would protect you against any and every viral infection the zombies could dish out though
ah, a weak lore copout.
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it's really not. there's a whole explanation, but it's a spoiler to all of the new games. you should play them, if you haven't. the timeline wraps back over itself, it's far better writing than a simple shooter has any right to have, and I got to rip the spines out of demons while doing it.
you mean more cracked out writing.
>Pick the halo suit
>Get all your limbs broken by it
The Nanosuit is made from a Tier-3 space civilization's technology.
Breaking physics is expected.
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Sorry, that's better.
Meh, they copped out when they decided to make Eternal about evil angelic-looking aliens instead of Doomguy working with angels like the OG concept.
>active warzone
Master chief.
Fallout. That's already what fallout is.
Thread is filled with zoomers that werent alive during golden days of gaming, they havent played crysis
Nanosuit is the ultimate weapon, period, its nearly indestructible and it constantly improves upon itself
Every retard that picks the Mjolnir here is going to die painfully from his own choice of suit. The Mjolnir armor is set for augmented-out-the-ass spartans that can handle and utilize the power, not normal people.
This anon knows. It will break your limbs and kill you.
Doom suit > Mjolnir = Nano (they're arguably better and worse in some aspects) > the rest.
Doom armor basically lets Doom guy live in hell or any environment, but that's pretty much on Doom guy himself since he can be naked and still breathe and fight like no trouble.
Mjolnir is better in weight class compared to Nanosuit, but Nanosuit can adapt and evolve on the fly. Even if it doesn't have the function to fly in space then you can just let it grow rocket boosters or something. Furthermore, the suit itself can record your brain and upload it to another corpse in case you die, kinda like Guyver bio-armor (but weaker since it can't regrow an entire new body from a few cells).
It can also weirdly create anti-body for virus which might or might not be helpful depends on the circumstances you're in.
Though Nanosuit wins when it comes to conceal carry. It's only terrible since it can't take a rocket and not die.
RIG is probably the most normalfag-friendly.
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All you guys not picking Iron Man are retarded. The fact that it comes with Jarvis AI is already putting it above the rest, but it can also fly and work in space or underwater. Mjolner has Cortana but you can't fly or swim with it, plus mjolnir will break your bones from moving too fast. RIG can work in space but it has zero durability and mobility on the ground, let alone INTEGRATED WEAPONS THAT NEVER RUN OUT OF AMMO.

Iron Man >> infinity >>> the rest
Did you not read OP?
AoU Ironman armor isn't close to the one in Thanos war.
We see two guys got killed in the opening of Crysis 1 anon.
It's extremely destructible, actually. Nanosuit is intended for hit and run tactics. Clock, armor mode, cloak and reposition. It dies so fast to small arms weapons if caught in the open, and regular weapons can kill it as well. Iron Man isn't even vulnerable to rifle fire, by comparison.
I never said it was, chucklnuts. AoU iron man has literally everything I said I did.
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Iron Man suit would be a great choice, but its vulnerability may be somewhat of a concern. This vulnerability is brought on through complexity due to the sheer number if features crammed inside. As long as you stay on the move and don't get cocky you could out maneuver and potentially outlast most of the other armors.

Semi-unrelated but this is the best iron man armor FYI...
Probably Iron Mans Mk45 suit because not only does offer weapons, protection, and flight, but it also has onboard AI that can make your life a hell of a lot easier when the world goes dark and all the knowledge with it.
The big crux though is the core/arc that powers it.
If it doesn't last long or can't be recharged you are fucked.
Iron Man is leaps and bounds above all the rest. Also least realistic.

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